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Suthep targets Shinawatra clan


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he clearly lost his marbles

"The Cabinet is working based on the principle of collective responsibility. We have been appointed by His Majesty the King. But Suthep tried to establish another government without any legal support. The legal government considered that the PDRC's actions were violating His Majesty the King's royal prerogative power,"

This smell like lese majeste

"This smell like lese majeste"

Is this a particularly noxious odor I wonder?

We are all skating on thin ice in this topic I feel.

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he clearly lost his marbles

"The Cabinet is working based on the principle of collective responsibility. We have been appointed by His Majesty the King. But Suthep tried to establish another government without any legal support. The legal government considered that the PDRC's actions were violating His Majesty the King's royal prerogative power,"

This smell like lese majeste

but looks like Suthep don't know that yet so what does the law say about such an act and what are you guys doing who are appointed by His Majesty the King? are you guys not neglecting your duties by letting this guy freely create mess among public, who wants to have normal life? Don't cry here go do your job!

When the government and all its Ministers etc were appointed back in 2011 they all swore an oasth to the king to be honest and to do thier best for the people and the country, NOT to one man far away.

Can you put you hand on your heart and say that they have upheld their oath?

. You are missing the point. If the government has not been doing its job then there is a democratic system for dealing with that. What Suthep is doing is to replace democracy with dictatorship.

Do you mean swapping one for another ???? Do honestly think that this mad outfit could carry on raping the country in their democratic way 55555

for a further 2 years until Thailand is bankrupt ???? someone has to intervene when it gets chronic, like it or not. A family takeover of affairs is not democratic, neither is a convict from overseas running the job. come on were not just defining the word democracy--we are talking whats right and wrong---this government is way off line -out of order and not fit to carry on.

The other thing is whether it is correct this way, but not a lot of choice. YOUR way leave it run another 2 years because they were elected to run 4 years---under normal circumstances YES. Please tell me what they have achieved in the two and a half years--normally I can never get a complete answer to this.

Edited by ginjag
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Will he do this from Bangkwan jail cell? They have internet there?

This guy is a nutter. Ok if he has a point that is fine but to attach the family meaning her children too is just SICK !

He is now showing his true colors even after the King has spoke on this.

By bye loser !!!!!

This guy, the Mandela of Southern Thailand is the only supreme great leader left in Thailand that is 100% corruption free and cares for the people of Thailand. All that he had done, or will be doing, is for the better good of Thais and Thailand, by driving out the evil Thaksin and his dark influence.

I think you'd better get your flack jacket on as there's going to be a barrage of shots for your comparison of Suthep with Nelson Mandela. Unless of course you are being facetious?

Mandela's crusade was against the evils of apartheid and he was punished and served time for his struggle. Suthep although his crusade against the disease of Thaksinitis is in some eyes justified, it is never going to be as appreciated or even on the same scale as Madiba's.

Suthep corruption free? Is any politician corruption free?

I don't know about other politicians but Suthep is not at all corruption free, he's entire path stinks of his corrupt and arrogant ways :) and don't ever dare to level HE. Mandala to your corrupt & arrogant mad man like Suthep its a disgrace!!

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Suthep + Co are as much hated in the north/east as the Shinawat clan in the south and in Bangkok.
Both sides have very dirty hands and are power- and money hungry.
The constant agitation - polarization of the old cliques bring the country any further.
Would be good if both sides would rename a few temperate, honest people to concrete measures to combat corruption.
Follow and implements the laws.
Equal rights for all.
No immunity for criminals.
Give all murders, thieves and corrupt people a fair legal proceeding.
And if they are sentenced to prison then they should also serve their time there.
A good start would be to revoke her brother's passport and to request extradition,
because he is a convicted criminal by law. And that he gives commands to the government bodys is obvious.
An untenable situation and has nothing to do with democracy.
At the same time also Suthep should receive his court process.
After that, the remaining 25,000 corruption cases must swiftly brought to a conclusion.
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Referring to Suthep: he is the only one leading the way to stop PTP & Shinawatra from further destroying the country. No one else has had the balls to stand up, go on trial, face the music.

Reds will say the exact same thing the other way around. Thaksin was the only one who stood up to the multiple clans in Thailand and their only motivation for these protests is to save face and get one up on him. Pot. Kettle.

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So, to all the people who have bashed me over the past few day (I'm loving this) TOLD YOU SO!! He's mental, and his only ain is to reign as dictator. What a total disgrace to his people who initially supported him

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So, to all the people who have bashed me over the past few day (I'm loving this) TOLD YOU SO!! He's mental, and his only ain is to reign as dictator. What a total disgrace to his people who initially supported him

It's interesting how your view is diametrically opposed to mine

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So, to all the people who have bashed me over the past few day (I'm loving this) TOLD YOU SO!! He's mental, and his only ain is to reign as dictator. What a total disgrace to his people who initially supported him

It's interesting how your view is diametrically opposed to mine

Interesting? Maybe. But that's one great thing about democracy. We're allowed to have and voice our own opinions and not have nutrocks like this chap tell us what we have to think - how many times has he said "I speak for all the Thai people" or similar? Govrnment voted in he wants them out. He's now ordering the police and military too on what they have to do. All this with numerous warrants for his arrest whilst he vents about corruption!! The interesting thing, to me anyway, is how anybody can take him seriously? Anyway, have a nice day and let's enjoy the show

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Thailand, on 11 Dec 2013 - 13:12, said:
gemini81, on 11 Dec 2013 - 11:58, said:
Tim1980, on 11 Dec 2013 - 11:46, said:

only you can tell how mad this guy is and infected so many people with his human virus

Who? Suthep?? Or Thaksin? Referring to Suthep: he is the only one leading the way to stop PTP & Shinawatra from further destroying the country. No one else has had the balls to stand up, go on trial, face the music.

Suthep is a complete raving lunatic and he will take a few down with him when he comes down with a big bump. By now he must be becoming a major embarrassment to his backers.

It seems you are very well informed!!!!!!!

Your opinion will be seriously taken into account and the Thai people will be grateful to you for ever for advising them how to run their country and who is good or bad for them.

Now carry on with your nose picking and let the Thais to decide who is mad and who is insane.

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Thailand, on 11 Dec 2013 - 13:12, said:
gemini81, on 11 Dec 2013 - 11:58, said:
Tim1980, on 11 Dec 2013 - 11:46, said:

only you can tell how mad this guy is and infected so many people with his human virus

Who? Suthep?? Or Thaksin? Referring to Suthep: he is the only one leading the way to stop PTP & Shinawatra from further destroying the country. No one else has had the balls to stand up, go on trial, face the music.

Suthep is a complete raving lunatic and he will take a few down with him when he comes down with a big bump. By now he must be becoming a major embarrassment to his backers.

It seems you are very well informed!!!!!!!

Your opinion will be seriously taken into account and the Thai people will be grateful to you for ever for advising them how to run their country and who is good or bad for them.

Now carry on with your nose picking and let the Thais to decide who is mad and who is insane.

Exactly what we need is to let Thai people decide who is mad and who is insane, they will decide in the election.

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Various actions of this government led by Ms Yingluck intentionally violated the constitution. As a result, this government is illegitimate," he told protesters at the rally site in front of Government House.

Maybe Suthep should mention his own violations of the constitution with his actions and "orders". He is plainly a mad man who forgot to take his medication. His fanaticism would better be spent on something useful for the population, like drinkable water and a sewage system.

Government is suppose to be in charge of water---and sewage they should know about it is their top subject.

Who started this lot.???? ( oh not our lovely democratic elected but not run democratically--government). I think it all started before Suthep got going, blame the 1st wrongdoer. ( We are family ) song Sister Sledge.

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Mr Suthep demanded that Yingluck and her government step down from their caretaker role in 24 hours, or by 10.30pm last night, to pave the way for the appointment of an interim prime minister and the setting up of a "people's council"

Had Yingluck and her government stepped down?

Please share if you have information.

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Thailand, on 11 Dec 2013 - 13:12, said:
Tim1980, on 11 Dec 2013 - 11:46, said:

only you can tell how mad this guy is and infected so many people with his human virus

Suthep is a complete raving lunatic and he will take a few down with him when he comes down with a big bump. By now he must be becoming a major embarrassment to his backers.

It seems you are very well informed!!!!!!!

Your opinion will be seriously taken into account and the Thai people will be grateful to you for ever for advising them how to run their country and who is good or bad for them.

Now carry on with your nose picking and let the Thais to decide who is mad and who is insane.

Exactly what we need is to let Thai people decide who is mad and who is insane, they will decide in the election.

But Suthep, as far as I know, don't believe in election

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So, to all the people who have bashed me over the past few day (I'm loving this) TOLD YOU SO!! He's mental, and his only ain is to reign as dictator. What a total disgrace to his people who initially supported him

It's interesting how your view is diametrically opposed to mine

Interesting? Maybe. But that's one great thing about democracy. We're allowed to have and voice our own opinions and not have nutrocks like this chap tell us what we have to think - how many times has he said "I speak for all the Thai people" or similar? Govrnment voted in he wants them out. He's now ordering the police and military too on what they have to do. All this with numerous warrants for his arrest whilst he vents about corruption!! The interesting thing, to me anyway, is how anybody can take him seriously? Anyway, have a nice day and let's enjoy the show

People are now taking YOUR government seriously, no one could/allowed before.

"Government voted IN does not mean can stay there full 4 years no matter what. Talking about corruption--Government 1 year ago plastered they were to eradicate it---it has gone up MEGA--recent international ratings Look it up. majority of farrangs dislike this government --WHY ???? minority like you cannot see wrong. Your British by the look of the union jack, you make me shy, we are normally strong on whats right and wrong.

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Various actions of this government led by Ms Yingluck intentionally violated the constitution. As a result, this government is illegitimate," he told protesters at the rally site in front of Government House.

Maybe Suthep should mention his own violations of the constitution with his actions and "orders". He is plainly a mad man who forgot to take his medication. His fanaticism would better be spent on something useful for the population, like drinkable water and a sewage system.

Government is suppose to be in charge of water---and sewage they should know about it is their top subject.

Who started this lot.???? ( oh not our lovely democratic elected but not run democratically--government). I think it all started before Suthep got going, blame the 1st wrongdoer. ( We are family ) song Sister Sledge.

Water and sewage should be the top subject. Clean water would help more citizens than the present BS people's council for dictatorship or a trillion baht high speed rail system, but they cannot even achieve this. Hell, they can't even install electricity in all the government schools, but want to give out tablets? They should remember they are a backward third world country with nothing to brag about. But, they believe their own mythology of the master Tai race and forget they have not achieved the basics of clean water, adequate sewage, education and usable roads in all provinces. When they achieve these few things they can then philosophize about the form of government suitable for Thais. Whatever that nature of government is, it has not been tried before since every form of government to date ends in corruption, wasted public funds and undrinkable water.

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Will he do this from Bangkwan jail cell? They have internet there?

This guy is a nutter. Ok if he has a point that is fine but to attach the family meaning her children too is just SICK !

He is now showing his true colors even after the King has spoke on this.

By bye loser !!!!!

This guy, the Mandela of Southern Thailand is the only supreme great leader left in Thailand that is 100% corruption free and cares for the people of Thailand. All that he had done, or will be doing, is for the better good of Thais and Thailand, by driving out the evil Thaksin and his dark influence.

How do you know that Suthep is 100% corruption free?

I never believe that there will exist a government like that.

Note that I am not favoring any side here.

When there is a government, there is corruption.

That's why many people are vying to any seat in the government so that they will get rich.

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Various actions of this government led by Ms Yingluck intentionally violated the constitution. As a result, this government is illegitimate," he told protesters at the rally site in front of Government House.

Maybe Suthep should mention his own violations of the constitution with his actions and "orders". He is plainly a mad man who forgot to take his medication. His fanaticism would better be spent on something useful for the population, like drinkable water and a sewage system.

Government is suppose to be in charge of water---and sewage they should know about it is their top subject.

Who started this lot.???? ( oh not our lovely democratic elected but not run democratically--government). I think it all started before Suthep got going, blame the 1st wrongdoer. ( We are family ) song Sister Sledge.

Water and sewage should be the top subject. Clean water would help more citizens than the present BS people's council for dictatorship or a trillion baht high speed rail system, but they cannot even achieve this. Hell, they can't even install electricity in all the government schools, but want to give out tablets? They should remember they are a backward third world country with nothing to brag about. But, they believe their own mythology of the master Tai race and forget they have not achieved the basics of clean water, adequate sewage, education and usable roads in all provinces. When they achieve these few things they can then philosophize about the form of government suitable for Thais. Whatever that nature of government is, it has not been tried before since every form of government to date ends in corruption, wasted public funds and undrinkable water.

You got my meaning when I said this government have excellent knowledge re--sewage.cheesy.gif

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Police are also ordered by the PDRC to take legal action against Ms Yingluck and her cabinet on charges of insurrection, he said.

It's now the reverse.

There is a standing arrest warrant for Suthep on charges of insurrection but no one dares from the policemen to arrest him.


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Thailand, on 11 Dec 2013 - 13:12, said:

Tim1980, on 11 Dec 2013 - 11:46, said:

only you can tell how mad this guy is and infected so many people with his human virus

Suthep is a complete raving lunatic and he will take a few down with him when he comes down with a big bump. By now he must be becoming a major embarrassment to his backers.

It seems you are very well informed!!!!!!!

Your opinion will be seriously taken into account and the Thai people will be grateful to you for ever for advising them how to run their country and who is good or bad for them.

Now carry on with your nose picking and let the Thais to decide who is mad and who is insane.

Exactly what we need is to let Thai people decide who is mad and who is insane, they will decide in the election.

But Suthep, as far as I know, don't believe in election

yes right Suthep don't believe in election at all because it's not possible for his folks to win through bellot thus he must take to the streets declaring self appointed commander of bunch of like minded fools :)
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Will he do this from Bangkwan jail cell? They have internet there?

This guy is a nutter. Ok if he has a point that is fine but to attach the family meaning her children too is just SICK !

He is now showing his true colors even after the King has spoke on this.

By bye loser !!!!!

This guy, the Mandela of Southern Thailand is the only supreme great leader left in Thailand that is 100% corruption free and cares for the people of Thailand. All that he had done, or will be doing, is for the better good of Thais and Thailand, by driving out the evil Thaksin and his dark influence.

You must be thinking of Mugabe, or Idi Amin, not Mandela. Oh well, they're all from Africa. An easy mistake to make, I guess.

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only you can tell how mad this guy is and infected so many people with his human virus

Who? Suthep?? Or Thaksin? Referring to Suthep: he is the only one leading the way to stop PTP & Shinawatra from further destroying the country. No one else has had the balls to stand up, go on trial, face the music.

Nothing, I repeat, nothing will happen to Suthep.... He is well protected and has massive amounts of baht behind him....

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People are now taking YOUR government seriously, no one could/allowed before.

"Government voted IN does not mean can stay there full 4 years no matter what. Talking about corruption--Government 1 year ago plastered they were to eradicate it---it has gone up MEGA--recent international ratings Look it up. majority of farrangs dislike this government --WHY ???? minority like you cannot see wrong. Your British by the look of the union jack, you make me shy, we are normally strong on whats right and wrong.

I don't know who's taking our government seriously, not me that;s for sure but for very different reasons a to what's happening here in Thailand. You say the majority of farangs dislike this government? 2 things, firstly how do you know this? Have you taken a reliable poll and 2nd, who cares what farangs think about this government and the mechanics of Thai politics? Not the Thais, that's for sure. I figure i am strong on what's right or wrong. Anarchy is wrong. Full stop and end of story. You say I'm a minority but according to you I must be correct and pull governments down (like Suthep, he's a minority as is party, if they weren't they would have been elected in, right? As for your statement that being voted in does not mean can stay there for four years... Well actually you're wrong. The constitution says it 4 years and then another election and unless somebody changes that consitution to say differently, it's 4 years.

what he ginjag is really saying is normally this board is dominated by pro yellow shirtlifters. now the dawning reality exposing the true nature of the yellow leadership has brought forth people who normally avoid this board but see the dangerous situation being created for all.

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Will he do this from Bangkwan jail cell? They have internet there?

This guy is a nutter. Ok if he has a point that is fine but to attach the family meaning her children too is just SICK !

He is now showing his true colors even after the King has spoke on this.

By bye loser !!!!!

This guy, the Mandela of Southern Thailand is the only supreme great leader left in Thailand that is 100% corruption free and cares for the people of Thailand. All that he had done, or will be doing, is for the better good of Thais and Thailand, by driving out the evil Thaksin and his dark influence.

How do you know that Suthep is 100% corruption free?

I never believe that there will exist a government like that.

Note that I am not favoring any side here.

When there is a government, there is corruption.

That's why many people are vying to any seat in the government so that they will get rich.

you're talking with a wind-up merchant. Careful

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only you can tell how mad this guy is and infected so many people with his human virus

Who? Suthep?? Or Thaksin? Referring to Suthep: he is the only one leading the way to stop PTP & Shinawatra from further destroying the country. No one else has had the balls to stand up, go on trial, face the music.

So all the Shinawatra kids and teens, aunts and uncles are destroying the country as well? You claim that this Suthep is the only one with balls leading the way in totally eradicating The Shin clan from Thailand.

Let me get this straight, for the mistakes of one man, you are ok with destroying/getting rid of his family. Huh! I did not think this form of backward thinking still existed today. You might do well under a communist regime.

I said no such things. The anger, violence, hatred and trolling have come from your finger tips my friend. Pointing out the obvious is all. Why so jumpy and defensive?

Communism? What?

Take time to get acquainted with Thailand, books on Thaksin etc. There is where you shall find the characteristics of actual dictator style handling of things-since you want to steer conversation in the direction of communism. This Lord of Swindlers should definitely help you get your fix.

I only pointed out that Suthep is being a real man of action among herds of moaners who talk yet do little.

The topic was about how Suthep is targeting the entire Shin clan. A poster replied that he was mad to do this. You replied that Suthep is the only one leading the way to stop PTP and Shinawatras and the only one with balls to do this. If we stick to the topic, don't you think your response was more in support of this man's plans to get rid of the entire clan. A little clarity that your quote was not related to the topic of getting rid of the Shin clan but more of singing praises of Suthep, would have gone a long way. IMHO.

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