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Protest leader Suthep defies DSI chief's orders


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I just think that Abbisit and Yinglak have been in about the same amount of time (I mean long enough for the Thai people to know them both) so now it's time to let the Thai people vote for who they want wether Thaksin is behind Yinglak or not, it's up to the paople and I hope whoever gets in is given a chance.

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Someone asked what crimes Suthep has commited, well here is the only one needed;

The King Of Thailand signed a ruling that an Election will take place on February 2nd then Suthep says "No this will not happen. We need to postpone this".

Another poster mentioned that Yinglak gave her brother his passport to leave. Are you serious? What did she have to do with that? Please elaborate.

I think to many are comparing the present to the past (Abbisit to Thaksin) but they should only worry about the "now" as the past is just that. Every Politician around the world is corrupt so just elect the one that will do more for the majority of the population and you have a winner.

Abbisit to Thaksin = Ngu Ngu Plah Plah

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I always wondered how Tharit managed to stay in his position after the PTP were elected to power. Don't forget, circa 2010 he was the scourge of the red shirts and PTP. Hunting the demonstrators, locking them up, going after money trails that financed the red rallies, backing up the army's attempted whitewash re the killing of demonstrators etc etc.

Now of course he's become something similar towards the opposite side. It's like he's some kind of a-political civil servant - just a tool (of whichever government is in power), but I've been told the real reason he prevails is that in his position, he has simply been able to gather too much dirt on all sides. Enough to make them all a tad wary of rocking his boat.

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Being a foreigner (I'll use the international description) I should stay out of this. But, I can't help but wonder why anyone would allow a Maoist fanatical, perhaps even perhaps worse than that, who is clearly guilty of Treason, under more laws than I can count, to be allowed to continue to organize mobs, disrupt the lives of all the descent people in Thailand and take the food from the mouths of those that rely on tourism dollars to feed their children.

I have grown to care a lot for the Thai people I have met and would hate to see them fall under a dictator.

Please put this sadistic, uncaring, self serving maniac in a padded room with no windows or doors.

bloody hell, another thaksin/red shirt blow in. when will we see an end to these fakes. I am not a yellow shirt lover but I do want to see Thailand be sensibly run, suthep is not the one to do it but his protest has gained some swing towards a possible better country. All these new blow ins that are purely in here to promote thaksin and the red shirts are bullshit, TV is fast becoming an extension of red propaganda. Everyone has an opinion(and entitled to it) but when we see these newbies that are only promoting reds/attacking anyone that doesnt back thaksin you have to wonder what the hell is happening on these forums. You want to push your views then put up your reasoning/proof of what you say, by the way, they are saying tourism is up with the protest, not going down, you are full of shit.

Interesting; Your comment "everybody has an opinion (and is entitled to it) BUT when we see these newbies etc" so you're really saying this chap does not deserve an opinion because he's a "newbie" and a fake? When somebody has an alternative view to you they are a Thaksin/redshirt (but you are not a yellow shirt supporter) and when they voice that alternate view the whole of TV is an extension of red propoganda, then because his opinion does not match yours he's full of sh!t. Wow he's met his intellectual match with you.... He has to put up reasoning proof to what he says and then you quote "by the way, THEY are saying tourism is up with the protest"... reasoning/proof? So many different opinions on that topic how do you know who to believe or have you some kind of connection with "they"?

It's one thing to start a new account but you can usually spot these idiots by their 'I should stay out of this but..', 'I'm neutral to this but...', 'I'm not a red supporter but...'

Ahh...yet another representative of the Taxin Vengence police deciding that any poster with a different view to theirs is an idiot. I am neutral. I am not anyone's side because nobody is on my side and that includes idiots like you.

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Re; the earlier "foreigners shouldn't really say this but" stuff, if you have property / business / family here, then tihs kind of news is information is not only vitally important to you, it affects you directly and it is very much your business if the country you are invested in is imploded for whatever reason, or becomes run by (amazing as it may sound) a worse regime than we have ever seen before.


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Someone asked what crimes Suthep has commited, well here is the only one needed;

The King Of Thailand signed a ruling that an Election will take place on February 2nd then Suthep says "No this will not happen. We need to postpone this".

Another poster mentioned that Yinglak gave her brother his passport to leave. Are you serious? What did she have to do with that? Please elaborate.

I think to many are comparing the present to the past (Abbisit to Thaksin) but they should only worry about the "now" as the past is just that. Every Politician around the world is corrupt so just elect the one that will do more for the majority of the population and you have a winner.

Abbisit to Thaksin = Ngu Ngu Plah Plah

My goodness your Thai is good - I'm deeply impressed!

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Seems hard to file insurrection charges against him if all he is doing is leading protests to delay the election's that are with in the law. If it was illigal to delay the election then they would have a case to stand on.

In filing these charges it is the PTP's way of saying we do not want to reform. The government is saying we want to keep up with the same corrupt system.

Do you really think that is true when he advocates occupation and damage off government offices, demonstrators on both sides

have died and he advocates against democracy. Do you really thing he experienced an epiphany and wants to end political corruption

or is it more likely he wants to seize power because as he says " the farmers don't understand who they should be voting for"

Of course he is guilty, the question is can it be proved in a court of law. His past experience would indicate he is to well connected

to be convicted.

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I always wondered how Tharit managed to stay in his position after the PTP were elected to power. Don't forget, circa 2010 he was the scourge of the red shirts and PTP. Hunting the demonstrators, locking them up, going after money trails that financed the red rallies, backing up the army's attempted whitewash re the killing of demonstrators etc etc.

Now of course he's become something similar towards the opposite side. It's like he's some kind of a-political civil servant - just a tool (of whichever government is in power), but I've been told the real reason he prevails is that in his position, he has simply been able to gather too much dirt on all sides. Enough to make them all a tad wary of rocking his boat.

Yes, those who're accusing him of being Thaksin's lackey obviously don't recall the time he was doing exactly the same on behalf of Abhisit and Suthep. He knows which side his bread is buttered.

'but I've been told the real reason he prevails is that in his position, he has simply been able to gather too much dirt on all sides' - probably something to this as well. Thailand's J. Edgar Hoover?

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Who is protecting this moron ? In a normal country he would be behind bars for obstructing the law.

I wonder who stands behind this all ....

Anyone have a clue ???


yes, i do. but if i tell you i have to kill you.

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Just when you thought Thaksin was crazy look at this idiot !!!

Does he think he is above the law and rulings of the King and the Thai government?

First he was to be indicted for murder but said he was busy leading a rally which could also leave more dead.

Now he is defying the DSI's ruling to show up on Dec 26th and is also whining about having their bank accounts frozen.

This just keeps getting better every day !!

I guess when I was falsly charged here I should have just said NO I will not show up to sign in.

That appears to be the point. Do the DSI and their Thaksin lackey leader actually have the power to make "rulings" like this? Are they abusing their power as charged?

If the courts find against Tarit will he be dumb enough to refuse to accept it, like PTP? That would be funny seeing has he's supposed to be part of the justice departmentwhistling.gif

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I always wondered how Tharit managed to stay in his position after the PTP were elected to power. Don't forget, circa 2010 he was the scourge of the red shirts and PTP. Hunting the demonstrators, locking them up, going after money trails that financed the red rallies, backing up the army's attempted whitewash re the killing of demonstrators etc etc.

Now of course he's become something similar towards the opposite side. It's like he's some kind of a-political civil servant - just a tool (of whichever government is in power), but I've been told the real reason he prevails is that in his position, he has simply been able to gather too much dirt on all sides. Enough to make them all a tad wary of rocking his boat.

Yes, those who're accusing him of being Thaksin's lackey obviously don't recall the time he was doing exactly the same on behalf of Abhisit and Suthep. He knows which side his bread is buttered.

'but I've been told the real reason he prevails is that in his position, he has simply been able to gather too much dirt on all sides' - probably something to this as well. Thailand's J. Edgar Hoover?

I thought that too. He aspires to be like J.Edgar. I guess we'll see the quality of his files as times goes on. I does remind me more of Himmler - weasely with files on everyone and all the dirt safely locked away to make sure nothing happens to him.

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It's funny reading any comments about anyone breaking the law here and not being arrested. What law? It appears to be a broken state where lawlessness is becoming more common than before. There's an almighty queue of people to arrest before Suthep and his buddies. It will not be a surprise if none of them ever face jail time.

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Being a foreigner (I'll use the international description) I should stay out of this. But, I can't help but wonder why anyone would allow a Maoist fanatical, perhaps even perhaps worse than that, who is clearly guilty of Treason, under more laws than I can count, to be allowed to continue to organize mobs, disrupt the lives of all the descent people in Thailand and take the food from the mouths of those that rely on tourism dollars to feed their children.

I have grown to care a lot for the Thai people I have met and would hate to see them fall under a dictator.

Please put this sadistic, uncaring, self serving maniac in a padded room with no windows or doors.

Yes, thats the place where the most Thais and a few foreigner like me want see Taksin, his Clan and his criminal Network. He use the rural people to take power and fill his pockets, now Thailand will need a few years to recover from his Dictatorship. Thanks Suthep...

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Being a foreigner (I'll use the international description) I should stay out of this. But, I can't help but wonder why anyone would allow a Maoist fanatical, perhaps even perhaps worse than that, who is clearly guilty of Treason, under more laws than I can count, to be allowed to continue to organize mobs, disrupt the lives of all the descent people in Thailand and take the food from the mouths of those that rely on tourism dollars to feed their children.

I have grown to care a lot for the Thai people I have met and would hate to see them fall under a dictator.

Please put this sadistic, uncaring, self serving maniac in a padded room with no windows or doors.

Thats a bit difficult. The B'ggers living in Dubai...cheesy.gif

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Who is protecting this moron ? In a normal country he would be behind bars for obstructing the law.

I wonder who stands behind this all ....

Anyone have a clue ???


When certain people in Thaland, especially we the aliens of Thailand , the foreign farang/falang and one posted recently felang, I' m waiting for a feline to drop in by the way, start to understand that there is one rule for one and another rule for others then only then will we understand that certain rules do not apply to certain people to certain people in Thailand.... It may seem chaotic to certain people but this is the way in Thailand whether you, I, or others like it or not, and nothings going to change no matter how much we aliens bleat on about it....TIT...Here endeth the first lesson...

When you learn to teach you might be able to teach us some thing. You are just Thai bashing.

TIT stands for "This Is Thailand" that means when people you don't know smile at you. It stands for the welcome we receive when we get out into Thailand. It stands for all the differences in culture. In short it is not a definition of just what you or any one else perceives to be wrong with Thailand.

When the States invaded Iraq with out reason did you say TIA

Sigh.... Another Thai apologist, if you say anything is wrong with Thailand it's perceieved as Thai bashing by some....(((((((((((((((((((((((YAWN)))))))))))))))))), time for bed me thinks ..........

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Another poster mentioned that Yinglak gave her brother his passport to leave. Are you serious? What did she have to do with that? Please elaborate.

As nobody has answered you Gone I will.

I was the one who mentioned Thaksins passport.

I said nothing about his passport to leave when he promised to return after the games, what I alluded to was his illegal passport that was returned to him.

Yingluck was the prime minister when the illegal passport was issued to her brother and hand delivered by his cousin who is also Yinglucks cousin.

As the Prime minister she had and still has, the ultimate responsibility of the actions of her Government and cabinet.

Incidentally The fact that he did not return way back then means he broke the conditions of his bail and proved that his promises are worthless.

This we have seen confirmed time and again since then.

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Being a foreigner (I'll use the international description) I should stay out of this. But, I can't help but wonder why anyone would allow a Maoist fanatical, perhaps even perhaps worse than that, who is clearly guilty of Treason, under more laws than I can count, to be allowed to continue to organize mobs, disrupt the lives of all the descent people in Thailand and take the food from the mouths of those that rely on tourism dollars to feed their children.

I have grown to care a lot for the Thai people I have met and would hate to see them fall under a dictator.

Please put this sadistic, uncaring, self serving maniac in a padded room with no windows or doors.

bloody hell, another thaksin/red shirt blow in. when will we see an end to these fakes. I am not a yellow shirt lover but I do want to see Thailand be sensibly run, suthep is not the one to do it but his protest has gained some swing towards a possible better country. All these new blow ins that are purely in here to promote thaksin and the red shirts are bullshit, TV is fast becoming an extension of red propaganda. Everyone has an opinion(and entitled to it) but when we see these newbies that are only promoting reds/attacking anyone that doesnt back thaksin you have to wonder what the hell is happening on these forums. You want to push your views then put up your reasoning/proof of what you say, by the way, they are saying tourism is up with the protest, not going down, you are full of shit.

Interesting; Your comment "everybody has an opinion (and is entitled to it) BUT when we see these newbies etc" so you're really saying this chap does not deserve an opinion because he's a "newbie" and a fake? When somebody has an alternative view to you they are a Thaksin/redshirt (but you are not a yellow shirt supporter) and when they voice that alternate view the whole of TV is an extension of red propoganda, then because his opinion does not match yours he's full of sh!t. Wow he's met his intellectual match with you.... He has to put up reasoning proof to what he says and then you quote "by the way, THEY are saying tourism is up with the protest"... reasoning/proof? So many different opinions on that topic how do you know who to believe or have you some kind of connection with "they"?

I think the OP is suggesting that it seems strange that a series of brand new posters - Magenta, Jack Rich, come to mind - seem to suddenly appear, post dozens of quick-fire, vitriolic pro-Thaksin opinions, and then disappear after a week or two. It is a strange phenomenon... maybe someone can enlighten us.

You have got it completely wrong.

These posters show up on the political boards on Thai visa ONLY when something dramatic politically occurs that may affect them and their families dramatically.

Like a coup attempt perhaps?

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Just when you thought Thaksin was crazy look at this idiot !!!

Does he think he is above the law and rulings of the King and the Thai government?

First he was to be indicted for murder but said he was busy leading a rally which could also leave more dead.

Now he is defying the DSI's ruling to show up on Dec 26th and is also whining about having their bank accounts frozen.

This just keeps getting better every day !!

I guess when I was falsly charged here I should have just said NO I will not show up to sign in.

The 'murder' charges are total bs, he was doing his job. It was in the best interests of the country to stop the rioters.

The government lost any 'legitimacy' they had when they started trying to strong arm people ( by making up bs charges to make people agree to the bs amnesty for example ) that they tried to sneak through without telling anyone then refused to accept the constitutional ruling by the constitutional court. They broke the law and wouldn't accept the constitution. THE GOVERNMENT think they are above the law so WHY should Suthep care what they want ?

The DSI are also Thaksin's lapdogs so again why should Suthep care what they say ?

He is fighting to get rid off the Shin's, Thaksin is the reason the riots in 2010 happened, the deaths are on his and his red cronies hands and he is the reason the country is in an economic black hole at the present time. He has no interest in helping the country, only himself. Take off your red blinkers and look at what is really going on...

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He goes on about Mr T not facing charges against him, But now what is he doing? double standards I think.

The fact is that this guy simply does not have the numbers to force any changes, and the dem's are struggling also

Umm... A slight correction if I may...

Thaksin: Had the approval to leave on his own recognisance, to return and face the music. He didn't. Found guilty in absentia...

Suthep: Still in the country, not yet had his day in court, he's had the approval for there to be adjournment in the indictment hearing. The powers that be know exactly where he is and can - should they so choose to - arrest him.

Hardly a case of double standards, but a nice try all the same.

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Well done to Suthep.

PTP and their controlled DSI show the world once again just how dictatorial their system is, and may I also point out how 'childish' they are.

They really do present themselves as a bunch of schoolyard bullies, and Suthep is the kid that is standing up to them time and time again, and you have to admit, he is winning every little battle in this war. He will also ultimately win the war.

I don't think he is neither a moron nor a maniac. He is just determined and winning the battle of wits at every turn, which is not that hard against a bunch of witless morons.

Well said Nibbles. It seems clear that Tarit is the one who should now be facing charges for abuse of power, with an obvious unhidden bias towards his leader in Dubai.

Suthep is in this for the long haul.

I don't think he is stupid enough to think that he can oust the Shin clan and then simply take over where they left off, so although it is common knowledge that he was far from squeaky clean in years gone by, I am of the opinion that he is now "poacher turned gamekeeper", and I see him as the beginning of new, cleaner democratic system in Thailand.

He will not be arrested, as this would bring "the mother of all storms" to Bangkok. And I don't think Tarit will ever face any legal action because he will, sooner or later, see the coming storm and slip off into the night like his beloved fugitive criminal leader...!!

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Well done to Suthep.

PTP and their controlled DSI show the world once again just how dictatorial their system is, and may I also point out how 'childish' they are.

They really do present themselves as a bunch of schoolyard bullies, and Suthep is the kid that is standing up to them time and time again, and you have to admit, he is winning every little battle in this war. He will also ultimately win the war.

I don't think he is neither a moron nor a maniac. He is just determined and winning the battle of wits at every turn, which is not that hard against a bunch of witless morons.

Are you seriously suggesting this corrupt reactionary fool should be allowed to bring down a democratically elected government?, where are you from, North Korea?

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Well done to Suthep.

PTP and their controlled DSI show the world once again just how dictatorial their system is, and may I also point out how 'childish' they are.

They really do present themselves as a bunch of schoolyard bullies, and Suthep is the kid that is standing up to them time and time again, and you have to admit, he is winning every little battle in this war. He will also ultimately win the war.

I don't think he is neither a moron nor a maniac. He is just determined and winning the battle of wits at every turn, which is not that hard against a bunch of witless morons.

Well said Nibbles. It seems clear that Tarit is the one who should now be facing charges for abuse of power, with an obvious unhidden bias towards his leader in Dubai.

Suthep is in this for the long haul.

I don't think he is stupid enough to think that he can oust the Shin clan and then simply take over where they left off, so although it is common knowledge that he was far from squeaky clean in years gone by, I am of the opinion that he is now "poacher turned gamekeeper", and I see him as the beginning of new, cleaner democratic system in Thailand.

He will not be arrested, as this would bring "the mother of all storms" to Bangkok. And I don't think Tarit will ever face any legal action because he will, sooner or later, see the coming storm and slip off into the night like his beloved fugitive criminal leader...!!

You must be blind. he wants a dictatorship here and he wants to be the dicator.

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Do you remember when (about 3 years ago) the red shirts did this same thing? That government anappointed government not elected told police and the army to open fire with live rounds and kill 90 and hyrt 1000s? Well this government a duely elected government has not done that. Now what do you say???????????????

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Do you remember when (about 3 years ago) the red shirts did this same thing? That government anappointed government not elected told police and the army to open fire with live rounds and kill 90 and hyrt 1000s? Well this government a duely elected government has not done that. Now what do you say???????????????

I say, prove that those exact words - as you typed them - were the ones used by the Government to the Military...

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Who is protecting this moron ? In a normal country he would be behind bars for obstructing the law.

I wonder who stands behind this all ....

Anyone have a clue ???


Yep. But because this is Thailand, i cannot tell you on a public Thai forum. Geddit?

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Who is protecting this moron ? In a normal country he would be behind bars for obstructing the law.

I wonder who stands behind this all ....

Anyone have a clue ???


The very same person who financed the airport closure a couple of years ago.

As sure as night follows day.... these things don't just happen without the ultimate green light.

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