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Thai Democrats resolve to boycott February 2 election

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Abhisit and the moderates lose out to the insanity that is Suthep and his backers.

As the political crisis continues to escalate its becoming obvious that Suthep will not stop until there is blood on the streets of Bangkok. There is no way the government is going to give him what he wants, the only way he can get anything like his desired unelected council is if the military conducts another coup. And the only way a coup will happen is to defuse violence street clashes that lead to bloodshed, which would give them a mandate to intervene on behalf of the Thai people.

That being said however this will be the end of the democrats as a threat to the PTP in anything resembling a "one man, one vote" election. They are plunging the country into turmoil just to spite Thaksin and his supporters.

I am no bigger fan of Thaksin than I am of Suthep and as far as I'm concerned they should find a nice quiet place in the desert outside Dubai to have it out, instead of it playing out across the streets of this country and costing the lives of innocent Thai's.

Actually IMO you are wrong! For the democrats to stand in the next election mearly gives legitimacy to PTP's ulawful,corrupt ways! It really has nothing to do with winning or losing the election. Why give legitimacy to a party that will ruin the country fiancially and politically, Because the reality is until there is a reform of Democracy there will not be Democracy and things will just continue in a circle.

To say it is the end of the political threat to PTP is just plain wrong. The Democrats aren't dissbanding as a party, so they will still be a thorn in the side of PTP. Finally PTP will find it hard to have an ellection and claim the majority of votes, to form a Government, as there is no oposition. This may actually force them to cancel the election?



Suthep has played his hand.

The Dems don't want an election because they know they can't win it.

Therefore he wants chaos.

The people pulling his strings are willing to risk all (read my earlier posts) because the prize is so big.

A totalitarian state run paying lip service to monarchy, the establishment back in control.

Big business won't care, tourists don't care as long as there is some signs of stability.

But of course there are the people, who won't stand for this.

So we need to have a revolution and sort out these elites once and for all.

As I stated earlier, we are witnessing the death rattle of the establishment, who won't go down without a fight but it's too late, you can't put the genie back in the bottle.

The military needs to be careful, the USA won't accept any more coups which put these bastards back into power.

So just as the establishment yielded power to the people in most western democracies, so they will yield here too.

No, if there's a death rattle, it's the death rattle of a corrupt government that wants so much to continue stealing. The smart thing for them to do was to compromise and to work together with the opposition and impliment some reforms. Now, look at what has happened. It's going to be 2006 all over again. You think the USA cares if there's a coup. They'll do their usual doublespeak about supporting democracy blah blah blah then it's business as usual. 2006 is the perfect example. Any sanctions by the Americans or anyone else for that better?

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Abhisit and the moderates lose out to the insanity that is Suthep and his backers.

As the political crisis continues to escalate its becoming obvious that Suthep will not stop until there is blood on the streets of Bangkok. There is no way the government is going to give him what he wants, the only way he can get anything like his desired unelected council is if the military conducts another coup. And the only way a coup will happen is to defuse violence street clashes that lead to bloodshed, which would give them a mandate to intervene on behalf of the Thai people.

That being said however this will be the end of the democrats as a threat to the PTP in anything resembling a "one man, one vote" election. They are plunging the country into turmoil just to spite Thaksin and his supporters.

I am no bigger fan of Thaksin than I am of Suthep and as far as I'm concerned they should find a nice quiet place in the desert outside Dubai to have it out, instead of it playing out across the streets of this country and costing the lives of innocent Thai's.

Actually IMO you are wrong! For the democrats to stand in the next election mearly gives legitimacy to PTP's ulawful,corrupt ways! It really has nothing to do with winning or losing the election. Why give legitimacy to a party that will ruin the country fiancially and politically, Because the reality is until there is a reform of Democracy there will not be Democracy and things will just continue in a circle.

To say it is the end of the political threat to PTP is just plain wrong. The Democrats aren't dissbanding as a party, so they will still be a thorn in the side of PTP. Finally PTP will find it hard to have an ellection and claim the majority of votes, to form a Government, as there is no oposition. This may actually force them to cancel the election?


We shall see won't we? But being honest I don't give a Sh*t about the political situation here. The Politicians are all useless and Thailand is destined to continue in circles.


They are full of crap, they and suthep pushed for this and now they are boycotting in order to cause chaos, There are other parties who can run, so let them loose their seats

  • Like 1

Abhisit and the moderates lose out to the insanity that is Suthep and his backers.

As the political crisis continues to escalate its becoming obvious that Suthep will not stop until there is blood on the streets of Bangkok. There is no way the government is going to give him what he wants, the only way he can get anything like his desired unelected council is if the military conducts another coup. And the only way a coup will happen is to defuse violence street clashes that lead to bloodshed, which would give them a mandate to intervene on behalf of the Thai people.

That being said however this will be the end of the democrats as a threat to the PTP in anything resembling a "one man, one vote" election. They are plunging the country into turmoil just to spite Thaksin and his supporters.

I am no bigger fan of Thaksin than I am of Suthep and as far as I'm concerned they should find a nice quiet place in the desert outside Dubai to have it out, instead of it playing out across the streets of this country and costing the lives of innocent Thai's.

Actually IMO you are wrong! For the democrats to stand in the next election mearly gives legitimacy to PTP's ulawful,corrupt ways! It really has nothing to do with winning or losing the elction. Why give legitimacy to a party that will ruin the country fiancially and politically, Because the reality is until there is a reform of Democracy there will not be Democracy and things will just continue in a circle.

To say it is the end of the political threat to PTP is just plain wrong. The Democrats aren't dissbanding as a party, so they will still be a thorn in the side of PTP. Finally PTP will find it hard to have an ellection and claim the majority of votes, to form a Government, as there is no oposition. This may actually force them to cancel the election?

To be quite frank corruption and unlawful are just by words of the elite on both sides of Thai politics. All this current trouble is arising from the fact that Thaksin is better at being a corrupt scumbag than the power behind the democrats and not giving them their piece of the corruption pie.

This isn't about lawful elections or moral righteousness its about money and getting their turn at the trough.

By international standards Thailand's elections are "free" and "fair", however the fact is the Thaksin propoganda machine has turned the North of Thailand completely against the democrats and frankly that is the democrats problem. Its no different than certain areas of the U.S like Texas nearly universally voting Republican. Thaksin played politics and won, the Democrats can't handle that.

I am not excusing Thaksins corruption or dodgy dealings, Suthep and Thaksin are two sides of the same very corrupt, very dirty coin.

At the end of the day what most Thai's want is peace, they don't want bloodshed or violence they want to get on with things and anecdotally speaking most don't care who's in power as long as they can live their lives in peace.

The Democrats boycotting the poll has just raised the temperature in the pressure cooker that is Thailand, sure it might be morally righteous to oppose corruption in principle but in reality and in practice its pushing the entire country closer to the precipice of violence and economic calamity.

in practice its pushing the entire country closer to the precipice of violence and economic calamity.

Which i where it was heading once PTP got into power anyway!

I'm not saying one side is better than the other. But maybe something needs to be done to stop corruption once and for all.

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Suthep has played his hand.

The Dems don't want an election because they know they can't win it.

Therefore he wants chaos.

The people pulling his strings are willing to risk all (read my earlier posts) because the prize is so big.

Who specifically are the "people pulling his strings"?

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Elections without reform will not solve anything. Boycotting elections will not solve anything. It is doubtful if elections with reform will solve anything.

What is needed it to get rid of corruption and nepotism in Thai politics. How to do this?

Answers on a post card please......


Uh, am I missing something?

The "Democratic" party is going to boycott an election, which is the core of the democratic system of government?

where do these guys come from?

I know, this is a lot of questions for a foreigner but since when is mob rule democratic? Hell, the next thing I expect to read is that they have a new version of the guillotine and are all learning French.

I sincerely hope that reason will prevail and the woman that has clearly done a fine job for the Thai people be allowed to continue her domestic programs. She seems to be the only voice of reason.

  • Like 2

Uh, am I missing something?

The "Democratic" party is going to boycott an election, which is the core of the democratic system of government?

where do these guys come from?

I know, this is a lot of questions for a foreigner but since when is mob rule democratic? Hell, the next thing I expect to read is that they have a new version of the guillotine and are all learning French.

I sincerely hope that reason will prevail and the woman that has clearly done a fine job for the Thai people be allowed to continue her domestic programs. She seems to be the only voice of reason.

Yes she's done a great job touring the world, shopping and hosting women empowering contests! Best PM ever!


"Democrats resolve to boycott election"

Oh <deleted>, what is going on? The dems cannot be buying into suthep's fascist BS. What choice does the country now have? A criminal PT who will continue to drive the country into bankruptcy through greed and idiotic schemes or the nationalistic, fascist BS Suthep is pushing. The poisoned chalace or the hangman's noose. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

What they can do if they don't have the funds for vote buying?

To make a reform panel against corruption and vote buying isn't fascist....can't recall Hitler or Mussolini fought for clean Democracy....


"unless their is political reform first" - by which of course they mean that the party, the majority will vote for, is crippled in such a way as to make it unelectable - sure that is democracy.

A country where the highly educated minority wield power over the majority - sure that is democracy

A(nother) country where the interests of big business outweigh the good of the majority - sure that is democracy

Instead of boycotting and protesting why don't the opposition mount a campaign to gain popularity in rural areas- it may take them longer to gain power but they will have done so legitimately instead of relying on an army to put them in power. Changing government through violence and disorder is just another manifestation of corruption.

the biggest point in political reforms is to stop the vote buying.....PTP every time again is doing a full scale vote buying, no campaign can do anything against that if you aren't super rich to pay more.


Abhisit and the moderates lose out to the insanity that is Suthep and his backers.

As the political crisis continues to escalate its becoming obvious that Suthep will not stop until there is blood on the streets of Bangkok. There is no way the government is going to give him what he wants, the only way he can get anything like his desired unelected council is if the military conducts another coup. And the only way a coup will happen is to defuse violence street clashes that lead to bloodshed, which would give them a mandate to intervene on behalf of the Thai people.

That being said however this will be the end of the democrats as a threat to the PTP in anything resembling a "one man, one vote" election. They are plunging the country into turmoil just to spite Thaksin and his supporters.

I am no bigger fan of Thaksin than I am of Suthep and as far as I'm concerned they should find a nice quiet place in the desert outside Dubai to have it out, instead of it playing out across the streets of this country and costing the lives of innocent Thai's.

there is already blood on the street of bangkok and suthep hasn't stopped

rather he will not stop until he has taken thaksin's position at the trough

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Ah, Gerry, there you are.

before Thaksin there was no credible opposition.

The pigs spent 12 months a year at the trough and thought it could never change.

the bonanza of natural resources plus the booming tourism economy was all theirs, and rightfully theirs from family rights and blood ties to the ancient establishment.

this upstart, Thaksin, not even from Bangkok came along and played the game to his advantage, and ever since they've been crying foul.

Thaksin was smart, he unleased the power of the people.

The yellows are just Bangkok public servants and are all brainwashed, hence the significance of their yellow colour. Forelock tuggers every one.

They are absolutely snookered.

They know they can't win an election.

So the only choice left is to bring on another coup.

yes the USA does care, or didn't you listen to the US ambassadore's comments?

These greedy corrupt families who control the Democrats and have controlled Thailand for the past 200 years are just about to have it all taken away from them.

Of course, they'll fight to the death, and they have no concience about what damage they cause.

But, you can't stop the tide, and the tide has turned.

Watch and learn.

No one said Thaksin wasn't smart. Unfortunately, he was also crooked to the extreme. And that's saying a lot considering how crooked most others are.That's why it's coming to bite him and his crooked family on the ass. Yes the Dems won't play his game and they're trying to force another coup. You're wrong about the Americans. They're not going to care. 2006 is the perfect example. The Americans talk the talk about democracy and how bad coups are but in the end, they did nothing. No sanctions, NOTHING. So if you're counting on the good ol' USA to come save this kleptocracy, keep on dreaming!

Yes the tide has turned. The Shinawatras know their days are numbered. It's only a matter of time before the rest of them join big brother in the sands of Dubai. Watch and learn.

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2006 all over again! Coup time!

Bye bye Shinawatras!

Bye bye Shinawatras? How come they're still here then after the 2006 coup? Ghastly as it may seem to you lot ,coup or no coup, eventually there will have to be elections and PTP will be returned with a bigger majority than ever.

  • Like 2

2006 all over again! Coup time!

Bye bye Shinawatras!

Bye bye Shinawatras? How come they're still here then after the 2006 coup? Ghastly as it may seem to you lot ,coup or no coup, eventually there will have to be elections and PTP will be returned with a bigger majority than ever.

Does anyone know what is the legal situation regarding an opposition party refusing to participate in a general election? Does this nullify any result even if there is an overwhelming majority for the PTP?


2006 all over again! Coup time!

Bye bye Shinawatras!

Bye bye Shinawatras? How come they're still here then after the 2006 coup? Ghastly as it may seem to you lot ,coup or no coup, eventually there will have to be elections and PTP will be returned with a bigger majority than ever.

No, here's the thing, after this, there won't be big majorities anymore. Suthep's idea of a fully appointed people's council won't come into fruition. But neither will the full 'democracy' the PTP hopes for to put them back into power. There will be some sort of compromise in parliament. Maybe something like the Senate where it's half and half. At this stage, it's the only thing that will work. Both the Dems and the PTP need to share power more or less equally.

What's the point of another election putting the PTP back into power when you know they're only going to F it up again and then we'll see another protest like this?

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