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Now I understand the Russian Ignorance


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I have been in international operations for almost 20 years. I have traveled the world. My next door neighbor at the condo I live in in Bangkok is Russian and a hard working, polite professional. He is a lot of fun. I have been doing business in Russia for about 15 years now and for the most part everyone I do business with are professional and pleasant to be around. Saying this on my personal excursions within Russia I have met very delightful people but I must admit I have also met some of the most difficult angry people I have met anywhere in the world. I use the BTS daily. Only once have I seen regular police enter a train and escort out a group of people. It was a boisterous group of Russians drinking openly inside the train. They did not leave the train peacefully but when they were finally removed the particular train I was applaud the police for removing them.

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You haven't run in to to many Brits in Pattaya, have you ? They are not very much different ...

Try to take your kids for breakfast at 8 am anywhere downtown Pattaya, and you get the

bold guys sitting with their beers and screaming profanities ....

this is so true. Worse at night time when they are half cut and speaking so loud about the football.... like they want everyone to hear their boring voices

So its just the Russians and the Brits who are obnoxious then?....well done, only 2 nations in the world that ruin everything!!
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The Russians have spoilt Pattaya and other parts of Thailand I have never in my life met such rude people there manner towards the thai people are dreadful and to others as well....................I suggest the Russian tourists agents teach the people coming to Thailand some manners before they come to Thailand....................LIKE PLEASE AND THANK-YOU..........NO YOU CANT BRING YOUR OWN DRINK'S INTO BAR'S AND RESTAURANT'S NO YOU CANT TAKE YOUR OWN FOOD INTO BARS AND RESTAURANTS, AND WHEN YOU WALK PAST PEOPLE IN THE STREET LEARN TO MOVE ASIDE INSTEAD OF WALKING STRAIGHT THROUGH PEOPLE.

Just don't know why these Russians don't have to have work permit's either!!............I been coming to Pattaya now for 17 years and cant wait for them all to leave for good.

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You haven't run in to to many Brits in Pattaya, have you ? They are not very much different ...

Try to take your kids for breakfast at 8 am anywhere downtown Pattaya, and you get the

bold guys sitting with their beers and screaming profanities ....

this is so true. Worse at night time when they are half cut and speaking so loud about the football.... like they want everyone to hear their boring voices

Take the F word away and many could not form a sentence. I have some English friends who are aware that they say the F word too much and are trying to change but it is difficult for them as it has been a part of there speech for most if there lives. Thai girl even comment to me many about how much there say <deleted>>. Hahaha... It don't really bother me but it sure sounds b

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The first thing I would be doing is not taking Kids to downtown Pattaya, around anywhere the desperadoes, drunks and derelicts hang out, so that could easily cover most of the Downtown

Why would anybody bring their kid to Pattaya in the early hours? Nobody would. This is a town for adults, be it very early morning, or late at night.

If you have a family with young kids, dont come here!

Pattaya is adult playground, and it is excellent adult playground.

You are married and have kids, your fun days are over, that is always part of the package... You have something precious, a family, now you are out of the game and Pattaya is not for you.

I have kids and still live in Pattaya (i.e. still "part of the game"), what did I miss in your message?

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so OP, did you have a WP & your friends to do your gig ?

One doesn't need WP's when one knows the proper steps to take and is associated with a Charity;

Step 1) Go to the charity and get permission to use their logo and set up a charity for them

Step 2) Take that to City Hall and get approval

Step 3) Go to Immigration and let them in the loop

Step 4) Enjoy and help charity

It also helps if one has done this before and it is not me but my musician partner who has set up several Chrity events.

Is that ok with you Belg?

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Seems the nice Thai man was wanting all ways , to have 11 Russians eating and drinking then when another few baht turned up kick them out and rake in a few more baht. The Thai guy is being to type being a greedy money grabbing so called business man with money number one overuling good business sense. how could it be a private party with 11 paying customers already in there. Figured out the computer system for You Tube, erm well that would be a keyboard. Down to the owner to have had this sorted before the private party turned up, but that would have meant loosing a few baht.

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I hate to speak bad of Russians,BUT. They do come accross as arrogant .As far as the club owner it's all about the baht.He didn't want to lose any.So I guess ya have to roll with the punches.

Probably the owner should have put A sign up at the door

Saying there would be A private party at such and such A time.To each his own.

"should have put A sign up at the door

Saying there would be A private party at such and such A time."

Since only one of the Russians understood a little English & probably no Thai, and I'm guessing the bar owner isn't fluent in Russian, exactly how would that have solved the problem?

Is your "A" key stuck?

Now I understand the Russian Ignorance

I would think you have experienced some Russian drunken incivility, but that doesn't necessarily translate to "ignorance" and I didn't see anything in your story that implied you understood it.

Well I have never had any experience with Russians. But I do hear an awfully lot of negitism about them.

Why is that and it all seems to come from two areas Pattaya and Phuket. I had heard that the Russians had a different set of visa qualifications. [Not sure I believe that]. Making it easier for them.

Why do I not here about these things in relationship to the Brit's American's Canadian's and other nationalities. Well yes I hear much about the rudeness of Chinese. It is so bad that China has written a book on how to behave in a foreign country. But I do not here any talk of Chinese Mafias. Just Russian Mafias.

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I have found the Russians in Pattaya. To be usually intoxicated by alcohol. Alcohol very often brings out the worst in people. My observation is that it does for Russians. Combine that with their arrogance, lack of manners, and bullying behaviors, whenever you have more than one of them present. I Will not go into a Russian Bar, or club!

Because Russia doesn't have a 'warm climate' locale ... they look for the cheapest place (THAILAND) ... and yet these cheap skates are the ones that are inundating Pattaya, and giving a pittance of tips for service !

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Seems the nice Thai man was wanting all ways , to have 11 Russians eating and drinking then when another few baht turned up kick them out and rake in a few more baht. The Thai guy is being to type being a greedy money grabbing so called business man with money number one overuling good business sense. how could it be a private party with 11 paying customers already in there. Figured out the computer system for You Tube, erm well that would be a keyboard. Down to the owner to have had this sorted before the private party turned up, but that would have meant loosing a few baht.

Please read the OP.

The owner is entitled to pick what kind of entertainment he chooses to put on. If people don't like it they are just as welcome to vote with their feet. Nothing stopping them except arrogant ignorance.

Also the Russians were told they were allowed to stay even though it was a private party. Sounds more like an extension of friendliness to the Russians.

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You haven't run in to to many Brits in Pattaya, have you ? They are not very much different ...

Try to take your kids for breakfast at 8 am anywhere downtown Pattaya, and you get the

bold guys sitting with their beers and screaming profanities ....

I hate to speak bad of Russians,BUT. They do come accross as arrogant .As far as the club owner it's all about the baht.He didn't want to lose any.So I guess ya have to roll with the punches.

Probably the owner should have put A sign up at the door

Saying there would be A private party at such and such A time.To each his own.

To sum it all up - what we are discussing is that Pattaya is not really such a nice place to live - I avoid it if at all possible I go around and frequent other locations.

I too have had the proverbial all night drinker spouting profanities at breakfast and also had the drunk [Russians, Brits or otherwise] disrupting not only the bar scene at a quiet boutique bar but also quiet dinners at many restaurants as well. Nothing worst than having children and women listing to such profanity while trying to have a quiet evening out with friends and family.

It surmises that there are other places to frequent to avoid the congested areas and get away from all the people and commercialized environment.

If it wasn't for the ammentities associated with Pattaya or other areas that have Farang shopping and food - I would seriously consider moving to a more remote area myself - I despise the unnecessary crowding and inconsiderate people that interact daily in these tourist towns.

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I posted this on another thread but think it fits here too. Sorry if you read it already.

The starting point for me for respecting any countries people and culture is based on travel to 40 countries in the past 20 years. I really have found on average about 15% (usually 10-20) of a given countries people are as#%^+s (but I will use the word jerks) I want to be clear that this is based on people while visiting their own country. For example I don't mean Russians in Thailand but in Russia. My country population figures are approximate for you anal number crunchers. So with my 15% figure there are about 195 million Chinese jerks, 150 million Indian jerks, 46 million American jerks ( can't wait to hear your obnoxious thoughts on that) , 10 million Thai jerks( same goes for this) 8 million English jerks, 3 million Australian jerks, 1.5 million Swedish jerks, 1.4 million in UAE and about 79,000 jerks in Luxembourg etc. I am very very sorry for not including every country in my jerk stats there are just too many!!!! Also remember I have only been to forty so far!!

One other thing I would like to mention is that I would return to any of the the countries that I have visited again, all were amazing! I find I like the world more as I travel and it opens my mind. I make a point to eat, drink and be merry with locals everywhere. Yes even in the Middle East.. Just a little harder to find booze.

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My post had to do with soo many people think there are way more Russian jerks ( did you read any of the posts before mine?)but I just think the percentage of Russian jerks in Russia is the same as the percentage of Bulgaian jerks in Bulgaria. That's all

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You haven't run in to to many Brits in Pattaya, have you ? They are not very much different ...

Try to take your kids for breakfast at 8 am anywhere downtown Pattaya, and you get the

bold guys sitting with their beers and screaming profanities ....

It's Pattaya what do you expect. It's a bit like going to a crack house and complaining about all the crack heads.

Sorry but I have to agree. Who takes their children to such a sordid place inthe first place when Thailnd is full of far better locations. ?

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My post had to do with soo many people think there are way more Russian jerks ( did you read any of the posts before mine?)but I just think the percentage of Russian jerks in Russia is the same as the percentage of Bulgaian jerks in Bulgaria. That's all

Got it but how is that relevant to the masses of misbehaving Russians in Pattaya? I doubt they are inspiring much tourism to Russia.

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It would be an interesting exercise to repost this thread using the exact terminology with one difference: reverse the nationalities of those involved.


You don't live in Pattaya, do you? It would just be an absurd post. No howls.

Perhaps you don't get it. During high season the Russians DOMINATE here in tourist demographics. They know it and many of them act like they have taken over and enjoy special powers here; they do this to Thais and other foreigners as well without discrimination. I see this kind of thing most EVERYDAY, and the vast majority of time either Russians or Russian speakers.

To act like this situation doesn't exist here, when it is literally IN YOUR FACE here, now that would be really, really absurd.

I do indeed live here full time, on a beach where Russian is the overwhelmingly predominant language one hears, primarily because of the plethora of hotels which cater to tour groups.

Not once in over two years here have I had a negative encounter with a Russian speaker, and they are pretty much the majority at places that I frequent.

Perhaps it is because I have two advantages:

First, I speak and understand a bit of Russian, so conversations can for the most part be carried on in their language;

Second, I don't wear any prejudice or xenophobia on my sleeve.

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I can see it could be different if you speak Russian. Most of us here on English language thaivisa.com don't. By speaking Russian you enter the Russian IN group. Good for you but pretty irrelevant to the rest of us who are not going to learn Russian just because there are a lot of Russians here.

BTW, having a personal negative encounter is not the same thing as OBSERVING obnoxious behavior. If someone says they are surrounded by Russians in Pattaya and have never observed obnoxious behavior from this group, sorry, that isn't remotely believable.

Yeah, I'm so very xenophobic. Have traveled all over the world and have lived in a foreign country for many years and even in the U.S. I mostly lived in immigrant neighborhoods.

Edited by Jingthing
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You encountered a particularly unpleasant group of Russians. Very likely Siberians, most Russians here are from Siberian part of Russia. There is no other nationality that can compete with drunk, uneducated, vulgar, arrogant Russian. Russians from Moscow and parts of country closer to Europe, dispise them and feel embarrased they carry the same passport. They have a name for them, it roughly translation is savage. Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I don't think Estonians qualify judging russians! As you are one.

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You haven't run in to to many Brits in Pattaya, have you ? They are not very much different ...

Try to take your kids for breakfast at 8 am anywhere downtown Pattaya, and you get the

bold guys sitting with their beers and screaming profanities ....

The first thing I would be doing is not taking Kids to downtown Pattaya, around anywhere the desperadoes, drunks and derelicts hang out, so that could easily cover most of the Downtown

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah, that's probably true. Unfortunately, if you want to follow some of the recommendations

for breakfast here, you have little choice. These days it seems that they hang out everywhere.

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The first thing I would be doing is not taking Kids to downtown Pattaya, around anywhere the desperadoes, drunks and derelicts hang out, so that could easily cover most of the Downtown

Why would anybody bring their kid to Pattaya in the early hours? Nobody would. This is a town for adults, be it very early morning, or late at night.

If you have a family with young kids, dont come here!

Pattaya is adult playground, and it is excellent adult playground.

You are married and have kids, your fun days are over, that is always part of the package... You have something precious, a family, now you are out of the game and Pattaya is not for you.

My kids where born here, it's their home. Yes we do NOT frequent downtown very often. But

I do like to take them to a Sunday brunch once in a while. We don't go to walking street

or anywhere close. That particular incident was when we went to a bakery between soi buacow

and 3rd road. I thought we would be safe on a Sunday morning - I was wrong.

So basically I have to watch where I take my kids on Sunday mornings, and it is OK for those

low lifers to take over Pattaya, behave like hooligans, and everybody seems to just accept this.


But a group of Russians enjoying a group dinner and wanting to play their own music is rude and

ignorant behavior ?! Wow.


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