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Yanyong worries House dissolution would impede Thai government projects


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Yanyong worries House dissolution would impede government projects

BANGKOK, 7 December 2013 (NNT) - Deputy Commerce Minister Yanyong Phuangrach expressed concerns that various projects of the government, including the rice mortgage scheme, would be interrupted should Parliament be dissolved.

Mr. Yanyong revealed that at the moment the effects of the political turmoil on exports cannot be determined yet, as most of the export orders are placed 3 months in advance. He however said as long as the country's logistic system is still functional, the export sector should remain relatively safe.

Mr. Yanyong also extended his concerns over the currently low investor confidence, saying foreign investors might decide to pull out their capital which would create huge impact on the manufacturing sector, particularly the automobile, electrical appliance and electronic parts industries.

He speculated that investors might have doubts over the stability of the government and its ability to continue with its major projects, especially the 350-billion-baht water and flood management project and the 2.2-trillion-baht infrastructure overhaul project.

Moreover, the deputy minister expressed his opinion that if Parliament was dissolved or the Prime Minister resigned, several policies, such as the rice pledging program, would have to be put on hold. He said should the predicament take place, prices of rice would plummet, and so would the prices of other crops.

-- NNT 2013-12-07 footer_n.gif

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A bit of rambling by a Dept. Commerce Minister. It sounds like a bit of obfuscation to blame others, suggest to farmers to be aware, and let's hope 2.2 trillion will remain safe for us.

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So what he is telling the rice farmers is that if they are not getting paid and the rice pledging stops it will all be the fault of the protesters and of course Abhisit and the Dems.

Hate them some more for what they are doing to you.

But I thought the 350 million flood scheme was in limbo because the Govt had not done the things the court insisted they should do.

And the things they were doing , consulting with those involved, was being rigged and locals were up in arms because they were not given a say.

Then there is the 2.2 trillion which is before the courts because of the tricks PT pulled to get it through both houses,

That one is very likely to lead to a ban on the PM and others if not the dissolving of the PT party.

Given the performance of refusing to accept the courts last decision and threats to the judges PT are unlikely to get any sympathy from the judges this time round.

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A bit of rambling by a Dept. Commerce Minister. It sounds like a bit of obfuscation to blame others, suggest to farmers to be aware, and let's hope 2.2 trillion will remain safe for us.

A bit of rambling by a Dept. Commerce Minister.post-9891-0-21847300-1386408393.jpg

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This clown has a great sense of humour pretending not to understand that the protestors want to put an end to the rot of the ruinous corrupt policies of rice pledging, 2.2 bn infrastructure borrowing and 350m water management project. Hopefully dissolution of Parliament would do just that and force a new approach to government finance before Thailand hits a brick wall and ends up like Greece. But that's a big hope, as corruption and feudalism are deeply ingrained in society.

Edited by Dogmatix
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BANGKOK, 7 December 2013 (NNT) - Deputy Commerce Minister Yanyong Phuangrach expressed concerns that various projects of the government, including the rice mortgage scheme, would be interrupted should Parliament be dissolved.

And how is this in any way a bad thing ? All it has done is screw up the country and make rich middle men richer, the farmers have gained no real advantage from it at all for the most part....Yet more propagandist drivel from the Thai bureau of Thaksin propaganda....

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impede their greedy little noses in trough he means This lot are simply most vile despicable scumbags imaginable Its amazing so many seem to support them and just proves proverb "you can fool all people ……...

Disgusting load of freeloaders ever bah.gif

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impede their greedy little noses in trough he means This lot are simply most vile despicable scumbags imaginable Its amazing so many seem to support them and just proves proverb "you can fool all people ……...

Disgusting load of freeloaders ever bah.gif

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Looking at his background this guy actually has detailed knowledge of what is happening aboard the rice pledging gravy train and is probably one of its chief architects. Before becoming a politician he was permanent sec of the Commerce Ministry, DG of Internal Trade Dept and President of the Public Warehouse Organisation. Presumably he and was hired by Thaksin for this reason.

What is needed, as pointed out by the IMF, is direct financial assistance to the poorest farmers and a massive programme of R&D to improve quality and productivity at a fraction of the cost, not this bloated scheme that misses out completely the poorest farmers who have no surplus rice to pledge in favour of wealthy farmers, Fagin-like Chinese rice millers, middlemen, bureaucrats and politicians.

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Yanyong worries House dissolution would impede government projects corruption

BANGKOK, 7 December 2013 (NNT) - Deputy Commerce Minister Yanyong Phuangrach expressed concerns that various projects of the government, including the rice mortgage scheme, would be interrupted should Parliament be dissolved.

Well now there is a good reason to dissolve Parliament.

The man is a genius only he is to stupid to know it.

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Google Translate seems to be playing up, I put this Thai script in and it said "We've screwed up, we'd never have admitted it but it might come out now and this is a good opportunity to begin deflecting blame, better to grab it."

Google Translate is usually terrible

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