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Breaking point in Thailand


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How did you live for 13 months without electricity? Or, just the meter was busted, and he's calling unjust because the bill was averaged from last year?

If you are relying now on the kids bringing back 10 baht a day for rice to feed the family, who is paying the electric bill? Who is paying the rent? How are you charging the laptop? Why have you not sold the computer for food money? Not sure if it's all paid and food comes last???

As far as working goes, he's disabled in agonizing pain daily and on medication, so bouncing around to teaching jobs may not be a good option.

Hard to believe the brother would be trying a backshot with him right there in the house. Sounds like they have a tree outside and land, a small apartment would surely be cheaper.

It is possible to scissor a beard and pluck with tweezers if it comes to that. You can also sharpen a kitchen knife and shave with that. Takes time to put it together, but if your just sitting around anyhow? Would be cheaper then razors over here.

Starting @ 15:30 he has some mannerisms that suggest he may be mentally ill.

Edited by donniereadit
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The very first impression I had was how can a guy be serious about finding work in Bkk with a beard? Did he run out of razors? As I suffered through his rant I failed to here him accept any responsibility for his situation in fact all I heard him say was "it's not my fault" as other poster have written failing to plan is planning to fail. A 3,000 dollars savings after 16 yrs is proof of that.

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$3000 savings after 16 yrs of work = average annual savings of $187.

No one to blame but himself. Can't people even teach English online nowadays? :huh: I've heard it's a big thing with Koreans. I think people earn $10-20 an hour. Not a lot, but if stuck he could try to get 4-6 hours a day. 2000b a day would help him, but some people can't help themselves, can they, it's everybody else's fault.

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OK From this vid i got the impression that:

A. he lost his job

B. he has a medical condition that has messed up his back which makes doing anything difficult (including keeping wife happy at night)

C. He is at least concerned and pissed off enough to complain.

his kids going to school is not a big issue. The government schools will look after that.

the razor. I am sure that his wife or mother can get him one and that the kids can get a pair of scissors.

There is o way until he gets his act right that he is going to be teaching. There are enough pissed off and bitter peopel in the world and Thai schools do not want them.

i hope he can do what he said he would and start to look for help inside.

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Hard to feel sorry for Judd ...he should be out walking every day to lose weight and inprove his health. Walking is Free.

I used Bar soap to wash my hair too .....I own a house and have a nice pension.

Stop Whining...you are not stuck here .....you just want a handout here.

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How is he not literally stuck if he wants to leave but doesn't have the money for a ticket for himself much less his entire family? Yes in a case like this push will come to shove at immigration extension time. People like this can end up in Thai prison. Talk about stuck.

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I agree with one of the posters above about why it's not such a big deal that he has to wash his hair with bar soap. So what? It's not like he has to make himself look sharp for work. And as far as not being able to afford a razor, check out his older videos. He's got a lot of facial hair then too. And finally, Unless he's recently lost 10 kilos, I don't believe that all he's eaten for the last month is rice, green papaya and soy sauce. You can't see his whole body in the video, but from his upper torso you can see he extremely overweight.

There are people in this world who are deserving of a hand up or even a hand out. In my opinion this guy is not one of them. He needs to quit feeling sorry for himself, get off of youtube, and go find a job.

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Gandalf the trolls are getting wiser and more cunning. They are using the great evil social media u tube to wreak havoc on

the simple and easy folk of the TVshire and with Bilbo going off and making of all things movies. Those Baggins!

It's been months now since there was any good pipe weed in our midst.facepalm.gif

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I agree with one of the posters above about why it's not such a big deal that he has to wash his hair with bar soap. So what? It's not like he has to make himself look sharp for work. And as far as not being able to afford a razor, check out his older videos. He's got a lot of facial hair then too. And finally, Unless he's recently lost 10 kilos, I don't believe that all he's eaten for the last month is rice, green papaya and soy sauce. You can't see his whole body in the video, but from his upper torso you can see he extremely overweight.

There are people in this world who are deserving of a hand up or even a hand out. In my opinion this guy is not one of them. He needs to quit feeling sorry for himself, get off of youtube, and go find a job.

Fantastic!! I bet he wakes up thinking this sort of thing everyday and not about getting back on his feet.

The default Thai Visa response to a crisis. A spanking short haircut, a good bath, nice shiny shoes...and all will be fine....

Feeble. I wouldn't have liked you next to me in the trenches. You'd have been too busy ironing or plucking your eyebrows....

Just like Major Warbouys always used to say; "Nothing looks quite so bad if your creases are sharp". A real Stickler for creases was Maj. Warbouys....

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A woman's husband had been slipping in and out of a coma for several months, yet she had stayed by his bedside every single day. One day, when he came to, he motioned for her to come nearer. As she sat by him, he whispered, eyes full of tears, "You know what? You have been with me all through the bad times. When I got fired, you were there to support me. When my business failed, you were there. When I got shot, you were by my side. When we lost the house, you stayed right here. When my health started failing, you were still by my side. You know what?"

"What dear?" she asked gently, smiling as her heart began to fill with warmth.

"I think you're bad luck."

Hahahahahahahaha! Good one!

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Yeah 3K USD wouldn't wipe out most of us, but there is an amount that WOULD wipe out most of us.

I for one would not argue that, and in general in most cases I think "there but for the grace of God go I".....but there is a LOT in this that does not quite gel...

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It gels well. People decline. Nothing new in that. Maybe seeing it so raw on youtube is the part that rubs oddly.

As far as his unpleasant lashing out at the world. That's kind of a normal human response. Not attractive but understandable.

Again, it may be a somewhat newish thing in the world for people to broadcast their dirty laundry this way on the net. But again other than that part, nothing new or surprising.

Edited by Jingthing
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Being "forced" to keep 400,00 or 800,00 baht in the bank for visa extension doesn't sound like a bad idea now, does it?

Could buy food, pay the rent, power or an airfare to go somewhere to get a job. At least it gives some breathing space to make a rational decision if things do go pear shaped.

One question - how did he manage to stay here the past few years with no money? Doing something a little naughty with immigration paperwork?

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Being "forced" to keep 400,00 or 800,00 baht in the bank for visa extension doesn't sound like a bad idea now, does it?

Could buy food, pay the rent, power or an airfare to go somewhere to get a job. At least it gives some breathing space to make a rational decision if things do go pear shaped.

One question - how did he manage to stay here the past few years with no money? Doing something a little naughty with immigration paperwork?

Not all are forced to keep 400 or 800 k in the bank you can also get the extension based on a monthly income, one suspects those who can hold 800k in an account are a bit more solvent

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Southpeel, maybe Judd's situation should be a wake-up call to many people on here.

Basic financial planning states that you should have a minumum of 3 months salary (not living expenses) in cash in a savings account at all times. That could cover emergency medical expenses, ticket home, etc. In a country like Thailand with no safety net or family close by, I would increase that to at least 6-12 months salary.

Also, in tough situation you could hopefully dramatically cut your living costs, so that 6 months salary should be able to stretch 8 months to a year, or even longer if you downsized your place. And that's with absolutely no income. Supplementing that with English teaching or odd/temp jobs you could go even longer, or if after a few months you realize you're not going to get another job then you have some tough choices to make - go back home, go back to school, etc.

That is the bare minimum. If someone is not able to save that, they are spending too much or living above their means, or should have never come here in the first place.

Somehow, Thai immigration has this figured out, why can't we?

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Yes, no one knows what fate has in store for them, and in theory everything could go south for me tomorrow. But if I were to find myself in such a state where I was relying on my children to bring home 10 baht from school so that my wife could buy rice, I can assure you that I wouldn't be spending time posting videos on youtube complaining about having to wash my hair with bar soap.

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He claims to have nothing. Lets have a whip round and send him to some of the villages up North. He will learn a lesson in what having nothing means,

His phone battery died - but he had enough cash to buy another one a month ago. Spare me.

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Yes, no one knows what fate has in store for them, and in theory everything could go south for me tomorrow. But if I were to find myself in such a state where I was relying on my children to bring home 10 baht from school so that my wife could buy rice, I can assure you that I wouldn't be spending time posting videos on youtube complaining about having to wash my hair with bar soap.

You say that but he might might make some cash from that. Maybe some bleeding heart who saw him on youtube will actually help him! Not likely, but within the realm of possibility. Frankly he doesn't appear very employable in his emotional state and remember that foreigners are quite limited in what work they can take in Thailand.

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