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Thai politics: 'People's revolution' declared


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His Majesty the King endorses House dissolution decree, national election set for February 2

It appears that it is time for Suthep to cool his heels, before his true colors begin to show. Continuing with his demands will have him going against the King's wishes.

Don't use our Supreme leader as your shield. Low tactics.

WHen YL elected as PM, doesnt she need to pledge to do her best, contribute for the nation and all thai citizens? When she has done all the wrongdoing stuffs, she has already against our Supreme leader's wishes.

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"People's Revolution." The magic words that strike fear in the hearts of capitalism and the elite privileged class.

What? "People" cannot be capitalists? What is it you think the "People" should be practicing, in terms of economics systems? Does anyone know what economic system Suthep supports/advocates?

Edited by MaxYakov
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Suthep, who is secretary-general of the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC)

Just want to know, who made him that and how?

Suthep, our great supreme leader is the choice of the "People". He is not a choice of Thaksin (like puppet Yingluck).

I did not create this time. Please follow theis news link. Or just google, and a million results will show that Suthep is the real leader of the "People" and make regular "LIVE" broadcast to ALL channel simultaneously. TPSB, CH3,5,7,9 NBT, BlusSky, and sometime BBC & CNN.


Suthep, who is secretary-general of the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC), said in a live broadcast that the people had "recalled the power" from the government, which he described as corrupt, dishonest and unfaithful.

Rave on.

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His Majesty the King endorses House dissolution decree, national election set for February 2

It appears that it is time for Suthep to cool his heels, before his true colors begin to show. Continuing with his demands will have him going against the King's wishes.

Don't use our Supreme leader as your shield. Low tactics.

WHen YL elected as PM, doesnt she need to pledge to do her best, contribute for the nation and all thai citizens? When she has done all the wrongdoing stuffs, she has already against our Supreme leader's wishes.

It's now up to the people to decide whether they want Yingluck to continue or not. Will Suthep and the Democrats put themselves forward in a democratic fashion to let the people decide?

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The fact of the matter is that the government has lied and cheated and broken the law to serve their own ends and finally their underhand aand immoral tactics brought a breaking point. Even if the PT bunch off crooks does win again at the next election, hopefully next time they will behave a bit better. The protests were fully justified and we should all be thanking Suthep for his service in trying to improve the country and stop bad practices from corrupt rich asses who believe themselves to be above the law. I agree he has gone a bit loopy but what he has done has been for the betterment of society in general ( maybe his own ends too but that is mere speculation ). Whoever is the government, they can't break the law and go against the constitution as PT continually have done to date. They must serve the country and its best interests as PT have completely failed to do since they came to power. Let this be a lesson and lets clean up MP's acts from hereon. Nepotism, cronieism and corruption must be removed as far as possible for this land to flourish and be a serious world player.

Excellent comment

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I can't help but wonder what Weng's reaction to all this "revolutionary" vocabulary coming from the opposition. He must be struggling to get his head around it all. I remember when the Red Shirts appointed Gen Chavolit (spelling?) as head of the "people's Army" or "Revolutionary Army" or whatever they called it.

Maybe Suthep is out to convert Weng and that's his secret agenda ... ;)

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I can't help but wonder what Weng's reaction to all this "revolutionary" vocabulary coming from the opposition. He must be struggling to get his head around it all. I remember when the Red Shirts appointed Gen Chavolit (spelling?) as head of the "people's Army" or "Revolutionary Army" or whatever they called it.

Maybe Suthep is out to convert Weng and that's his secret agenda ... wink.png

Yes, Weng & Thida must be 'mulling' how Suthep has managed to use their Marxist-sounding jargon for his requirements. I rather suspect that both sides have a very jaundiced view of democracy.

More seriously, there has been some mention of a referendum. Not enough IMO - a referendum is the ultimate in 'people's power'. And there should be provisions for referenda built into the constitution, e'g' constitutional amendments.

The paymasters don't like referenda as it costs more money to buy votes and asks people to vote for ideas & suggestions rather than corrupt personalities & parties.

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His Majesty the King endorses House dissolution decree, national election set for February 2

It appears that it is time for Suthep to cool his heels, before his true colors begin to show. Continuing with his demands will have him going against the King's wishes.

Don't use our Supreme leader as your shield. Low tactics.

WHen YL elected as PM, doesnt she need to pledge to do her best, contribute for the nation and all thai citizens? When she has done all the wrongdoing stuffs, she has already against our Supreme leader's wishes.

Are you insinuating that my post, stating that the King endorses the dissolution decree, which is part of a process, in which a present PM would stay on until election, is somehow using it as a shield?

Seriously ….

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Had Yingluck stepped down? Why Suthep will appoint a new Prime Minister and government?

I think even the King had never done that?

If Suthep will do that, who, shall the majority of people obey, Yingluck or Suthep?

How about the policemen, present government employees, unless they all be fired and change with new ones, under whose government will they work for?

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It was an elected government and the next election will give similar results as the previous one. Let the majority get it's will. I really think that the majority have to learn the hard way, but democratic rules have to be respected. It's a question of time until these rules will oust the current corrupted system. It may take generations and the economical ruin of Thailand, but at least there is a chance for people learning to use their electoral power to show politicians who is in power. Burned kids don't play with fire.


Sent from my phone

Democracy is one thing but being paid to vote for a particular party is something different.
Go to the villages in Isaan and you'll find the people wanting the Reds go on. They really want it, they won't vote for Bangkok.


Sent from my phone

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Suthep, who is secretary-general of the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC)

Just want to know, who made him that and how?

Suthep, our great supreme leader is the choice of the "People". He is not a choice of Thaksin (like puppet Yingluck).

I did not create this time. Please follow theis news link. Or just google, and a million results will show that Suthep is the real leader of the "People" and make regular "LIVE" broadcast to ALL channel simultaneously. TPSB, CH3,5,7,9 NBT, BlusSky, and sometime BBC & CNN.


Suthep, who is secretary-general of the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC), said in a live broadcast that the people had "recalled the power" from the government, which he described as corrupt, dishonest and unfaithful.

Rave on.

Right on Frank, rolleyes.gif Buddy Holly 1958, but I guess it doesn't matter anymore.

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What I really wanted to say I can't because I could get into trouble, but now the flood gates are open; now to a new election. I hope that a true honest person for the people is elected and does justice for the people of Thailand, regardless of creed, colour or stature..........one can wish!

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Call me crazy, but isn't a democratic vote the actual mechanism through which people exercise the Constitutionally protected power?

I know, neocolonialist farang with their wacky ideas about democracy.

Yes, but what if the govt itself is breaking the law and ignoring the court designed to uphold the constitution?

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