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Pattaya Street Kid's Support Project


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I know some members of this forum do some sterling work in respect of the Aids hospice and children's orphanage run in Rayong, but I see very little publicity concerning a very worthwhile project, even closer to our door step.

The Pattayay Street Kids support project takes kids off the streets of Pattaya, gives them a home and an education - and most importantly - KEEPS THEM OUT OF THE CLUTCHES OF PEADOPHILES.

There has been so much adverse publicity concerning the seedy side of Pattaya. How about doing a little something to raise the image of the residents, and at the same time save some kids from a life of human slavery, degradation, and untold psychological suffering?


Registered Charity No. 1104335



Chairman’s Statement: (May 2006)

I would like to thank all of our supporters for their kind and very much-appreciated donations. It is only through your support that the Pattaya Street Kids Project is a success.

Over the past year we have continued to expand our school education program. Education being most important to the children by giving them a secure future, so they do not return to the streets and a life of crime, or get involved in the vice trade.

Our main project during 2006-2007 is the Koh Pai community centre, supporting the project with financial aid.

The Koh Pai project is the renovation of a community centre in the slum area that will help at risk children from 3 months to 3 years of age, suffering from severe neglect and abuse,

OUR AIMS FOR 2006-2007 ARE:

The Koh Pai community project.

To expand our education sponsorship program.

To continue to offer support for those children living on the streets of Pattaya.

Raise funds to enable The Mercy Project Street Kids’ Home to obtain larger premises.

To help support improvements at the Hauy Pong Children’s Home.

And of course run our very popular New Year Parties for the children at Hauy Pong and also the parties for the slum kids and students. It is at these parties that the children have an opportunity to meet their peers and learn how to interact socially.

Thanking you all once again.

Jim Tourle.

Charity Trustees

Treasurer’s Report

During this Financial Year the Charity Trustees have again funded all of the administration expenses themselves, which means that 100% of the money donated to the project, has been used directly for the benefit of the children we are helping.

We have continued to work closely with the Mercy Project in Pattaya and through them have increased the number of children whose education we are sponsoring. Without outside support many of these children would never be able to attend school and subsequently their future prospects would be far less bright. All of the children on our education sponsorship program not only receive full support during the school terms but also receive visits from Mercy Centre staff at their homes throughout the year to see if they or the family require further help and support.

The majority of the children come from the slums of Pattaya and it is often only at school that they receive a meal and have the opportunity to meet with children who are not slum dwellers. For this reason we have become involved with the Kohpai slum, the largest of the Pattaya slums where more than eight hundred people live in dire circumstances yet which is only a few minutes walk from some of Pattaya’s most luxurious homes and hotels. We have paid for the refurbishment of a small community centre, which will be used as a care centre for the children and also provide much needed medical care. It is anticipated that once the mothers are able to leave their children at the centre during the day the mothers will be able to find work locally and improve their circumstances and those of their families.

We have also continued our long association with the Hauy Pong Children’s home a few miles from Pattaya where some 370 children are cared for by a small but dedicated staff. Many of these children have been rescued from prostitution or working for gangs organising beggars in Pattaya, others have simply been sold or abandoned by their families through poverty. Apart from the special New Year’s Party for the kids at the home we have financed the purchase of clothing and new equipment for the home as well as meeting the cost of recreational activities outside of the home. For the kids from the streets and slums of Pattaya we financed a five-day camp in October, this took the kids away from their usual environment and gave them five days of fun, regular meals, entertainment and friendship. In March we sponsored and end of term event for all of the students on the educational program to celebrate the finish of the school year.

In December as well the New Year’s Party at the Hauy Pong Home we held Christmas parties for children from the Pattaya Street Kids Home and a few days later a party for the children and their families from the slums and yet another for all of the school students. These events present the opportunity for the children to be given new clothing and small gifts as well as giving them the opportunity to socialise with their peers. I was fortunate enough to be able to make two trips to Pattaya during this financial year, one for a month at Christmas and another a few months later for ten days. During these visits I visited all parts of the projects that we are involved with and I am delighted to report that excellent progress (albeit very hard and frustrating work) is being made and your support is helping these kids to a far brighter future.

Some of our supporters have made the trip to Thailand for a holiday and spent time either visiting their sponsored child and the family, or visiting or helping the various projects and all have found meeting the kids and the workers a very special experience. Visitors are always welcome and the kids delight in meeting new people and the opportunity to make a new friend. Many of the children are shy at first but soon find a way to overcome the language barrier and communicate with the visitor. A Mercy Centre Project worker accompanies all visitors so that the visitor can gain as much information as they wish.

We hope that you will continue to support this project in any way that you feel able to, for it is only with your continued backing that we are able to offer the kids the opportunity of a brighter future safe from the many dangers that they will otherwise face daily on the streets of Pattaya.

It is with your support that the dreams of these children can come true.

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An excellent post Mobi. I am a staunch supporter of Camillian Centre Orphanage run in Rayong by Father Giovanni.

However I do not mind donating to a charity a little closer to home in addition. Apart from the obvious trip to the Street Kids Orphanage in Pattaya do you know of a way in which one can donate online, or a payment from my bank directly to theirs?

I assume as with Rayong; clothes, toys, bikes and the like will be eagerly appreciated as well, when I have time to make a visit there also.

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An excellent post Mobi. I am a staunch supporter of Camillian Centre Orphanage run in Rayong by Father Giovanni.

However I do not mind donating to a charity a little closer to home in addition. Apart from the obvious trip to the Street Kids Orphanage in Pattaya do you know of a way in which one can donate online, or a payment from my bank directly to theirs?

I assume as with Rayong; clothes, toys, bikes and the like will be eagerly appreciated as well, when I have time to make a visit there also.

Thanks for the offer Chopper.

Please bear with me. The charity is based in the Uk, and as you can see from their annual report they channel their money and help through a number of local causes, all connected with impoverished kids in Pattaya. I do have a local contact number - but I had to send an email to England to get it.

I think this charity is missing out big time by not publicising themselves over here and soliciting local contributions, help etc, from both local resident farangs and visitors/tourists.

Maybe they think that the local farangs wouldn't be interested in helping. :o

I will see what response we get on this forum before deciding which way to go on this.

It would be nice to call the guy in the Uk and tell him I have been inundated with offers of help, and he needs to set something up over here to channel the offers :D

Lets see what the next few days brings :D

In the meantime, you can a better idea of what they're all about on their somewhat limited website.

The link is:


Click on images, then click on "Pod - the inspiration for this project"

and "Abandoned in Pattaya" - a 3 year old child.

(Downloading of pics is forbidden form this site)

If those pics don't tug at your heart strings you are a hard person indeed.

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An excellent post Mobi. I am a staunch supporter of Camillian Centre Orphanage run in Rayong by Father Giovanni.

However I do not mind donating to a charity a little closer to home in addition. Apart from the obvious trip to the Street Kids Orphanage in Pattaya do you know of a way in which one can donate online, or a payment from my bank directly to theirs?

I assume as with Rayong; clothes, toys, bikes and the like will be eagerly appreciated as well, when I have time to make a visit there also.

Thanks for the offer Chopper.

Please bear with me. The charity is based in the Uk, and as you can see from their annual report they channel their money and help through a number of local causes, all connected with impoverished kids in Pattaya. I do have a local contact number - but I had to send an email to England to get it.

I think this charity is missing out big time by not publicising themselves over here and soliciting local contributions, help etc, from both local resident farangs and visitors/tourists.

Maybe they think that the local farangs wouldn't be interested in helping. :o

I will see what response we get on this forum before deciding which way to go on this.

It would be nice to call the guy in the Uk and tell him I have been inundated with offers of help, and he needs to set something up over here to channel the offers :D

Lets see what the next few days brings :D

In the meantime, you can a better idea of what they're all about on their somewhat limited website.

The link is:


Click on images, then click on "Pod - the inspiration for this project"

and "Abandoned in Pattaya" - a 3 year old child.

(Downloading of pics is forbidden form this site)

If those pics don't tug at your heart strings you are a hard person indeed.

admirable work, what's your involvement mobi........sorry if i missed it in your posts.

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Guest endure
I know some members of this forum do some sterling work in respect of the Aids hospice and children's orphanage run in Rayong, but I see very little publicity concerning a very worthwhile project, even closer to our door step.

The Pattayay Street Kids support project takes kids off the streets of Pattaya, gives them a home and an education - and most importantly - KEEPS THEM OUT OF THE CLUTCHES OF PEADOPHILES.

Glad to see that you're doing good work for the streetkids

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