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My Android Phone Chrome Keeps Reverting From English To Thai. I'll Be Back!


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Well considering almost anyone with any sense clears all their temp, cookie and cached files on shut down or browser closure (even my grandma these days knows to do this), it should be obvious that this consumer tailored attempt to think for the end user is of absolutely no use, and in fact, considering that most people cannot read other languages, can cause a massive boob!

a perfect example is with my case;

i live in thailand.

every time i open google, the page loads in Thai, which is completely unreadable for most endusers who are not Thai.

So even if i can remember visually where the search settings link is (top right in google search page), when i find the drop down list to go to change language settings, it is in Thai and unreadable, preventing me from knowing which option to select

once i try each link and finally see a load of tick boxes wit the languages to chose as default, it is still unreadable!


because the language tickbox for english does not say 'English' in english! It says 'ภาษาอังกฤษ'!!!!!

so assuming an english speaking monolingual person lives in or is in Thailand for holiday, opens his search page and had deleted cookies,the page will be unreadable.

The dumb assumption that because you are surfing the web uin arabia, means that you can read arabic proves that you google people arent thinking straight

no one wants your cookies boys, i for one at least dont.. i just want to surf the web as i wish and choose what i want myself without others resetting my choice of settings.

The real solution would be to do what you are anyway doing; cache our info on your servers not in cookies on our pc, so that when we delete cookies our search settings are not lost.

I dont believe you cant do this because;

i opened a page called hi5 where i was a member but didnt use since i changed pcs (2 pcs since i last went there)

as i went to log in.. the page automatically remembered my passwoird and log in. This is the case with a few other places i never visited with this laptop i have now.. so how in heck does my login info get kept? serverside of course.

in the end you are going to either remove the pcs ability to delete cookies a la 1984 george orwell novel, or give up trying to make us keep cookies and temp files. If i kept them my internet connection would die anyway. Often it is that i cant connect to internet unless i delete all temp files cache and cookies.. so then when i go to google my page is all in Thai, and go to msn this stupid pop up comes up in thai asking me if i ching chiong ping pong pampadopop pampu?

now how in the world will my mum know what the stupid pop up is asking nor which option to select.

I have posted about this before.

Please find a solution or stop setting things automatically to the language of that region

So. Does Anyone know how to fix this problem.

Like the Terminator, the Thai keeps coming back!

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Thank you. I'll try that.

The Chrome on windows platform allows to choose www.google.com as start up page.

Also, when on the Google search page, the offering to select google.com instead of google.en.th (or something) is there.

This no longer shows in the mobile chrome screen.

Chrome keeps reverting back, and really does not seem to rely on any bookmarks for this.

Why the default www.google.com choice is missing from the mobile chrome screen is strange.

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Nope. The Thai comes back like the Language from Hell.

I like Thai, but not when I want English.

Anyone know how to solve this?

I have nothing in "history"

The android mobile is synced to the chrome on my pc and laptop.

The Pc and Laptop have chrome installed, and do not revert to Thai.

What Nonsense and a huge waste of time.

I recall this once happened with the PC chrome installation in the past.

Help! Please.

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Just tested this for you and like most things someone has worked out how to do it before, you just have to be able to bring up the right result in a Google search...

In your Android phone settings go to Accounts, Google, Privacy-search, Accounts & Privacy and scroll to 'Search on google.com' and tick that. Exit out of settings. Open Chrome, make for example, bing.com the default engine and then search for something, anything in the search box. Then revert the default engine back to Google. Go back into Chrome again and type anything in the search box and you will get a pop-up message asking if you want to use google.com instead of your local Google engine. Say yes and you're done. You can confirm this in the settings for Chrome. I think those are all the steps I used (Android 4.1.2). Good luck :)

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Just tested this for you and like most things someone has worked out how to do it before, you just have to be able to bring up the right result in a Google search... In your Android phone settings go to Accounts, Google, Privacy-search, Accounts & Privacy and scroll to 'Search on google.com' and tick that. Exit out of settings. Open Chrome, make for example, bing.com the default engine and then search for something, anything in the search box. Then revert the default engine back to Google. Go back into Chrome again and type anything in the search box and you will get a pop-up message asking if you want to use google.com instead of your local Google engine. Say yes and you're done. You can confirm this in the settings for Chrome. I think those are all the steps I used (Android 4.1.2). Good luck smile.png

Thanks! I'll try it.

But, one would think that google would make this process simpler and more straightforward.

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1. Still, after much fooling around, the chrome on this phone keeps going back to (.th) I almost think this is intentional, maybe this is some way to get us to see more Thai ads if we are in Thailand, or something.

2. Next is fine, it works and does not keep sending me to .th

3. Tks for the Dolphin suggestion. One young lady in the uni who tutors me Thai told me she uses dolphin. 20 year olds are the ones to listen to about tech, usually. So I wll.

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1. Still, after much fooling around, the chrome on this phone keeps going back to (.th)

Did you follow kkerry's step by step directions in post #6? These worked for me, and stuck, even after a re-start..

Edited by lomatopo
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