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Let's give something back, by paying for Ad. Campaign.


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Here is a better idea.

Why not create a professionally made motor cycling safety HD video and publish it on UTube, including other video hosting sites, facebook, or even create a website dedicated to motorbike safety.

Easy to register with the search engines such as Google and Ask.com.

My advice is, have the video produced by Thais for Thais rather then it appearing as foreigners trying to teach Thais how to drive, as I doubt they would like it and may consider such an enterprise as an insult. Only need to finance it and use farang names in the credits. Perhaps it would be possible to convince a high ranking Thai police officer, Government spokesman or even a Thai celebrity to participate in the scheme and appear in the video. Maybe even try to convince a well known motorbike manufacturer and helmet maker to sponsor you.

Your first line of inquiry would be to see how much such a project would cost to produce and then to approach the right people with your idea and see if they would be interested. Also considering that by uploading the video online rather than by a one off TV ad, it can remain in the public domain for all time with only a need to update once in a while.

Just a thought.

BJ, very valid point.

For this to work it must be seen to be Thais teaching Thais...

Yes, and there is nothing stopping you overseeing the project, something like a movie director who directs but doesn`t actually appear in the video.

Anyhow, it`s all food for thought and if you decide to do it this way, perhaps you will give me role as an extra in your movie? I`ll even let you run me over as part of the plot if it makes me a star for the day.

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The YT idea is very good. Here comes one more:

First I have to say three years ago I stopped watching TV at all. But I remember the music videos running there very well and I am sure this hasn't changed.

Sometimes I was really fascinated about those clips. Like a little movie with a story line and more drama within 4 minutes than in a whole 4-hours-Wagner-opera.

The two big Thai music labels GMM and R-Siam seem to be pretty aware of road safty. Until now only parenthetically. E. g. when Siingto (The Star) made his apperance on the screen, he allways rode a bicycle..???? Not a motorcycle like all the kids?....No, Singto was under 18 thoses days. Or Pai Pongsatong. When he picks up one of his wanna-be-girlfriends, he allways has an extra helmet for her. ...and so on.

The nice thing is not only teenagers watch these MVs, but Thais of all ages and that includes the parents of course.

Maybe GMM and/or R-Siam could entertain the idea to thematize road safty in some MVs. Maybe one on each album. (You might know each Thai music album comes out in two versions. The normal audio CD and a VCD/DVD karaoke one with the MVs and these are the clips running all over Thai TV channels.)

So there can be clips about wearing helmets, having proper lights, driving on the right side...eh I mean left side... of the street and so on...

This way the message comes in every Thai house automaticlly as the TVs running almost non-stop.

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Good ideas are not welcome Thailand, sorry to disappoint you.

Besides, the best yu may get is "this is not your country, leave us Thai alone". So, best advice (if you want to avoid being bashed to death - leave them alone and take care yourself, whenever you hit Thai roads.

You can't change people who don't want to change! Golden rule!

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Your idea is good, the country is flawed. There is currently an ad on T.V. showing a songtaew full of drunks being pulled over and stopped for drinking and driving.

How about persuading the local police to leave wrecked vechicles at the sides of the roads, warning people that this could be you, at locations that are regular accident spots.

Get a large well known Thai company to support you, ie: PTT the gasoline stations and petrol company. "Don' t make this your last stop".

They have these already...not in enough places though.

On highway 2, renowned as the worst highway in the country...they have a couple of wrecks on the side of the road.

They also have very large billboards with people in wheelchairs etc campaigning against accidents and whatever there cause.

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Here is a better idea.

Why not create a professionally made motor cycling safety HD video and publish it on UTube, including other video hosting sites, facebook, or even create a website dedicated to motorbike safety.

Easy to register with the search engines such as Google and Ask.com.

My advice is, have the video produced by Thais for Thais rather then it appearing as foreigners trying to teach Thais how to drive, as I doubt they would like it and may consider such an enterprise as an insult. Only need to finance it and use farang names in the credits. Perhaps it would be possible to convince a high ranking Thai police officer, Government spokesman or even a Thai celebrity to participate in the scheme and appear in the video. Maybe even try to convince a well known motorbike manufacturer and helmet maker to sponsor you.

Your first line of inquiry would be to see how much such a project would cost to produce and then to approach the right people with your idea and see if they would be interested. Also considering that by uploading the video online rather than by a one off TV ad, it can remain in the public domain for all time with only a need to update once in a while.

Just a thought.

Best idea so far. 100 points.

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The best way to do it is to leverage your money. This is how.

1/ find who is in charge of the government advertising for the new safety campaign to lower the death rate by 50%

2/ meet with him to discuss your a campaign ideas and how it will fit into there safety campaign

3/ make donation in a brown envelope, cash only

This is not bribery this is called lobbying, the same as the USA. For a little love you can get someone to spend

a larger amount of government money on a project that is very worthwhile, but just needs a little catalyst to bring it into focus

for the masses. The person you met with will get additional monies from various media companies to spread

the word. A win win all the way around. The campaign money will be spent anyway, you just want to focus the campaign.

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Dotpoom, the only flaw with your plan is the cost. Advertising does cost a lot of money and needs to be repeated many times for it to work.

I have always wondered why the police checks don't have some little spare parts guy at the checkpoints that charged 10 times what a bulb or helmet would cost as part of the fine and possible save a life in the process, rather than just issue a 200 baht ticket and send people on their way.

Good way of making "legitimate" money from lazy bikers, fixing unroadworthy bikes and making people think twice about not maintaining bikes or wearing helmets.

No shortage of spare parts guys that would like to split that booty and do the grunt work.

Maybe it's just me.

I have come across bike riders who only turn the headlight on when they see an oncoming car overtaking another vehicle and promptly turn it off after passing the 'hazard'!

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Here is a better idea.

Why not create a professionally made motor cycling safety HD video and publish it on UTube, including other video hosting sites, facebook, or even create a website dedicated to motorbike safety.

Easy to register with the search engines such as Google and Ask.com.

My advice is, have the video produced by Thais for Thais rather then it appearing as foreigners trying to teach Thais how to drive, as I doubt they would like it and may consider such an enterprise as an insult. Only need to finance it and use farang names in the credits. Perhaps it would be possible to convince a high ranking Thai police officer, Government spokesman or even a Thai celebrity to participate in the scheme and appear in the video. Maybe even try to convince a well known motorbike manufacturer and helmet maker to sponsor you.

Your first line of inquiry would be to see how much such a project would cost to produce and then to approach the right people with your idea and see if they would be interested. Also considering that by uploading the video online rather than by a one off TV ad, it can remain in the public domain for all time with only a need to update once in a while.

Just a thought.

It would also be worthwhile using the road signs book that is provided when applying for a driving licence. It's 99% copy of UK road signs with the notable exception of a 'T' junction.

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The best way to do it is to leverage your money. This is how.

1/ find who is in charge of the government advertising for the new safety campaign to lower the death rate by 50%

2/ meet with him to discuss your a campaign ideas and how it will fit into there safety campaign

3/ make donation in a brown envelope, cash only

This is not bribery this is called lobbying, the same as the USA. For a little love you can get someone to spend

a larger amount of government money on a project that is very worthwhile, but just needs a little catalyst to bring it into focus

for the masses. The person you met with will get additional monies from various media companies to spread

the word. A win win all the way around. The campaign money will be spent anyway, you just want to focus the campaign.

Sound advice Ulic, Your post reminded me again of the Road Safety Campaign that I refereed to in my OP that went out at home and how costly it must have been and the people you mention would indeed need to be involved. The campaign itself was very effective and hard hitting with no punches pulled. i think a set of four different Ads. were made in each category of road safety,...like Seat Belts and Drink Driving would have been two of the categories. The four Ad's would be rotated every so often with catch phrases like "Clonk Click Every Trip" for the seat belt one and "Don't Drink and Drive" for the other. I do remember one of the Ad's for the drink driving (that's why it worked because I still remember it) had a few guys in a car merrymaking while driving around in a car and suddenly hitting something, then the car is seen flying through the air and lands on a little girl in a front garden whilst playing with her dad. It then shows the funeral with the grief stricken dad and all the family standing over the graveside with a voice-over from the dead driver with words along the lines ...."If only I hadn't etc".,

Then was also another set of Ad's telling people to stop the "rounds" system in the pubs. For those of you not familiar with that term....let's say 5 lads went into a pub together, they would each take it in turn to buy a round of drinks which meant even if some of the lads had enough to drink they would still drink more until all 5 guys had bought their round. I think this system may also be finished with hopefully due to this campaign. Indeed, campaigns can be very effective especially if shown at peak times or during favorite soaps...as in Thailand.

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Actually you guys are right...I was wrong.

But I think the OP is failing to see the cost of a massive ongoing campaign to change the mindset of so many.

In fact, a couple of years ago I came up with an outstanding concept that I believed would have really worked for I think it was 3 separate traffic accident prevention schemes....unfortunately things at the time changed and the view of asuccess and co-operation shifted somewhat.

While still a viable idea, not something I could do alone, and maybe not possible today in the current countries situation.

the television stations should run these awareness ads for free as they do community awareness in other countries .why should it be us fairings footing a bill to try and educate or fix Thailand . The responsibility ultimately lies with them and we know they couldn't,t give a toss !....so again why should we ? Up Pattaya joke Tv to take some Community responsibility ,They have the medium to reach the masses but I remain of strong belief it is not up to us to try and change what they don,t want to change better money be channeled to better areas if have to give away!
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Beetlejuice has the right idea, having it online, and you don't want any obvious farang input. Ultimately it is down to education, nous, money... you could have this thing running in someone's face all day and they wouldn't take a blind bit of notice. It doesn't help that the thinking is when one's time's up it's up no matter how one carries oneself and that one will be re-incarnated anyway.

But kudos all the same.

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Beetlejuice has the right idea, having it online, and you don't want any obvious farang input. Ultimately it is down to education, nous, money... you could have this thing running in someone's face all day and they wouldn't take a blind bit of notice. It doesn't help that the thinking is when one's time's up it's up no matter how one carries oneself and that one will be re-incarnated anyway.

But kudos all the same.

Maybe I'm missing something or I simply don't understand but I don't see how the "On Line" way would work. If I am one who continually rides around on my motorbike not caring or bothering to check whether I have lights or not.... why would I go to a computer and search on line for information about whether I should be doing this or whether I shouldn't..... and is it dangerous for me if I continue to do it?

The reason companies pay fortunes on TV advertising is because their message eventually gets to a large number of people whether the people are aware of it or not....it's subliminal..... With no effort on the person's part, messages are being planted in his or her head. Eventually people begin to notice them and along with word of mouth, gradually people become aware and hopefully would start to take it seriously.

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Beetlejuice has the right idea, having it online, and you don't want any obvious farang input. Ultimately it is down to education, nous, money... you could have this thing running in someone's face all day and they wouldn't take a blind bit of notice. It doesn't help that the thinking is when one's time's up it's up no matter how one carries oneself and that one will be re-incarnated anyway.

But kudos all the same.

Maybe I'm missing something or I simply don't understand but I don't see how the "On Line" way would work. If I am one who continually rides around on my motorbike not caring or bothering to check whether I have lights or not.... why would I go to a computer and search on line for information about whether I should be doing this or whether I shouldn't..... and is it dangerous for me if I continue to do it?

The reason companies pay fortunes on TV advertising is because their message eventually gets to a large number of people whether the people are aware of it or not....it's subliminal..... With no effort on the person's part, messages are being planted in his or her head. Eventually people begin to notice them and along with word of mouth, gradually people become aware and hopefully would start to take it seriously.

OK, good idea, but who of prominence do you know in Thailand to gain permissions from? Plus you will require work permits and have to cut through all sorts of red tape to accomplish your project.

Can you afford to pay an advertising company to create your ad for you? Which involves special effect specialists, PR, script writers, road safety experts and advisers, the hiring of filming equipment, permissions to use various locations, actors or officials fees to appear in the video and fees to the TV channel companies to air your ad?

Sorry, but I think you`re living in a cloud cuckoo fantasy wonderland and not being realistic, unless you`re rich and able to afford all the resources to create and air your ad on TV. As for the rest of us peasants who will probably never experience having our days of fame on TV or at the movies, we only have the basic online facilities such as Utube and websites to get our points across.

If your motorbike safety ad is professionally made, with good quality video, audio and has aspects that make it interesting, especially if it appeals to the younger audience, people will watch it on Utube. It all depends on how artistic and creative you are. The question is, are you really proficient enough to make such a video?

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Beetlejuice has the right idea, having it online, and you don't want any obvious farang input. Ultimately it is down to education, nous, money... you could have this thing running in someone's face all day and they wouldn't take a blind bit of notice. It doesn't help that the thinking is when one's time's up it's up no matter how one carries oneself and that one will be re-incarnated anyway.

But kudos all the same.

Maybe I'm missing something or I simply don't understand but I don't see how the "On Line" way would work. If I am one who continually rides around on my motorbike not caring or bothering to check whether I have lights or not.... why would I go to a computer and search on line for information about whether I should be doing this or whether I shouldn't..... and is it dangerous for me if I continue to do it?

The reason companies pay fortunes on TV advertising is because their message eventually gets to a large number of people whether the people are aware of it or not....it's subliminal..... With no effort on the person's part, messages are being planted in his or her head. Eventually people begin to notice them and along with word of mouth, gradually people become aware and hopefully would start to take it seriously.

OK, good idea, but who of prominence do you know in Thailand to gain permissions from? Plus you will require work permits and have to cut through all sorts of red tape to accomplish your project.

Can you afford to pay an advertising company to create your ad for you? Which involves special effect specialists, PR, script writers, road safety experts and advisers, the hiring of filming equipment, permissions to use various locations, actors or officials fees to appear in the video and fees to the TV channel companies to air your ad?

Sorry, but I think you`re living in a cloud cuckoo fantasy wonderland and not being realistic, unless you`re rich and able to afford all the resources to create and air your ad on TV. As for the rest of us peasants who will probably never experience having our days of fame on TV or at the movies, we only have the basic online facilities such as Utube and websites to get our points across.

If your motorbike safety ad is professionally made, with good quality video, audio and has aspects that make it interesting, especially if it appeals to the younger audience, people will watch it on Utube. It all depends on how artistic and creative you are. The question is, are you really proficient enough to make such a video?

Sorry to see that you don't like your idea being questioned beetlejuice...there's no need to get all bitchy about the thread. If you read my OP and following posts you would have seen that I said that the foreigners part would simply be to raise the money for the Ad,s...but the Ad's would be made totally by Thais from start to finish. I hardly think that you need to know a person of prominence or need a work permit for a bunch of guys to put some money into a bank account on a regular basis if they can afford it and felt passionate enough about it. Lighten up...if it's too expensive so be it...it was just an idea...no need to get your knickers in a twist.

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Maybe I'm missing something or I simply don't understand but I don't see how the "On Line" way would work. If I am one who continually rides around on my motorbike not caring or bothering to check whether I have lights or not.... why would I go to a computer and search on line for information about whether I should be doing this or whether I shouldn't..... and is it dangerous for me if I continue to do it?

The reason companies pay fortunes on TV advertising is because their message eventually gets to a large number of people whether the people are aware of it or not....it's subliminal..... With no effort on the person's part, messages are being planted in his or her head. Eventually people begin to notice them and along with word of mouth, gradually people become aware and hopefully would start to take it seriously.

OK, good idea, but who of prominence do you know in Thailand to gain permissions from? Plus you will require work permits and have to cut through all sorts of red tape to accomplish your project.

Can you afford to pay an advertising company to create your ad for you? Which involves special effect specialists, PR, script writers, road safety experts and advisers, the hiring of filming equipment, permissions to use various locations, actors or officials fees to appear in the video and fees to the TV channel companies to air your ad?

Sorry, but I think you`re living in a cloud cuckoo fantasy wonderland and not being realistic, unless you`re rich and able to afford all the resources to create and air your ad on TV. As for the rest of us peasants who will probably never experience having our days of fame on TV or at the movies, we only have the basic online facilities such as Utube and websites to get our points across.

If your motorbike safety ad is professionally made, with good quality video, audio and has aspects that make it interesting, especially if it appeals to the younger audience, people will watch it on Utube. It all depends on how artistic and creative you are. The question is, are you really proficient enough to make such a video?

Sorry to see that you don't like your idea being questioned beetlejuice...there's no need to get all bitchy about the thread. If you read my OP and following posts you would have seen that I said that the foreigners part would simply be to raise the money for the Ad,s...but the Ad's would be made totally by Thais from start to finish. I hardly think that you need to know a person of prominence or need a work permit for a bunch of guys to put some money into a bank account on a regular basis if they can afford it and felt passionate enough about it. Lighten up...if it's too expensive so be it...it was just an idea...no need to get your knickers in a twist.

He likes to twist em up snice n tight on a regular basis

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