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Thai Govt readjusts response to protests; time for talk finished


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He's just announcing that he's going to enforce the law which seems a perfectly reasonable thing for a democratically elected government to do.

Yes, I wonder when he will revoke Thaksins Passport and seek his extradition!

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Surapong orders arrest of Blue Sky executives


BANGKOK: -- Surapong Tovichakchaikul, head of the Center for the Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO), last night ordered the arrest of executives of Blue Sky digital channel, accusing them of supporting anti-Thaksin regime leader Suthep Thuagsuban.

The CAPO head, who is also foreign affairs minister, also threatened to arrest Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) executives for supporting mobile toilets to demonstrators, and all businesses which supported anti-Thaksin demonstrators through giving them food, water, donations, on same accusations.

He said he has advised the police to take action immediately to seek warrant for their arrest from the court.

Surapong said that since opponent leader Suthep has faced treason charge and warrant has been issued for his arrest, so any person and business which provided them any facilities would be tantamount to supporting the criminal and should also be arrested.

He also said that he has advised his legal advisory team to consider what action could be taken against demonstrators who supported the wrongdoers in this regard.

Surapong yesterday appointed four advisory teams to consider how to deal with the ongoing demonstrations, one of which is the legal team.

But Blue Sky Channel, meanwhile, defended its role as a media saying that its broadcast of the anti-Thaksin regime demonstrators was an act of duty performing as a media of which its right was given by the Constitution.

The executives said they were ready to cooperate and explain their roles in the court if action was taken against them.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/surapong-orders-arrest-blue-sky-executives/

-- Thai PBS 2013-12-06

Freedom of speech is the first causality? No surprise there.

When you use that freedom to cause civil unrest you give up the right to free speech.

Edited by backtonormal
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Surapong orders arrest of Blue Sky executives


BANGKOK: -- Surapong Tovichakchaikul, head of the Center for the Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO), last night ordered the arrest of executives of Blue Sky digital channel, accusing them of supporting anti-Thaksin regime leader Suthep Thuagsuban.

The CAPO head, who is also foreign affairs minister, also threatened to arrest Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) executives for supporting mobile toilets to demonstrators, and all businesses which supported anti-Thaksin demonstrators through giving them food, water, donations, on same accusations.

He said he has advised the police to take action immediately to seek warrant for their arrest from the court.

Surapong said that since opponent leader Suthep has faced treason charge and warrant has been issued for his arrest, so any person and business which provided them any facilities would be tantamount to supporting the criminal and should also be arrested.

He also said that he has advised his legal advisory team to consider what action could be taken against demonstrators who supported the wrongdoers in this regard.

Surapong yesterday appointed four advisory teams to consider how to deal with the ongoing demonstrations, one of which is the legal team.

But Blue Sky Channel, meanwhile, defended its role as a media saying that its broadcast of the anti-Thaksin regime demonstrators was an act of duty performing as a media of which its right was given by the Constitution.

The executives said they were ready to cooperate and explain their roles in the court if action was taken against them.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/surapong-orders-arrest-blue-sky-executives/

-- Thai PBS 2013-12-06

<deleted> arrest everyone who does slightest thing that this government disapproves off. If anyone wants any more proof that under Taksin Thialand is fast becoming a police state. This is crazy and desperate. ? where can i send money to support the protestors. A large number of normal ordinary common people are totally fed up with this crap. IMO this is turning point and tipping point either Taksin wins or not. I had a few doubts that Suphet had gone to far but no longer. Anything is better than this and only thing they now have os to induce fear. The brainwashed or bought reds and those who sell their liberty for a few bits of silver may or may not put Taksin into power for good. If that is to be so be it.

After 30 years here I've as I've said if Taksin wins now I've had it. That does not mean I'm packing up tomorrow as I've tried to explain Dictators and police states do not happen overnight they take many many years to get established and vast majority never see it coming before its far to late.

The next few months and 1-2 years will IMO give very clear indications as to weather Taksin and his evil clan will in end win or weather Thailand can at last get rid of this cancer. Of course rear guard opposition will continue but again IMO after 30 years here I believe I will be able to see when it is hopeless. At moment its 50/50.

Believe me this is now a war to end between pure evil and something that hopefully is nowhere as bad.

How is it you know so little of Thailands feudal system after 30 years

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Surapong orders arrest of Blue Sky executives


BANGKOK: -- Surapong Tovichakchaikul, head of the Center for the Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO), last night ordered the arrest of executives of Blue Sky digital channel, accusing them of supporting anti-Thaksin regime leader Suthep Thuagsuban.

The CAPO head, who is also foreign affairs minister, also threatened to arrest Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) executives for supporting mobile toilets to demonstrators, and all businesses which supported anti-Thaksin demonstrators through giving them food, water, donations, on same accusations.

He said he has advised the police to take action immediately to seek warrant for their arrest from the court.

Surapong said that since opponent leader Suthep has faced treason charge and warrant has been issued for his arrest, so any person and business which provided them any facilities would be tantamount to supporting the criminal and should also be arrested.

He also said that he has advised his legal advisory team to consider what action could be taken against demonstrators who supported the wrongdoers in this regard.

Surapong yesterday appointed four advisory teams to consider how to deal with the ongoing demonstrations, one of which is the legal team.

But Blue Sky Channel, meanwhile, defended its role as a media saying that its broadcast of the anti-Thaksin regime demonstrators was an act of duty performing as a media of which its right was given by the Constitution.

The executives said they were ready to cooperate and explain their roles in the court if action was taken against them.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/surapong-orders-arrest-blue-sky-executives/

-- Thai PBS 2013-12-06

Freedom of speech is the first causality? No surprise there.

When you use that freedom to cause civil unrest you give up the right to free speech.

Right and with Mr. Surapong a relative and friend of a criminal we have the right judge who decides who has the right of free speech and who get arrested for their speeches.

Reporting from the opposition is obviously a crime. Therefor the free TV channels are so afraid.

And by the way: ordering the police what to do??? Separation of power?? Ever heard of that? Government makes laws, but neither direct order the police of courts to do something.

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He's just announcing that he's going to enforce the law which seems a perfectly reasonable thing for a democratically elected government to do.

Yes, I wonder when he will revoke Thaksins Passport and seek his extradition!

That's not allowed, sorry - camel herding fugitives are exempt.

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Surapong orders arrest of Blue Sky executives


BANGKOK: -- Surapong Tovichakchaikul, head of the Center for the Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO), last night ordered the arrest of executives of Blue Sky digital channel, accusing them of supporting anti-Thaksin regime leader Suthep Thuagsuban.

The CAPO head, who is also foreign affairs minister, also threatened to arrest Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) executives for supporting mobile toilets to demonstrators, and all businesses which supported anti-Thaksin demonstrators through giving them food, water, donations, on same accusations.

He said he has advised the police to take action immediately to seek warrant for their arrest from the court.

Surapong said that since opponent leader Suthep has faced treason charge and warrant has been issued for his arrest, so any person and business which provided them any facilities would be tantamount to supporting the criminal and should also be arrested.

He also said that he has advised his legal advisory team to consider what action could be taken against demonstrators who supported the wrongdoers in this regard.

Surapong yesterday appointed four advisory teams to consider how to deal with the ongoing demonstrations, one of which is the legal team.

But Blue Sky Channel, meanwhile, defended its role as a media saying that its broadcast of the anti-Thaksin regime demonstrators was an act of duty performing as a media of which its right was given by the Constitution.

The executives said they were ready to cooperate and explain their roles in the court if action was taken against them.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/surapong-orders-arrest-blue-sky-executives/

-- Thai PBS 2013-12-06

Freedom of speech is the first causality? No surprise there.

When you use that freedom to cause civil unrest you give up the right to free speech.

Right and with Mr. Surapong a relative and friend of a criminal we have the right judge who decides who has the right of free speech and who get arrested for their speeches.

Reporting from the opposition is obviously a crime. Therefor the free TV channels are so afraid.

And by the way: ordering the police what to do??? Separation of power?? Ever heard of that? Government makes laws, but neither direct order the police of courts to do something.

Of course the executive government may direct the police force. Just as they may direct any other part of the civil service. What, exactly, is the executive there for otherwise?

Separation of powers usually refers to the independence of the courts.

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There are rumors going around that because last night's celebrations organized by Suthep were much more popular than the one organized by the government, Surapong and Thaksin felt this was the right time to step up the game (which includes THB 10,000,000 for the police to buy stronger teargas).

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He's just announcing that he's going to enforce the law which seems a perfectly reasonable thing for a democratically elected government to do.

What law would that be? The law against people exercising their constitutional right to gather and protest? You guys make me laugh, everything the reds do is ok, want a riot, just call 1 800 rent a red shirt to get any dirty job you want done. I suppose you will be against the red shirt rally in Ayutthaya as well? No, i didn't think so. I don't know where you come from, but i suspect that if a criminal was running your country from exile, you may want to protest a little too.

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Gunning down a nurse in cold blood as she attempted to do her job is a political act. And it was Suthep, as head of security, who sanctioned the killing.

Grow up, do you really think the Suthep actually said - "go and shoot a few nurses" so that idiots could after a few years sprout stupidity like (Suthep) sanctioned the killing.

You must be so desperate to make such ridicules statements.

Well we will have a court decide upon that shortly, we hope. Unless Suthep gets his appointed PM to drop the murder charges. What do you think is the reason for Suthep organizing protests at this time? He can get rid of his sworn enemy and beat a murder rap, killing two birds with one stone. It has nothing to do with the good of the people. That should be obvious to all but the delusional by now.

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Well we will have a court decide upon that shortly, we hope. Unless Suthep gets his appointed PM to drop the murder charges. What do you think is the reason for Suthep organizing protests at this time? He can get rid of his sworn enemy and beat a murder rap, killing two birds with one stone. It has nothing to do with the good of the people. That should be obvious to all but the delusional by now.


The timing was perfect? That loathesome amnesty bill (which would have cleared Suthep -- so self-interest is ruled out of the equation) and the scandals and issues about the current government gave him his perfect storm. He had red shirts fighting the amnesty bill with him!

As far as the charges go against Suthep, he was not charged in the court that deals with political office holders. As an individual (and not as DPM) he could not issue any orders. You can expect the court to rule that they do not have jurisdiction in this case and to drop the charges. I do not know if there is "double jeopardy" in Thai law or if it would apply.Where I am from the one bite at that apple would be gone.

Now back to the topic. It is apparent that the caddy's ball-washer is blowing smoke right now with all of these charges! Where but Thailand would the government(national) be trying to arrest the government(capital)?

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Red shirt media that openly supported the insurrection in 2010 were only prosecuted in the case of lese majeste content. Is this another double standard?

With modern social media and Youtube which is hosted overseas protestors can get their message across. It is a big mistake to try to make them martyrs but it is understandable that this stooge has his orders to get tough from cousin Thaksin.

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Suthep seems to be focusing on Article 7 as the legal means to royally appoint the PM.... The english translation is:

Section 7. Whenever no provision under this Constitution is applicable to any case, it shall be decided in accordance with the constitutional convention in the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of State.

I do not see it.

Then there is a reference to:

Section 3. The sovereign power belongs to the Thai people. The King as Head of State shall exercise such power through the National Assembly, the Council of Ministers and the Courts in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.

Which he says it can be done in the name of the Thai people.... but only if some how you redefine some Thai people as not Thai people for the purposes of democratic representation.

The Constitution does explicitly indicate who is to be royally appointed:

Section 12. The King selects and appoints qualified persons to be the President of the Privy Council and not more than eighteen Privy Councilors to constitute the Privy Council.

So it cannot be assumed that the constitution does not layout what is elected and what is appointed.

Therefore the only way to setup an appointed prime minister is through another coup and nullifying the current constitution..... which would have one benefit of removing amnesty protections for those that did the earlier coup..... Maybe the next constitution can be written to exclude the ability to write any amnesty laws what-so-ever... which means only the pardon process after someone is convicted would be legal and must be specific to each individual given pardons. That would pretty well make it impossible to pardon anyone controversial (i.e. politically motivated; or relatives)

There are other ways. The current government could put through an emergency bill to append a temporary amendment of the constitution for a fixed term (i.e. that the amendment dissolves after a given time) - granting such powers of executive to such an appointed administration - with a defined remit to review parliamentary procedures, the constitution and election rules; taking them to vote (as defined) or referendum (in the case of an altered constitution) - and then causing an election on dissolution. This would require the present government and coalition (in part at least) approval to gain the votes for the amendment. I doubt though that YL or her government will deliver the commitment to their word in trying any legal means to stop the demonstrations.

Personally, I'd be happy with early new year elections - and most demonstrators would probably too, more so if instead an amendment simply outlawed state or legislative amnesty for political crimes or politicians serving or otherwise (leaving it in the remit of HM as always has been - on a case by case basis on his birthday).

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Well we will have a court decide upon that shortly, we hope. Unless Suthep gets his appointed PM to drop the murder charges. What do you think is the reason for Suthep organizing protests at this time? He can get rid of his sworn enemy and beat a murder rap, killing two birds with one stone. It has nothing to do with the good of the people. That should be obvious to all but the delusional by now.


The timing was perfect? That loathesome amnesty bill (which would have cleared Suthep -- so self-interest is ruled out of the equation) and the scandals and issues about the current government gave him his perfect storm. He had red shirts fighting the amnesty bill with him!

As far as the charges go against Suthep, he was not charged in the court that deals with political office holders. As an individual (and not as DPM) he could not issue any orders. You can expect the court to rule that they do not have jurisdiction in this case and to drop the charges. I do not know if there is "double jeopardy" in Thai law or if it would apply.Where I am from the one bite at that apple would be gone.

Now back to the topic. It is apparent that the caddy's ball-washer is blowing smoke right now with all of these charges! Where but Thailand would the government(national) be trying to arrest the government(capital)?

If you study the charges under the Penal Code that were filed against Abhisit and Suthep carefully, you will see they are entirely frivolous that have no chance of sticking. The prosecution will need to prove that they knew that their orders would result in the deaths of the specific individuals who died. In Abhisit's case he didn't give any orders because he was not a member of CRES, although Tharit, head of the DSI was. The intention with the acquiescence of the politicised DSI and shady prosecutors is obviously a tit for tat to tie them up in years of legal proceedings with no hope of conviction.

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By his own logic, the operators of Rajamangala Stadium should be arrested for providing the facility and its services to protestors.

Nope. That's not his logic. The logic is they're being lead by someone with an arrest warrant for treason, so anyone that supports him or provides his group with services could also be subject to legal action.

Edited by Emptyset
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Anyone have any ideas or predictions of how is gonna play out from here then? Surely for PTP to come out strongly with such a statement so close after the Kings birthday they must know something or have some kind of game plan...

I think you can imagine how furious Big T must over the failure of his flunkies to suppress the protests so far and allow all the nonsense talk about getting the govt to step down and his family out of politics. That's why his flabby Loch Ness monster eyed cousin has been installed as head of CAPO to do what he's damn well told. We will definitely see the govt back on the offensive after the Trojan horse ploy to open the gates of the MPB that T must have been assured was necessary to calm things down for the 5th.

There is too much money and power at stake to give up and he can't spell the word "defeat". He will fight on defiantly till the death of the last red shirt from the comfort of his Dubai skype room.

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Some more democratic news.

Red Shirt leaders Jatuporn ans Nathawut will have a show every night on government controlled NBT channel from 9.30-10.30 pm while PT is trying to have everybody from Bluesky TV arrested for airing Suthep's speeches....

AFAIK --- The threats against BlueSky are against the Execs and the gov't is not trying to shut them down from broadcasting (at least as of this afternoon- who knows what they were thinking when they made the announcement)

The Dems are laying into the government right now about the violence overnight at the rally sites, and about Truth Today going on channel 11 M-F

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