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How many of you are using Yahoo Mail?

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The new Yahoo Mail (as of about a month ago) must be one of the crappiest piece of program anyone ever came across. If you go to their feedback page, there must 50,000 complaints and maybe 2-3 up votes.

Basically all the basic tasks one uses email for, now they take way more time. Clicking on "inbox", delete, move etc sometimes does nothing. Have to refresh page.

This is separate from the "design" issues, for example, doing away with the tabs.

I'm suspecting one of the problems here is that their ads have to load first, if for some reason that doesn't happen, then the whole program stalls. With the beautiful internet in Thailand, that makes it even worse.

I'll be moving my email to my Gmail, slowly but steadily.


After being an exclusive Yahoo user for well over 10 yrs iv just recently switched to Outlook.com for this reason, it's a complete pile of crap and coupled with the fact the amount of spam gets through I ditched it.

Decide who to switch to as my primary email account was tough but when google made a ridiculous statement that anybody with or sending to a gmail account shouldn't expect any level of privacy that kind if got my back up, and now outlook.com/hotmail use exchange active sync connector it means its easier to sync up across devices so I went with them.


Every improvement seems to make it worse, it's not always that easy to even sign out. Now i get copies of sent appearing in the inbox, why I have no idea.


Yes ,Yahoo mail has changed for the worse,you have to go

through ,the page that wants you to upgrade,firefox,explorer,

then it asks you if you want to keep background,and all very

slow in loading. improvements i don't think so,just makes things

harder, they must never have heard the saying "if its not broke

don't try and fix it". and Yahoo are not the only ones.

regards Worgeordie


It is truly beyond horrible. To add insult to injury, every time you type an email, it prompts you to enter a capcha to avoid spam, so has made sending emails truly grueling. It's time to leave this one forever, unfortunately.


My .ca Yahoo email account has been down going on 2 days now for "maintenance"

No contact via my home PC, laptop on the same wifi network, or via 3G on my mobile

My wifes .com Yahoo email address works on the same home network

I am now starting to wonder if there is really something wrong and more than just maintenance

Anyone else having problems?


I have always disliked Yahoo, because of the flashing ads on their page and not used it in years... bah.gif ... I was surprised my account still is still there, when I happen to check the other day!

Having said that I have used Gmail for years, with little problem... until they made there recent "improvements" (NOT!) has made it become annoying... by tying in their multiply accounts, which now closes one account when you open another blink.png I use two gmail accounts, one for personal and one "non personal"...

These guys should just leave well enough alone, rather than make so called "improvements"....blink.pngcoffee1.gif


Been using Yahoo for years and agree recent changes are not good. Always found their spam filtering excellent though and get very little real spam in my inbox. Also the problems have not been affecting me much as I have been using the free email client Thunderbird from Mozzila. This is an excellent email client which I use to manage my yahoo emails. It is very security conscious, in that it automatically filters content (images etc) in the email that may prove to be sources for viruses. I also have the Mailbox alert extension addon which I use to display an alert when important emails arrive.

So in short yes the yahoo changes are bad, but to be honest because I access yahoo via Thunderbird I aint bothered.


I pick up my Yahoo mail using the Evomail app.

As bad as the web-based Yahoo mail is, the (Yahoo) mobile app is actually very good. I have no problems using that. it's just the web based one that is full of crap. I suspect they will sort this out though, because I read a news article that even the Yahoo employees refuse to use it.


I use Yahoo Mail just for my spam account. Every time someone asks for my email and I don't really want to give it or I think they will sell it to sales companies, they get my Yahoo email address. Yahoo sucks so they deserve all my spam they can handle.

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I have a Yahoo! mail account purely for junk e-mail "subscribe here for...." sites. Stuff that I will need once and really don't need a long-term relationship with. It works. I receive around 1-2 junk e-mails a week through my main (4) e-mail addresses and nearly 200 per week through the Yahoo! account. I go in every so often to clear it out to give more space for junk.


My .ca Yahoo email account has been down going on 2 days now for "maintenance"

No contact via my home PC, laptop on the same wifi network, or via 3G on my mobile

My wifes .com Yahoo email address works on the same home network

I am now starting to wonder if there is really something wrong and more than just maintenance

Anyone else having problems?

Yep, friend of mine can sign in to his account, but gets a message about maintenance work being carried as soon as he clicks on Inbox.


My .ca Yahoo email account has been down going on 2 days now for "maintenance"

No contact via my home PC, laptop on the same wifi network, or via 3G on my mobile

My wifes .com Yahoo email address works on the same home network

I am now starting to wonder if there is really something wrong and more than just maintenance

Anyone else having problems?

Try going into your yahoo with another browser

I had yahoo mail issues using firefox but it was fine with chrome

IMO The changes to yahoo mail suck

2008bangkok, on 12 Dec 2013 - 06:42, said:

After being an exclusive Yahoo user for well over 10 yrs iv just recently switched to Outlook.com for this reason, it's a complete pile of crap and coupled with the fact the amount of spam gets through I ditched it.

Decide who to switch to as my primary email account was tough but when google made a ridiculous statement that anybody with or sending to a gmail account shouldn't expect any level of privacy that kind if got my back up, and now outlook.com/hotmail use exchange active sync connector it means its easier to sync up across devices so I went with them.



Fox News just said Yahoo Mail has been down for millions of users since Monday night, due to "Hardware problems".

Sorry about that. I'll empty my junk mail folder ;)


I couldn't get in the last week figured it was my internet connection. Glad to know I'm not the only one. I keep getting the script message also. A notice to switch to basic email pops up but clicking on it keeps my computer in the circling mode.

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