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fat (in diet to keep saturated)


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I have found that if i take 4 eggs fried without butter or oil in a pan i am hungry faster as when I take 3 eggs 3 slices of bacon and some Dutch cheese. Now I am figuring its the fat that keeps me full longer (talking hours longer i actually feel too full to eat my lunch at my normal time)

Now because i'm not convinced that bacon is that great for me I am planning on finding some of that ground cocos (from coconuts) I have seen it at markets.

Does anyone have any remarks about this or where to get this instead of on a market.

It must be the fat, as the protein content is about the same.

Oh with both egg meals i dont take any bread.

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yes true, but the question is if you could achieve the same time if you (just example)

drink some good coffee for wake up (no sugar no milk).

Than eat (half or complete hour later)

3 eggs and (for example) a nice tomato/cucumber salad (almost no energy but makes full and tastes good (for me).

than when the time of hunger comes a glass of 0 % fat milk + some good tasting protein powder.

That would gain (maybe) the same time but at less fat.

My theoretic idea: keep away with the carbohydrates. Live on protein and fat. Supply the protein over the food, supply the fat from the stock on the belly.

No ban of fat in the food, but keeping it low.....

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I read more then a few books on low carb. One book by Garry Taubes good calorie bad calorie.

I am as of yet undecided as going to zero carbs but the book had some nice things but ultimately like all other books he only used stuff that supported his book while he said he would look at it from all points. He did not.. and most of the research was not that great the statistics could be looked at differently.

But I do believe and have found that i loose weight and fat better at low carb then high carb.

You can't go real low carb and not up your fats too it would almost be impossible to get it all from proteins. I believe in some good fats that is why i was talking about the cocos fat as that is a good one opposed to fat from bacon.

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Bacon and eggs will keep you going longer I reckon than just the eggs no argument there but bacon is not a food that you should consume very often.

I dont see a problem just eat more often nothing wrong with that at all.

As for carbs too many people are taking the low carb thing way too far.

You need carbs and goods carbs like oats and brown rice add nutritional benefits to the diet.

Better to eat these carbs than to succumb to cravings that will have you eating bad carbs.

I dont know many people who can satisfy their carb intake purely from veggies.

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Bacon and eggs will keep you going longer I reckon than just the eggs no argument there but bacon is not a food that you should consume very often.

I dont see a problem just eat more often nothing wrong with that at all.

As for carbs too many people are taking the low carb thing way too far.

You need carbs and goods carbs like oats and brown rice add nutritional benefits to the diet.

Better to eat these carbs than to succumb to cravings that will have you eating bad carbs.

I dont know many people who can satisfy their carb intake purely from veggies.

Tolley, i know bacon is not a good food... that is why i am looking for a replacement. I am just thinking that fats also play a part in keeping me less hungry. I believe i need to up my good fats and fat from coconuts seems to fit that bill.

I am also thinking people are taking low carbs to the extreme. I just read that book because i want to know about stuff before writing it off.

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Bacon and eggs will keep you going longer I reckon than just the eggs no argument there but bacon is not a food that you should consume very often.

I dont see a problem just eat more often nothing wrong with that at all.

As for carbs too many people are taking the low carb thing way too far.

You need carbs and goods carbs like oats and brown rice add nutritional benefits to the diet.

Better to eat these carbs than to succumb to cravings that will have you eating bad carbs.

I dont know many people who can satisfy their carb intake purely from veggies.

Tolley, i know bacon is not a good food... that is why i am looking for a replacement. I am just thinking that fats also play a part in keeping me less hungry. I believe i need to up my good fats and fat from coconuts seems to fit that bill.

I am also thinking people are taking low carbs to the extreme. I just read that book because i want to know about stuff before writing it off.

Well you could have avocoado for example with your eggs that might sustain you a bit longer but unltimately I dont think you will get the same results as you would with the bacon.

My point i guess is why even bother trying to sustain for so long just eat something as you get hungry like raw nuts or seeds etc until you next main meal.

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Bacon and eggs will keep you going longer I reckon than just the eggs no argument there but bacon is not a food that you should consume very often.

I dont see a problem just eat more often nothing wrong with that at all.

As for carbs too many people are taking the low carb thing way too far.

You need carbs and goods carbs like oats and brown rice add nutritional benefits to the diet.

Better to eat these carbs than to succumb to cravings that will have you eating bad carbs.

I dont know many people who can satisfy their carb intake purely from veggies.

Tolley, i know bacon is not a good food... that is why i am looking for a replacement. I am just thinking that fats also play a part in keeping me less hungry. I believe i need to up my good fats and fat from coconuts seems to fit that bill.

I am also thinking people are taking low carbs to the extreme. I just read that book because i want to know about stuff before writing it off.

Well you could have avocoado for example with your eggs that might sustain you a bit longer but unltimately I dont think you will get the same results as you would with the bacon.

My point i guess is why even bother trying to sustain for so long just eat something as you get hungry like raw nuts or seeds etc until you next main meal.

I think in a way you are right.. i mean the bacon might be much more caloric as taking an other meal and obviously less healthy. The thing is I think im not getting enough fat from my diet. Some say you need 30% of your calories from fat (more if your low carb). I think i get a lot less.

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I read more then a few books on low carb. One book by Garry Taubes good calorie bad calorie.

I am as of yet undecided as going to zero carbs but the book had some nice things but ultimately like all other books he only used stuff that supported his book while he said he would look at it from all points. He did not.. and most of the research was not that great the statistics could be looked at differently.

But I do believe and have found that i loose weight and fat better at low carb then high carb.

You can't go real low carb and not up your fats too it would almost be impossible to get it all from proteins. I believe in some good fats that is why i was talking about the cocos fat as that is a good one opposed to fat from bacon.

Well my posting was a bit unclear....

First of all not really "no carbs" just very low (you automatically get a few...if it is over the carrots or the no fat milk).

Than I think only if you want to rapid loose weight, not for a stable holding weight or slowly loosing it.

And of course you still need some fat. But eggs aren't exactly fat free.

Without looking into the book....if I recall right the bacon fat (pork fat) is way better than the cocos fat which is one of the worse. Can't recall but that is what I remember in the last few remaining brain cells from university. Cocos fat is almost complete saturated and pork fat somehow in the medium range. (but don't believe me unless you double checked, could be that my memory cells have a short circuit somewhere).

My understanding (might be wrong, but what I believe).

If you go very low on the carbs for an extended period, your body uses way less sugar and replaces most of it with ketone bodies.

the remaining sugar comes from splitting Amino acids, from the small amounts you still eat and a small amount from the Glycerin in the fat.

When you now reduce fat intact than there is still no shortage as the body has enough to mobilize and take more from the belly without major problems.

(of course considering that you still have the essential fat acids a fat solvable vitamins).

That is the way I try it:

Step one: reduce carbohydrates to very low (not zero)

step two: reduce on the fat

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I read more then a few books on low carb. One book by Garry Taubes good calorie bad calorie.

I am as of yet undecided as going to zero carbs but the book had some nice things but ultimately like all other books he only used stuff that supported his book while he said he would look at it from all points. He did not.. and most of the research was not that great the statistics could be looked at differently.

But I do believe and have found that i loose weight and fat better at low carb then high carb.

You can't go real low carb and not up your fats too it would almost be impossible to get it all from proteins. I believe in some good fats that is why i was talking about the cocos fat as that is a good one opposed to fat from bacon.

Well my posting was a bit unclear....

First of all not really "no carbs" just very low (you automatically get a few...if it is over the carrots or the no fat milk).

Than I think only if you want to rapid loose weight, not for a stable holding weight or slowly loosing it.

And of course you still need some fat. But eggs aren't exactly fat free.

Without looking into the book....if I recall right the bacon fat (pork fat) is way better than the cocos fat which is one of the worse. Can't recall but that is what I remember in the last few remaining brain cells from university. Cocos fat is almost complete saturated and pork fat somehow in the medium range. (but don't believe me unless you double checked, could be that my memory cells have a short circuit somewhere).

My understanding (might be wrong, but what I believe).

If you go very low on the carbs for an extended period, your body uses way less sugar and replaces most of it with ketone bodies.

the remaining sugar comes from splitting Amino acids, from the small amounts you still eat and a small amount from the Glycerin in the fat.

When you now reduce fat intact than there is still no shortage as the body has enough to mobilize and take more from the belly without major problems.

(of course considering that you still have the essential fat acids a fat solvable vitamins).

That is the way I try it:

Step one: reduce carbohydrates to very low (not zero)

step two: reduce on the fat

Yes that was what was originally thought about fat from coconuts but they revised it or at least that is what i have read.

I have read on ketone diets too.. i tried even. I am still not sure about it but I am sure about one thing and that is that i like low but not zero carbs for weightloss.

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I read more then a few books on low carb. One book by Garry Taubes good calorie bad calorie.

I am as of yet undecided as going to zero carbs but the book had some nice things but ultimately like all other books he only used stuff that supported his book while he said he would look at it from all points. He did not.. and most of the research was not that great the statistics could be looked at differently.

But I do believe and have found that i loose weight and fat better at low carb then high carb.

You can't go real low carb and not up your fats too it would almost be impossible to get it all from proteins. I believe in some good fats that is why i was talking about the cocos fat as that is a good one opposed to fat from bacon.

Well my posting was a bit unclear....

First of all not really "no carbs" just very low (you automatically get a few...if it is over the carrots or the no fat milk).

Than I think only if you want to rapid loose weight, not for a stable holding weight or slowly loosing it.

And of course you still need some fat. But eggs aren't exactly fat free.

Without looking into the book....if I recall right the bacon fat (pork fat) is way better than the cocos fat which is one of the worse. Can't recall but that is what I remember in the last few remaining brain cells from university. Cocos fat is almost complete saturated and pork fat somehow in the medium range. (but don't believe me unless you double checked, could be that my memory cells have a short circuit somewhere).

My understanding (might be wrong, but what I believe).

If you go very low on the carbs for an extended period, your body uses way less sugar and replaces most of it with ketone bodies.

the remaining sugar comes from splitting Amino acids, from the small amounts you still eat and a small amount from the Glycerin in the fat.

When you now reduce fat intact than there is still no shortage as the body has enough to mobilize and take more from the belly without major problems.

(of course considering that you still have the essential fat acids a fat solvable vitamins).

That is the way I try it:

Step one: reduce carbohydrates to very low (not zero)

step two: reduce on the fat

Yes that was what was originally thought about fat from coconuts but they revised it or at least that is what i have read.

I have read on ketone diets too.. i tried even. I am still not sure about it but I am sure about one thing and that is that i like low but not zero carbs for weightloss.

Just had a quick look on google:

Coconut fat, is almost only saturated fat, while pork fat has a lot unsaturated fat acids.

So if you don't look at the cholesterol and your job isn't cutting trees in Novosibirsk the coconut fat isn't good.

I don't like the word ketone diet much...it sounds like an artificial thing. But we all (in Europe, might be different in tropic area with all the fruits and bananas all the year around) lived all the time on a ketone diet before we learned farming. If you eat what you get in the forest in Europe (mouse, rabbit, worms, roots, with luck some deer, insects...fat+protein+only small amounts of carbohydrates), you are on very low carbohydrates all the year beside autumn. In autumn the body get carbohydrates and try to store fat fast for winter.

If you eat very little, no matter what, you are on ketone bodies. It is just like the taxis that can go with gas or gasoline. The body can go on sugar or on ketone bodies. The brain can shift 70-80 % of the energy usage from sugar to ketone bodies. The heart always prefers ketone bodies and can run 100 % on it.

Ketone bodies are the way to make fat water solvable and use it as general fuel and save the sugar for sprints, short time high power usage. Basically the ketone bodies are when you run in the New Holland Diesel tractor mode. And the sugar you use as 98 Octane Super Plus fuel, if you need the turbo. If you don't eat carbohydrates the body produces them out of protein.

With farming, we switched to always Super Plus Carbohydrate fuel. But the body has still the switch to switch between both operation modes.

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This is a topic that I have had great interest in. About a year ago I read the book Wheat Belly by Dr. Bill Davis. That led me to other readings, and podcasts. I believe I know more about nutrition and healthy eating now that I ever have. I wish I’d had this information 40 years ago. Eating a low carb diet with lots of healthy fats is the way to go for optimal health. I have cut wheat completely out of my diet and cut way back on carbs and sugars. I’ve since lost my belly fat, got rid of many aches and pains, practically cured my chronic sinusitis, improved my sleep, restored my energy and improved my mood. I eat lots of animal fats -- full fat raw milk, cheese, homemade yogurt (easy to make), eggs, fatty pork and beef, and chicken. I try and get these products organic when I can.

Just last night I listened to a fascinating talk by Dr Barry Groves who devoted his life to the research of nutrition. He makes a very convincing case for why we should eat fat. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/undergroundwellness/2013/07/19/eating-the-fat-with-dr-barry-groves-1936-2013.mp3

I suspect that many member of Thaivisa are of the age where cholesterol is a concern. If you are one, I recommend you consider reading a book called Cholesterol Clarity by Jimmy Moore and Dr. Eric Westman. It is a real eye opener into the multi-billion dollar statin drug industry and has information on recent research that is likely change how the medical profession will look at cholesterol.

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This is a topic that I have had great interest in. About a year ago I read the book Wheat Belly by Dr. Bill Davis. That led me to other readings, and podcasts. I believe I know more about nutrition and healthy eating now that I ever have. I wish I’d had this information 40 years ago. Eating a low carb diet with lots of healthy fats is the way to go for optimal health. I have cut wheat completely out of my diet and cut way back on carbs and sugars. I’ve since lost my belly fat, got rid of many aches and pains, practically cured my chronic sinusitis, improved my sleep, restored my energy and improved my mood. I eat lots of animal fats -- full fat raw milk, cheese, homemade yogurt (easy to make), eggs, fatty pork and beef, and chicken. I try and get these products organic when I can.

Just last night I listened to a fascinating talk by Dr Barry Groves who devoted his life to the research of nutrition. He makes a very convincing case for why we should eat fat. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/undergroundwellness/2013/07/19/eating-the-fat-with-dr-barry-groves-1936-2013.mp3

I suspect that many member of Thaivisa are of the age where cholesterol is a concern. If you are one, I recommend you consider reading a book called Cholesterol Clarity by Jimmy Moore and Dr. Eric Westman. It is a real eye opener into the multi-billion dollar statin drug industry and has information on recent research that is likely change how the medical profession will look at cholesterol.

I had a lot of acne like places under my hair for years...it complete disappeared now.....

The usual cholesterol approach: Doctor takes blood (in some cases not even on an empty stomach, instead after lunch), take the total cholesterol value (not split in the different cholesterol), gives you the tablets to reduce that value.

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