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Phuket boy, 14, killed in bus-bike smash


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I would bet they didn't do the observation, didn't signal, did the dodgy manouevre suddenly crossing 3 lanes of traffic, then did the observation way too late as already three-quarters of the way through the manouevre, switched on indicator seven-eighths of the way into the manouevre then got hit and one of the three was killed.

I see it every day.

Yep....and how often do they ever look in the mirror before they do anything? oh no wait, they can't coz the mirrors are turned into the center so they can see how cool they look as they ride along...I'm sure they've all got a tunnel vision with absolutely no awareness of what's going on around them. I cringe when pulling away from a junction in the car surrounded by a swarm of them wobbling & weaving all over the place jostling for position with the cell phone glued to their ear. I live up country and its no better up there - if anything the kids are much younger...

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The road fatality statistics on Phuket are out of prportion with the rest of Thailand, for many well documented, and well discussed reasons. For those reasons, another life has been taken, needlessly.

Of course, for those who have created the situation here, and for those who allow it to continue, all for the sake of money, all it seems to take is a visit to the temple next week, and their conscience is clear, while they continue to make money as people die.

So young - RIP.

The road fatality statistics on Phuket are out of prportion with the rest of Thailand,

Presume you can show irrefutable evidence of this, not saying your wrong but i haven't seen such myself.

In this case ie a bunch of young teens,out on a bike is the norm, Thailand wide [and yes, i have extensively driven all around the country over many years] and i have seen it,so much, its nothing out of the ordinary .Up country you will see kids barely school age scooting around and often 2,3 and more on board..

Right or wrong in the eyes of Thai people,[and moreso the farang, who is not used to seeing this] this is how it is and will not change for a long time.

I have no doubt that this particular scenario [fatalities involved] is ,sadly, occurring regularly,the length and breadth of Thailand, not just on Phuket.

IMO public transport and/or lack of [as you are once again trying to lead into here] has absolutely no bearing on incidents of this type...Here, as in the rest of the world, teenagers are doing the same things., freedom,pushing the limits,thinking you know it all, that you're invinceable,enjoying non dependance on mum and dad..experiencing their new found lifestyle and unfortunately often paying the ultimate price...thats how it works...all over...

"Presume you can show irrefutable evidence of this, not saying your wrong but i haven't seen such myself." - we all know such statistics are covered up to prevent Phuket from a "tarnished image."

Aha, but you said....for many well documented, and well discussed reasons. if as you say, that they are covered up, then there is still no evidence.

"IMO public transport and/or lack of [as you are once again trying to lead into here] has absolutely no bearing on incidents of this type." - really? Well, how about the amount of foreigners, mainly tourists, who die on Phuket roads? Do you think those stats are inline with the rest of Thailand?

That Is why i said "has absolutely no bearing on incidents of" this " type. Read what i say before you jump in boots and all and start beating your worn out automatic reply drums mate!!

Nothing at all i suggested anything about tourists/foreigners did I? This type=local kids doing as kids do worldwide!

Don't forget, I'm talking about, per capita, and if you don't die at the scene of the accident, you are not counted as a road accident death, even thought accident was the direct cause of your death.

Of course you are talking about per capita...how on earth else can you make a count ?

And yes again, i agree about deaths not counted as road accident death if not deceased at the scene..

Again..same, same mate...... all over Thailand this is the norm.Nothing new here.

Go have acoffee1.gif and try a bit harder next post.

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I would bet they didn't do the observation, didn't signal, did the dodgy manouevre suddenly crossing 3 lanes of traffic, then did the observation way too late as already three-quarters of the way through the manouevre, switched on indicator seven-eighths of the way into the manouevre then got hit and one of the three was killed.

I see it every day.

Yep....and how often do they ever look in the mirror before they do anything? oh no wait, they can't coz the mirrors are turned into the center so they can see how cool they look as they ride along...I'm sure they've all got a tunnel vision with absolutely no awareness of what's going on around them. I cringe when pulling away from a junction in the car surrounded by a swarm of them wobbling & weaving all over the place jostling for position with the cell phone glued to their ear. I live up country and its no better up there - if anything the kids are much younger...

They have time to do these things. Why, because they're not watching videos, or setting/checking their GPS whist picking their nose. Or, doing a multitude of other things to pleasure themselves.

Some folks are just plain biased against bikers, period.

They contrive many scenarios by which they cannot be held responsible for their own short-comings and emphasize these scenarios when commenting on any incident hoping to instill their bias where-ever they breathe.

I offer condolences to the kids family and sympathy to the bus driver involved in the incident. After all, it was an accident which is a resultant of lax attitudes in this country.

Alloting blame to abrogate ones responsibilities is more than a mere Thai trait.


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The road fatality statistics on Phuket are out of prportion with the rest of Thailand, for many well documented, and well discussed reasons. For those reasons, another life has been taken, needlessly.

Of course, for those who have created the situation here, and for those who allow it to continue, all for the sake of money, all it seems to take is a visit to the temple next week, and their conscience is clear, while they continue to make money as people die.

So young - RIP.

The road fatality statistics on Phuket are out of prportion with the rest of Thailand,

Presume you can show irrefutable evidence of this, not saying your wrong but i haven't seen such myself.

In this case ie a bunch of young teens,out on a bike is the norm, Thailand wide [and yes, i have extensively driven all around the country over many years] and i have seen it,so much, its nothing out of the ordinary .Up country you will see kids barely school age scooting around and often 2,3 and more on board..

Right or wrong in the eyes of Thai people,[and moreso the farang, who is not used to seeing this] this is how it is and will not change for a long time.

I have no doubt that this particular scenario [fatalities involved] is ,sadly, occurring regularly,the length and breadth of Thailand, not just on Phuket.

IMO public transport and/or lack of [as you are once again trying to lead into here] has absolutely no bearing on incidents of this type...Here, as in the rest of the world, teenagers are doing the same things., freedom,pushing the limits,thinking you know it all, that you're invinceable,enjoying non dependance on mum and dad..experiencing their new found lifestyle and unfortunately often paying the ultimate price...thats how it works...all over...

"Presume you can show irrefutable evidence of this, not saying your wrong but i haven't seen such myself." - we all know such statistics are covered up to prevent Phuket from a "tarnished image."

Aha, but you said....for many well documented, and well discussed reasons. if as you say, that they are covered up, then there is still no evidence.

"IMO public transport and/or lack of [as you are once again trying to lead into here] has absolutely no bearing on incidents of this type." - really? Well, how about the amount of foreigners, mainly tourists, who die on Phuket roads? Do you think those stats are inline with the rest of Thailand?

That Is why i said "has absolutely no bearing on incidents of" this " type. Read what i say before you jump in boots and all and start beating your worn out automatic reply drums mate!!

Nothing at all i suggested anything about tourists/foreigners did I? This type=local kids doing as kids do worldwide!

Don't forget, I'm talking about, per capita, and if you don't die at the scene of the accident, you are not counted as a road accident death, even thought accident was the direct cause of your death.

Of course you are talking about per capita...how on earth else can you make a count ?

And yes again, i agree about deaths not counted as road accident death if not deceased at the scene..

Again..same, same mate...... all over Thailand this is the norm.Nothing new here.

Go have acoffee1.gif and try a bit harder next post.

"for many well documented, and well discussed reasons." was referring to TV and the PG etc etc.

"Read what i say" - I read it. So what. I made my comments. What's your point?

"This type=local kids doing as kids do" - yeh, doing as EVERYONE on this island must do - have a vehicle. GREAT!!!!

"how on earth else can you make a count ?: - don't know. Ask the "influential people" here that cover up the real road death statisitics. Maybe they can help you.

"And yes again, i agree about deaths not counted as road accident death" - great, so now you can see the road death stats would even be worse.

"Go have acoffee1.gif and try a bit harder next post." - go and get on your bike and then hope a drunk local, tourist, expat, or out of control bus or truck driver doesn't bestow the same fate upon you as this 14 year old kid - because, hey, there is NO DIRECT CORRELATION between the road deaths on Phuket and the lack of transport here - right????

(to the mods - not sure why my reply was all in bold - I quoted the bold, but didn't want to type in bold)

Edited by Tywais
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I would bet they didn't do the observation, didn't signal, did the dodgy manouevre suddenly crossing 3 lanes of traffic, then did the observation way too late as already three-quarters of the way through the manouevre, switched on indicator seven-eighths of the way into the manouevre then got hit and one of the three was killed.

I see it every day.

Yep....and how often do they ever look in the mirror before they do anything? oh no wait, they can't coz the mirrors are turned into the center so they can see how cool they look as they ride along...I'm sure they've all got a tunnel vision with absolutely no awareness of what's going on around them. I cringe when pulling away from a junction in the car surrounded by a swarm of them wobbling & weaving all over the place jostling for position with the cell phone glued to their ear. I live up country and its no better up there - if anything the kids are much younger...

They have time to do these things. Why, because they're not watching videos, or setting/checking their GPS whist picking their nose. Or, doing a multitude of other things to pleasure themselves.

Some folks are just plain biased against bikers, period.

They contrive many scenarios by which they cannot be held responsible for their own short-comings and emphasize these scenarios when commenting on any incident hoping to instill their bias where-ever they breathe.

I offer condolences to the kids family and sympathy to the bus driver involved in the incident. After all, it was an accident which is a resultant of lax attitudes in this country.

Alloting blame to abrogate ones responsibilities is more than a mere Thai trait.


Nah mate, I agree with you, its not only the 'bikers'... the car drivers are every bit as bad, if not worse, but they're all wrapped up in their steel cocoon and less likely to come to any harm as a result, so they can be ignorant with relative impunity. I myself am a biker and have been for many years and one of the things thats helped to keep my alive is my awareness of whats happening around me. I use my mirrors. These kids on the other hand can hardly be regarded as bikers - they're kids on motorcycles which is a different thing altogether. They dont have any roadsense because there's no one to teach it to them and they are more reckless in their actions than someone who's been around for a while and gained experience. In my opinion - and it is just that; my opinion - i really dont think that kids should be allowed on the roads out there mixing it with all of these distracted people going about their business in their usual arrogant manner. Many countries have minimum age limits for driving and all with prerequisite driver training, and all this for good reason, because they've sussed out that kids are just not mature enough to be responsible drivers/riders. Then of course there's the busses. For me, i think they go far too fast and I'd take odds that the brakes on them are not regularly serviced and even if they were, are not up to the job of stopping a vehicle of that size travelling at that speed in anything like a respectable stopping distance.

As you say, it was an accident and there's likely accountability for both sides here, but whatever, the net result was that yet another poor kid isn't going home.

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"Presume you can show irrefutable evidence of this, not saying your wrong but i haven't seen such myself." - we all know such statistics are covered up to prevent Phuket from a "tarnished image."

Aha, but you said....for many well documented, and well discussed reasons. if as you say, that they are covered up, then there is still no evidence.

"IMO public transport and/or lack of [as you are once again trying to lead into here] has absolutely no bearing on incidents of this type." - really? Well, how about the amount of foreigners, mainly tourists, who die on Phuket roads? Do you think those stats are inline with the rest of Thailand?

That Is why i said "has absolutely no bearing on incidents of" this " type. Read what i say before you jump in boots and all and start beating your worn out automatic reply drums mate!!

Nothing at all i suggested anything about tourists/foreigners did I? This type=local kids doing as kids do worldwide!

Don't forget, I'm talking about, per capita, and if you don't die at the scene of the accident, you are not counted as a road accident death, even thought accident was the direct cause of your death.

Of course you are talking about per capita...how on earth else can you make a count ?

And yes again, i agree about deaths not counted as road accident death if not deceased at the scene..

Again..same, same mate...... all over Thailand this is the norm.Nothing new here.

Go have acoffee1.gif and try a bit harder next post.

"for many well documented, and well discussed reasons." was referring to TV and the PG etc etc.

"Read what i say" - I read it. So what. I made my comments. What's your point?

"This type=local kids doing as kids do" - yeh, doing as EVERYONE on this island must do - have a vehicle. GREAT!!!!

"how on earth else can you make a count ?: - don't know. Ask the "influential people" here that cover up the real road death statisitics. Maybe they can help you.

"And yes again, i agree about deaths not counted as road accident death" - great, so now you can see the road death stats would even be worse.

"Go have acoffee1.gif and try a bit harder next post." - go and get on your bike and then hope a drunk local, tourist or expat doesn't bestow the same fate upon you as this 14 year old kid - because, hey, there is NO DIRECT CORRELATION between the road deaths on Phuket and the lack of transport here - right????

(to the mods - not sure why my reply was all in bold - I quoted the bold, but didn't want to type in bold)

Sorry , but I feel you have lost the plot now.You are talking in circles...w00t.gif

Maybe also you should go take a look at the rest of LOS...Every city and town i have visited/lived in have has some form of public transport available whether affordable or not and this type of accident [as per the OP] is just as common all over as it is on Phuket.

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"Presume you can show irrefutable evidence of this, not saying your wrong but i haven't seen such myself." - we all know such statistics are covered up to prevent Phuket from a "tarnished image."

Aha, but you said....for many well documented, and well discussed reasons. if as you say, that they are covered up, then there is still no evidence.

"IMO public transport and/or lack of [as you are once again trying to lead into here] has absolutely no bearing on incidents of this type." - really? Well, how about the amount of foreigners, mainly tourists, who die on Phuket roads? Do you think those stats are inline with the rest of Thailand?

That Is why i said "has absolutely no bearing on incidents of" this " type. Read what i say before you jump in boots and all and start beating your worn out automatic reply drums mate!!

Nothing at all i suggested anything about tourists/foreigners did I? This type=local kids doing as kids do worldwide!

Don't forget, I'm talking about, per capita, and if you don't die at the scene of the accident, you are not counted as a road accident death, even thought accident was the direct cause of your death.

Of course you are talking about per capita...how on earth else can you make a count ?

And yes again, i agree about deaths not counted as road accident death if not deceased at the scene..

Again..same, same mate...... all over Thailand this is the norm.Nothing new here.

Go have acoffee1.gif and try a bit harder next post.

"for many well documented, and well discussed reasons." was referring to TV and the PG etc etc.

"Read what i say" - I read it. So what. I made my comments. What's your point?

"This type=local kids doing as kids do" - yeh, doing as EVERYONE on this island must do - have a vehicle. GREAT!!!!

"how on earth else can you make a count ?: - don't know. Ask the "influential people" here that cover up the real road death statisitics. Maybe they can help you.

"And yes again, i agree about deaths not counted as road accident death" - great, so now you can see the road death stats would even be worse.

"Go have acoffee1.gif and try a bit harder next post." - go and get on your bike and then hope a drunk local, tourist or expat doesn't bestow the same fate upon you as this 14 year old kid - because, hey, there is NO DIRECT CORRELATION between the road deaths on Phuket and the lack of transport here - right????

(to the mods - not sure why my reply was all in bold - I quoted the bold, but didn't want to type in bold)

Sorry , but I feel you have lost the plot now.You are talking in circles...w00t.gif

Maybe also you should go take a look at the rest of LOS...Every city and town i have visited/lived in have has some form of public transport available whether affordable or not and this type of accident [as per the OP] is just as common all over as it is on Phuket.

Maybe it's you reading in circles. smile.png

I've traveled extensively all around Thailand. From the poor villages in issan with no electric and running water, to the bright lights of Bangkok.

"Every city and town i have visited/lived in have has some form of public transport available whether affordable or not" - sure, but it's the expense of Phuket transport that pushes most onto or into their own vehicle - thus, creating more traffic, hence, more accidents, and ultimately, more injury and death.

Imagine Pattaya without baht buses. Could you imagine the amount of accidents? They have baht buses - we do not. So, we see more road carnage.

But hey, once again, there is NO DIRECT CORRELATION between the lack of affordable transport here and road death and injury here - right????

Edited by Tywais
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Sorry , but I feel you have lost the plot now.You are talking in circles...w00t.gif

Maybe also you should go take a look at the rest of LOS...Every city and town i have visited/lived in have has some form of public transport available whether affordable or not and this type of accident [as per the OP] is just as common all over as it is on Phuket.

Maybe it's you reading in circles. smile.png

I've traveled extensively all around Thailand. From the poor villages in issan with no electric and running water, to the bright lights of Bangkok.

"Every city and town i have visited/lived in have has some form of public transport available whether affordable or not" - sure, but it's the expense of Phuket transport that pushes most onto or into their own vehicle - thus, creating more traffic, hence, more accidents, and ultimately, more injury and death.

Imagine Pattaya without baht buses. Could you imagine the amount of accidents? They have baht buses - we do not. So, we see more road carnage.

But hey, once again, there is NO DIRECT CORRELATION between the lack of affordable transport here and road death and injury here - right????

But hey, once again, there is NO DIRECT CORRELATION between the lack of affordable transport here and road death and injury here - right????

Who said that? rolleyes.gif

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Sorry , but I feel you have lost the plot now.You are talking in circles...w00t.gif

Maybe also you should go take a look at the rest of LOS...Every city and town i have visited/lived in have has some form of public transport available whether affordable or not and this type of accident [as per the OP] is just as common all over as it is on Phuket.

Maybe it's you reading in circles. smile.png

I've traveled extensively all around Thailand. From the poor villages in issan with no electric and running water, to the bright lights of Bangkok.

"Every city and town i have visited/lived in have has some form of public transport available whether affordable or not" - sure, but it's the expense of Phuket transport that pushes most onto or into their own vehicle - thus, creating more traffic, hence, more accidents, and ultimately, more injury and death.

Imagine Pattaya without baht buses. Could you imagine the amount of accidents? They have baht buses - we do not. So, we see more road carnage.

But hey, once again, there is NO DIRECT CORRELATION between the lack of affordable transport here and road death and injury here - right????

But hey, once again, there is NO DIRECT CORRELATION between the lack of affordable transport here and road death and injury here - right????

Who said that? rolleyes.gif

I did, but you must have been "reading in circles" and missed it. :) :)

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Can't the person who creates the emails have some respect for the kid? Why do they have to say the kid was smashed by a bus? A better description would be something along the lines of, "Bicycle riding child killed in collision with bus"

I realize they want to generate clicks to the website, but describing the kid as smashed by a bus is horrific to some.

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Tragic that a young boy died. Such a waste of a life. I assume that there is much more to be told in this report. 3 on a bike, age of driver, helmets, driving style of bike ? Without doubt the bus driver has much to answer, but let's have the full story.

So three up on a bike suddenly change lanes and were struck immediately by a bus traveling in the centre lane & the bus driver has a lot to answer for?

Failing to mind read is one.

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RIP to the lad,

Unfortunately the root cause is inadequate driver/rider training and lack of traffic law enforcement resulting in bad standards of road safety. All competent motorcyclist are trained (have it drilled into them when learning) about doing what is called a 'Life saver check' not just Mirror/Signal/Manouevre this is a look over the right shoulder before committing to a right turn (in countries who drive on the left) also is unwise in this country to sit stopped waiting to turn right as some idiot may come from behind and run straight over you/into you, safer to pull over to left, wait at side of road till clear then execute the manouevre.

A thing that has always amazed me with LOS, the abundance of 7/11s, Pharmacies, Dentists etc, you would have thought the business to be in is Driver/Rider training as that is really what this country amongst other things needs...?

Being able to ride/drive does not mean you are competent and therefore anyone not competent should not be on the road, you can cut it how you like but people will carry on dying on the roads in LOS which is unfortunate for all...

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Sorry , but I feel you have lost the plot now.You are talking in circles...w00t.gif

Maybe also you should go take a look at the rest of LOS...Every city and town i have visited/lived in have has some form of public transport available whether affordable or not and this type of accident [as per the OP] is just as common all over as it is on Phuket.

Maybe it's you reading in circles. smile.png

I've traveled extensively all around Thailand. From the poor villages in issan with no electric and running water, to the bright lights of Bangkok.

"Every city and town i have visited/lived in have has some form of public transport available whether affordable or not" - sure, but it's the expense of Phuket transport that pushes most onto or into their own vehicle - thus, creating more traffic, hence, more accidents, and ultimately, more injury and death.

Imagine Pattaya without baht buses. Could you imagine the amount of accidents? They have baht buses - we do not. So, we see more road carnage.

But hey, once again, there is NO DIRECT CORRELATION between the lack of affordable transport here and road death and injury here - right????

But hey, once again, there is NO DIRECT CORRELATION between the lack of affordable transport here and road death and injury here - right????

Who said that? rolleyes.gif

I did, but you must have been "reading in circles" and missed it. smile.pngsmile.png

You really need help ...get over this constant bombarding of every thread with your public transport bullshit...very tiresome to say the least...

Edited by andreandre
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Can't the person who creates the emails have some respect for the kid? Why do they have to say the kid was smashed by a bus? A better description would be something along the lines of, "Bicycle riding child killed in collision with bus"

I realize they want to generate clicks to the website, but describing the kid as smashed by a bus is horrific to some.

Please don't read the article in the Phuket News - the link is in the first post.

Also, don't go reading other web sites or you may come across pictures like this. You may ask yourself: "Why is she pointing and why is she smiling?":


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Can't the person who creates the emails have some respect for the kid? Why do they have to say the kid was smashed by a bus? A better description would be something along the lines of, "Bicycle riding child killed in collision with bus"

I realize they want to generate clicks to the website, but describing the kid as smashed by a bus is horrific to some.

Please don't read the article in the Phuket News - the link is in the first post.

Also, don't go reading other web sites or you may come across pictures like this. You may ask yourself: "Why is she pointing and why is she smiling?":


Don't worry, I'm not clicking on the link!

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Ran into the back of them, poss on his cell phone. Police have to ban this more than 2 on a bike and stop the bikes more with young people and check their age and licence. If underage below 16 prosecute the parents then parents will do something.

Poor young guy,so young.

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So many times seeing these kids on bikes wearing primary school uniforms (under 12s). RIP to the boy.

But, Karen B is right. Parents need to be more proactive with their kids. This is ridiculous.

And I cannot blame the driver. You have an accident in a muslim area, get out. The mob arrives within minutes and the police cannot save you.

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Yes obviously hit from behind but

Depends on which version posted you can believe tho!

2nd one says..;

“The motorbike and bus were travelling in the same direction. As they both approached the Sai Yuan Road intersection, the motorbike crossed from the left side of the road into the central lane as if the boys wanted to turn right into Sai Yuan Road – but they crossed directly into the path of the bus.

Yup......mirrors are for squeezing black-heads, not for seeing what's behind you.

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So many times seeing these kids on bikes wearing primary school uniforms (under 12s). RIP to the boy.

But, Karen B is right. Parents need to be more proactive with their kids. This is ridiculous.

And I cannot blame the driver. You have an accident in a muslim area, get out. The mob arrives within minutes and the police cannot save you.

You're suggesting this is a regular occurance got the media reports links?

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Can't the person who creates the emails have some respect for the kid? Why do they have to say the kid was smashed by a bus? A better description would be something along the lines of, "Bicycle riding child killed in collision with bus"

I realize they want to generate clicks to the website, but describing the kid as smashed by a bus is horrific to some.

Please don't read the article in the Phuket News - the link is in the first post.

Also, don't go reading other web sites or you may come across pictures like this. You may ask yourself: "Why is she pointing and why is she smiling?":


Agreed and what makes it worse is that the jerk who runs that particular blogsite actually defends her action,by way of cultural differences...bah.gif

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@ andreandre

A snapshot of the first page of this forum shows 6 out of the 29 threads are transport and/or road and/or accident related.

That's around 20% of threads that are DIRECTLY related to road transportation on Phuket.

Whether you like it or not, transport threads are prominent on the Phuket forum.

Have you ever wondered, WHY?

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@ andreandre

A snapshot of the first page of this forum shows 6 out of the 29 threads are transport and/or road and/or accident related.

That's around 20% of threads that are DIRECTLY related to road transportation on Phuket.

Whether you like it or not, transport threads are prominent on the Phuket forum.

Have you ever wondered, WHY?

No. But I'm sure you'll remind us for the 4,396th time. smile.pngsmile.png

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@ andreandre

A snapshot of the first page of this forum shows 6 out of the 29 threads are transport and/or road and/or accident related.

That's around 20% of threads that are DIRECTLY related to road transportation on Phuket.

Whether you like it or not, transport threads are prominent on the Phuket forum.

Have you ever wondered, WHY?

No. But I'm sure you'll remind us for the 4,396th time. smile.pngsmile.png

Well, I would hate to post off topic, when 20% of the threads are transport/road/accident related on the Phuket forum.

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3 idiots on a bike. Driver pulled a dumbass bone headed manouver swerving straight into the path of something a lot bigger. Happens here every day sadly. It is always sad when people die but I feel bad for the poor bus driver who will be deeply traumatized and have to live with the fact a kid was killed by his bus DESPITE it not being his fault, and full credit to him for turning himself in at the station straight away. He knows he did nothing wrong, but it could still affect him negatively.

<deleted> read the OP they were hit from behind by a bus.

How would you feel if the deeply traumatised bus driver had just killed all your loved ones by running into them from behind??

Not his fault??

Full credit to him for running away??

And then turning himself in?

Confirmation that the aliens have arrived and are living amongst us

Maybe you should read it again. They swerved in front of the bus without checking if there was space. The bus couldn't stop in time. Their fault entirely...Thankfully nobody in my family would be stupid enough to do that...

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