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Suthep announces 4-point demands against Yingluck govt


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Hmmm, a wanted criminal in Thailand making demands to a convicted criminal in exile.clap2.gif

Sais a lot of the values of the society we live in.sad.png

exactly why there is a huge need for change, can Suthep achieve the changes needed ? I don't know but I don't see anyone else stepping up to take it on and unfortunately there is no other way to do it except a suspension of the current faulty system

I'm entirely open to suggestions from other posters here but it seems there is a serious lack of ideas coming forward - just critics and insults

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Hmmm, a wanted criminal in Thailand making demands to a convicted criminal in exile.clap2.gif

Sais a lot of the values of the society we live in.sad.png

Yep and Thailand will always be run and controlled by the criminal element and demand respect on the world stage even on the united nationscheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I can just imagine the rest of the ASEAN Nations sitting around together laughing their <deleted> off at Thailand and thinking does this corrupt insignificant little country really think it is going to be part of the club. Yea let them in put the dunce hat on them and tell them to sit in the corner so we can laugh at them.

Sadly. I think that goes right to the heart of the matter. The economy was in the toilet before this street chaos and its not going to get any better now ( a dead cat bounce on the SET nothwithstanding). PTP can only win on the basis of unsustainable promises ( and they can't pay for the promises they have made in the past) and they will be matched by the opposition. Yes, ASEAN must see this chaos as lotto winning stuff. Yet Thailand, with every natural advantage, does this over and over. No wonder the Japanese are expressing concern about investments, Just wait for the tax slugs on individuals....500 Baht entry ? Chicken feed relative to what we will end up paying in all manner of excise and vat taxes

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this post from another thread sums up why there is a need for change


I reiterate, PT broke the law because they think it doesn't apply to them and they went against the constitution, this is known and proven fact. Their actions are the reason for what is happening now. HOW DARE THEY try and hide behind the law, the constitution and 'democracy' when they have clearly shown that they only use it as a weapon when it suits them ! You either believe in it or you don't, you can't ignore it when it suits you and hide behind it when it benefits you. Now pack your bags PT and leave and let better people try and rebuild what you have ruined.

No one doubts that there is a need for change and my whole point is that it should be done under the present constitution and laws.

and how exactly do you think that could be achieved

PTP tried to thwart the constitution and the laws for the good of a few people, when they were blocked by the CC they then stated they did not recognise the Courts ruling, for that alone they should have been disbanded without the need for the people to demonstrate - lets not lose sight of why these anti government demonstrations began in the first place - PTP went one step beyond - and they are still the sitting government

This movement right now is taking place for the good of all Thai people - the constitution needs to be put on hold while it is strengthened to stop this crap happening again- that is one thing I am absolutely sure about - the lesson PTP has taught everyone is that change is needed - they very effectively exposed the weaknesses in the political system while they tried to exploit them or when they were stopped in their tracks attempted to overthrow the authority of the courts, they are the makers of their own demise and the sooner the better for all the Thai people

If Suthep doesn't come up with the goods then he will be turfed out also

It needs to happen - coup after coup - dissolution after dissolution - it needs fixed once and for all

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this post from another thread sums up why there is a need for change


I reiterate, PT broke the law because they think it doesn't apply to them and they went against the constitution, this is known and proven fact. Their actions are the reason for what is happening now. HOW DARE THEY try and hide behind the law, the constitution and 'democracy' when they have clearly shown that they only use it as a weapon when it suits them ! You either believe in it or you don't, you can't ignore it when it suits you and hide behind it when it benefits you. Now pack your bags PT and leave and let better people try and rebuild what you have ruined.

Fortuitous for Suthep that a pool of known talent has recently become available to staff up the People's Council.

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Thai politics. The anthem of which should be steelers wheel " stuck in the middle"

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right...

Here I am..., stuck in the middle with you.

Trying to make some sense of it all

But I can see it makes no sense at all....,

Could not have picked a better song and set of lyrics for this charade! clap2.gif

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and how exactly do you think that could be achieved

PTP tried to thwart the constitution and the laws for the good of a few people, when they were blocked by the CC they then stated they did not recognise the Courts ruling, for that alone they should have been disbanded without the need for the people to demonstrate - lets not lose sight of why these anti government demonstrations began in the first place - PTP went one step beyond - and they are still the sitting government

This movement right now is taking place for the good of all Thai people - the constitution needs to be put on hold while it is strengthened to stop this crap happening again- that is one thing I am absolutely sure about - the lesson PTP has taught everyone is that change is needed - they very effectively exposed the weaknesses in the political system while they tried to exploit them or when they were stopped in their tracks attempted to overthrow the authority of the courts, they are the makers of their own demise and the sooner the better for all the Thai people

If Suthep doesn't come up with the goods then he will be turfed out also

It needs to happen - coup after coup - dissolution after dissolution - it needs fixed once and for all

No, I am sure if Suthep gets the power, him and who's with him will not leave it easily as the clan Shin is doing.

P.s.: he's going against constitution repeatedly and in last 2 days is going also again King's will. I heard people being accused of treason and Lese Majesty for far much less...

Solve a problem with another problem is never such a good idea.

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Some inflammatory and insulting posts and replies have been removed.

Another post suggesting people look up certain sites which could be dangerous if linked to this site have been removed as well.

A post in violation of this forum rule has been removed as well:

2) Not to express disrespect of the King of Thailand or anyone else in the Thai royal family, whether living or deceased, nor to criticize the monarchy as an institution. Speculation, comments and discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing HM The King or the Royal family. Discussion of the lese majeste law or lese majeste cases is permitted on the forum, providing no comment or speculation is made referencing the royal family. To breach this rule will result in immediate ban.

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I see nothing remotely like being a dictator, he really has no option since PTP are still refusing to step down, it is called escalation which is a natural progression when the lesser fails to have effect - lets see if PTP stay or try to take flight, unless this is a bluff it would seem they will not be allowed to leave the country

As I said unless this is a bluff it's not hard to see where this is going

There is a need for change without a doubt - until the changes are made I see no point in holding elections - history doesn't lie

There's not much to say or think really. Just read his words and the way he address the country.

If it's not a dictatorial speech, what is it? Desperation? End of options?

If so: just give himself in and someone else can continue the protests with another tone. As he promised just 472 times in the last 3 weeks.

Edited by newcomer71
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Initially Suthep was a good means to lead the protests and try to kick out little sis and her doggies. But somewhere along the line the old guy definitely lost it. Playing Adolf now.

Ohhh I recon it's a well planned and played game but the players are not Suthep, Chalerm or Yingluck.

Since the start of this political situation, some of the key players behind this game became very quiet,coffee1.gif

Let others feel in power for a moment and take the blame, whilst the players of the game

coffee1.gifclap2.giftongue.pngcheesy.gif and coffee1.gifgoof.gifsick.giffacepalm.gif just watch but I'm sure, in the not to distant future they will be intheclub.gif

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I see nothing remotely like being a dictator, he really has no option since PTP are still refusing to step down, it is called escalation which is a natural progression when the lesser fails to have effect - lets see if PTP stay or try to take flight, unless this is a bluff it would seem they will not be allowed to leave the country

As I said unless this is a bluff it's not hard to see where this is going

There is a need for change without a doubt - until the changes are made I see no point in holding elections - history doesn't lie

There's not much to say or think really. Just read his words and the way he address the country.

If ti's not a dictatorial speech, what is it? Desperation? End of options?

If so: just give himself in and someone else can continue the protests with another tone. As he promised just 472 times in the last 3 weeks.

I think he's making it more than clear for PTP and what options they have left - not sure there is another way for him to address the matter - he asked them to step down very nicely and after refusal after refusal he's now telling them to step down or else, seems like a natural progression of pressure - PTP are clinging on for what, because in my opinion if they step down completely their next step will be to jail or the airport taking the billions of baht they have stolen from the Thai people with them

just my opinion of course

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Initially Suthep was a good means to lead the protests and try to kick out little sis and her doggies. But somewhere along the line the old guy definitely lost it. Playing Adolf now.

Ohhh I recon it's a well planned and played game but the players are not Suthep, Chalerm or Yingluck.

Since the start of this political situation, some of the key players behind this game became very quiet,coffee1.gif

Let others feel in power for a moment and take the blame, whilst the players of the game

coffee1.gifclap2.giftongue.pngcheesy.gif and coffee1.gifgoof.gifsick.giffacepalm.gif just watch - but I'm sure, in the not to distant future they will be intheclub.gif

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I see nothing remotely like being a dictator, he really has no option since PTP are still refusing to step down, it is called escalation which is a natural progression when the lesser fails to have effect - lets see if PTP stay or try to take flight, unless this is a bluff it would seem they will not be allowed to leave the country

As I said unless this is a bluff it's not hard to see where this is going

There is a need for change without a doubt - until the changes are made I see no point in holding elections - history doesn't lie

There's not much to say or think really. Just read his words and the way he address the country.

If ti's not a dictatorial speech, what is it? Desperation? End of options?

If so: just give himself in and someone else can continue the protests with another tone. As he promised just 472 times in the last 3 weeks.

I think he's making it more than clear for PTP and what options they have left - not sure there is another way for him to address the matter - he asked them to step down very nicely and after refusal after refusal he's now telling them to step down or else, seems like a natural progression of pressure - PTP are clinging on for what, because in my opinion if they step down completely their next step will be to jail or the airport taking the billions of baht they have stolen from the Thai people with them

just my opinion of course

I respect your opinion, of course, but in my view demanding to Police and Army, as he's the Prime Minister, is not a good way to solve the problem.

No, this guy will bring even more problem to this Kingdom, already rolling down the hill.

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Hmmm, a wanted criminal in Thailand making demands to a convicted criminal in exile.clap2.gif

Sais a lot of the values of the society we live in.sad.png

Yep and Thailand will always be run and controlled by the criminal element and demand respect on the world stage even on the united nationscheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I can just imagine the rest of the ASEAN Nations sitting around together laughing their <deleted> off at Thailand and thinking does this corrupt insignificant little country really think it is going to be part of the club. Yea let them in put the dunce hat on them and tell them to sit in the corner so we can laugh at them.

Sadly. I think that goes right to the heart of the matter. The economy was in the toilet before this street chaos and its not going to get any better now ( a dead cat bounce on the SET nothwithstanding). PTP can only win on the basis of unsustainable promises ( and they can't pay for the promises they have made in the past) and they will be matched by the opposition. Yes, ASEAN must see this chaos as lotto winning stuff. Yet Thailand, with every natural advantage, does this over and over. No wonder the Japanese are expressing concern about investments, Just wait for the tax slugs on individuals....500 Baht entry ? Chicken feed relative to what we will end up paying in all manner of excise and vat taxes

Petrol (91), is 40+ baht on the mainland, and 52 baht...(yes 52 baht) on the islands. That is about $1.80 or something, and is more than we pay in Australia, It is by far and away the most expensive gas in SE Asia. I am bewildered not more is made of this, but obviously here is a large part of the revenue.

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<deleted> ?????????

A person who claims to fight for democracy and people's rights ORDERS the police to go back into their barracks?

Am I the only one getting queasy whenever I read or hear the name "Suthep"? There's no legal foundation behind the whole movement and this person either, in the contrary - he has an outstanding warrant - but he's just acting like he owns the country already... I'm not a big Thaksin fan, nor I am a Red or Yellow Shirt Lover either, but this one sounds like bad news all over... Frightening... this is no good sad.png simply screams the word fascism right into my face...

I was tended to make fun of Yingluck in the past and never hesitated to join in with the "little girls should play with dolls" bashing, but now, with every day passing and with this Suthep guy doing public speeches in a Hitler, Pol-Pot, Stalin manner, I start to like her more and more by the hour.

Think Suthep and his people who believe that they are representing the people of Thailand, are achieving exactly the opposite of what they hoped for. I dislike them, I dislike their ways, and I start to become a Yingluck fan... Am I alone?

There never really is a way for this type of reform while the constitution is still operational, a suspension is required while it is rewritten to strengthen and plug the weaknesses exposed by PTP the last 2 years, PTP brought this on themselves

Checks are written into the constitution to keep governments from abuse of power, PTP exploited gaps and that is why this current unrest is taking place - there is no constitution in place if there is no government in place - simple as that

I see nothing but good coming from this - I hope PTP completely remove themselves without the need for any further escalation - I would assume it is already in progress as YS must surely have been in contact with the Army Generals and already got the marching order

I hope I'm right

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This guy is exactly doing the same as Hitler did and came in power in Germany, the only difference is that Suthep is worse than A.H.

He should be soon stopped !

I'm sure if the german people knew how it would have turned out he would never have made any progress

The difference here is the future intentions of Suthep - I hardly think he's after World domination by means of war or even Thai domination - his intent has been made very clear - some reforms then a referendum to the people then elections, seems fair enough to me

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