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Yingluck tearfully insists to stay on as caretaker PM


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"She asked sympathy from protesters for her family saying were all fellow Thais, and why do we have to hurt one another.

good question Yingluck, why has your Thai government caused so much damage and hurt so many of your people?

Either she's totally clueless which I somehow doubt, or she doesn't have a face to lose.

The opposite case could be made. Yes, growth in Bangkok has not been strong over the past couple of years but, except for the south, it has been very strong indeed in every other part of the country. Whatever Thaksin did wrong (and plenty of wrong) , he did create wealth for Thailand, unlike the dinosaurs who led the country headlong into the worst depression it has ever experienced ( and created a flow-on crisis for many others as well). Those same people and those of that ilk now want a seat at the table again. They believe it is a birthright

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"She asked sympathy from protesters for her family saying “we’re all fellow Thais, and why do we have to hurt one another.”

good question Yingluck, why has your Thai government caused so much damage and hurt so many of your people?

Either she's totally clueless which I somehow doubt, or she doesn't have a face to lose.

Exactly, the hatred of the middle class for the Shinawats is no secret, can't she remember the PAD protests before the coup?

She's either lying or academically challenged.

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Strange Yingluck is being condemned...when the real perpetrators are suthep and the democrats...have you not read what suthep and his mob demand...

45 million registered voters, 16 million vote for Yingluck and the PTP and yet 120,000 people say they know best - yes, that sounds democratic to me.

Suthep keep on walkin' tuzki-bunny-emoticon-010.gif

16 million for Yingluck out of 45m. Ergo, 29 million did not support her.

Bit like having a football match finishing 1 - 2 and the home team being declared winner.

A lot of politicians get in with less than 50% of the electorate supporting them but they still pretend to represent the majority.

And some who manage to get way above 50% in elections (with bought votes, threats etc etc), such as Gadaffi or Saddam are said to be undemocratic because they cheated (except in this case).

Funny old world...

Another one !

It is 15.744.190 votes out of a total of 32,525,504. which is 48%, the government in total had 53% of the votes. I know politics is difficult, and than to think some on here claim people in Issaan are to dumb to vote, yet they have no notion how democracy works themselves !

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What ever you think about her politics, one thing should be clear: Ms. Yingluck IS the democratically elected PM of Thailand. Whether she, her brother, her party bought the votes does not matter in first place. if the VOTERS can be bought, it is a voters problem. If the VOTERS accept that the government rips them off, it is the VOTERS problem.

And it is the problem of the opposition parties when they can not reach out to the voters and make it clear to them that they have a better choice. Hard work is what the opposition should invest in order to inform the voters about their ideas and make sure that voters understand that they would be better off with voting for them.

That is democracy. Each democratic country has the government it deserves.

A "peoples council" as Mr. Suthep seeks to form is not what democracy is about. A "peoples council" is just another form of dictatorship by people who think that they know better than the majority about what is best for a country. The best example of such "peoples council" can be found in the communist countries of the world.

LOL imagine if Americans protested about the same thing. Americans would be protesting all the time.

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None of us really know Yingluck Shinawatra.

We know her evil brother has a great influence upon her and with Shin family pressure forced her to take the job as PM.

It seems she is a normal and probably nice Chinese Thai girl, who well, just loves shopping and is not cut out for the heavy acid of the job her brother made her take.

OK she was in tears. Old mantis face will have been screaming at her down the phone and calling his friend of equal moral values, Chalerm to "Make her see sense!"

I hope for her sake she quits. I hope for Thailand's sake none of the Taksin family return to Government - their very name is poison in Thailand.

Go shopping lass, maybe go and visit the mantis and tell him you tried but the people don't want another Shin stealing their money.

Whatever, good luck and goodbye Yingluck better jok next time.

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What ever you think about her politics, one thing should be clear: Ms. Yingluck IS the democratically elected PM of Thailand. Whether she, her brother, her party bought the votes does not matter in first place. if the VOTERS can be bought, it is a voters problem. If the VOTERS accept that the government rips them off, it is the VOTERS problem.

And it is the problem of the opposition parties when they can not reach out to the voters and make it clear to them that they have a better choice. Hard work is what the opposition should invest in order to inform the voters about their ideas and make sure that voters understand that they would be better off with voting for them.

That is democracy. Each democratic country has the government it deserves.

A "peoples council" as Mr. Suthep seeks to form is not what democracy is about. A "peoples council" is just another form of dictatorship by people who think that they know better than the majority about what is best for a country. The best example of such "peoples council" can be found in the communist countries of the world.

LOL imagine if Americans protested about the same thing. Americans would be protesting all the time.

Going through the democratic procedure in the last elections, that's fine, the government got some more trough members to form a coalition. Therefore meaning democratic elected government.

This is therefore deemed a democracy from day one. Problem then in over two years we have seen a convicted man a brother of the prime minister controlling to my mind illegally this government, persons appointed to positions (family etc) and serious flaws in the running of the country. The government bludgeoned through the house proposals without the chance for proper debate. Monies unaccounted for that were given for water managements, rice, and all the local government projects that still have to be assessed. This list goes on-therefore the country is not governed democratically as they promised when they took office. True the votes were democratically approved at the close of the polls. That does NOT give the government 4 years to do whatever it wants.

Being democratically elected, does not mean the government is democratic, unless it governs properly. It is NOT democratic if it allows corruption to go on a rampage.

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Leaving the younger lowlifes to annoy the ladies?


Still dont get why so many are upset on here about Thai Politics either way I dosent make any difference to any of us Western people does it...or am I missing something??

So true. I suppose some just aren't happy unless they are complaining, even about things over which they have zero control.

Edited by F430murci
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Crocodile Tears....Poor lady. violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif

Look at time 0:23. She is smiling. This video is from the Nation Channel, so I suppose it is OK to post.


She certainly knows her audience. Will cut like a hot knife through her soap-brainwashed voters. So, we've got a bitchy lead actress, the evil man behind the curtains .. who are the ghost, the katoy and the dwarf ?

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What ever you think about her politics, one thing should be clear: Ms. Yingluck IS the democratically elected PM of Thailand. Whether she, her brother, her party bought the votes does not matter in first place. if the VOTERS can be bought, it is a voters problem. If the VOTERS accept that the government rips them off, it is the VOTERS problem.

And it is the problem of the opposition parties when they can not reach out to the voters and make it clear to them that they have a better choice. Hard work is what the opposition should invest in order to inform the voters about their ideas and make sure that voters understand that they would be better off with voting for them.

That is democracy. Each democratic country has the government it deserves.

A "peoples council" as Mr. Suthep seeks to form is not what democracy is about. A "peoples council" is just another form of dictatorship by people who think that they know better than the majority about what is best for a country. The best example of such "peoples council" can be found in the communist countries of the world.

I agree although I am not favoring whoever.

and why don't they accept election if they think their number justifies them to win?

the first country ever to have a government in the name of people's council.

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What ever you think about her politics, one thing should be clear: Ms. Yingluck IS the democratically elected PM of Thailand. Whether she, her brother, her party bought the votes does not matter in first place. if the VOTERS can be bought, it is a voters problem. If the VOTERS accept that the government rips them off, it is the VOTERS problem.

And it is the problem of the opposition parties when they can not reach out to the voters and make it clear to them that they have a better choice. Hard work is what the opposition should invest in order to inform the voters about their ideas and make sure that voters understand that they would be better off with voting for them.

That is democracy. Each democratic country has the government it deserves.

A "peoples council" as Mr. Suthep seeks to form is not what democracy is about. A "peoples council" is just another form of dictatorship by people who think that they know better than the majority about what is best for a country. The best example of such "peoples council" can be found in the communist countries of the world.

LOL imagine if Americans protested about the same thing. Americans would be protesting all the time.

Going through the democratic procedure in the last elections, that's fine, the government got some more trough members to form a coalition. Therefore meaning democratic elected government.

This is therefore deemed a democracy from day one. Problem then in over two years we have seen a convicted man a brother of the prime minister controlling to my mind illegally this government, persons appointed to positions (family etc) and serious flaws in the running of the country. The government bludgeoned through the house proposals without the chance for proper debate. Monies unaccounted for that were given for water managements, rice, and all the local government projects that still have to be assessed. This list goes on-therefore the country is not governed democratically as they promised when they took office. True the votes were democratically approved at the close of the polls. That does NOT give the government 4 years to do whatever it wants.

Being democratically elected, does not mean the government is democratic, unless it governs properly. It is NOT democratic if it allows corruption to go on a rampage.

corruption will slow down this time, I think. That is the good result to what Suthep has led on the roads

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None of us really know Yingluck Shinawatra.

We know her evil brother has a great influence upon her and with Shin family pressure forced her to take the job as PM.

It seems she is a normal and probably nice Chinese Thai girl, who well, just loves shopping and is not cut out for the heavy acid of the job her brother made her take.

OK she was in tears. Old mantis face will have been screaming at her down the phone and calling his friend of equal moral values, Chalerm to "Make her see sense!"

I hope for her sake she quits. I hope for Thailand's sake none of the Taksin family return to Government - their very name is poison in Thailand.

Go shopping lass, maybe go and visit the mantis and tell him you tried but the people don't want another Shin stealing their money.

Whatever, good luck and goodbye Yingluck better jok next time.

if you have much money I think you also do the shopping.

just be sure that the people's council will do good in Thailand.

but I think, when people's council declares that they are now the government, another side will be on the roads.

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Crocodile Tears....Poor lady. violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif

Look at time 0:23. She is smiling. This video is from the Nation Channel, so I suppose it is OK to post.


She certainly knows her audience. Will cut like a hot knife through her soap-brainwashed voters. So, we've got a bitchy lead actress, the evil man behind the curtains .. who are the ghost, the katoy and the dwarf ?

Please explain. I don't understand.

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Crocodile Tears....Poor lady. violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif

Look at time 0:23. She is smiling. This video is from the Nation Channel, so I suppose it is OK to post.


She certainly knows her audience. Will cut like a hot knife through her soap-brainwashed voters. So, we've got a bitchy lead actress, the evil man behind the curtains .. who are the ghost, the katoy and the dwarf ?

Please explain. I don't understand.

Bless you. Please do your best to forget my commentary. I assure you, it will be for the best. And never, ever open the tv in Thailand.

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Crocodile Tears....Poor lady. violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif

Look at time 0:23. She is smiling. This video is from the Nation Channel, so I suppose it is OK to post.


She certainly knows her audience. Will cut like a hot knife through her soap-brainwashed voters. So, we've got a bitchy lead actress, the evil man behind the curtains .. who are the ghost, the katoy and the dwarf ?

Please explain. I don't understand.

He is comparing Thai politics to a soap opera, Yingluck is the bitchy actress, Thaksin the evil man behind the scenes.

Usually there is a ghost in Thai soap operas, Chalerm is apparently still alive so it can't be him.

The ladyboy- well there is certainly one and perhaps 2 in the government but I feel they don't want to be revealed.

As for the dwarf- there's only one dwarf in Thai politics, his province is not so far from Bangkok and because of his lack of height he's an expert at

under the table deals!

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can somebody please explain to me in a nice way why so many foreigners got such strong views about yellow or red as we are not Thai and it dosent concern us?..In my thinking as long as the girls are available for us older men does it really make a difference?

"In my thinking as long as the girls are available for us older men does it really make a difference? "


May I ask you, with what do you think? Your big head or your little head?

I do give you credit for being totally honest where you are coming from, but do you seriously think most forum members would agree with you. We may not be Thai, as you correctly state, but that doesn't make any difference. A discussion forum is for an exchange of opinions, ideas and argument. Where on earth could you find a "government" that provides such a smorgasbord of entertainment and food for thought?

I am sure a good many participants here are residents and are interested in what is happening as it affects their families one way or another.

However, since you admit that you are an older man interested in the girls, thumbsup.gif the next time you are in a watering hole with attractive babes giggle.gif delivering bottled beer, ask one of them what she thinks of the P.M., might be a good opening line?

To answer your question i'm 38 with Thai wife and 4 year old daughter that spends 50% time in the Uk and 50% here....Depending on where we want to be.

I dont ask anybody to agree I just as the honest question why all the interest in things that dont concern us as we are all just guests here, not residents

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Others may think it's a sign of weakness. Personally, she has done her best already with this big of a responsibility. If I have to choose for a prime minister, I want someone who has a heart and cry like a human. I definitely would not want a barbaric type like Mr. Suthep.

even if they are crocodile tears?

attachicon.gifYinglucks tears.jpg

She'd make a great soap actress. Playing the villain - the one who schemes, lies and cheats and creates all the trouble. Always have one or two in each soap.

Mind, she'd after learn how to memorize the scripts better whistling.gif

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BOO HOO, are you so arrogant to not believe and understand what the protesters want and that you created the disastrous situation. Live with it. Quit politics and stick with what you are good at-shopping. You can many people happy if you move to Dubai to be near the senior family criminal.

You do not get it in to your thick head. It`s not up to her, it`s the constitution and the King. If she retreat from that also she`s committing a crime.

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BOO HOO, are you so arrogant to not believe and understand what the protesters want and that you created the disastrous situation. Live with it. Quit politics and stick with what you are good at-shopping. You can many people happy if you move to Dubai to be near the senior family criminal.

You do not get it in to your thick head. It`s not up to her, it`s the constitution and the King. If she retreat from that also she`s committing a crime.

Crap. Thaksin resigned as care-taker PM after the 2006 election.

Sent from my phone ...

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I don`t like the way this is happening, but the democratic lady should not forget her governments stand on the rights of free speak, internet sensor and the peoples freedom in general. Her government used a lot of power to prevent the freedom of speak.

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