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Thai protest leader told to surrender


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Well, does Suthep not have to show up at court on Dec 12th at 10am on other charges? No need to go pick him up until then.

Of course he might say he cannot make that date because of the traffic problems caused by the demonstrators cheesy.gif

or sorry I'm a bit busy that day can we arrange a date after I've defeated Taksin but I'm happy to come if Taksin also turns up at same time as my prime witness for my defence

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No, it doesn't - why is it that difficult to fathom?! They are separate cases you are drawing together and the legal system anywhere doesn't work like that

They are very similar cases and as Surapong has aided & abetted a criminal on the run, he has absolutely no credibility to suggest anything of a legal nature.

Surapong, together with Chalerm & Plodprasop, has been appointed to a position far beyond his level of competence which seems to be a Thaksin strategy of having idiots (or puppets) to control is a lot easier than those with a smidgin of brains.

If PTP had some intention to abide by the laws here, they wouldn't have got the country into this mess. Apart from the disastrous amnesty attempt, rejecting a court's decision is illegal for the powerless but when they feel they are above the law (e.g. Thaksin 2001) it is hypocrisy to blame Suthep for doing the same.

There is no argument that there are similarities and that the law is applied differently according to who is being tried. No doubt at all.

What one can't do is say that he shouldn't be tried if person xyz isnt.

An example:

You get a speeding ticket in the mail.

Your neighbour gets a speeding ticket in the mail.

You say you won't pay until your neighbour does.

The law simply doesn't work that way

I don't think anyone was suggesting that there is some legal mechanism whereby someone have the law applied to them before it's applied to someone else. What is being pointed out as you have said is the hypocrisy of the situation. What's also amazing is that someone who is obviously so lacking in any common sense is in such a high position. well it would be if it wasn't for all the others who are also way out of their depth.

You mentioned about the government aiding a convicted criminal. I would have thought providing him with a passport would count. If there's nothing wrong with that why haven't they told the ombudsman?

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Actually it does. Why should one law apply to someone and not to someone else? It's people like you who because they accept crap like this that we have different set of rules for different people.

No, it doesn't - why is it that difficult to fathom?! They are separate cases you are drawing together and the legal system anywhere doesn't work like that

People like me? laugh.png

I am at fault for Thailand being a corrupt, maggot-ridden joke?

You give me much credit, thank you, but I am far from important in the lesser scheme of things, let alone the grander. Oh, added to which I am not even Thai . . . but keep those personal insults and vacuous thoughts coming, they make the discussion all the livelier. thumbsup.gif

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No, it doesn't - why is it that difficult to fathom?! They are separate cases you are drawing together and the legal system anywhere doesn't work like that

They are very similar cases and as Surapong has aided & abetted a criminal on the run, he has absolutely no credibility to suggest anything of a legal nature.

Surapong, together with Chalerm & Plodprasop, has been appointed to a position far beyond his level of competence which seems to be a Thaksin strategy of having idiots (or puppets) to control is a lot easier than those with a smidgin of brains.

If PTP had some intention to abide by the laws here, they wouldn't have got the country into this mess. Apart from the disastrous amnesty attempt, rejecting a court's decision is illegal for the powerless but when they feel they are above the law (e.g. Thaksin 2001) it is hypocrisy to blame Suthep for doing the same.

There is no argument that there are similarities and that the law is applied differently according to who is being tried. No doubt at all.

What one can't do is say that he shouldn't be tried if person xyz isnt.

An example:

You get a speeding ticket in the mail.

Your neighbour gets a speeding ticket in the mail.

You say you won't pay until your neighbour does.

The law simply doesn't work that way

To take your analogy a bit closer to the case in point it's my neighbour who hasn't paid his fine who is telling me to pay my fine. I would give him the middle finger just like Surapong deserves.

As far as the law goes, PTP consider themselves above it which is why Suthep has a case. You don't seem to understand that the higher the official here the more they feel they can ignore the law. I'm not saying that Suthep is innocent but when a party controls the police, DSI & AG and abuses that power, they don't deserve any respect or legitimacy.

Actually, not quite. It is the relative who is a cop who is telling you to pay the fine . . . wold you give him the finger?

Why would you say I don't understand the situation, what I am portraying is reality. Feet on the ground reality . . . the way things really are as opposed to the way they should be all things being equal - but they won't even be so as the disparity between educated/uneducated, wealthy/poor, country/city etc... is too great.

Whatever the scenario, it is disgusting . . . but this is Thailand.

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^ To be quite honest I don't know who gave him the passport to leave the country . . . who was in power at the time? If it was done without official sanction then someone must have been in big trouble

Thaksin's Thai passport was revoked the first time after his government was brought down by the September 19, 2006 coup. Two months after General Surayud Chulanont was installed as PM, Thaksin's special passport as PM and his ordinary passport were revoked. The Foreign Ministry cited its 2005 ministerial directive number 8 that PM and diplomats must give up their special passport after leaving the office. According to the protocol, the Foreign Ministry can resort to revoking travelling documents in such circumstances.

Thaksin was given back his ordinary passport when Noppadon Pattama became Foreign Minister in 2008 but his passport was revoked again by the Abhisit government.


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Good to ask Khun Suthep to surrender but don't think that he will surrender even dialogue. Before dialogue, he will surely send to jail. Nobody is stupid enough to surrender. Bad strategy!

Being the spineless government they are it was the only policy they could think of.

In their pea brains if Suthep surrenders they will be able to continue to rape the country and no one will know it.

What they forget is every one knew and in effect created the job for Suthep. It was not him creating them.

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These are not personal insults. You may not be at fault but you accepting it and also using it as a defense for a corrupt government makes you almost as bad.

Actually it does. Why should one law apply to someone and not to someone else? It's people like you who because they accept crap like this that we have different set of rules for different people.

No, it doesn't - why is it that difficult to fathom?! They are separate cases you are drawing together and the legal system anywhere doesn't work like that

People like me? laugh.png

I am at fault for Thailand being a corrupt, maggot-ridden joke?

You give me much credit, thank you, but I am far from important in the lesser scheme of things, let alone the grander. Oh, added to which I am not even Thai . . . but keep those personal insults and vacuous thoughts coming, they make the discussion all the livelier. thumbsup.gif

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These are not personal insults. You may not be at fault but you accepting it and also using it as a defense for a corrupt government makes you almost as bad.

Actually it does. Why should one law apply to someone and not to someone else? It's people like you who because they accept crap like this that we have different set of rules for different people.

No, it doesn't - why is it that difficult to fathom?! They are separate cases you are drawing together and the legal system anywhere doesn't work like that

People like me? laugh.png

I am at fault for Thailand being a corrupt, maggot-ridden joke?

You give me much credit, thank you, but I am far from important in the lesser scheme of things, let alone the grander. Oh, added to which I am not even Thai . . . but keep those personal insults and vacuous thoughts coming, they make the discussion all the livelier. thumbsup.gif

Of course they are personal insults, but go for it - doesn't bother me in the slightest as the source is you.

"you accepting it and also using it as a defense for a corrupt government makes you almost as bad.

Let's take this as an example of your skills . . . where do I accept it and where do I use it as a defense? Let's just forget the childish 'makes you almost as bad'.

I look forward to you showing me where I accept this behaviour and where I use it as a defense for their actions.

I am merely stating the facts, not living in a schoolboy dreamland where one can simply decide not to do something because someone else is not doing it either.

Reality, sadly, shows that the ones in power hold the reins.

Anyway, anticipating your response, thanks

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Of course they are personal insults, but go for it - doesn't bother me in the slightest as the source is you.

"you accepting it and also using it as a defense for a corrupt government makes you almost as bad.

Let's take this as an example of your skills . . . where do I accept it and where do I use it as a defense? Let's just forget the childish 'makes you almost as bad'.

I look forward to you showing me where I accept this behaviour and where I use it as a defense for their actions.

I am merely stating the facts, not living in a schoolboy dreamland where one can simply decide not to do something because someone else is not doing it either.

Reality, sadly, shows that the ones in power hold the reins.

Anyway, anticipating your response, thanks

Hey it you want to take what I write as a personal, go for it.

You are accepting that it's alright to have 2 different set of rules to the enforcement of law here. Deny it all you want. Call it childish if it makes you feel better. If this government is going to selectively enforce the law then Suthep shouldn't have to abide by it and surrender if they're not going to do the same for all the other criminals who are allied with the present government.

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Of course they are personal insults, but go for it - doesn't bother me in the slightest as the source is you.

"you accepting it and also using it as a defense for a corrupt government makes you almost as bad.

Let's take this as an example of your skills . . . where do I accept it and where do I use it as a defense? Let's just forget the childish 'makes you almost as bad'.

I look forward to you showing me where I accept this behaviour and where I use it as a defense for their actions.

I am merely stating the facts, not living in a schoolboy dreamland where one can simply decide not to do something because someone else is not doing it either.

Reality, sadly, shows that the ones in power hold the reins.

Anyway, anticipating your response, thanks

Hey it you want to take what I write as a personal, go for it.

You are accepting that it's alright to have 2 different set of rules to the enforcement of law here. Deny it all you want. Call it childish if it makes you feel better. If this government is going to selectively enforce the law then Suthep shouldn't have to abide by it and surrender if they're not going to do the same for all the other criminals who are allied with the present government.

It doesn't matter whether or not I take it personally . . . the source is still you. thumbsup.gif

Deny? Where? Yet again you put words in my mouth - or words in my posts . . . please do show me where.

As for backing up your previous statements . . . ? I guess that's another 'no-can-do', eh Gerry? rolleyes.gif

Facts. That is what they are. Like them or not, that is what it is. Scream and have a hissy-fit as much as you like - doesn't change the current situation.

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Of course they are personal insults, but go for it - doesn't bother me in the slightest as the source is you.

"you accepting it and also using it as a defense for a corrupt government makes you almost as bad.

Let's take this as an example of your skills . . . where do I accept it and where do I use it as a defense? Let's just forget the childish 'makes you almost as bad'.

I look forward to you showing me where I accept this behaviour and where I use it as a defense for their actions.

I am merely stating the facts, not living in a schoolboy dreamland where one can simply decide not to do something because someone else is not doing it either.

Reality, sadly, shows that the ones in power hold the reins.

Anyway, anticipating your response, thanks

Hey it you want to take what I write as a personal, go for it.

You are accepting that it's alright to have 2 different set of rules to the enforcement of law here. Deny it all you want. Call it childish if it makes you feel better. If this government is going to selectively enforce the law then Suthep shouldn't have to abide by it and surrender if they're not going to do the same for all the other criminals who are allied with the present government.

It doesn't matter whether or not I take it personally . . . the source is still you. thumbsup.gif

Deny? Where? Yet again you put words in my mouth - or words in my posts . . . please do show me where.

As for backing up your previous statements . . . ? I guess that's another 'no-can-do', eh Gerry? rolleyes.gif

Facts. That is what they are. Like them or not, that is what it is. Scream and have a hissy-fit as much as you like - doesn't change the current situation.

We as foreign posters here can't change the situation, that's pretty true. However, it doesn't mean we can't post an opinion about what we think about it. So I've taken one side that I don't accept this kind of selective 'law enforcement', you have taken the other side. You say you don't really care because you can't change the situation. But you care enough to post about it here. Perhaps it's because you support this corrupt government. Whatever floats your boat. clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif

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Why should he surrender? You revoke the bail of Jatuporn first. Oh and Thaksin should surrender also.

lets see if I understand this, 1st the court issues a warrant for this ass holes arrest, than the police chief get the warrant, then, the police chief invites him and his scum bags into police grounds for a "visit" Than! the ass holes says that if yingluck is not gone in two days he will invade police station, Than! he up's and leaves police grounds freely without being arrested? is that about it? talk about a mack senat comidey.

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Of course they are personal insults, but go for it - doesn't bother me in the slightest as the source is you.

"you accepting it and also using it as a defense for a corrupt government makes you almost as bad.

Let's take this as an example of your skills . . . where do I accept it and where do I use it as a defense? Let's just forget the childish 'makes you almost as bad'.

I look forward to you showing me where I accept this behaviour and where I use it as a defense for their actions.

I am merely stating the facts, not living in a schoolboy dreamland where one can simply decide not to do something because someone else is not doing it either.

Reality, sadly, shows that the ones in power hold the reins.

Anyway, anticipating your response, thanks

Hey it you want to take what I write as a personal, go for it.

You are accepting that it's alright to have 2 different set of rules to the enforcement of law here. Deny it all you want. Call it childish if it makes you feel better. If this government is going to selectively enforce the law then Suthep shouldn't have to abide by it and surrender if they're not going to do the same for all the other criminals who are allied with the present government.

It doesn't matter whether or not I take it personally . . . the source is still you. thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif alt=thumbsup.gif width=25 height=19>

Deny? Where? Yet again you put words in my mouth - or words in my posts . . . please do show me where.

As for backing up your previous statements . . . ? I guess that's another 'no-can-do', eh Gerry? rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif alt=rolleyes.gif width=20 height=20>

Facts. That is what they are. Like them or not, that is what it is. Scream and have a hissy-fit as much as you like - doesn't change the current situation.

We as foreign posters here can't change the situation, that's pretty true. However, it doesn't mean we can't post an opinion about what we think about it. So I've taken one side that I don't accept this kind of selective 'law enforcement', you have taken the other side. You say you don't really care because you can't change the situation. But you care enough to post about it here. Perhaps it's because you support this corrupt government. Whatever floats your boat. clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif

So, it's another case of 'I can't back up my assertions but I'll add some more' . . . nice.

Yet again . . . I have taken no sides, and have mentioned that several times -something which still evades you . . . now you include that I 'don't are' . . . how sweet.

Ah, and the final assault on all logic and intelligent discourse:

"Perhaps it's because you support this corrupt government."

thumbsup.gif I'm sure that's it . . . you got me . . .

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So, it's another case of 'I can't back up my assertions but I'll add some more' . . . nice.

Yet again . . . I have taken no sides, and have mentioned that several times -something which still evades you . . . now you include that I 'don't are' . . . how sweet.

Ah, and the final assault on all logic and intelligent discourse:

"Perhaps it's because you support this corrupt government."

thumbsup.gif I'm sure that's it . . . you got me . . .

You claim you're not taking sides but your own posts betray you and speak volumes. I can claim I'm neutral and not on the side of the protestors but I think my posts expose where my sympathies lie too.

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What about all the govt officials that periodically visit Khun Thaksan who is convicted and wanted? Nobody is charging these officials with breaking the law. Oh yea, I forgot, selective enforcement of the laws is in affect. TIT

One of those persons was Surapong (Thaksins cousin) who personally carried Thaksins NEW Thai passport to Dubai.

Have they replied to the Ombudsman about that or have they got another 30 days ....... again?

It has been very quiet on that front. Perhaps the government are hoping it will go away.

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No, it doesn't - why is it that difficult to fathom?! They are separate cases you are drawing together and the legal system anywhere doesn't work like that

They are very similar cases and as Surapong has aided & abetted a criminal on the run, he has absolutely no credibility to suggest anything of a legal nature.

Surapong, together with Chalerm & Plodprasop, has been appointed to a position far beyond his level of competence which seems to be a Thaksin strategy of having idiots (or puppets) to control is a lot easier than those with a smidgin of brains.

If PTP had some intention to abide by the laws here, they wouldn't have got the country into this mess. Apart from the disastrous amnesty attempt, rejecting a court's decision is illegal for the powerless but when they feel they are above the law (e.g. Thaksin 2001) it is hypocrisy to blame Suthep for doing the same.

There is no argument that there are similarities and that the law is applied differently according to who is being tried. No doubt at all.

What one can't do is say that he shouldn't be tried if person xyz isnt.

An example:

You get a speeding ticket in the mail.

Your neighbour gets a speeding ticket in the mail.

You say you won't pay until your neighbour does.

The law simply doesn't work that way

The law simply doesn't work as it is NOT being enforced at all especially for those with money, big name and big face.

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^ To be quite honest I don't know who gave him the passport to leave the country . . . who was in power at the time? If it was done without official sanction then someone must have been in big trouble

Thaksin's brother in law Somchai was (running?) the country then.

You know the guy. He used to be in charge of the PPP which got disbanded and all the top boys got a 5 year political ban.

The same guy who will join the PTP on Monday.

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Isn't it amazing how Yingluck and PTP show their never ending committment and sincerity to work towards reconciliation in Thailand. I think they should arrange another conference with Tony Blair and others in order to share the Thai experience on ways to move forward towards reconcilitation.They deserve credit for all their hard and honest work.

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Surapong makes Chalerm look credible.

Only another 25 days for Thaksin to return to Thailand and save Chalerm from cutting his head off.

Lets hope he doesn't rush back, new years day is probably soon enough.

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No, it doesn't - why is it that difficult to fathom?! They are separate cases you are drawing together and the legal system anywhere doesn't work like that

They are very similar cases and as Surapong has aided & abetted a criminal on the run, he has absolutely no credibility to suggest anything of a legal nature.

Surapong, together with Chalerm & Plodprasop, has been appointed to a position far beyond his level of competence which seems to be a Thaksin strategy of having idiots (or puppets) to control is a lot easier than those with a smidgin of brains.

If PTP had some intention to abide by the laws here, they wouldn't have got the country into this mess. Apart from the disastrous amnesty attempt, rejecting a court's decision is illegal for the powerless but when they feel they are above the law (e.g. Thaksin 2001) it is hypocrisy to blame Suthep for doing the same.

There is no argument that there are similarities and that the law is applied differently according to who is being tried. No doubt at all.

What one can't do is say that he shouldn't be tried if person xyz isnt.

An example:

You get a speeding ticket in the mail.

Your neighbour gets a speeding ticket in the mail.

You say you won't pay until your neighbour does.

The law simply doesn't work that way

The law simply doesn't work as it is NOT being enforced at all especially for those with money, big name and big face.

or no balls - in this case it's best to hide o/seas somewhere.

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So, it's another case of 'I can't back up my assertions but I'll add some more' . . . nice.

Yet again . . . I have taken no sides, and have mentioned that several times -something which still evades you . . . now you include that I 'don't are' . . . how sweet.

Ah, and the final assault on all logic and intelligent discourse:

"Perhaps it's because you support this corrupt government."

thumbsup.gif I'm sure that's it . . . you got me . . .

You claim you're not taking sides but your own posts betray you and speak volumes. I can claim I'm neutral and not on the side of the protestors but I think my posts expose where my sympathies lie too.

I do indeed and despite me asking you to quote me on each of your spurious claims . . . a big nothing, just more schoolyard temper tanties.

I don't have a side in this as I think they are both as bad as each other when it comes to having the country's best interests at heart . . . when it comes to personalities I doubt there are any worse than Dubai-Thaksin on this stage.

As for the law, you can stand and cry about how unfair it is until you're blue in the face, but that is the way it is being handled . . . my wife is a lawyer, albeit specialising in corporate law, and she says fairly well all lawyers are frustrated at the manipulation of the law . . . but they can't change it because it is so politicised and taking a stand invariably leads to being pigeon-holed by those with a lack of understanding of the situation . . . like you.

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So, it's another case of 'I can't back up my assertions but I'll add some more' . . . nice.

Yet again . . . I have taken no sides, and have mentioned that several times -something which still evades you . . . now you include that I 'don't are' . . . how sweet.

Ah, and the final assault on all logic and intelligent discourse:

"Perhaps it's because you support this corrupt government."

thumbsup.gif I'm sure that's it . . . you got me . . .

You claim you're not taking sides but your own posts betray you and speak volumes. I can claim I'm neutral and not on the side of the protestors but I think my posts expose where my sympathies lie too.

I do indeed and despite me asking you to quote me on each of your spurious claims . . . a big nothing, just more schoolyard temper tanties.

I don't have a side in this as I think they are both as bad as each other when it comes to having the country's best interests at heart . . . when it comes to personalities I doubt there are any worse than Dubai-Thaksin on this stage.

As for the law, you can stand and cry about how unfair it is until you're blue in the face, but that is the way it is being handled . . . my wife is a lawyer, albeit specialising in corporate law, and she says fairly well all lawyers are frustrated at the manipulation of the law . . . but they can't change it because it is so politicised and taking a stand invariably leads to being pigeon-holed by those with a lack of understanding of the situation . . . like you.

All your replies are on this thread. I'm not going to waste my time cutting and pasting them when this thread is only 4 pages long. You know what you wrote and people have read what you have wrote. I can say I don't have a side in this neither. But my posts tell otherwise.

Fine, your lawyer wife doesn't like the law. Good for her. Will things change when Suthep overthrows this corrupt government. Maybe, maybe not. But I'm more then happy to see this government fall and hope the next government changes things.

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I think before anyone extolls the virtues of K. Suthep and Co they might want to look at the mans CV - a pillar of the rich ruling elite, aconsummate rabble-rouser with several corruption scandals to his name, I'd hardly say he is the sort of chap you'd want as PM or anywhere near any type of democratic government.

has the criminal fugitive puppet master tax-sin told you that?

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Why should he surrender? You revoke the bail of Jatuporn first. Oh and Thaksin should surrender also.

lets see if I understand this, 1st the court issues a warrant for this ass holes arrest, than the police chief get the warrant, then, the police chief invites him and his scum bags into police grounds for a "visit" Than! the ass holes says that if yingluck is not gone in two days he will invade police station, Than! he up's and leaves police grounds freely without being arrested? is that about it? talk about a mack senat comidey.

what are you trying to tell us? you have been with the thai police chief & witnessed all this? and THAN! the police chief asked YOU how he should do his job?

lets see if you understand this! why did the chief not listen to YOU? we see that the chief & we all understood YOU perfectly - YOU are the allmighty world police!

exactly the kind of "scum bag" all thais are waiting for desperately & thats why they 'love' to 'surrender' to this kind of farang so much, nearly too much indeed...

because you obviously love personal insults too much one only needs to cite "ass holes"...

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Surapong, you know where he is, go and arrest him...................if you dare. Coming from a character of your stature sir, I find the idea quite amusing since your cousin has been giving the country the middle finger for years.

Suthep is available for arrest anytime, he was even in a closed room with the P.M. and the army chief surrounded by police officers and walked out free as a bird. Right now Suthep is extracting the urine.

This is theatrics of Shakespearean quality.

More like slapstick comedy, mowlim style!

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