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Convert Tourist Visa to Non-Immigrant O or apply for new

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I'm applying for a Non-O visa and I have all the required document. What i'm thinking about is if it's worth going to Chaeng Wattana in Bangkok and converting my TR visa to Non-Imm O or just go outside Thailand and apply for it at an embassy instead.

My questions is does anyone know how long it takes to get the visa converted in Bangkok? I've seen posts saying "same day" to "2 weeks" but the most important question for me is if it will require two trips to Bangkok or if they can send the passport to me after processing.

Also, which I haven't found to be 100% clear, if I apply for the visa outside Thailand , but at a Thai embassy of course, does the documents have to be translated to English or can they just be in Thai? I've never applied for a visa outside my home country before and there I always had all my documents in Swedish.

If it requires 2 trips to Bangkok (and probably a few days in Bangkok each time) i'd rather just go to Singapore or KL and apply for it at an embassy.

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Not sure about Phuket for conversion you should check with immigration there. If it is no I think I would go to Penang for the non-o visa instead of going to Bangkok.

Yeah they couldn't do it in Phuket. That's why I asked here :(

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Ok. You think i need translated/notarised papers in english or the marriage cert in Thai etc will do?

Or any other obsticle i might encounter :)

And hmm will I get the 90 day visa without the 400k requiremend and then extend it in thailand or can the 1yr be done right away?

Visas are tricky :)

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Marriage certificate in Thai is what they want. You will also need signed copies of her house book and ID card. You both should sign copy of marriage certificate. You shouldn't need the 400k the bank for the visa but it would be good to have your bank book with you in case they did want to see it.

You can do the extension during the last 30 days of your 90 day entry. You will need the money to be in the bank for 60 days then.

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Marriage certificate in Thai is what they want. You will also need signed copies of her house book and ID card. You both should sign copy of marriage certificate. You shouldn't need the 400k the bank for the visa but it would be good to have your bank book with you in case they did want to see it. You can do the extension during the last 30 days of your 90 day entry. You will need the money to be in the bank for 60 days then.

Can the same (for marriage, not retirement) conversion be done with a regular 30-day visa exempt stamp, if turning up with two weeks still left?

Do I understand you correctly that the wife does not need to attend for this?

And does anyone know if it this conversion can also be done at Chiang Mai Imm. offices? If not, is it possible to do in Bangkok even if wife's house book is not for Bangkok?

Thank you.

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Marriage certificate in Thai is what they want. You will also need signed copies of her house book and ID card. You both should sign copy of marriage certificate. You shouldn't need the 400k the bank for the visa but it would be good to have your bank book with you in case they did want to see it. You can do the extension during the last 30 days of your 90 day entry. You will need the money to be in the bank for 60 days then.

Can the same (for marriage, not retirement) conversion be done with a regular 30-day visa exempt stamp, if turning up with two weeks still left?

Do I understand you correctly that the wife does not need to attend for this?

And does anyone know if it this conversion can also be done at Chiang Mai Imm. offices? If not, is it possible to do in Bangkok even if wife's house book is not for Bangkok?

Thank you.

Your wife has to be with you when you go to immigration. Post you quoted was info for getting a single entry non-o in Penang.

Chiang Mai does not do conversions for marriage. You would have to go to Bangkok and there is a 50/50 chance you would have to make 2 trips because they often give a 15 day under consideration stamp before doing the visa/entry stamps.

You do not have to do the application where your wife's house book is for. No problem to do conversion in Bangkok.

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Your wife has to be with you when you go to immigration. Post you quoted was info for getting a single entry non-o in Penang.

Chiang Mai does not do conversions for marriage. You would have to go to Bangkok and there is a 50/50 chance you would have to make 2 trips because they often give a 15 day under consideration stamp before doing the visa/entry stamps.

You do not have to do the application where your wife's house book is for. No problem to do conversion in Bangkok.

Thank you.

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