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My Changing Preconceptions on "Real" Thai People

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What a freaking bore. The way OP writes as if there aren't any materialistic people from the west when it's the west that built capitalism and all the material trappings. Remember charging an arm and a leg for a bag all because it has a logo called "prada" on it or "lois vuitton" all of this came from the west and western ppl buy them and so do ppl from other countries rather than a similar bag from a flea market.

I find it rather silly and presumptous of OP to make such statements like thai ppl worship rich people what about the sports ppl like david beckham or kobe? What about rock stars and singer? These ppl are worshipping by millions of common sheep in the west.

I'll give it though that western ppl have a way of making everything seem more noble even though they behave exactly the same way as ppl in thailand.

Let's take a person donald trump. Rich guy behaves just like every rich guy the world over. Has women and knows how to control his underlings etc. Yet i am willing to bet ppl here think donald trump somehow is a more "noble" or a better person than a rich hi so thai person similar to him all because trump is a western guy.

Sounds really stupid but that's how people like you think.

You set up your reply with your first sentence "the OP writes as if.. blah, blah, blah" seems like you just wanted to "bore me" with your ranting about capitalism and brand marketing in the West. The post is not about that and I need no education on it, the West wasn't mentioned once,,, read the post again if it is not too freaking boring for you.

The whole point of my post is that there are a lot or preconceptions about Thai's in that they accept people because of their money irrespective of everything / anything else that they do,, call it face or social standing,, don't care. Are you not aware of these preconceptions? I have been told this before and seen it written countless times on posts and in other places.

However, after being here just over a year my preconceptions are changing.

It was my gentle, first posted topic and thank you for coming out of the woodwork to post such an entertaining reply.

Oh please get off your high horse. I wrote about the west to show to you that people all over the world behave like that. You think ppl in the west don't act that way towards a rich person? Have you seen a particular meme showing a fat man and a skinny model like female holding hands and it had something to do with money. Both of them were farang. Take an mtv show last time called mtv cribs where they showed you the homes of these actors and actresses and singers and most of them didn't really have much talent but got so much money and were worshipped because of it.

In fact i believe one should have a bigger preconception that western ppl love ppl with money compared to other countries but they just have a better way of hiding it or disguising it and act like they are more "noble".

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ultimate weapon. what you had to say was mostly good. then you fell off the deep end. started pointing finger at man of great achievement. man you judge with never even talking with him. he is part of my peer group though graduated from different military academy than I. you meant well but ended up being the pot that called the kettle black. what we say as closing statement rings louder than whatever we may have said before. no disrespect implied or intended. that is how gentlemen of all races, colors and creeds speak with one another, Sir.

Man of great achievement? Who?


What a freaking bore. The way OP writes as if there aren't any materialistic people from the west when it's the west that built capitalism and all the material trappings. Remember charging an arm and a leg for a bag all because it has a logo called "prada" on it or "lois vuitton" all of this came from the west and western ppl buy them and so do ppl from other countries rather than a similar bag from a flea market.

I find it rather silly and presumptous of OP to make such statements like thai ppl worship rich people what about the sports ppl like david beckham or kobe? What about rock stars and singer? These ppl are worshipping by millions of common sheep in the west.

I'll give it though that western ppl have a way of making everything seem more noble even though they behave exactly the same way as ppl in thailand.

Let's take a person donald trump. Rich guy behaves just like every rich guy the world over. Has women and knows how to control his underlings etc. Yet i am willing to bet ppl here think donald trump somehow is a more "noble" or a better person than a rich hi so thai person similar to him all because trump is a western guy.

Sounds really stupid but that's how people like you think.

You set up your reply with your first sentence "the OP writes as if.. blah, blah, blah" seems like you just wanted to "bore me" with your ranting about capitalism and brand marketing in the West. The post is not about that and I need no education on it, the West wasn't mentioned once,,, read the post again if it is not too freaking boring for you.

The whole point of my post is that there are a lot or preconceptions about Thai's in that they accept people because of their money irrespective of everything / anything else that they do,, call it face or social standing,, don't care. Are you not aware of these preconceptions? I have been told this before and seen it written countless times on posts and in other places.

However, after being here just over a year my preconceptions are changing.

It was my gentle, first posted topic and thank you for coming out of the woodwork to post such an entertaining reply.

Oh please get off your high horse. I wrote about the west to show to you that people all over the world behave like that. You think ppl in the west don't act that way towards a rich person? Have you seen a particular meme showing a fat man and a skinny model like female holding hands and it had something to do with money. Both of them were farang. Take an mtv show last time called mtv cribs where they showed you the homes of these actors and actresses and singers and most of them didn't really have much talent but got so much money and were worshipped because of it.

In fact i believe one should have a bigger preconception that western ppl love ppl with money compared to other countries but they just have a better way of hiding it or disguising it and act like they are more "noble".

I didn't make any references or comparisons with the West and I don't need an education on Western culture from you, but as you keep ignoring this and repeating the same pointless comparison,,,,, I cannot imagine in my country having an elected government so plagued with nepotism and a convicted criminal in self exile being taken seriously by anyone no matter how wealthy he was. This is an example of what I mean by revered no matter what they do. This is a big difference to some wealthy nobody on MTV cribs who is followed by teenagers for his/her 5 minutes of fame.

Are you not aware of the reputation so often published about Thai people? It has been debated on this forum many times.

The whole point of my post is that I am getting to know Thai people better and I am changing my preconceptions and I gave an example of a local man that I admire very much. That's it, nothing more, no Western culture comparison, no high horse.

So, if you are going to reply with yet more poor, vague examples of Western culture please don't bother.


Thanks to the op. Nice post on TV (for once?). Yes nice Thai people exist but it takes time to meet them.

As some other posters, i found my pleasant place to live being in the countryside. Amazed to see how some people lead their lifes : wake up at 3am, go sell at the market, 8am go to day job, finish day job around 4pm and go sell bbq till 9pm. That girl in particular doesn't do it only for money but because she likes it (she could stop easily 1 of the 3 jobs and still have a decent living). Her husband work in the city (80km) and comes back when his work allows him to. Just a normal Thai family like many others.

From my expetience, life in big cities get more "international" compared to Thai style : stress, anonymity, competition and crimes. That's why i ended up in the mountains, as at home but with good Thai vibes.

I'm not generalizing, just giving an opinion based on my time spent in Thailand.



I love it!!!!....OP writes a nice story about a decent human being.....and the TV snakes come out to find some fault....

I'm new to TV but it appears there are many bitter, unhappy "farangs" in Thailand (and on TV)....Too bad!!!! ...I'm one of the happy ones who has met many decent Thai's (and rotten ones)...but that is nothing different than the rest of the world.

Good Post


Whilst I agree it is a nice story, I note that those who agree and provide supportive anecdotes merely mention their observances, and decline any interpersonal experiences. The story is indeed nice, but I view it as the exception more than the rule. I see what every positive thinker here sees as well, but I am not blinded by the fact that "observing the beauty of the jungle does not dismiss the many pitfalls one undertakes if they choose to navigate said jungle".

Saying that Thais are decent is about as vague and ambiguous as one can get on the matter of the larger truths and realities here in lunatic land. Getting a thrill out of Thais who wave at you and smile at you and whom you interpret as hard workers, etc. etc. is, I guess, a good thing, if that is what really "does it" for you. It "does it" for me as well, but on a much smaller scale, and I do not feel compelled to express my joy when I get smiled at or waved at or observe a down-trodden Thai who appears to be hard working.

The truly odd thing I find about this "nice" post is that one even feels compelled to make a post at all to call out such a contrasting scenario, which... according to those who agree with the OP, feel that this is an everyday thing. Were this true, then why does one feel compelled to mention the obvious, and approvingly clap hands at this celebration of mediocrity; ... all whilst name-calling those who, I feel, are a bit more wise towards the truth?

I'll grant you the time to share stories like this, simply because I enjoy them as much as anyone else. But when the story is told and it's time to get back to reality, please dispense with bludgeoning my opposing views with sordid name calling.

I sincerely appreciate the nice story, but it is time for me to turn out the lights and get some sleep before dealing with the realities of what tomorrow will bring if I am not alert, on my toes, and using the eyes in the front, back, and sides of my head, when I am walking, driving, riding, asking, requesting, searching, listening, about to hand over things of value, etc. and etc. Those realities, in my view, are emphatically more relevant to daily living here than merely regaling people with what I have been observing.

All my respect to the OP.wai2.gif

You "sincerely appreciate the nice story" and yet keep negating it. I, for one, don't mind reading about the "obvious" if it's a nice story. Very often in life we need to be reminded of the obvious ... which can easily be forgotten because its ... well ... obvious.

You are being obtuse, intentionally, yes? I am not negating anything. I am using my intelligence and wisdom to separate the issues. There is nothing wrong with being able to separate the issues. In fact, it is a sign of a healthy and well-adjusted individual. Why you did not see that; moreover, why not many of these posters seem to be able to see that is quite possibly what makes this such a contention.

The man being described in the OP has been observed to have a behavior which brings delight to the author of the OP. The OP itself is a very very small microcosm in the entire scheme of things; one pine tree in a huge forest.

The very real problems which exist in Thailand and its culture are around us every day. This is too obvious to mention even here, and it is people being obtuse who turn this OP into an argument and compel people with some of my views to feel compelled to have to bring up reality.

I see a lot of nice things every day, and I am subject to nice things on occasion in Thailand; but I don't obsess about it or feel compelled to invite people to celebrate this mediocrity, which exists in a sea of lunacy.

The man seems nice. This observance is witnessed from a distance, and it is not expressed from an interpersonal view, but rather instead from an objective view. It is pointless to split hairs over an objective observance.

I saw a Thai man scratching a mangy dog's head this morning. The dog appeared to enjoy that kind act of selflessness. I am not going to make a thread about it.

Let's move on.


A very nice post, and I am sure there are many more of him in Thailand.

Unfortunately, we foreigners tend to attract certain Thai people who are into money, and artificial things, more than regular Thais. Therefore many of us, have more experience with that.



You are being obtuse, intentionally, yes? I am not negating anything. I am using my intelligence and wisdom to separate the issues. There is nothing wrong with being able to separate the issues. In fact, it is a sign of a healthy and well-adjusted individual. Why you did not see that; moreover, why not many of these posters seem to be able to see that is quite possibly what makes this such a contention.

The man being described in the OP has been observed to have a behavior which brings delight to the author of the OP. The OP itself is a very very small microcosm in the entire scheme of things; one pine tree in a huge forest.

The very real problems which exist in Thailand and its culture are around us every day. This is too obvious to mention even here, and it is people being obtuse who turn this OP into an argument and compel people with some of my views to feel compelled to have to bring up reality.

I see a lot of nice things every day, and I am subject to nice things on occasion in Thailand; but I don't obsess about it or feel compelled to invite people to celebrate this mediocrity, which exists in a sea of lunacy.

The man seems nice. This observance is witnessed from a distance, and it is not expressed from an interpersonal view, but rather instead from an objective view. It is pointless to split hairs over an objective observance.

I saw a Thai man scratching a mangy dog's head this morning. The dog appeared to enjoy that kind act of selflessness. I am not going to make a thread about it.

Let's move on.

Sad....Sad ....Sad...!!!!

Yes "coffee" this incident is just an observance...But is that not what a lot of that life is about. We observe and we do. The "issue" as you put it "using your intelligence and wisdom" (which I sincerely doubt exists to any extent)....is exactly about that...an observance seen in OP's life. A nice one ...told as a nice story! A heart lifting one at that. With all the crap that is going on in the world, not just Thailand, everyday (just observing) it's nice to hear a "good" story. If your really into the negative things in life (which most bitter people are) then watch the news (another observance from a commercial standpoint) 99.9% of it is about the raping and killing of the world or its people. Go for it, fulfill your life with all that negativity but I for one (as pointed out earlier) enjoyed this story and no amount of negativity from you or others is going to spoil the beautiful things in life (which I prefer to focus on more)

Good luck being a loser because that's what you sound like when you rant on about all the bad things in life and they exist too (Duhhhhh!).

Again ...Good post ...Thanks OP

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I love it!!!!....OP writes a nice story about a decent human being.....and the TV snakes come out to find some fault....

I'm new to TV but it appears there are many bitter, unhappy "farangs" in Thailand (and on TV)....Too bad!!!! ...I'm one of the happy ones who has met many decent Thai's (and rotten ones)...but that is nothing different than the rest of the world.

Good Post


Whilst I agree it is a nice story, I note that those who agree and provide supportive anecdotes merely mention their observances, and decline any interpersonal experiences. The story is indeed nice, but I view it as the exception more than the rule. I see what every positive thinker here sees as well, but I am not blinded by the fact that "observing the beauty of the jungle does not dismiss the many pitfalls one undertakes if they choose to navigate said jungle".

Saying that Thais are decent is about as vague and ambiguous as one can get on the matter of the larger truths and realities here in lunatic land. Getting a thrill out of Thais who wave at you and smile at you and whom you interpret as hard workers, etc. etc. is, I guess, a good thing, if that is what really "does it" for you. It "does it" for me as well, but on a much smaller scale, and I do not feel compelled to express my joy when I get smiled at or waved at or observe a down-trodden Thai who appears to be hard working.

The truly odd thing I find about this "nice" post is that one even feels compelled to make a post at all to call out such a contrasting scenario, which... according to those who agree with the OP, feel that this is an everyday thing. Were this true, then why does one feel compelled to mention the obvious, and approvingly clap hands at this celebration of mediocrity; ... all whilst name-calling those who, I feel, are a bit more wise towards the truth?

I'll grant you the time to share stories like this, simply because I enjoy them as much as anyone else. But when the story is told and it's time to get back to reality, please dispense with bludgeoning my opposing views with sordid name calling.

I sincerely appreciate the nice story, but it is time for me to turn out the lights and get some sleep before dealing with the realities of what tomorrow will bring if I am not alert, on my toes, and using the eyes in the front, back, and sides of my head, when I am walking, driving, riding, asking, requesting, searching, listening, about to hand over things of value, etc. and etc. Those realities, in my view, are emphatically more relevant to daily living here than merely regaling people with what I have been observing.

All my respect to the OP.wai2.gif

You "sincerely appreciate the nice story" and yet keep negating it. I, for one, don't mind reading about the "obvious" if it's a nice story. Very often in life we need to be reminded of the obvious ... which can easily be forgotten because its ... well ... obvious.

You are being obtuse, intentionally, yes? I am not negating anything. I am using my intelligence and wisdom to separate the issues. There is nothing wrong with being able to separate the issues. In fact, it is a sign of a healthy and well-adjusted individual. Why you did not see that; moreover, why not many of these posters seem to be able to see that is quite possibly what makes this such a contention.

The man being described in the OP has been observed to have a behavior which brings delight to the author of the OP. The OP itself is a very very small microcosm in the entire scheme of things; one pine tree in a huge forest.

The very real problems which exist in Thailand and its culture are around us every day. This is too obvious to mention even here, and it is people being obtuse who turn this OP into an argument and compel people with some of my views to feel compelled to have to bring up reality.

I see a lot of nice things every day, and I am subject to nice things on occasion in Thailand; but I don't obsess about it or feel compelled to invite people to celebrate this mediocrity, which exists in a sea of lunacy.

The man seems nice. This observance is witnessed from a distance, and it is not expressed from an interpersonal view, but rather instead from an objective view. It is pointless to split hairs over an objective observance.

I saw a Thai man scratching a mangy dog's head this morning. The dog appeared to enjoy that kind act of selflessness. I am not going to make a thread about it.

Let's move on.

You are using your wisdom and intelligence to over think my post. I am sure that all the posters understand your view, they just don't agree with you.

Put simply, there are a lot of posts about how Thai people behave and how they look up to people simply because they have money. This has been debated to death so no need to elaborate.

I was simply making a point that the more time I spend here the more I see a different side to the people and I gave what I think is a nice example of such. I strongly disagree that highlighting what Peace has done is celebrating mediocrity, he is a remarkable man. He is man who has little but sacrifices a lot, this is not commonplace and taking on the responsibility of raising 2 orphan girls is not comparable to a man scratching a mangy dogs head, very silly for you to suggest so.

So, please take the post for what it is and give your intellect a rest.


My Mrs opened a market stall selling clothes, I take her down there six days a week and pick her up when the market closes.

This has gone on for the last couple of months with me sometimes sitting around waiting for her to close the stall in the evening

My eyes have been opened. by the genuine friendliness, openness and generosity of the other traders.

The way that the other market traders have taken me into their circle and treated me like a really good friend has been very touching to say the least, even though i speak no Thai they have shared their food drink and yes I do mean Thai whisky in a manner that made me feel so very welcome and part of the infrastructure.

I asked my Mrs "Why are they so very friendly to me" she said its because I join in and take part!

There are of course good and bad people, if you are lucky like me then you meet most of the good uns,

Every other day I cycle 30K around lake Mabrachan in the suburbs of pattaya and meet many Thai people going about their daily tasks, smiles and greetings are the norm and because the people have got used to the old farang on the bike, always have a smile and greeting for me.

I feel very Blessed in regard to the way that I feel I am accepted by most of the Thai population

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Sounds like a familiar attempt to portray poor as good, and rich as evil. These anecdotal attempts to support ones personal bias can be emotionally moving but are not very informative or constructive. Not labeling either extreme of society as “better”, might be more constructive and less divisive.

Sounds like a familiar attempt to portray poor as good, and rich as evil

A feeling of being targeted? biggrin.png


What a freaking bore. The way OP writes as if there aren't any materialistic people from the west when it's the west that built capitalism and all the material trappings. Remember charging an arm and a leg for a bag all because it has a logo called "prada" on it or "lois vuitton" all of this came from the west and western ppl buy them and so do ppl from other countries rather than a similar bag from a flea market.

I find it rather silly and presumptous of OP to make such statements like thai ppl worship rich people what about the sports ppl like david beckham or kobe? What about rock stars and singer? These ppl are worshipping by millions of common sheep in the west.

I'll give it though that western ppl have a way of making everything seem more noble even though they behave exactly the same way as ppl in thailand.

Let's take a person donald trump. Rich guy behaves just like every rich guy the world over. Has women and knows how to control his underlings etc. Yet i am willing to bet ppl here think donald trump somehow is a more "noble" or a better person than a rich hi so thai person similar to him all because trump is a western guy.

Sounds really stupid but that's how people like you think.

What a freaking jerk, have a bike or car accident and who are the first people to help (Thai's), Look like you are having problems on the street and a Thai will try to help. What I have found is that these expats who live here become so egotistical and angry that this crap is all they know how to respond to a heart felt piece. Get a life dude and stop being who you are. A farang jerk.


What a freaking bore. The way OP writes as if there aren't any materialistic people from the west when it's the west that built capitalism and all the material trappings. Remember charging an arm and a leg for a bag all because it has a logo called "prada" on it or "lois vuitton" all of this came from the west and western ppl buy them and so do ppl from other countries rather than a similar bag from a flea market.

I find it rather silly and presumptous of OP to make such statements like thai ppl worship rich people what about the sports ppl like david beckham or kobe? What about rock stars and singer? These ppl are worshipping by millions of common sheep in the west.

I'll give it though that western ppl have a way of making everything seem more noble even though they behave exactly the same way as ppl in thailand.

Let's take a person donald trump. Rich guy behaves just like every rich guy the world over. Has women and knows how to control his underlings etc. Yet i am willing to bet ppl here think donald trump somehow is a more "noble" or a better person than a rich hi so thai person similar to him all because trump is a western guy.

Sounds really stupid but that's how people like you think.

You sir, are a buffoon!

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I was standing, and reading on a moving walkway at the airport recently and didn't notice the end approaching. I fell off and much to my embarrassment several Thais came rushing over to help me, and wanted to know if I was OK and did I want a wheelchair. I was fine, and I don't think this would be different from anywhere else.


What a freaking bore. The way OP writes as if there aren't any materialistic people from the west when it's the west that built capitalism and all the material trappings. Remember charging an arm and a leg for a bag all because it has a logo called "prada" on it or "lois vuitton" all of this came from the west and western ppl buy them and so do ppl from other countries rather than a similar bag from a flea market.

I find it rather silly and presumptous of OP to make such statements like thai ppl worship rich people what about the sports ppl like david beckham or kobe? What about rock stars and singer? These ppl are worshipping by millions of common sheep in the west.

I'll give it though that western ppl have a way of making everything seem more noble even though they behave exactly the same way as ppl in thailand.

Let's take a person donald trump. Rich guy behaves just like every rich guy the world over. Has women and knows how to control his underlings etc. Yet i am willing to bet ppl here think donald trump somehow is a more "noble" or a better person than a rich hi so thai person similar to him all because trump is a western guy.

Sounds really stupid but that's how people like you think.

What a freaking jerk, have a bike or car accident and who are the first people to help (Thai's), Look like you are having problems on the street and a Thai will try to help. What I have found is that these expats who live here become so egotistical and angry that this crap is all they know how to respond to a heart felt piece. Get a life dude and stop being who you are. A farang jerk.

I am helping the thai ppl if you read my post.


What a freaking bore. The way OP writes as if there aren't any materialistic people from the west when it's the west that built capitalism and all the material trappings. Remember charging an arm and a leg for a bag all because it has a logo called "prada" on it or "lois vuitton" all of this came from the west and western ppl buy them and so do ppl from other countries rather than a similar bag from a flea market.

I find it rather silly and presumptous of OP to make such statements like thai ppl worship rich people what about the sports ppl like david beckham or kobe? What about rock stars and singer? These ppl are worshipping by millions of common sheep in the west.

I'll give it though that western ppl have a way of making everything seem more noble even though they behave exactly the same way as ppl in thailand.

Let's take a person donald trump. Rich guy behaves just like every rich guy the world over. Has women and knows how to control his underlings etc. Yet i am willing to bet ppl here think donald trump somehow is a more "noble" or a better person than a rich hi so thai person similar to him all because trump is a western guy.

Sounds really stupid but that's how people like you think.

What a freaking jerk, have a bike or car accident and who are the first people to help (Thai's), Look like you are having problems on the street and a Thai will try to help. What I have found is that these expats who live here become so egotistical and angry that this crap is all they know how to respond to a heart felt piece. Get a life dude and stop being who you are. A farang jerk.

I am helping the thai ppl if you read my post.

Not really, my post was about how I am seeing Thai people and it is in no way against them, in fact to the contrary. Your post looks more like slagging off Western people in which there was no mention in my post. Looking at how many people have responded to your post I would give it up if I were you.


That's a hear warming story from the OP and a reminder of how amazingly selfless some people can be. Good news stories seldom get the press they deserve.

I think in truth these stories are more common that we might imagine; my wife and I know a Thai couple in Pattaya, by no means wealthy, who have raised an abandoned boy as their own and who I have seen take kids in for short periods, feeding them and giving them a place to stay while their parents have gone off the rails.

I suspect these stories are more common in urban areas where families are stressed more.

Certainly time and time again the world over, people near the bread line more readily offer help and compassion to those in need around them.

Unless somebody points it out, or we witness the transition as the child is moved into these families we might never know it is happening around us, so thank you OP for sharing a nice story.


There are many people like the person you mentioned in Thailand, as many Falang's live in tourist cities where there is a big Falang population they just never get to meet them. I live in a village of caring people always helping each other , those type of caring people are in the majority, I am quite happy that I chose to live in a rural rice growing village and live among such great caring people!


I agree, but you are very wrong to say this compassion does not exist and is not witnessed by foreigners in 'tourist cities'. As I have said above, I have witnessed something very similar in Pattaya.

sssshhhhhhh here's a secret……. Thai people I'm Thailand's tourist cities are …. Thai people too.

Quite a large proportion of them come from and eventually return to those quiet villages…. sometimes not alone!

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