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People show support by handing over cash to Suthep


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That should end the accusations,that this present protest has been paid for by the Bangkok Elite. I guess the man from Dubai,had better get his wallet out,nobody in their right mind,is going to give him the price of a cup of coffee!

So you don't consider the women holding the sign saying , I am pretty and rich and here to give uncle Suthep money a BKK elite? Just another poor rice farmer supporting him eh?

They all look very middle class thai to me.The middle class is the back bone of good social and moral balance in most developed societies. Perhaps the one in Thailand is slowly waking up. It needs the Isaan middle class to also waken up and question the current short term populist economic disaster that is unfolding and demand for better governance from all involved.They are well overdue. The sooner the Isaan leaders are from the middle class element instead of the current Maoist thugs that control Isaan politics the better.

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This country is going insane: who in their right mind hands over money to a politician out of their free will ???

And he's not even handing back a receipt, Thailand , wake up !!!


Thailand is hopefully waking up. The money can go to run the protest, water,food,etc. Seems good logic to me. I was not aware he was a politician.I was under the impression he has resigned.

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That should end the accusations,that this present protest has been paid for by the Bangkok Elite. I guess the man from Dubai,had better get his wallet out,nobody in their right mind,is going to give him the price of a cup of coffee!

So you don't consider the women holding the sign saying , I am pretty and rich and here to give uncle Suthep money a BKK elite? Just another poor rice farmer supporting him eh?

one individual does not make a crowd... One example does not conclude sufficient evidence for your argument

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

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I very much doubt his cause needs any more money. Be careful what you wish for. There are more powerful and wealthier elite forces behind this guy than Thaksin could ever muster. They want to put an end to democracy and one man one vote with their peoples council and if they succeed it will not be for the short term.

If Yingluck and the PTP continue to capitulate at every turn it may well happen. That said, should there actually be elections expect to see a massive turnout from the PTP supporters that will make the last majority win in the previous election look like a drop in the hat.

the best thing for Thailand is that the yingluck clan leave politics and the people elect EVERY PERSON AND THERE ARE NO APPOINTEES as appointed positions usually mean a favor owed.

There are good ideas on both sides.

This is then a true Democratic society

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

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I very much doubt his cause needs any more money. Be careful what you wish for. There are more powerful and wealthier elite forces behind this guy than Thaksin could ever muster. They want to put an end to democracy and one man one vote with their peoples council and if they succeed it will not be for the short term.

If Yingluck and the PTP continue to capitulate at every turn it may well happen. That said, should there actually be elections expect to see a massive turnout from the PTP supporters that will make the last majority win in the previous election look like a drop in the hat.

There's nothing like being an optimist, however, we'll have to wait and see what happens in 6 weeks time. It looks nearer to a hung parliament to me.

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Did they get a receipt and will he ever produce a balance sheet to show how the money was used ?

Sorry, it's early morning and I'm not in my body yet or I wouldn't be quite so silly.

You raise a good point. What about the taxes on this money?

Stuphet is a gov that takes money from the people and the current gov gives money to the people. Hmmm.

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I very much doubt his cause needs any more money. Be careful what you wish for. There are more powerful and wealthier elite forces behind this guy than Thaksin could ever muster. They want to put an end to democracy and one man one vote with their peoples council and if they succeed it will not be for the short term.

If Yingluck and the PTP continue to capitulate at every turn it may well happen. That said, should there actually be elections expect to see a massive turnout from the PTP supporters that will make the last majority win in the previous election look like a drop in the hat.

There's nothing like being an optimist, however, we'll have to wait and see what happens in 6 weeks time. It looks nearer to a hung parliament to me.

A well hung parliament with firm members

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Holding a sign on camera saying you are here in give him money is dangerous these days, look behind you as Tarit is sneaking up.

Saying you are pretty is ok unless it's a complete lie of course but Tarit hasn't threatened that, yet.

There was this university professor who handed over 1.000.000 and told his complete name.....

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That should end the accusations,that this present protest has been paid for by the Bangkok Elite. I guess the man from Dubai,had better get his wallet out,nobody in their right mind,is going to give him the price of a cup of coffee!

So you don't consider the women holding the sign saying , I am pretty and rich and here to give uncle Suthep money a BKK elite? Just another poor rice farmer supporting him eh?

They all look very middle class thai to me.The middle class is the back bone of good social and moral balance in most developed societies. Perhaps the one in Thailand is slowly waking up. It needs the Isaan middle class to also waken up and question the current short term populist economic disaster that is unfolding and demand for better governance from all involved.They are well overdue. The sooner the Isaan leaders are from the middle class element instead of the current Maoist thugs that control Isaan politics the better.

There were also some who gave big amounts....sure above middle class, and there were also street vendors who gave some small amounts. I was close in the area and half of the BTS staff had a whistle around their neck. (anyway no chance that some PTP politicians go with public transports). A couple of days ago I went with a Taxi that has the whistle, and after asking he show me many things he bought on the demonstrations (and blow the whistle full power in my ear crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif ) Maybe the BKK middle class started it, but now it goes much broader....

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That should end the accusations,that this present protest has been paid for by the Bangkok Elite. I guess the man from Dubai,had better get his wallet out,nobody in their right mind,is going to give him the price of a cup of coffee!

So you don't consider the women holding the sign saying , I am pretty and rich and here to give uncle Suthep money a BKK elite? Just another poor rice farmer supporting him eh?

one individual does not make a crowd... One example does not conclude sufficient evidence for your argument

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

I think the investment of a TV would be a good idea....It went for hours.....they staffed 3 backpacks full with money, than 3 shopping bags, than 1 of the large bags, etc etc....hours on blue sky tv

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I very much doubt his cause needs any more money. Be careful what you wish for. There are more powerful and wealthier elite forces behind this guy than Thaksin could ever muster. They want to put an end to democracy and one man one vote with their peoples council and if they succeed it will not be for the short term.

If Yingluck and the PTP continue to capitulate at every turn it may well happen. That said, should there actually be elections expect to see a massive turnout from the PTP supporters that will make the last majority win in the previous election look like a drop in the hat.

Nice propaganda - but you keep insisting they got a majority in the last election, which they didn't.

They got 48% of the 75% of eligible votes cast. This is not a majority now is it? Hardly the landslide peoples' mandate that the eloquent caretaker PM/DM trots out in answer to nearly every question posed by interviewers.

The current electoral system translates that large minority vote into a very large number of parliamentary seats. This is a fundamental area that needs examining. How can a minority party, albeit a with a large minority, then rule the country with no consideration of law, constitution, parliamentary process, opposing views, and enact dubious bills that clearly favor their leading families and leader? Something is wrong in the state of Denmark as William S, would say.

Dr, Martin Luther King, always reminded people that Hitler was democratically elected, and by a minority too. He abused the system and got away with it because people were frightened, apathetic or accepted what they thought was inevitable.

Congratulations to the many hundreds of thousands of Thai people who have come out and protested at a similar attempt to turn Thailand into a one party dictatorship under the control of a convicted criminal and his family.

I would hope the majority of these people, given the cross sections of society and organizations involved, would also protest at the imposition of any other intended undemocratic dictatorship, or any government that acts illegally, lies and cheats like the last one did.

I really hope the reforms will be driven in such away the neither the old reactionary HiSo elite nor the Shin clan and its allies can turn Thailand into their own personal fiefdom.

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I know it's early days,but could we be seeing the dawning of integrity and principles,which are not for sale?

Where have you been? Thaksin is a pussy cat compared to him. Do you seriously think that this anarchist needs to collect money in the street? The man believed to have been a criminal his entire adult life.

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I very much doubt his cause needs any more money. Be careful what you wish for. There are more powerful and wealthier elite forces behind this guy than Thaksin could ever muster. They want to put an end to democracy and one man one vote with their peoples council and if they succeed it will not be for the short term.

If Yingluck and the PTP continue to capitulate at every turn it may well happen. That said, should there actually be elections expect to see a massive turnout from the PTP supporters that will make the last majority win in the previous election look like a drop in the hat.

There's nothing like being an optimist, however, we'll have to wait and see what happens in 6 weeks time. It looks nearer to a hung parliament to me.

A well hung parliament with firm members

I can tie that type of knot........... the real hangman's knot.

Just in case anyone needs help with a hung parliament whistling.gif

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I know it's early days,but could we be seeing the dawning of integrity and principles,which are not for sale?

Where have you been? Thaksin is a pussy cat compared to him. Do you seriously think that this anarchist needs to collect money in the street? The man believed to have been a criminal his entire adult life.

Believed by whom ? Thaksin supporters?

I'm sure he's not whiter than white, nobody is. But you really underestimate Thaksin and his "achievements".

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Did they get a receipt and will he ever produce a balance sheet to show how the money was used ?

Sorry, it's early morning and I'm not in my body yet or I wouldn't be quite so silly.

You raise a good point. What about the taxes on this money?

Stuphet is a gov that takes money from the people and the current gov gives money to the people. Hmmm.

If you follow that logic along you will find that the government has NO money of its own. What money it uses comes from the taxpayer and is dispersed to only a few and not spent on ALL the people of Thailand.

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Did they get a receipt and will he ever produce a balance sheet to show how the money was used ?

Sorry, it's early morning and I'm not in my body yet or I wouldn't be quite so silly.

You raise a good point. What about the taxes on this money?

Stuphet is a gov that takes money from the people and the current gov gives money to the people. Hmmm.

Taxes? Don't expect any to be paid or demanded.

Suthep and his helpers accepted donations freely given by people who believe in his cause.

The current caretaker government doesn't actually have any money of its own. Just that cash mismanaged by its caretaker ministers shuffling money from Peter to pay Paul.

It's a shell game soon to be overturned by market realities.

This whole thing has gone beyond reality and is now a giant pissing contest between Thaksin's gang and Suthep's gang. The military is playing referee while the police mop up the overspill.

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So you don't consider the women holding the sign saying , I am pretty and rich and here to give uncle Suthep money a BKK elite? Just another poor rice farmer supporting him eh?

What it proves is that support is coming from all sectors.

But I shouldn't really be feeding the trolls

So being pretty and RICH proves to you that support is coming from all secctors, eh?

By the way, the silly reference to trolls is so uncalled for, you only demean yourself.

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People show support by handing over cash to Suthep

"Thank you dear protesters, and now go ahead and die for me already, I won't care, as long as you gimme money and I get into power again"

In reality, he won't win because Thaksin has way more money and can buy his votes by a million times.... wai2.gif wai2.gifwai2.gif

If anyone would really follow the money, that is involved in the PAD, Dems, Suthep ...it might show, that you are very, very wrong!

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If the educate people want to give money to a corrupt politician, far be it for me to criticize. That's a decision for them to make. But in response to those who say 'this proves that the rally isn't being paid for by the BKK elite' - not really. There have been many red shirt fundraising events and similar where ordinary people have contributed*, does that mean that the bulk of the funding for the UDD in 2010 wasn't provided by Thaksin and other wealthy financiers? Of course not. The money collected via donations is chicken feed. It's no more than symbolic really. They have multiple ways of getting around the frozen bank accounts, I'm sure.

*Of course, it's much easier for someone earning more than 50,000 pm as a BKK executive to give a thousand to Suthep than it is for a farm hand earning less than 10,000 a month to give 200 baht to the UDD.


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If the educate people want to give money to a corrupt politician, far be it for me to criticize. That's a decision for them to make. But in response to those who say 'this proves that the rally isn't being paid for by the BKK elite' - not really. There have been many red shirt fundraising events and similar where ordinary people have contributed*, does that mean that the bulk of the funding for the UDD in 2010 wasn't provided by Thaksin and other wealthy financiers? Of course not. The money collected via donations is chicken feed. It's no more than symbolic really. They have multiple ways of getting around the frozen bank accounts, I'm sure.

*Of course, it's much easier for someone earning more than 50,000 pm as a BKK executive to give a thousand to Suthep than it is for a farm hand earning less than 10,000 a month to give 200 baht to the UDD.


Good graph.Of course it is obvious that Bangkok residents can afford to give more than their Isaan counter parts. What the graph also shows is that there are 40% in the Bangkok middle class income earners type Baht 20k to 50k+ that Suthep is getting good support from as well. Makes a mockery a bit of the rich only handing out. More than likely the filthy rich are madly trying to move their money to safety rather than splash it around on reforms that might not benefit them.

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In reality, he won't win because Thaksin has way more money and can buy his votes by a million times....

Suthep has some wealthy supporters who could buy Thaksin a dozen times over.

obviously not, because else he would have bought the last elections or afterwards the MPs.

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Doesn't this show how much the public want the corrupted government out? Perhaps you guys shld find out more the details of the corruption

No it shows the thoughts of perhaps 10-15,000 people (maybe 150,000 if they all can be bothered to turn up). Perhaps you should check out the electorate total in Thailand and compare the two figures.

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