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Yeha right......

But do you know if Canada managed to export this flour here to Thailand somehow? Maybe between a load of asbestos and the other they bring here, squeezed in some containers.

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Sorry to disagree, but a simple search it will show that the Manitoba is a "super-flour" which is very different from the rest, which make it perfect for some baking product which requires many days of work.

If it was so easy to recreate it, the rest of the world would just do that instead to go trough the hassle of importing it.

It's like asbestoes and cement, the first give you cancer for sure, with the second it might be a little harder...

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Food question belongs in the food forum

But just as an FYI Manitoba flour is super refined flour, you can try mixing cake flour and regular flour ot achieve the same results


The key feature of this flour is that it's exceptionally strong, having a high gluten content, making it very good for bread. Cake flour is the total opposite, so mixing cake flour with regular flour just wouldn't work.

Never seen Manitoba flour here. I used imported Australian bread flour from Villa and get good results.

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