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Christmas Day Amnesty

tim armstrong

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No, this is not an announcement that Thaksin is free to come home, or that Suthep has decided to go home, but my own amnesty on making any comments about Thai politics, the things I do or don't like, - just for today, - as its Christmas. I'm going to sit on the verandah, watch nothing in particular, have some beer and wine read a great travel book my son sent me from Oz, and remind myself that life is much better than just Ok.

I've already had the scrambled eggs, bacon and coffee, and made a few Christmas calls, so now its time to chill out. So to all TV members, have a mindless, relaxed and stress free day.

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i had pad thai for christmas breakfast.

khun thaksin didn't buy it for me. i did not receive a call from suthep, abhisit or yingluck to wish me a haapy day. i'd call my dad but it's 12.30 am where he is and he's sleeping.

i am bored. where we are is dead, dead, dead. no one. just some locals and the rtaf flying some fighter jets overhead, circling. my friend insists that they are doing something in pattani, but i didn't observe any smart munitions on the plane. then again what do i know........

i want some ice cream and its a 3 km hike to the 7-11. i think someone should get me some ice cream.


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i had pad thai for christmas breakfast.

khun thaksin didn't buy it for me. i did not receive a call from suthep, abhisit or yingluck to wish me a haapy day. i'd call my dad but it's 12.30 am where he is and he's sleeping.

i am bored. where we are is dead, dead, dead. no one. just some locals and the rtaf flying some fighter jets overhead, circling. my friend insists that they are doing something in pattani, but i didn't observe any smart munitions on the plane. then again what do i know........

i want some ice cream and its a 3 km hike to the 7-11. i think someone should get me some ice cream.


Keep living the dream

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i had pad thai for christmas breakfast.

khun thaksin didn't buy it for me. i did not receive a call from suthep, abhisit or yingluck to wish me a haapy day. i'd call my dad but it's 12.30 am where he is and he's sleeping.

i am bored. where we are is dead, dead, dead. no one. just some locals and the rtaf flying some fighter jets overhead, circling. my friend insists that they are doing something in pattani, but i didn't observe any smart munitions on the plane. then again what do i know........

i want some ice cream and its a 3 km hike to the 7-11. i think someone should get me some ice cream.


GK - you poor old bugger, get a grip man. Look at it this way, living in LOS at Christmas allows you to avoid the presents 'that will be useful,- one day', the bloated stomach from the fermenting custard, plum pudding and bad chocolate. It allows you to avoid the left over turkey turned into a curry in about 4 days time. You don't have to play scrabble with the deaf and ageing aunt. It's less expensive because the choice of booze is more limited. You can have a kip without being woken up by requests for screwdrivers, money, taxi for teenagers, and the necessity to fix the Christmas tree lights that you're sure you did last year. Depending on your nationality, Boxing Day will be a great time to look at the cricket with your secret stash of good imported beer.

But you will be required to fix the karaoke machine - again, and the ' lets have a couple of friends around for a drink' - has turned into 10 people sitting on the sitting room floor, who you have never seen before, with enough food for the entire village and at least 2 bottles of Hong Thong each. So life could be worse, just enjoy, smile, and fork out the 100 baht for someone to ride your motorcycle and get you a cornetto.

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