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UK police say no conspiracy in Princess Diana's death


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by James Valles

LONDON, ENGLAND (BNO NEWS) -- There is "absolutely no credible evidence" to suggest the UK's Special Air Services (SAS) played a role in the deaths of Princess Diana and her boyfriend Dodi Al Fayed, according to the results of a three-month police investigation released on Tuesday.

The allegations received on August 16 claimed members or former members of the SAS had some involvement in the fatal 1997 Paris car crash which killed the couple and their driver Henri Paul. But authorities now say that contradictions exist with the accounts provided, concluding that the investigation yielded no factual information to warrant the re-opening of a criminal investigation.

"Every reasonable line of inquiry was objectively pursued in order to fully evaluate any potential evidence," the Metropolitan Police Service, better known as Scotland Yard, said in a statement. Police officials stand by their 2008 inquest, which found that the couple had been unlawfully killed by "the gross negligent driving" of their driver and other vehicles.

As part of the "scoping" review, investigators personally examined all relevant Special Forces Directorate records and took eight statements. "This has confirmed that for the material time period, there was no relevant operation, assignment, intelligence gathering or deployment that had any links to Paris, and no evidence to support a claim that there was any involvement of The Special Air Service Regiment in any plot to cause the deaths," the statement went on.

The investigation also ruled out the existence of a much talked about "black box" and found no new relevant information.

(Copyright 2013 by BNO News B.V. All rights reserved. Info: [email protected].)

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I doubt the stupid conspiracy theories will ever end. It's part and parcel of the forces in the world that will sieze on any chance to vent their hate of the British,we should ignore their sickness,it's meaningless!

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I doubt the stupid conspiracy theories will ever end. It's part and parcel of the forces in the world that will sieze on any chance to vent their hate of the British,we should ignore their sickness,it's meaningless!

I don't understand this part. Americans loved Diana. She was like a rock star when she visited. The same is true of Kate and William. The whole country stops and all of the front page news turns to them, and it's all good - even gushing.

I have seen almost nothing seriously written about any conspiracy. Our news reported that Diana wasn't wearing a seat belt, that the car was going very fast, that alcohol was perhaps involved, and that they were trying to escape invasive reporters. The car hit some large concrete support and was demolished.

Americans mourned. RIP Diana.

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I doubt the stupid conspiracy theories will ever end. It's part and parcel of the forces in the world that will sieze on any chance to vent their hate of the British,we should ignore their sickness,it's meaningless!

I don't understand this part. Americans loved Diana. She was like a rock star when she visited. The same is true of Kate and William. The whole country stops and all of the front page news turns to them, and it's all good - even gushing.

I have seen almost nothing seriously written about any conspiracy. Our news reported that Diana wasn't wearing a seat belt, that the car was going very fast, that alcohol was perhaps involved, and that they were trying to escape invasive reporters. The car hit some large concrete support and was demolished.

Americans mourned. RIP Diana.

Yes! most people would agree your summary of Diana's death,which is the same verdict from the inquest. But the conspiracy theorists persist in the dirty deeds line,and how the Royal Family was involved from the top down,these people are the same ones that choose to believe the Americans hoaxed the world,and never landed the first space ship on the moon. Sad bunch of people really! who wouldn't believe you had a cold if your nose was running!

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Classic clusterf__k...paranoid, controlling father orders drunken driver to take son and girlfriend home against advice of bodyguard.

Too fast, too drunk, not wearing safety belts, result 3 dead and the only person strapped in, walks, albeit crocked.

Since then dad has waged a campaign to shift the blame from his shoulders. Luckily, unlike LOS, money cannot buy a "result", so we have one conspiracy theory after another, all funded by a man who bears responsibility for the death of his son an his girlfriend.

Tragic, yet so utterly avoidable. "Follow the money....."

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Princess Diana might have been pregnant. On that scenario, then it all falls into place.

Read David Icke for a more reasoned explanation.

Good f'ing grief. Diana had access to a discrete abortion so many places in the world, but it was much easier to crash a car while not wearing a seatbelt, kill a couple of people and risk killing the driver. All this while being followed by the press.

Waiter! Tin foil hats all around, please!!!

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Most of the conspiracies were among British people and people from Commonwealth countries.

But they don't generate enough revenue so the plague has spread to the US, where still 61% of people think JFK was murdered in a conspiracy. Always a great market for nonsense...

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JFK is not Diana. Many Americans aren't familiar enough with the royal family to come up with a good conspiracy theory. Read about them, yes, believe them, maybe, but this one came out of the UK, by and large.

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JFK is not Diana. Many Americans aren't familiar enough with the royal family to come up with a good conspiracy theory. Read about them, yes, believe them, maybe, but this one came out of the UK, by and large.

JFK, Princess Diana... all grist to the BS mill, and irrespective of the origin of conspiracy hokum, the major market that generates the required return is the US. The downside of being a nation of believers rather than doubters...

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I prefer David's website.

The only person to survive was military and gone quiet now. Too quiet!!!

Yes! and no doubt had he (her guardian) been Special Branch,or SAS on Secondment,you would have said the same.And that is the beauty of Conspiracy Theories,there's always a get out clause for weak arguments,so that the game of placing doubt in peoples minds can be played,and proliferate ongoing paranoia amongst the ranks! of the Theorists.

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JFK is not Diana. Many Americans aren't familiar enough with the royal family to come up with a good conspiracy theory. Read about them, yes, believe them, maybe, but this one came out of the UK, by and large.

Actually there are some major similarities...

Both f'ed up by dysfunctional parents and backgrounds. Huge and over ambitious expectations foundered on massive personality flaws, both saved from ignominy by early deaths allowing ludicrous attempts to beatify two sad, dysfunctional human beings.

The really tragic thing is that their "beatification" underlines the pathetic need for many people to cling on to artificial substitutes and assembled mythology, rather than face less pleasant realities....

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"But authorities now say that contradictions exist with the accounts provided, concluding that the investigation yielded no factual information to warrant the re-opening of a criminal investigation."

Am I reading that correctly? I would have thought that if contradictions existed with the accounts provided, then that WOULD warrant some further investigation.

Unfortunately, no autopsy was conducted on Lady Di to determine cause of death, toxicology, or if she was pregnant.

As with most conspiracy theories, powerful individuals involved with this incident and a questionable police investigation just add fuel to claims of a cover up.

RIP Diana.

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Princess Diana might have been pregnant. On that scenario, then it all falls into place.

Read David Icke for a more reasoned explanation.

Yea right! David Icke,The guy that was a presenter for Westward Television (Cornwall, UK) had a nervous breakdown.And then spent years gathering disciples around him who made up his sect,who where in touch with aliens,dressed in a multi coloured shell suit.and he wrote many books on the supernatural as a true belief.And was a well known frequently publicised whacko,who alledgedly barely escaped being committed to an asylum. I can't be bothered to look him up,but i'm sure Wiki will have plenty to say on this Loony Tune,who has made his fortune being a Nut Job!

What is David Icke's TV tag?

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JFK is not Diana. Many Americans aren't familiar enough with the royal family to come up with a good conspiracy theory. Read about them, yes, believe them, maybe, but this one came out of the UK, by and large.

JFK, Princess Diana... all grist to the BS mill, and irrespective of the origin of conspiracy hokum, the major market that generates the required return is the US. The downside of being a nation of believers rather than doubters...

I just spent sometime looking on the internet and it seems that most of the conspiracy theories about her death originate from the UK.

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MAJIC, on 18 Dec 2013 - 03:05, said:

I doubt the stupid conspiracy theories will ever end. It's part and parcel of the forces in the world that will sieze on any chance to vent their hate of the British,we should ignore their sickness,it's meaningless!

The stupid conspiracy theories came out of your media.

Specially the newspapers so they could sell more papers.

As about hating the British....you are sooooo wrong......don't cry we all LOVE you.

Kiss kiss

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Anyone that can't see the convenience in Diana being taken out has got to have their eyes welded shut.

The same people who assert that conspiracy theorists are nut jobs are the ones who believe AlQuaida took down the WTC on 9/11/01 and that the US govt are squeeky clean despite all the evidence to the contrary and the smoking gun of the invasion of Iraq and the WMD lie plus the convenient erosion of citizen rights via unconstitutional "laws' being introduced such as Patriot Act, DHS, TSA etc etc. Only now, 50 years after JFK are people starting to accept the fact that the CIA took him out as he posed a threat to the Federal Reserve hijacking of US currency and wealth. He tried to correct the self confessed error that Woodrow Wilson made in 1913 and it cost him his life. He was also opposed to US escalation in Vietnam and threatened to blow the CIA into a "million pieces".

Back to Princess Diana. She had more than once snubbed her nose at royal protocol and the aristocracy and was becoming somewhat of an unstoppable rebel in that regard. As the mother of William she was set to become the mother to the King of England who also is the head of the Church of England and yet she was arranging to marry a Muslim.

Call me a conspiracy theorist if you will but before you do that,.. just follow the smoking gun trail, and the money and power trail and it all fits together.

Was it not convenient that the car crash occurred in a tunnel and not in broad daylight?

Of course Scotland Yard and Mi5 will eventually conclude that no foul play was at hand.

Meanwhile,.. whilst ever their are enough sheeple that follow and believe in the mainstream media and news then there will never be any hope for the truth as it's squashed before it ever gets the chance to take its first breaths!

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Princess Diana might have been pregnant. On that scenario, then it all falls into place.

Read David Icke for a more reasoned explanation.

Do what?

The man who believes in shapeshifting lizard men?!


And all this tosh about Dodi being a muslim, he was a coke-sniffing playboy.

And his Dad made all his money taking backhanders while running Bahrain customs in the early days of the Gulf oil boom. And put up a statue of Michael Jackson at Fulham football club.

They're all barking.

Bottom line is they let a pissed up chauffeur drive at high speed after a night out. Possibly the paps weaving in and out contributed to the accident, but bumped off?

To quote Frankie Boyle: ‘I thought it was sad that they had that concert for Princess Diana I mean she didnt have much to do with pop music , they should have have done something that celebrated what was really great about her life … by staging a gang bang in a minefield.’

Get your tin foil hats on, whackos.

Edited by Chicog
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Once, while visiting Belize in Latin America, I was standing with some black reggae guys. It was right after Di died, and they were talking vigorously about how it was murder by English agents. I asked why they thought that. The lead rastafarian said, "It was because her boyfriend was a black man." I mentioned that Egyptians weren't black, but that's about as far as the conversation went, as a horn sounded, indicating time to board the ferry to Cay Caulker.

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Anyone that can't see the convenience in Diana being taken out has got to have their eyes welded shut.

The same people who assert that conspiracy theorists are nut jobs are the ones who believe AlQuaida took down the WTC on 9/11/01 and that the US govt are squeeky clean despite all the evidence to the contrary and the smoking gun of the invasion of Iraq and the WMD lie plus the convenient erosion of citizen rights via unconstitutional "laws' being introduced such as Patriot Act, DHS, TSA etc etc. Only now, 50 years after JFK are people starting to accept the fact that the CIA took him out as he posed a threat to the Federal Reserve hijacking of US currency and wealth. He tried to correct the self confessed error that Woodrow Wilson made in 1913 and it cost him his life. He was also opposed to US escalation in Vietnam and threatened to blow the CIA into a "million pieces".

Back to Princess Diana. She had more than once snubbed her nose at royal protocol and the aristocracy and was becoming somewhat of an unstoppable rebel in that regard. As the mother of William she was set to become the mother to the King of England who also is the head of the Church of England and yet she was arranging to marry a Muslim.

Call me a conspiracy theorist if you will but before you do that,.. just follow the smoking gun trail, and the money and power trail and it all fits together.

Was it not convenient that the car crash occurred in a tunnel and not in broad daylight?

Of course Scotland Yard and Mi5 will eventually conclude that no foul play was at hand.

Meanwhile,.. whilst ever their are enough sheeple that follow and believe in the mainstream media and news then there will never be any hope for the truth as it's squashed before it ever gets the chance to take its first breaths!

Sheeple also follow conspiracy theorists,because it fits in nicely with their extreme beliefs,and paranoia sickness!

Edited spelling correction.

Edited by MAJIC
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Anyone that can't see the convenience in Diana being taken out has got to have their eyes welded shut.

The same people who assert that conspiracy theorists are nut jobs are the ones who believe AlQuaida took down the WTC on 9/11/01 and that the US govt are squeeky clean despite all the evidence to the contrary and the smoking gun of the invasion of Iraq and the WMD lie plus the convenient erosion of citizen rights via unconstitutional "laws' being introduced such as Patriot Act, DHS, TSA etc etc. Only now, 50 years after JFK are people starting to accept the fact that the CIA took him out as he posed a threat to the Federal Reserve hijacking of US currency and wealth. He tried to correct the self confessed error that Woodrow Wilson made in 1913 and it cost him his life. He was also opposed to US escalation in Vietnam and threatened to blow the CIA into a "million pieces".

Back to Princess Diana. She had more than once snubbed her nose at royal protocol and the aristocracy and was becoming somewhat of an unstoppable rebel in that regard. As the mother of William she was set to become the mother to the King of England who also is the head of the Church of England and yet she was arranging to marry a Muslim.

Call me a conspiracy theorist if you will but before you do that,.. just follow the smoking gun trail, and the money and power trail and it all fits together.

Was it not convenient that the car crash occurred in a tunnel and not in broad daylight?

Of course Scotland Yard and Mi5 will eventually conclude that no foul play was at hand.

Meanwhile,.. whilst ever their are enough sheeple that follow and believe in the mainstream media and news then there will never be any hope for the truth as it's squashed before it ever gets the chance to take its first breaths!

Sheeple also follow conspiracy theorists,because it fits in nicely with their extreme beliefs,and paranoia sickness!

Edited spelling correction.

Is that best you can do?.... LAME!

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