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The Bangkok Banana Thief!

Hardened Spanker

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I am the proud owner of 3 banana trees. One was given as a house warming present. I am longing for the day I can walk outside into the garden and pluck my own. Any idea how long I have to wait? It won't be as long a wait as I have for my durian. The one year old tree was savagely broken in half by my 45 kg golden retiever. I managed to bandage it and there still is some life. But the seller said I have to wait at least 5 years before it fruits, possibly 10 years.

I bought a banana yesterday from Family mart and was shocked it was 8 baht. Pretty fine one though. The best banana I ever had was in Rajasthan. It was pink and 10 times the price of the yellow ones. Ever seen them here?

My retriever is vicious with other dogs but hopeless as a gurd dog. When my garden flourishe, I'll have to get a pit bull or similar. Maybe some extra CCTV cameras. Last week, I got a 1 year old Boston Bull terrier but when it was let loose there was a bloody fight with the retriever and we had to take him back - seemed such a nice thing when we saw it first but totally changed it's spots when it came to a square go.

Sorry for your loss.

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I had a similar experience. I have two papaya trees growing in my front yard. Now the house next door to me is vacant and no goes there but about 2 weeks ago a generic crazy person in the soi........we all usually have one if you live in a rural town started crashing/relaxing in this houses area. Hopefully not for taking drugs! As soon as see hears me and my family stirring in the house she runs away to her mums house up the soi. Anyway, back to my papayas. I was told by my very good friend that if I watered them naturally; i.e. piss at the base of the tree the papayas will flourish. Now I don't like papaya but my wife and her family love them so as a doting husband I would piss on the trees in turn daily. Last week the taller tree (6ft high) was prime for picking but we were busy that day. In the morning 2 of the biggest/fattest papayas were gone and the overgrown grass on the vacant house was flattened. I hope that the crazy soi bi%^h chokes on my piss enhanced grown papaya seeds. All joking!! This did happen, I was just surprised that someone would do this so openly and without shame. After 9 yrs of the LOS I am still surprised by peoples actions. :-)

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The bananas were leaning over the fence and into the road. It was not on your property, so it was free for anyone to take them that wanted them. The lady may sue you for calling her a thief.

I'm suprised that no one has said they saw an African eating a bunch of bannanas down on nana plaza...facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

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The bananas were leaning over the fence and into the road. It was not on your property, so it was free for anyone to take them that wanted them. The lady may sue you for calling her a thief.

I'm suprised that no one has said they saw an African eating a bunch of bannanas down on nana plaza...facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

Why would anyone say that ?

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