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Suthep targets Shinawatra clan


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People are now taking YOUR government seriously, no one could/allowed before.

"Government voted IN does not mean can stay there full 4 years no matter what. Talking about corruption--Government 1 year ago plastered they were to eradicate it---it has gone up MEGA--recent international ratings Look it up. majority of farrangs dislike this government --WHY ???? minority like you cannot see wrong. Your British by the look of the union jack, you make me shy, we are normally strong on whats right and wrong.

I don't know who's taking our government seriously, not me that;s for sure but for very different reasons a to what's happening here in Thailand. You say the majority of farangs dislike this government? 2 things, firstly how do you know this? Have you taken a reliable poll and 2nd, who cares what farangs think about this government and the mechanics of Thai politics? Not the Thais, that's for sure. I figure i am strong on what's right or wrong. Anarchy is wrong. Full stop and end of story. You say I'm a minority but according to you I must be correct and pull governments down (like Suthep, he's a minority as is party, if they weren't they would have been elected in, right? As for your statement that being voted in does not mean can stay there for four years... Well actually you're wrong. The constitution says it 4 years and then another election and unless somebody changes that consitution to say differently, it's 4 years.

what he ginjag is really saying is normally this board is dominated by pro yellow shirtlifters. now the dawning reality exposing the true nature of the yellow leadership has brought forth people who normally avoid this board but see the dangerous situation being created for all.

a dangerous situation is a good description - maybe a bit understated.. I'm not a supporter of red or yellow shirts and there's always antagonists in the crowds.. Suthep is an antagonist but from the front. I saw an interview with abhisit and even he was playing down suthep saying suthep has his own ideas etc. The chap is not good news methinks

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Just look at this.

At 9th Dec. the Thai police told there are around 100 000 people on their rally.

The BBC told around 150 000 people.

suthep told 5 000 000 cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

This man is a bigger booffon than thaksin and yingluck together.

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Suthep needs to take a step back and take a deep breath , the people will decide not Suthep, the Shinawatra family have just the same rights as everyone else, believe it or not , if suthep is not careful he will be alone voice in the wilderness , all the support will have deserted him, Suthep would be better placed to start the ball rolling for elections and democracy reform , instead of running around brow beating and making threats .bah.gif

anything that makes Taksin and his evil clan skirt a bit is good as far as I'm concerned. The sooner Thialnd is rid of Thaksin the sooner it can start healing. Well sone Suphet as one who stood up and was counted unlike that miserable coward Taksin.

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only you can tell how mad this guy is and infected so many people with his human virus

Who? Suthep?? Or Thaksin? Referring to Suthep: he is the only one leading the way to stop PTP & Shinawatra from further destroying the country. No one else has had the balls to stand up, go on trial, face the music.

Nothing, I repeat, nothing will happen to Suthep.... He is well protected and has massive amounts of baht behind him....

Please enlight us

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So, to all the people who have bashed me over the past few day (I'm loving this) TOLD YOU SO!! He's mental, and his only ain is to reign as dictator. What a total disgrace to his people who initially supported him

rattled you has he and rattled Taksin and his clan no doubt . Im for anyone who takes Taksin and his red thugs family and brown nose hangers on down a peg or two.

And people still support hi . You might ask why but you'll never accept the answer which is because they are simply fed up with one family taking total control of everything.

Well sone Suphet clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif for having guts to stand up and give taksin and his lot a run for their money.

and even Taksin said he did not believe in democracy. Anything that its a spanner into Taksins master plan to take complete control and turn Thailand into his own one party police state is good with me.

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only you can tell how mad this guy is and infected so many people with his human virus

Who? Suthep?? Or Thaksin? Referring to Suthep: he is the only one leading the way to stop PTP & Shinawatra from further destroying the country. No one else has had the balls to stand up, go on trial, face the music.

Nothing, I repeat, nothing will happen to Suthep.... He is well protected and has massive amounts of baht behind him....

Please enlight us

Not only massive amounts of baht behind him, ONE powerful backer is behind him.

Imagine Suthep can command the police for duty by ORDERING.

WHo can have such authority? I LOVE THIS MAN (Not Suthep)

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He reminds me in some ways of a Thai Joe McArthy - hunting out the Thaksin witches with ever increasing stridency punch drunk on his own poisonous rhetoric intent on poisoning Thailand with his fascistic street demos and violence - I sincerely hope bullies such as him won't flourish for much longer

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He reminds me in some ways of a Thai Joe McArthy - hunting out the Thaksin witches with ever increasing stridency punch drunk on his own poisonous rhetoric intent on poisoning Thailand with his fascistic street demos and violence - I sincerely hope bullies such as him won't flourish for much longer.

One would think that instead of being a pack of violent bullies under Thaksin's direction, the reds were a paragon of virtue. And hey-ho the poisonous rhetoric of 2010 from Jatuporn et al is pouff! just vapoured away.

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He reminds me in some ways of a Thai Joe McArthy - hunting out the Thaksin witches with ever increasing stridency punch drunk on his own poisonous rhetoric intent on poisoning Thailand with his fascistic street demos and violence - I sincerely hope bullies such as him won't flourish for much longer.

One would think that instead of being a pack of violent bullies under Thaksin's direction, the reds were a paragon of virtue. And hey-ho the poisonous rhetoric of 2010 from Jatuporn et al is pouff! just vapoured away.

I have never much liked Thaksin and his tactics but I dislike Suthep even more at least Thaksin won the popular vote each time.

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So, to all the people who have bashed me over the past few day (I'm loving this) TOLD YOU SO!! He's mental, and his only ain is to reign as dictator. What a total disgrace to his people who initially supported him

It's interesting how your view is diametrically opposed to mine

Interesting? Maybe. But that's one great thing about democracy. We're allowed to have and voice our own opinions and not have nutrocks like this chap tell us what we have to think - how many times has he said "I speak for all the Thai people" or similar? Govrnment voted in he wants them out. He's now ordering the police and military too on what they have to do. All this with numerous warrants for his arrest whilst he vents about corruption!! The interesting thing, to me anyway, is how anybody can take him seriously? Anyway, have a nice day and let's enjoy the show

People are now taking YOUR government seriously, no one could/allowed before.

"Government voted IN does not mean can stay there full 4 years no matter what. Talking about corruption--Government 1 year ago plastered they were to eradicate it---it has gone up MEGA--recent international ratings Look it up. majority of farrangs dislike this government --WHY ???? minority like you cannot see wrong. Your British by the look of the union jack, you make me shy, we are normally strong on whats right and wrong.

Majority of farangs dislike this government, I am not sure about that, I meet with managers and ceo's of several company's different nationalities , and I wont say they all like all this government is standing for but sure they don't dislike the government in general

Some farangs who do dislike the government is because they are so jealous to Taksin.

Grow up !

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he clearly lost his marbles

"The Cabinet is working based on the principle of collective responsibility. We have been appointed by His Majesty the King. But Suthep tried to establish another government without any legal support. The legal government considered that the PDRC's actions were violating His Majesty the King's royal prerogative power,"

This smell like lese majeste

but looks like Suthep don't know that yet so what does the law say about such an act and what are you guys doing who are appointed by His Majesty the King? are you guys not neglecting your duties by letting this guy freely create mess among public, who wants to have normal life? Don't cry here go do your job!

When the government and all its Ministers etc were appointed back in 2011 they all swore an oasth to the king to be honest and to do thier best for the people and the country, NOT to one man far away.

Can you put you hand on your heart and say that they have upheld their oath?

And your point is?

Suthep still clearly bypass the democratic and legal way to solve the problem, and he is going too far in his lunatic dream of power

My point is that most politicians lie.

Can you please answer my question and not beat around the bush and waffle?

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He reminds me in some ways of a Thai Joe McArthy - hunting out the Thaksin witches with ever increasing stridency punch drunk on his own poisonous rhetoric intent on poisoning Thailand with his fascistic street demos and violence - I sincerely hope bullies such as him won't flourish for much longer.

One would think that instead of being a pack of violent bullies under Thaksin's direction, the reds were a paragon of virtue. And hey-ho the poisonous rhetoric of 2010 from Jatuporn et al is pouff! just vapoured away.

I have never much liked Thaksin and his tactics but I dislike Suthep even more at least Thaksin won the popular vote each time.

Winning a vote does not provide a license for violence and corruption but that would appear to be the rationale here and liking/disliking individuals in some sort of league table hardly an illuminating view of the world though we welcome back the company of those arguing the 'I don't like Thaksin but....' Thaksin team supporters team since 'er 2010 I think. We have missed you. How time flies!

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Will he do this from Bangkwan jail cell? They have internet there?

This guy is a nutter. Ok if he has a point that is fine but to attach the family meaning her children too is just SICK !

He is now showing his true colors even after the King has spoke on this.

By bye loser !!!!!

This guy, the Mandela of Southern Thailand is the only supreme great leader left in Thailand that is 100% corruption free and cares for the people of Thailand. All that he had done, or will be doing, is for the better good of Thais and Thailand, by driving out the evil Thaksin and his dark influence.

Another nutter...

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Interesting? Maybe. But that's one great thing about democracy. We're allowed to have and voice our own opinions and not have nutrocks like this chap tell us what we have to think - how many times has he said "I speak for all the Thai people" or similar? Govrnment voted in he wants them out. He's now ordering the police and military too on what they have to do. All this with numerous warrants for his arrest whilst he vents about corruption!! The interesting thing, to me anyway, is how anybody can take him seriously? Anyway, have a nice day and let's enjoy the show

People are now taking YOUR government seriously, no one could/allowed before.

"Government voted IN does not mean can stay there full 4 years no matter what. Talking about corruption--Government 1 year ago plastered they were to eradicate it---it has gone up MEGA--recent international ratings Look it up. majority of farrangs dislike this government --WHY ???? minority like you cannot see wrong. Your British by the look of the union jack, you make me shy, we are normally strong on whats right and wrong.

Majority of farangs dislike this government, I am not sure about that, I meet with managers and ceo's of several company's different nationalities , and I wont say they all like all this government is standing for but sure they don't dislike the government in general

Some farangs who do dislike the government is because they are so jealous to Taksin.

Grow up !

Grow up YOU SAYcheesy.gif . The majority farangs are easy to observe take your own poll ( TVF) we are talking about.

You think I am Jealous of Thaksin--YOU GROW UP at 72 you think that enters my head ???? stupid remark, you keep in touch with your CEOs etc, they don't seem to help your good even thinking. mix in your circles and be happy with that. If you think Thaksin is " COOL" go for a scan it may help. Have another red day and enjoy.coffee1.gif

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Interesting? Maybe. But that's one great thing about democracy. We're allowed to have and voice our own opinions and not have nutrocks like this chap tell us what we have to think - how many times has he said "I speak for all the Thai people" or similar? Govrnment voted in he wants them out. He's now ordering the police and military too on what they have to do. All this with numerous warrants for his arrest whilst he vents about corruption!! The interesting thing, to me anyway, is how anybody can take him seriously? Anyway, have a nice day and let's enjoy the show

People are now taking YOUR government seriously, no one could/allowed before.

"Government voted IN does not mean can stay there full 4 years no matter what. Talking about corruption--Government 1 year ago plastered they were to eradicate it---it has gone up MEGA--recent international ratings Look it up. majority of farrangs dislike this government --WHY ???? minority like you cannot see wrong. Your British by the look of the union jack, you make me shy, we are normally strong on whats right and wrong.

Majority of farangs dislike this government, I am not sure about that, I meet with managers and ceo's of several company's different nationalities , and I wont say they all like all this government is standing for but sure they don't dislike the government in general

Some farangs who do dislike the government is because they are so jealous to Taksin.

Grow up !

Grow up YOU SAYcheesy.gif . The majority farangs are easy to observe take your own poll ( TVF) we are talking about.

You think I am Jealous of Thaksin--YOU GROW UP at 72 you think that enters my head ???? stupid remark, you keep in touch with your CEOs etc, they don't seem to help your good even thinking. mix in your circles and be happy with that. If you think Thaksin is " COOL" go for a scan it may help. Have another red day and enjoy.coffee1.gif

In the words of Harry Enfiel'd scousers.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPIsTKpAoE4

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People are now taking YOUR government seriously, no one could/allowed before.

"Government voted IN does not mean can stay there full 4 years no matter what. Talking about corruption--Government 1 year ago plastered they were to eradicate it---it has gone up MEGA--recent international ratings Look it up. majority of farrangs dislike this government --WHY ???? minority like you cannot see wrong. Your British by the look of the union jack, you make me shy, we are normally strong on whats right and wrong.

I don't know who's taking our government seriously, not me that;s for sure but for very different reasons a to what's happening here in Thailand. You say the majority of farangs dislike this government? 2 things, firstly how do you know this? Have you taken a reliable poll and 2nd, who cares what farangs think about this government and the mechanics of Thai politics? Not the Thais, that's for sure. I figure i am strong on what's right or wrong. Anarchy is wrong. Full stop and end of story. You say I'm a minority but according to you I must be correct and pull governments down (like Suthep, he's a minority as is party, if they weren't they would have been elected in, right? As for your statement that being voted in does not mean can stay there for four years... Well actually you're wrong. The constitution says it 4 years and then another election and unless somebody changes that consitution to say differently, it's 4 years.

Tvf farangs majority dislike this government--do your own poll, or use a quick check.

Vast amount of farangs care, so many with Thai partners/families not caring would be abnormal, so speak for yourself my friend.

If anarchy is wrong check on your savior in Dubai.

Now you are correct the government have been put into office for 4 years, If it runs it as pledged to do in the countries interest. if not alternatives can be brought to book in EMERGANCY situations. Government not recognizing the charter ruling, unconstitutional out of order, have to get out if you do not respect the law. Plus do not run democratic government as a convicted criminal from another country. You know and should be aware.

Now if it's right or wrong to bring a government in many fashions can be considered ok for reds--but not ok for others. Just saying as I do not give a fig really but enjoy trying to put right from wrong from my mothers teaching.---enjoy -and clean your red specksthumbsup.gif

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People are now taking YOUR government seriously, no one could/allowed before.

"Government voted IN does not mean can stay there full 4 years no matter what. Talking about corruption--Government 1 year ago plastered they were to eradicate it---it has gone up MEGA--recent international ratings Look it up. majority of farrangs dislike this government --WHY ???? minority like you cannot see wrong. Your British by the look of the union jack, you make me shy, we are normally strong on whats right and wrong.

I don't know who's taking our government seriously, not me that;s for sure but for very different reasons a to what's happening here in Thailand. You say the majority of farangs dislike this government? 2 things, firstly how do you know this? Have you taken a reliable poll and 2nd, who cares what farangs think about this government and the mechanics of Thai politics? Not the Thais, that's for sure. I figure i am strong on what's right or wrong. Anarchy is wrong. Full stop and end of story. You say I'm a minority but according to you I must be correct and pull governments down (like Suthep, he's a minority as is party, if they weren't they would have been elected in, right? As for your statement that being voted in does not mean can stay there for four years... Well actually you're wrong. The constitution says it 4 years and then another election and unless somebody changes that consitution to say differently, it's 4 years.

Tvf farangs majority dislike this government--do your own poll, or use a quick check.

Vast amount of farangs care, so many with Thai partners/families not caring would be abnormal, so speak for yourself my friend.

If anarchy is wrong check on your savior in Dubai.

Now you are correct the government have been put into office for 4 years, If it runs it as pledged to do in the countries interest. if not alternatives can be brought to book in EMERGANCY situations. Government not recognizing the charter ruling, unconstitutional out of order, have to get out if you do not respect the law. Plus do not run democratic government as a convicted criminal from another country. You know and should be aware.

Now if it's right or wrong to bring a government in many fashions can be considered ok for reds--but not ok for others. Just saying as I do not give a fig really but enjoy trying to put right from wrong from my mothers teaching.---enjoy -and clean your red specksthumbsup.gif

Grammatically incorrect and poorly spelt illustrates exactly the poor level of English Language that the so-called elites in this country consider acceptable. Perhaps when they, along with their country brethren, are educated to a minimal acceptable international level then, and only then, should they comment on an English Language forum the content of is way above their level of understanding. Much like they ( the Elites ) think that their country brethren are not intelligent enough to vote !

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Will he do this from Bangkwan jail cell? They have internet there?

This guy is a nutter. Ok if he has a point that is fine but to attach the family meaning her children too is just SICK !

He is now showing his true colors even after the King has spoke on this.

By bye loser !!!!!

This guy, the Mandela of Southern Thailand is the only supreme great leader left in Thailand that is 100% corruption free and cares for the people of Thailand. All that he had done, or will be doing, is for the better good of Thais and Thailand, by driving out the evil Thaksin and his dark influence.

Another nutter...

If you condone the family show here who were elected to run the country and failed miserably plunging it into near bankruptcy and one of the worlds leading corrupt countries, the recent international survey said they are getting more BAD... Democracy. no way. democratically elected so so, but on paper YES.

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People are now taking YOUR government seriously, no one could/allowed before.

"Government voted IN does not mean can stay there full 4 years no matter what. Talking about corruption--Government 1 year ago plastered they were to eradicate it---it has gone up MEGA--recent international ratings Look it up. majority of farrangs dislike this government --WHY ???? minority like you cannot see wrong. Your British by the look of the union jack, you make me shy, we are normally strong on whats right and wrong.

I don't know who's taking our government seriously, not me that;s for sure but for very different reasons a to what's happening here in Thailand. You say the majority of farangs dislike this government? 2 things, firstly how do you know this? Have you taken a reliable poll and 2nd, who cares what farangs think about this government and the mechanics of Thai politics? Not the Thais, that's for sure. I figure i am strong on what's right or wrong. Anarchy is wrong. Full stop and end of story. You say I'm a minority but according to you I must be correct and pull governments down (like Suthep, he's a minority as is party, if they weren't they would have been elected in, right? As for your statement that being voted in does not mean can stay there for four years... Well actually you're wrong. The constitution says it 4 years and then another election and unless somebody changes that consitution to say differently, it's 4 years.

Tvf farangs majority dislike this government--do your own poll, or use a quick check.

Vast amount of farangs care, so many with Thai partners/families not caring would be abnormal, so speak for yourself my friend.

If anarchy is wrong check on your savior in Dubai.

Now you are correct the government have been put into office for 4 years, If it runs it as pledged to do in the countries interest. if not alternatives can be brought to book in EMERGANCY situations. Government not recognizing the charter ruling, unconstitutional out of order, have to get out if you do not respect the law. Plus do not run democratic government as a convicted criminal from another country. You know and should be aware.

Now if it's right or wrong to bring a government in many fashions can be considered ok for reds--but not ok for others. Just saying as I do not give a fig really but enjoy trying to put right from wrong from my mothers teaching.---enjoy -and clean your red specksthumbsup.gif

red specks - if that was an intended pun, nice one!! I wonder if you see farangs in issan out protesting etc? Probably not because the farangs protesting in BKK with their wives will have been pussy-whipped into accepting their middle class values and thoughts. The ones in Issan the same but with support to the lower class mind set re colour of shirts. It's all stuff and nonsense, smoke and mirrors and any other hep happy saying I can think of. Thaksin outed by military coup and then democrats installed, democrats voted out for YL etc, YL resigning to stop harm coming to Thai people in protests (or have people forgotten the 90 odd unarmed 'red shirt' protesters shot dead by (allegedly) the army on abihist & suthep's orders? One mad lot followed by another in any colour shirt. I just really object to mob rule and anarchy in any colour

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People are now taking YOUR government seriously, no one could/allowed before.

"Government voted IN does not mean can stay there full 4 years no matter what. Talking about corruption--Government 1 year ago plastered they were to eradicate it---it has gone up MEGA--recent international ratings Look it up. majority of farrangs dislike this government --WHY ???? minority like you cannot see wrong. Your British by the look of the union jack, you make me shy, we are normally strong on whats right and wrong.

I don't know who's taking our government seriously, not me that;s for sure but for very different reasons a to what's happening here in Thailand. You say the majority of farangs dislike this government? 2 things, firstly how do you know this? Have you taken a reliable poll and 2nd, who cares what farangs think about this government and the mechanics of Thai politics? Not the Thais, that's for sure. I figure i am strong on what's right or wrong. Anarchy is wrong. Full stop and end of story. You say I'm a minority but according to you I must be correct and pull governments down (like Suthep, he's a minority as is party, if they weren't they would have been elected in, right? As for your statement that being voted in does not mean can stay there for four years... Well actually you're wrong. The constitution says it 4 years and then another election and unless somebody changes that consitution to say differently, it's 4 years.

Tvf farangs majority dislike this government--do your own poll, or use a quick check.

Vast amount of farangs care, so many with Thai partners/families not caring would be abnormal, so speak for yourself my friend.

If anarchy is wrong check on your savior in Dubai.

Now you are correct the government have been put into office for 4 years, If it runs it as pledged to do in the countries interest. if not alternatives can be brought to book in EMERGANCY situations. Government not recognizing the charter ruling, unconstitutional out of order, have to get out if you do not respect the law. Plus do not run democratic government as a convicted criminal from another country. You know and should be aware.

Now if it's right or wrong to bring a government in many fashions can be considered ok for reds--but not ok for others. Just saying as I do not give a fig really but enjoy trying to put right from wrong from my mothers teaching.---enjoy -and clean your red specksthumbsup.gif

Grammatically incorrect and poorly spelt illustrates exactly the poor level of English Language that the so-called elites in this country consider acceptable. Perhaps when they, along with their country brethren, are educated to a minimal acceptable international level then, and only then, should they comment on an English Language forum the content of is way above their level of understanding. Much like they ( the Elites ) think that their country brethren are not intelligent enough to vote !

Here is a nice correctly spelt word---get Paxo, what the hell your utterly stupid post is meant to prove I have no idea, as I was as you say poorly educated, but did not have to pass your intelligence test to become a TVF member, old chum, jolly hockey sticks and all that.

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Thailand, on 11 Dec 2013 - 13:12, said:
gemini81, on 11 Dec 2013 - 11:58, said:
Tim1980, on 11 Dec 2013 - 11:46, said:

only you can tell how mad this guy is and infected so many people with his human virus

Who? Suthep?? Or Thaksin? Referring to Suthep: he is the only one leading the way to stop PTP & Shinawatra from further destroying the country. No one else has had the balls to stand up, go on trial, face the music.

Suthep is a complete raving lunatic and he will take a few down with him when he comes down with a big bump. By now he must be becoming a major embarrassment to his backers.

It seems you are very well informed!!!!!!!

Your opinion will be seriously taken into account and the Thai people will be grateful to you for ever for advising them how to run their country and who is good or bad for them.

Now carry on with your nose picking and let the Thais to decide who is mad and who is insane.

......which is done by the electoral system and the Thai people voted more for Pheu Thai than Supthep and his so called 'Democrats'. BTW was in the Thai Embassy in London getting my two month visa for my forthcoming visit - this process normally takes at least 30 minutes - this time was in and out within 5 minutes. A lot of fair weather tourists maybe giving Thailand a wide berth till they see how this pans out which is a shame as there are a lot of hungry folk waiting to get their hands on all the hard earned baht they would have brought in with them.

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he clearly lost his marbles

"The Cabinet is working based on the principle of collective responsibility. We have been appointed by His Majesty the King. But Suthep tried to establish another government without any legal support. The legal government considered that the PDRC's actions were violating His Majesty the King's royal prerogative power,"

This smell like lese majeste

"This smell like lese majeste"

Is this a particularly noxious odor I wonder?

We are all skating on thin ice in this topic I feel.

There is no freedom of speech in Thailand and all us farang and any broad minded Thais are skating on thin ice if they want to have an honest debate. Outside of Thailand we have a wealth of broader opinions about the real make up of power in LOS which are of course banned by the Thai authorities.

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Will he do this from Bangkwan jail cell? They have internet there?

This guy is a nutter. Ok if he has a point that is fine but to attach the family meaning her children too is just SICK !

He is now showing his true colors even after the King has spoke on this.

By bye loser !!!!!

This guy, the Mandela of Southern Thailand is the only supreme great leader left in Thailand that is 100% corruption free and cares for the people of Thailand. All that he had done, or will be doing, is for the better good of Thais and Thailand, by driving out the evil Thaksin and his dark influence.

Another nutter...

Big time nutter!!!! The Sutheps of this country are slowly eating / gorging themselves by any/all oligarchy, monopolistic, means possible.... Their motto would read, "Let them eat fish sauce and rice"...... This well-protected turd just purchased 4000 rai in the north. His rubber godowns are stacked waiting for the off-season prices whilst the prices the farmers get are way down.

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TVF should set up a vote so we can have a 'just for fun' if you could vote in the elections of 2nd February who could you vote for - leave it open for a couple of weeks to allow the debate to take place.At the end this will be seen as the true voice of TVF not who can shout the hardest and posters can refer to it in debates forward from there. Of course TVF administrators will be free to overturn this vote at any time and declare their own opinions as the true voice of TVFand as they control the platform we will be in no position to oppose it.


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