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Retirement extension yesterday at Sisaket......

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Just thought I'd share my latest experience of annual retirement extension and the <deleted> that we have to endure from some officials.

Even though it's not on the list of required documents, I've been told for several years by the Sisaket Immigration officers that my retirement extension would not be granted unless I produced a recent medical cert.

Accompanied by my wife, I therefore turned up with the med. cert., photocopies of all passport pages, Embassy letter confirming income,1900 Baht and 3 photos (also told every year that 3 were required).

First thing I noticed was that all four male officers were "new faces" and none of them smiling..............

The med. cert. and two of the photos were, quite literally, thrown back over the desk with the comment "No want".

Having found everything in order with my paperwork the officer then demanded my wife's phone number and a copy of her Tabien Baan but settled for her ID card which he then photocopied and made her sign - I know, neither of these docs are required for a retirement extension (what would he have demanded if I had been single?).

Seeing that the renewal process was nearing completion my wife produced the 1900 Baht and was told "2000 Baht" which she gave to the officer in return for a receipt made out for 1900 Baht!

I waited until my passport was back in my possession then pushed the receipt back over the desk, pointed to the discrepancy and politely asked for another receipt for 100 Baht or a new receipt for 2000 Baht.

The "senior" officer (I assume, as he was in civvies not uniform) then barked loudly that the 100 Baht was for "Service" and "Photocopies".

I stayed cool and merely repeated that I wanted a receipt for this extra 100 Baht - this seemed to enrage him beyond comprehension and he shouted to the desk officer to give me back my 100 Baht and told my wife that he would be reporting me to our local village police for "investigation"!

I thanked him for the 100 Baht and we left.

Within minutes of driving away he phoned my wife and harangued her before ending up with the threat that I would not be dealt with in the future "unless I brought all my own photocopies with me"!

Very sad that these ar**holes are allowed to act like they do without any fear of consequences - up until now we've always had a polite and friendly reception at this office but times change, it seems.

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My immigration guys are great - happy and smiling and really helpful - and not a single hint of backhanders. smile.png

Many thanks for that number jpinx - I'd be very interested if you could share any personal experience of using it or if you know anyone who has.

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Hi Always18

I find your report strange ... in that it is vastly different to my experiences at the same office -- which has always been very helpful on any visits I have made for reporting (about 2 weeks ago) ... and extensions.

I wonder why did not arrive with all the photocopies in hand ?? It is a requirement --- no? Other offices simply tell you to go away and come back when you have the correct paperwork.

When they actually do these copies for you ----- do you really expect it to be done for free??

I simply wanted to offer an entirely different view of an office that is (for me) both helpful and prompt. I did not notice if they smiled at me or not.

I have never been informed that a med. cert. is required.

I am always asked (demanded sad.png ) to sign all photocopies. I don't recall if my wife was asked to provide signed ID card.

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Hi Always18

I find your report strange ... in that it is vastly different to my experiences at the same office -- which has always been very helpful on any visits I have made for reporting (about 2 weeks ago) ... and extensions.

I wonder why did not arrive with all the photocopies in hand ?? It is a requirement --- no? Other offices simply tell you to go away and come back when you have the correct paperwork.

When they actually do these copies for you ----- do you really expect it to be done for free??

I simply wanted to offer an entirely different view of an office that is (for me) both helpful and prompt. I did not notice if they smiled at me or not.

I have never been informed that a med. cert. is required.

I am always asked (demanded sad.png ) to sign all photocopies. I don't recall if my wife was asked to provide signed ID card.

It is Thailand everyone has a different experience, mine have always been good

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The service fee is not unusual at many immigration offices when they make photocopies for applicants. The alternative could have been to send you away to make copies on your own, thus delay your application process. The requirement for a copy of the wife's ID and TB was likely for address verification (many offices now want this.) I am surprised they did not ask for a copy of your wife's report of foreigner staying at her home since some offices are now doing so. All in all, your report is sounds like the immigration offers were acting reasonable. Better luck next time and maybe check the local requirements ahead of time.

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Although you thought that you had the 'required' documents you should also be aware that the Immigration Officer is entitled to request any further documents, that he decides are necessary, in order to process your application.

Also even if you provide everything asked for there is no right to an extension, it is still provided at their discretion.

Ref the additional copies the charge was probably 100 baht. They could have sent you away to get them instead. That could well happen next year.

Ref the 'what if I was single', they might have requested documents to prove you lived at the address claimed.

Next year the staff may have changed, if you are lucky.

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In any bureaucracy in any country you will have officious twits (to be generous) and you will have people who are happy to help you...and everything in between. How would you feel if you were in England or the US (or name the English speaking country) and had to spend the day working with a bunch of idiots that were in your country and weren't even able to communicate in the language. I think the people we meet and work with here do a pretty good job, all things considered.

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In Pathum Thani they want the gf book or id so that they have proof of residence. Heck last year i did to bring her adn they simply phoned her and told her to scan her book and send it to them.

I always get photocopies done there it is just as easy and I feel like I am helping employ one lady who photocopies. Even if she is nto there and i use her machine i leave the 10B a page on the machine.

It is just being nice. When i do my 90 day i immediately go to the front of the line Their choice not mine. I am in and out in a shorter time than my cabbie to get a drink LOL.

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My immigration guys are great - happy and smiling and really helpful - and not a single hint of backhanders. xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.TZt5dYe8BC.webp

Which office?

Actually, helpful, no hints of backhanders, and quite professional in Udon. Last year, They sent me away to get an updated copy of a bank statement...Mine was a day early, and then called me to the front of the queue when I got back from the bank. A few guys here have told me Nong Khai used to be an uncomfortable experience.

Pity about you experience in Sisaket. Better luck next year.

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I would have just rolled with it, even the extra 100 baht. At least you got your extension.

Try taking your wife to the UK or the US and what you did was a cake walk.

Sorry to rain on your parade, but sometimes you have to "go along to get along." 100 baht?

Have taken my wife and step-daughters to the UK. NO hassle if you meet the requirements and get everything right for presentation at UKBA.

Edited by Anon999
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My immigration guys are great - happy and smiling and really helpful - and not a single hint of backhanders. smile.png

Same here in Khon Kaen. Went today had all the right copies of everything and more. Apart from the 3 people in front of me that seemed to think that they should just turn up with the wrong paperwork that held up the que for a consierable time it took 3 minutes.

Lesson to be learned ...

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The service fee is not unusual at many immigration offices when they make photocopies for applicants. The alternative could have been to send you away to make copies on your own, thus delay your application process. The requirement for a copy of the wife's ID and TB was likely for address verification (many offices now want this.) I am surprised they did not ask for a copy of your wife's report of foreigner staying at her home since some offices are now doing so. All in all, your report is sounds like the immigration offers were acting reasonable. Better luck next time and maybe check the local requirements ahead of time.

Sadly, like several other posters, you seem not to have read my original posting properly before making your vacuous comments.

I clearly stated that I arrived with photocopies of ALL my passport pages - there is no requirement for copies of any other documents.

The office staff did NO copying except for my wife's ID card which is NOT required for a retirement extension.

There is NO requirement for my wife to report a "foreigner" staying at her home since we had it built together many years ago and have lived there as man and wife ever since - in short it has been recorded as my home address on many, many occasions.

If you think my posting describes immigration officers "acting reasonably" then there really is no point in further comment from me.

As I said previously the Immigration Officer is entitled to ask for any additional documents. There is no such thing as fixed requirements. Also your wife (or the house owner) is required to file a TM30 to officially report a foreigner staying, although this is often not enforced. The fact that you had the house built together and have both used this as your address is not relevant. No TM30 then not officially reported. I do not agree with it but that is the way bureaucracy works.

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The service fee is not unusual at many immigration offices when they make photocopies for applicants. The alternative could have been to send you away to make copies on your own, thus delay your application process. The requirement for a copy of the wife's ID and TB was likely for address verification (many offices now want this.) I am surprised they did not ask for a copy of your wife's report of foreigner staying at her home since some offices are now doing so. All in all, your report is sounds like the immigration offers were acting reasonable. Better luck next time and maybe check the local requirements ahead of time.

Sadly, like several other posters, you seem not to have read my original posting properly before making your vacuous comments.

I clearly stated that I arrived with photocopies of ALL my passport pages - there is no requirement for copies of any other documents.

The office staff did NO copying except for my wife's ID card which is NOT required for a retirement extension.

There is NO requirement for my wife to report a "foreigner" staying at her home since we had it built together many years ago and have lived there as man and wife ever since - in short it has been recorded as my home address on many, many occasions.

If you think my posting describes immigration officers "acting reasonably" then there really is no point in further comment from me.

Sadly we only get to hear one side of the argument .

All I can add is that over many years I have NEVER experienced anything such as you describe !

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Although you thought that you had the 'required' documents you should also be aware that the Immigration Officer is entitled to request any further documents, that he decides are necessary, in order to process your application.

Also even if you provide everything asked for there is no right to an extension, it is still provided at their discretion.

Ref the additional copies the charge was probably 100 baht. They could have sent you away to get them instead. That could well happen next year.

Ref the 'what if I was single', they might have requested documents to prove you lived at the address claimed.

Next year the staff may have changed, if you are lucky.

"At their discretion"? What's wrong with the Thai government making up the rules and criteria for ex pats to live in their country, instead of allowing IOs to suit themselves according to what side of the bed they get out of?

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I have also had a similar experience with the Chiang mai spousal visa investigation section.They became enraged because I said mentioned to them that contrary to what they were telling me the first officials I had dealt with had said something completely different(as we have all experienced)."Which officials -which officials they demanded ,which beet red faces and angry scowls-"Like how many officials are there here dude-you dont know the two women that work in the front-three yards away from your desk"however I just kept my mouth shut, but the longer I remain here I am seeing more and more of this very strong enviousness of we foreigners which is bubbling just below that thin venner of friendliness.Some Thais are just so envious of foreigners they can barely contain themselves as if we are the cause of all their problems.Also people who are in a weak position or suffering from some inferiority complex always love to Lord it over anyone else they might find to be in a weaker position under them.

Actually I am also quite fed up with the tight regulations here on we foreigners and therefore I am looking for another similar place to move to in Asia if anyone knows of such a place.Why should I be even afraid to accept some money in our shop or be afraid that someone might report me for sweeping the floor.That fascist type control is disgusting,when my wife recieved her PR in Canada she was free to work-do business-open accounts etc.etc.immediately and it took only a few short months to recieve the PR,not three years before we could even apply for it,no envelopes or foot dragging to encourage an offer of some cash under the table or constantly being told there is another fee to pay.(nickel and diming)and even the PR fee wasnt that much.Also no one would even think of charging a THai person more for any item than any other Canadian would pay,SO if anyone has any experience in other Asian countries where we might be more welcomed and freer I would welcome your input.Cheers..

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Although you thought that you had the 'required' documents you should also be aware that the Immigration Officer is entitled to request any further documents, that he decides are necessary, in order to process your application.

Also even if you provide everything asked for there is no right to an extension, it is still provided at their discretion.

Ref the additional copies the charge was probably 100 baht. They could have sent you away to get them instead. That could well happen next year.

Ref the 'what if I was single', they might have requested documents to prove you lived at the address claimed.

Next year the staff may have changed, if you are lucky.

"At their discretion"? What's wrong with the Thai government making up the rules and criteria for ex pats to live in their country, instead of allowing IOs to suit themselves according to what side of the bed they get out of?
I think you will find that the immigration officer in pretty well every country has, by law, the discretion to allow/disallow any application. Piss them off at your peril.
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