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Bad, Bad Drivers: Who's to Blame for Bangkok's Traffic Problems?


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When police take over traffic lights at around 16:00 it only seems to get worse.

What's the use of letting people wait for about 5 mins befor they get green.

If traffic lights were to change quicker it would IMO reduce the number of red light crossers.

A shorter green might even get the Thai drivers to move on a little quicker so that more people get green. Oh, what the heck. No need to think about improvements and educating drivers; TIT.

My thoughts for a bottle of whisky.

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Sitting at a red light for 3 minutes only to receive a 20 second green light in return could be part of the problem.

Cars driving against traffic because they're too lazy to go out of there to make a U-turn.

30 motorbikes rushing to the front of traffic at a red light only to putt along when the light changes green.

Thais who have NO IDEA how to drive could be problem #1.

The list could go on and on and on...................

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He is totally wrong. it's not lack of responsibility from the drivers. It's lack of responsibility from the government and the traffic authorities, as the police.

There is a lot of honesty there but the main cause purely lies with the government. Not just a lack of responsibility but also lack of any credible driver training and education. It is commonplace to see Thai drivers commandere one of the on coming lanes of traffic in many areas to "get an edge" in the traffic lanes. Some guy started screaming at me one morning that I was in his lane and to move. I said, what side of the yellow line are you on? He would not admit he was wrong and kept screaming. You cannot fix stupid. The only way you will remedy the situation is to make auto fines more harsh and lock people up for serious infractions and seize vehicles if necessary.

Why won't this happen? $$$$$$

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It's a small step on the road to some kind of common sense. The country needs to have real driving tests for a start and refuse people who legitimately fail and not accept bribes to let them pass. The whole system has crumbled apart already right there so forget it. Just have to drive a bumper car instead....

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Right, great he's spelled out the problems but...

Not one word about a solution!

I can think of 10 to get started

1) Crack down hard on illegally parked cars in peak hour times. Tow them, wheel clamp them and tripple the fines and release charges

2) Dramatically increase the highway patrol and make an incentive for not being scared to pull over expensive care by say, kickbacks to officers are directly linked to the price of the car being fined.

3) Red light cameras....start installing them at traffic intersections and FOLLOW UP on collecting the now trippled fines

4) Ban all street vendors from roads and sidewalks in built up areas. Police to confinscate the stalls on second offence.

5) Impliment an odd-even number plate system in Bkk. Same as Singapore does, Odds on Monday, Evens on Tuesday...etc.

See, not so complicated. I'd clean up the mess in a month if they gave me the big stick.

Edited by Boxclever
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Interesting article,however just a tad myopic. Thailand's traffic problems are the sole responsibility of the Government.

Too many cars, bad weather, insensitive and callous driving habits are effects of a failed system and not the cause.

The Government is wholly responsible for the number and condition of the vehicles on the road.The Government is wholly responsible for the lack of transport infrastructure and maintenance. The Government is wholly responsible for the efficiency of the police in their responsibilities to enforce current rues and statues pertaining to road use

My point is that little or nothing is or has been done to help alleviate these problems which are all Governmental responsibilities.

We all know how poorly the RTP perform their duties and they report to the Government. If the Government does not give a dam then why should the police give up their supplementary incomes, which by the way is a practice fully understood and accepted by the Government.

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Right, great he's spelled out the problems but...

Not one word about a solution!

I can think of 10 to get started

1) Crack down hard on illegally parked cars in peak hour times. Tow them, wheel clamp them and tripple the fines and release charges

2) Dramatically increase the highway patrol and make an incentive for not being scared to pull over expensive care by say, kickbacks to officers are directly linked to the price of the car being fined.

3) Red light cameras....start installing them at traffic intersections and FOLLOW UP on collecting the now trippled fines

4) Ban all street vendors from roads and sidewalks in built up areas. Police to confinscate the stalls on second offence.

5) Impliment an odd-even number plate system in Bkk. Same as Singapore does, Odds on Monday, Evens on Tuesday...etc.

See, not so complicated. I'd clean up the mess in a month if they gave me the big stick.

when i walk on sidewalks..I can't help it ....I always think about the same thing...flamethrower squads !!!

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Look into my eyes......not around the eyes.................look into my eyes............you are getting very sleepy...........now listen carefully.......there are no traffic problems in Bangkok............policemen are your friends...............policemen are public servants..........from now on when you are stopped by a traffic officer you will think the 1000 baht note in your wallet is your driving license................OK. 3, 2, 1 you're back in the room."

Hilarious!!! clap2.gifcheesy.gif Thanks for making my day!!!!!


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Seems like nobodies driven in Los Angeles, Atlanta or NYC, Miami, Detroit, Chicago and #1 in the history of creation, Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City.) In the parts of the world including BKK you have majority of population, all first generation at most of what they are doing. Driving or controling the problem from driving. 40% of which is people looking for somewhere to park.

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He is totally wrong. it's not lack of responsibility from the drivers. It's lack of responsibility from the government and the traffic authorities, as the police.

He's wrong it is not all " Itโ€™s all down to a lack of responsibility and discipline from drivers" and I believe so are you.The primary problem is the bad design of the majority of road junctions, cars entering and exiting at the same time as an example.

Then there is the road design vis a vis the type of vehicle . Like giant pickups that take up 4 lanes to do a simple U turn. Like Borris and his SUV's in London I think giant pickups should be banned from the centre of bangkok, unless on course they are business vehicles with green plates..

OR non phased lights at junction close together. Sure most drivers here are selfish but that tends to happen in most places. There are some bad habits like stopping on yellow cross hatched junctions, trucks trying to drive into congested streets and blocking the junction but driving every day I still think road design at junctions is number one.

Yes in Bangkok BMTA should take over traffic management and re-instigate the computer traffic control that the police never used but even so.

Giving away 1 million eco cars didn't help! As 90% of them seem to be here!

I do not see any behaviour exhibited by drivers in particular that I do not see walking down the street.

How can you automate traffic signals when the traffic flow is always changing? It's not like there is not many cars on the road.

They would accomplish far more with enforced stiff penalties for illegal parking. Also start a campaign to share rides.

Some big cities like Seattle have large parking areas in urban areas where people can park and get on a bus. The schedule is well known and they hold to it.

The problem is really how to lessen the traffic not how to better regulate it and let the number of vehicles on the road continue to grow.

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How can we expect Thai drivers to understand when they have never been taught how to drive in the first place ,at least most farangs have had driving lessons,To learn common road sense. They need teaching first


Common sense is not some thing you learn.

Also I believe that they have a vision impairment that does not allow themselves to calculate if they can get through a spot or not. Seems like they all need a lot of area and go very slow in the turns.

Here in Chiang Mai I have sat in a vehicle and waited countless times for the driver to go they had plenty of room but were unable to see it.

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...who is to blame? The politicians who are not banning the motorcycles from inner BKK. And who are not creating parking space in the suburbs and not providing at the same time public transpaort, either Sky Train or priviliged bus lanes.

And the police who is not following their own traffic laws

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Funny, maybe the problem is that all traffic policemen who serve a few years seem to get a traffic light for their birthday. Next thing is that they truly believe that they are smarter than the computer, so by taking the keys off policemen so they can no longer override the computerised traffic system traffic jams will half. When you see a policeman sitting next to a traffic light you'll see a jam.

Second reason: Policeman too.... stopping traffic on the middle of a highway... unseen everywhere

Third Reason: Policemen fining people in the middle of rush hour to complement their income

4th, 5th and 6th: Police

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Bad, Bad Drivers: Who's to Blame for Bangkok's Traffic Problems?

It's the police why?

because police do noting to car drivers there drive badly...

I come from Scandinavia ( Denmark )

Why do you think driving license for Thailand only can be used in Thailand?

Answer - BAD DRIVERS AND BAD DRIVERS and so one....

When a driver in Denmark eventual go be taken for drunk driving. He/she go be tested and if the test is positive the driver go be arrested and go to den tension and a doctor come and take a blod test if the blod test say he/she have drive with alcohol the driver lose the driver license for 2 year 2 time 5 year and 3 time for ever and there also follow a big ticket that was only one way to see.

In accident the court room also go be used for eventual jail time.

If drive over for red lose driving license right away.

when police stand for the school traffic. they only do this so if car drivers truck drivers bus drivers motor bike drivers can brake the low in this time. then i talk about drive over for red drive with out helms drive against u turn and so on...

Many drivers have to be happy for Iโ€™m not are police officer. THE TRAFIC RULE MOST BE IN ORDER FOR 24 HOUR EVERY DAY HOLE THE YEAR.

To clear the most problems all car drivers drive 30 min before you normally drive and the kip to the traffic rules or lose your driving license..

Edited by metisdead
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forgot one thing.

If the rode condition is badly. It is not the police there have to make the road.

It is the government for repair the roads.

drive after how the road is and keep barking distance to other car many drive to close and to fast....

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...who is to blame? The politicians who are not banning the motorcycles from inner BKK. And who are not creating parking space in the suburbs and not providing at the same time public transpaort, either Sky Train or priviliged bus lanes.

And the police who is not following their own traffic laws

Banning motorcycles??? Can you imagine how bad the traffic would be if even 10% of motorcycle riders were driving cars?

Sent from my phone ...

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Look into my eyes......not around the eyes.................look into my eyes............you are getting very sleepy...........now listen carefully.......there are no traffic problems in Bangkok............policemen are your friends...............policemen are public servants..........from now on when you are stopped by a traffic officer you will think the 1000 baht note in your wallet is your driving license................OK. 3, 2, 1 you're back in the room."

I did think it was interesting, the only time I have been fined on the highway, the officer who took the 100 per cop fine (400), didn't even ask to "see" my license. However I have to say, the "fine" was nominal. I was speeding but not driving dangerously and he was most pleasant, smiled a lot and bade me slow down. Not like Australia where "most" of the police behave like the "pigs" nickname they deserve. Unbelievably aggressive, arrogant, self righteous and belligerent. Especially the foreign ones. I was driving professionally last night and my customer was speechless at the way the booze bus cop spoke to me. Rude and incomprehensibly arrogant.

Traffic management is not something Bangkok authorities have learned yet. Driver education in the whole of Thailand is also woeful.

Thailand's fatality record is abominable and has a lot to do with this lack of education, un-roadworthy vehicles in country areas, inane driving practices and alcohol.

Blocking intersections, is one of the surest ways to create instant havoc. There should be much heavier fines for this. This havoc costs a lot of money in lost productivity.

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