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What's it really like on Koh Tao?


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I'm thinking about moving down to the islands again next year. I've visited Koh Tao a few times, but the most I've stayed is a few days before moving on. Most of my time was spent drinking and sleeping.

I was wondering what it was like to live there.

Is it too quiet? Is the internet decent? Can you buy nice meat and veg from market? Is it somewhere you could go for walks in the forest? Are there any great beaches? Etc...

If you live there I'd love to know if you enjoy it.

I'm open to other islands too.

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The residents there frequently refer to it as the Rock. Should be a clue? I would think that unless you are employed there or a avid diver on a budget, live elsewhere. Koh Tao is a great island to visit. But to actually live there? Unless you like island fever after a while i'd stay elsewhere.

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This is only me and my wifes experience of Koh Tao...............

Two hours north of Koh Samui, unless there is good weather,then expect a pleasant 2 hour cruise.

First impressions are a unspoilt bay,with nice accomodation and picturesque antiquated harbour,which has seen better days,but somehow has a certain charm.

We got a pickup to our accomodation,Bungalow,which was basic,mainly due to appealing to divers,which is what Koh Tao thrives on. Our Bungalow check in didn't tell us,Electricity was at that time restricted,and certain times on/off. off in the day,on at 6pm to 12.00 off to 6.0am probably changed by now. There are many good Restaurants around the Bay,serving fresh seafood,abd really spoilt for choice.As I have briefly touched on,this Island is mainly catering for divers,which my wife and I were not into,

Even so there is a fine Hotel and super grounds,with a nice Bar,which most of us would be happy to spend a pleasant hour or two.

Now here is my amateur review I have been waiting to tell you about. Well actually the Bungallow people ripped us off:

we were supposed to muster at the jetty at 8.30 am for the trip back to Koh Samui, Well we did just that. When we got to the Jetty it had already left thirty minutes ago,some others had also been given dodgy information,there was talk of a long boat taking us to catch the Ferry,which I knew from my Navy days,that the ferry on the horizon was 7 miles away,so the chances of catching the ferry in a longboat was zero.

At that was when I wandered up the quay and got myself a beer,ambling back not even 5 minutes later,was this drop dead James Bond launch,which had me running back along the Jetty,because they were all waiting for me.

And that wasn't the end of the surprise,this Launch went into hyper mode and lifted off the fore end. Here I must tell you,I already saw Phang Na and now (may

be I spelt that wrong)and a real James Bond Super Launch.

My wife spoilt my dreams,by telling me these guys wanted a thousand bahts for catching the the ferry,I told her 500 bahts,for a rip off,which they agreed. Next thing I knew we were along side the ferry,and the passengers were clapping us as we were climbing the rope ladder. wow! the excitement was superb. And yes I didn't know what was happening,next time I will happy to pay. And would I go back there again, yes,most certainly!

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beaches spot on !

nice place to relax. though i could not live there after a while the bordem would settle in and you shall go crazy.

Samui is the best island to live on as it is the highest in resources such as internet, electric extra.

though these surrounding islands are great for an escape of the business island of Samui.

Although Koh Tao is a lovely Island it is not practical to live on

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