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I have always enjoyed my trips to Laos.

Australia I wouldn't know and have no wish to visit.

I am going to get to Laos 1 day and other than you lots of people want to visit Aus, most are sorry they did when they see the rip-off prices they get charged, the fuel companies being 1 of the worst.

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No McDonalds there either

Cannot date / marry without prior authorisation from naiban / village leader (try it) outside the bars, but Laos men can do it (bastards)

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Silly story there from the OP.

Laos is a developing country with a tiny population of 6 to 7 million I think and it's relatively unspoilt hence it's under-development.

- the shopping here is a bit boring
- the streets are absolutely filthy, thais look after their shop fronts

Not all of us travel purely for shopping you know maybe my mother and her friends but some of us like a bit of adventure which Laos has in abundance. I love the place.

It's wrong to compare Laos with Thailand I think and completely confusing when comparing to Aus.

OP, have you ever been to Aus?

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OP - "....I would like to know why loas doesnt produce any thing???..."

It does - it produces electricity and exports it to Thailand.

ok listen closely my child you wont hear logic from too many people.

There is no reason what so ever to export any thing unless two countries can produce certain product in a more efficient manner giving that country a competitive advantage minus transport costs.

thus if one country can produce oranges in a more efficient manner, ie less time and with less man power due to the quality if soil or access to an abundance of nutrients, that country may want to trade its oranges for a commodity that another country can produce more efficiently that its own community.

today we export for what commodity??????


we export and recieve foreign reserves,

"but wait a second OP... the producers are being paid in kip?? where are is the baht going???" good question child

each time those foreign reserves come into a country, the centeal BANK ... PRINTS its national currency to buy up those foreign reserves. thus fresh fiat money flows to the producers KIP and the governments get to spend those reserves over seas (usually on arms or spying activities)

thus the benifit of exporting is nullified and your only profit is inflation. LOTS AND LOTS OF KIP (BECAUSE THE EXCHANGE RATE IS SO BAD)

or put another way, today the import export method is broken/usurped by a immoral entity.

exporting electricity to thailand gives inflation the the people and baht to the central bank and govt.

walk through a shopping center in laos, they dont produce ANY THING.

printing pressess and its child fiat money is the reason so many coutries suffer from such large trade deficits. thats why you see so much gold flowing into the countries with trade surpluses.

you wont really have to worry about this untill there is a mass understanding of the problem. then the creditor nations AND the dumb peasants sleeping in their tuk tuks, wearing their red shirts, going on their sexpats journeys will all be grabbing a commodity hands over and feet.

but they govt my just instead decide to demonetise the 1000b note before that happens

I talk to a lot of people, and we r so far from thay stage it laughable.


very condescending post from the OP.....................Yes the KIP is a basket case as is the cambodian rial,and vietnamese dong.So what,millions of tourist like to go to both countries so there is a steady flow of dollars into them.I really have no idea what they do or do not produce,but i can tell you Laos beer is very good, i think originally brewed and supervised by carlsberg.They also make a mean noodle soup,does that count?rolleyes.gif

The govt. is communist as far as i can tell and they have strict laws regarding their females and sex tourists,i guess they dont want to be like their thai cousins in that regard.I find that a refreshing change.

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Having spent some of my best years in the "nanny state" (OZ) I have to agree with the OP! One of the things that Lao and Oz have in common is "space"! 21 million in Oz, 7 1/2 million ? in Lao. They're both nanny states, have vast differences between the rich and poor, they both make it very difficult to lift oneself up by your bootstraps economically and interlectually by means of prohibitive education costs, at the top end!

To all of you poor buggars flinching and twitching about a modicom of critizism of the "sunburnt land", grow up! Why the hell do you think so many ex-pat Ozzies are living out of the country?

Why do you think that hundreds of Ozzie ex service men from the VN war are now living in Asia and Europe? Between the Wranger and the budgy smuggler, they've had a complete gutfull!

So there! thumbsup.gifsad.png

cannot disagree with you,but cant see any posts lauding australia as the land of opportunity,it surely once was but not anymore.

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