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Is She Racist Or Not?!


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This f****d up site's got an Alexia rank of 8034 , just to give you an idea tv 's got a rank of about 15000.

you may be right.

but question: what is an alexia ranking?! - o, checked at alexa.com - but the hits are related to blog.com and not this very blog.

a helpless blogger I guess. amazing what the cyberworld produces.

Edited by danone
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what is a Caucasian?

At this moment I am actually in the Caucasus (sp).

This country is actually considered Asian.

I am talking Armenian, Azerbaijani, etc etc.

If they are Asian, and we are Caucasian then why do these people look like Sadam Hussein? Like, I mean every male here looks the spitting image of Sadam, moustache and all????

And yet every other "Caucasian" male I have met looks more like Harrison Ford tha Sadam? And of course myself as I look like Brad Pitt. :o

The term Caucasian is used because the 'white' race (which is mostly more pink than white anyways) is believed to have its geographical and linguistic origins in the Caucasus.

The term Caucasian race or Caucasian is used to refer to people whose ancestry can be traced back to Europe, North Africa, West Asia, South Asia and parts of Central Asia. It was once considered a useful taxonomical categorization of human racial groups based on a presumed common geographic and/or linguistic origin.

In the United States, it is currently used primarily as a distinction loosely based on skin color alone for a group commonly referred to as Whites, as defined by the American government and Census Bureau. In Britain, "Caucasian" follows the North American definition, but in continental Europe, "Caucasian" currently refers exclusively to people who are from the Caucasus.

More info here

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Love it when she writes:

I for myself am not a Christian, but I share their ideals: Jesus had burdoned the pain of the world on his shoulders. Also me I want to burdon the pain of the world on my shoulders. To let people feel free and give up their fears once and for all.

So now she hasa Jesus complex as well - nutjob par excellence!

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whoops sorry

Alexa rank is a traffic rank.

Basically it gathers the stats from a toolbar installed on surfers's PCs.

It's skewed 'cause most of the users of this toolbar are webmasters etc. interested in knowing the rank of websites.

edit: oh yes it's the rank of the blog circuit... ermm well now you know how a link bait looks eh.

Edited by KhunMarco
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Sounds like a dikey lil hater girl, with too much time on her hands, that can't achieve an orgasm. That being said I would say about 10% of her ramblings hold weight but the rest is insanity either real or manufactured.

And my first question is...if you don't like white people, and your not a native of a country that is proportionately white (i.e. USA @ 75% white), why stay? Go back to happy Asia land scarf down dim sum and sum tum and curse the white man all you want. Heck I may even pull up a chair with my Asian wife , eat up your food and join ya :o LOL, I’m scared to ask what she thinks about Black people, Probably thinks our music is to blame for the degeneration of Asian morality and their women running away from Asian studs like the one dressed up on her website :D

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She made a mistake putting in a pic of herself.

Looks like a Nana mamasan who never made good. :D


Yeah, and the dubious white substance dribbling down her chin doesn't help her image either :D

"My looks are good... " face like a bulldog licking piss of a thistle darlin' and a nasty attitude to go with it :o Website ain't very good either. :D

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She made a mistake putting in a pic of herself.

Looks like a Nana mamasan who never made good. :D


Yeah, and the dubious white substance dribbling down her chin doesn't help her image either :D

"My looks are good... " face like a bulldog licking piss of a thistle darlin' and a nasty attitude to go with it :o Website ain't very good either. :D

I think its sad... As questioned by many of you.. how can someone like this live in the west? Quite strange. The "facts" weren't backed up by a shred of data. Waste of time... :D

This is what happens when your able to publish something online that *anyone* can read. Unfortunately it doesn't take a great deal of intelligence to write a blog. Twisted stuff.

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