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I know selling everything on the beach that is not nailed down is normal here but damn they are getting pushy lately.

Selling things is fine,however when they complain because you don't buy something you don't want,that's ridiculous.

Same with the guy selling plates with your photo on them at Dusit Zoo,we declined his offer and he replied we should buy one to support Thai people.

I got an idea,if thai people stop protesting maybe there will be more tourist here to buy the plates,until then I don't buy things I don't want or need.

Block the airport again,that will do wonders for the country and the battlers on the street.

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A yeah the plates!! They are all part of Benito Sutheppi's masterplan.thumbsup.gif

Right now he is secretly buying up the shares in the plate-factory, and when he has achieved control, he will call off the protest. The tourist will then stream into the country all eager to buy plates! And Benito will become stinking rich!

But please keep it to yourself, a matter of national security!!ph34r.png.pagespeed.ce.GOH20nhrx_.png

Less tourists less sales for street hawkers,that was my point.

More protests less tourist,or is that hard to comprehend,last time numerous stalls closed in suan lum night bazaar,not only that it's difficult to operate a stall when the street is blocked.

Edited by Kangawallafox
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OP, it's pretty hard out there as a Thai on the bottom rungs.

Remember, to be penniless here is potentially life threatening and I don't think (well I know from Thai folks who've told me) that the economy is actually doing well at all now. Cost of living has risen with the credit bubble here, lot of debt too.

Add to that, these sellers have to pay the 'big people' to be allowed to sell their stuff and we're not talking small money.

I've got real respect for the working poor of this country. To be able to survive like they do, from the rice farmer to the beach seller to the shop and factory workers. I can't say that for the rest of it though.

Edited by MJP
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I with you on this! What I don't like most is that when they approach me to buy their stuffs and if I don't, they make me feel guilty.

You agree but click like when someone says shut it.lol.

I clicked like on "Excuse me, I am a lady!"

It is amazing how people just nitpicking on a small comment or even a liking comment.

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In Bali (Kuta beach especially) it is over the limit, they even wake you up when you are sleeping on your beachmat to ask if you want to sell a beachmat. They follow you into the sea with their tshirts (4 people together) and will never let you go without a purchase. They even followed our coach to the next temple and chased me again with their stuff, the same sellers!

I will never go back there, the whole island is filled with very annoying hawkers there. As soon as you leave your resort you are their prey.

In Thailand though they were quite tame last years. If they just would sit down under a tree and show their trade (with prices) i would buy much more. Now i just boycot them and go the shops and purchase only if they don't bother me, not even say hello sir.

Which beach did you meet those sellers? On Koh Larn i didn't see them 2 weeks ago,tThere are only Russians who speak Russian to the beachbed-renters and sellers and they even got replied by the Thai in Russian language.

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Try not to engage them in anyway. I know it is hard when they shove something in your face but keep the interaction to a minimum. Focus somewhere off in the middle distance. Turn your body away from them. A gentle waft of the hand for the most persistent. Make like they don't exist. Remember a pushy salesman's or salewoman's first goal is to get you talking and engaged with them. When they hurl some implied abuse in your direction, "Why you no buy? You no good. Cheap Charlie. Khee Neeow," just become deaf. Don't engage with them. They are trying to provoke you to engage with them.

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