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Singha Beer Family Scion 'To Change Surname'

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She's a bigot and a snob. She is also fundamentally wrong that rural people *are different* to other people in that they don't know who they are voting for. Nobody in the US, Europe, Africa, M.E., S.America etc.etc has a clue about the real personality of the people they are voting for, or the puppet-strings that are making those politicians dance like marionettes. The rabbit hole is incredibly deep and if you traced all the main power players in politics globally, you'd get back to the same European semi-royal banking families, who have power globally in a supernational resource grid. But 99.9% of people in the US, EU, etc. don't know Obama is controlled by these offshore families, who also control the IMF UN etc and even have members on China's executive committee. And they control all the main politicians globally. The lady in the OP doesn't know any of that, but I would be a bigot and a snob if I said that made her too stupid to have the vote.


I agree with some of what you say, but not knowing or caring about History would doom oneself to perpetually repeat the same mistakes, If there is a global cartel, surely there has to be a few polititions who will stand up and get the news out

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sjaak327 wrote:

^ Why would he ? I feel sorry for the guy, having a daughter that isn't the brightest of the bunch. Utterly stupid to suggest that rural people are uneducated and therefore she distrust the electoral process. Wonder if Suthep has the same opinion, and when we actually get the abolishment of one man one vote principle, which of course was already advocated by the PAD a few years back.

Scary people.

You are really a poor guy, that you have to feel sorry for a father, who doesn't allow his grown up (>18 years) daughter to have an opinion of her own. I guess if it were for you, all fathers would be like Taksin S.

And if it weren't for Taksin and his cohorts, who had 6+ years time to change the educational system in Thailand, the rural people would have a much better education, know more and could get better paid jobs as well. No other PM has had so much time to change it as did Taksin. But of course he, as all his amnart friends, is not interested in educated people.

If you blame her for that remark, then I'm sure you can show, how much better the average education (= years of attending school) of the people upcountry is versus the people in the cities (incl. provincial cities!)... If my memory serves me right, there were IQ tests some time ago, and the regional differences were obvious, as well as the international ones.

Also I'm waiting for a real test of people on the topic of what democracy means and what role elections have in that. Would certainly be very interesting to read the answers...


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youth is wasted on the young - she comes across as just another stupid rich kid

Some come across as stupid rich kids, others come across as stupid poor kids, but at least they are "uniting" Thailand in one way: They're both together on the streets!


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Ms. Chitpas Bhirombhakdi, who told a number of foreign media that she distrusts electoral politics because rural voters are uneducated about democracy.

That is fascism. Right there.

I have even seen a caricature of Suthep already where he is dressed in the guise of Hitler.

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Money, money, money.....the old goat is afraid the buffalo mob will stop drinking swill.

Good for the daughter, she has gumption to stand up for her King and Country.

you jest?

she is standing up "Lady Astor" style in support of an attempted coup against a democratically elected government and she suggests the 'rural poor' are second class citizens you support THIS? and try to clothe it as loyal to HM and country?

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^ Why would he ? I feel sorry for the guy, having a daughter that isn't the brightest of the bunch. Utterly stupid to suggest that rural people are uneducated and therefore she distrust the electoral process. Wonder if Suthep has the same opinion, and when we actually get the abolishment of one man one vote principle, which of course was already advocated by the PAD a few years back.

Scary people.

"many Thais lack a "true understanding of democracy . . . especially in the rural areas.""

what is wrong with this sentence? I would even say that many European lack a "true understanding of democracy".

Almost no one (neither in Thailand nor elsewhere) has much of an understanding and with the massive vote buying many people really don't understand what big damage they are doing.

If he doesn't like the political views of her daughter than it is his problem. Maybe he has more daughters, one is pro Democracy so she must change her name. The other is red, he doesn't like it so she must change name. The third is marring a Christ, he doesn't like it so she must change name.

It is him who has a problem not her. An he only worry that he get a little bit less super rich.

Your speculative raves are getting beyond boring.

The father wants a name change because she has aligned herself with fascist Suthep, no more no less.

not again the old fascist story....read what the word "fascist" means.....

It starts with abolishing democracy and setting up an unelected council to run a country.

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Money, money, money.....the old goat is afraid the buffalo mob will stop drinking swill.

Good for the daughter, she has gumption to stand up for her King and Country.

you jest?

she is standing up "Lady Astor" style in support of an attempted coup against a democratically elected government and she suggests the 'rural poor' are second class citizens you support THIS? and try to clothe it as loyal to HM and country?

You suggest she said second class, the OP says uneducated about Democracy.

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Ms. Chitpas Bhirombhakdi, you are insane. So high so in stupidity and hate. Your comments would be condemned by law in a civilized country. Hope the REAL people will show you how "uneducated" they are.

Where and when did this anger of yours erupt? Get laid by a representative of the REAL people mayhaps? Please, this kind of comment does not become any site, any thread. I would claim it uneducated.

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^ Why would he ? I feel sorry for the guy, having a daughter that isn't the brightest of the bunch. Utterly stupid to suggest that rural people are uneducated and therefore she distrust the electoral process. Wonder if Suthep has the same opinion, and when we actually get the abolishment of one man one vote principle, which of course was already advocated by the PAD a few years back.

Scary people.

Rural people are uneducated.

This is a fact.

Denying them a vote though - that is almost certain to guarantee they stay that way.

For an 'educated' woman - she sure ain't very smart.

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Money, money, money.....the old goat is afraid the buffalo mob will stop drinking swill.

Good for the daughter, she has gumption to stand up for her King and Country.

you jest?

she is standing up "Lady Astor" style in support of an attempted coup against a democratically elected government and she suggests the 'rural poor' are second class citizens you support THIS? and try to clothe it as loyal to HM and country?

You suggest she said second class, the OP says uneducated about Democracy.

no difference - you would deny South African blacks the right to vote? or swathes of Russia? what about the 'uneducated Myanmar peoples'? the early Americans maybe? wasn't that the SAME argument used by slavers? the Blacks are too uneducated to vote?

They are fellow human beings and one of the dignities we should accord ALL humans in every country is their Right to Vote and it is not for some stupid little rich kid to come along and offer her 'wisdom' that they are too "uneducated" it's downright arrogant and Facist

PS it was only a 100 years or less ago when Women were also denied the Right to Vote because they were "uneducated"

Edited by binjalin
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youth is wasted on the young - she comes across as just another stupid rich kid

Unfortunately at 27 she is hardly a kid. You may not agree with her, fair enough, but she is certainly not afraid to stand up on her own for what she believes in. She may be from a mega rich family, so is another pretty politician we all know, and some have called her "stupid".

It would be interesting to put Chitpas and Yingluck in a locked room and listen to the conversation.

She is not bowed by her family's threats and understandably, her parents, being owners of a major brewery which supplies vast amounts of alcohol to the Thais and other parts of the world, do not want a market backlash from their customers. Whether this is too late, we will know in a few months.

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Some agree with what Ms. Chitpas said, others don't. Whatever the case, she isn't afraid to speak her mind even if it turns her own family against her. She's also articulate and very impressive on the podium.

Now compare her with the Poo, her complete opposite. Ms. Chitpas speaks well while the Poo you just cringe when she opens her mouth. Ms. Chitpas is here where the action is and is even ducking bombs. Where is our PM Poo? Doing another 'tour' away from trouble as usual. The Poo does whatever she's told by her brother whether or not it's good for the country. Does she agree with what her brother wants her to do? Does she care? Does she even know what's going on? One thing's for sure, one's her own person while the other is a puppet.

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Why doesn't Mr. Chutinant Bhirombhakdi change his name?

Er, perhaps it's because he doesn't have stupid ideas about the electoral rights of all Thais?

Or maybe he does, he just doesn't want to broadcast the fact!whistling.gif

Edited by ggold
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Some agree with what Ms. Chitpas said, others don't. Whatever the case, she isn't afraid to speak her mind even if it turns her own family against her. She's also articulate and very impressive on the podium.

Now compare her with the Poo, her complete opposite. Ms. Chitpas speaks well while the Poo you just cringe when she opens her mouth. Ms. Chitpas is here where the action is and is even ducking bombs. Where is our PM Poo? Doing another 'tour' away from trouble as usual. The Poo does whatever she's told by her brother whether or not it's good for the country. Does she agree with what her brother wants her to do? Does she care? Does she even know what's going on? One thing's for sure, one's her own person while the other is a puppet.


Are you seriously debating whether an airhead fascist with a nice accent is better than an airhead dimwit without an accent?

At least you could probably claim yingluck isn't being false about being ditzy. Other than inheriting cash from grandad, what exactly has this girl ever achieved?

She is a slur on thailand. Wai her? She deserves to be publicly dunked.

Maybe for a giggle, Thaksin will allow foreign companies to manufacture beer in thailand just to spite the whole family. For those who say its great that she has freedom of speech imagine if she had said , black or christian or women instead of poor and eneducated.

Please let her say Jewish, then the west will really flip out.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Money, money, money.....the old goat is afraid the buffalo mob will stop drinking swill.

Good for the daughter, she has gumption to stand up for her King and Country.

you jest?

she is standing up "Lady Astor" style in support of an attempted coup against a democratically elected government and she suggests the 'rural poor' are second class citizens you support THIS? and try to clothe it as loyal to HM and country?

You suggest she said second class, the OP says uneducated about Democracy.

no difference - you would deny South African blacks the right to vote? or swathes of Russia? what about the 'uneducated Myanmar peoples'? the early Americans maybe? wasn't that the SAME argument used by slavers? the Blacks are too uneducated to vote?

They are fellow human beings and one of the dignities we should accord ALL humans in every country is their Right to Vote and it is not for some stupid little rich kid to come along and offer her 'wisdom' that they are too "uneducated" it's downright arrogant and Facist

PS it was only a 100 years or less ago when Women were also denied the Right to Vote because they were "uneducated"

As also were males in the UK unless they were house owner's, unthinkable to give it to servants or one's tenant farmers. This girl is cut from the same cloth, should change surname to Mitford.

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She's a fool.

She is putting herself forward as a potential member of parliament and dismisses the majority of the population as uneducated about democracy....

When the PDRC are trying to build support for their protests they allow this idiot to isolate them from the very people they desperately need to win over.

Lets be clear about this there are many rural Democrat supporters....how do they feel about this....or maybe she didn't mean them....

It's painfully sad that she continues to be given a platform for her patronizing opinions of her fellow Thais.

Although no great surprise as these kind of opinions seem to get a fair bit of support from a certain section of the anti-government protesters.

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