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Residence of protest leader Satit sprayed with bullets


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Been expecting some stupidity like this only I thought it would be Sutheps house and with grenades.

The launchers are still out there and one was recently used on the home of one of the rubber farmers leaders in the SOUTH.

Whether there will be a will to catch those responsible is another thing.

Tarit has made no visible effort to go after those who shot the students and kept them pinned down all night in the Uni.

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Well, it's begun, and the government has only itself to blame. By ramming their amnesty bill through, the PTP have put the country on a trajectory that it will not be able to stop.

What do you mean by "rammed through"? The Senate stopped it. The bill was never enacted. It is not law. I am trying as much as I can here to use words of one syllable since you don't seem able to get hold of the fact that the amnesty bill is not law. This reminds me of when George Bush repeatedly claimed that Saddam Hussein didn't allow the US inspectors into Iraq when it was the US that told them to get out. Are you a relative of his?

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It is of course not very convenient to lead a protest that gets more and more violent (3 red shirts shot dead before, and one police shot dead today, and more to come).
So, I would not be surprised to see some Dems come up with new ideas, such as "spraying" their own houses with bullets (but warning the maids not to pass by for a short while) in order to claim that their opponents are violent...

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Did that guy just say he hopes Suthep is fired at with a military rifle inside his home? ^

Where in the article was the name Suthep used. Just because the ammunition was NATO 5.56mm, does not indicate the the weapon was a M16. coffee1.gif

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This incident reminds me of another very similar one a few years ago, when an old ladies house was riddled by hundreds of bullets from a gang of machine-gun toting yahoos. She survived by hiding behind the refrigerator. The leader of the violent thugs is still an active politician. Interesting to know if history is repeating itself. Just goes to show that letting these criminals go unpunished isn't very wise.

The son of this elderly couple living in the house was living in Bangkok and had won the lottery so he built a new house for his parents....what a good son ....some of the locals were surprised at this show of wealth and told the police they were drug dealers...no less a person of the Thaksin regime the Interior Minister led the raid...it is purported over 150 shots were fired into the house ....the elderly couple survived by hiding behind the frig....the Interior Minister earnt himself a new nickname that night ....he became known as "The Fridge"

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Earlier I made a brief post: This happened in Trang. The deep South of Thailand. Not Redshirt territory.

The way the story has been reported in the media and after viewing responses to the story – I was concerned that not enough attention was given to the location of the incident. Was attempting to indicate that the incident occurred in Trang, which is not known as a Redshirt stronghold.

There is a Redshirt presence in Trang: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/665102-red-shirts-make-themselves-visible-in-chuans-backyard/

There would also be Isaan conscripts serving in the Army down South. M16 bullet casings found in front of Democratic MP's home. Additional shots fired into the local Democrat Party office building. Redshirts involved in a drive by shooting to send a message or mark new territory – who's to say – TIT and things aren't always what they seem. Fortunately no one was injured or killed. The death of a high profile anti-government leader would have further polarized a divided Thailand.

Sorry if my laconic original post caused unrest in an already polarized TV forum. Having to attend to my ailing Thai wife. She may need to travel to Bangkok for medical treatment whilst Suthep's pet protesters attempt to set world attendance records. The Million Minion March or was that ten million wind up toys he has at his disposal – among other things his numbers keep changing.

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This is just the beginning. Try to deny a downtrodden segment of the population their democratically elected government because it doesn't fit the agenda of the business elite, then expect more and more of this kind of payback.

Those who have not taken political-sides, for the sake of humanity, certainly hope that’s not the outcome in the end, you fear, seek and anticipate as-a-means to an end.

Edited by MK1
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It has been shown time and time again that the UDD reds and their thugs , some of them in government have ALWAYS resorted to arms and violence. ,a simple fact ,Inbred thugs from jatuporn and beyond ,They cant talk with any civility and their actions are that of killers .No amnesty EVER

Amnesty was the WORST idea- because it would hae exonerated the murderes in the Tample Massacre.

But what is this? the beginnings of a Bosnian blood bath?

Well- maybe in blind hate of Thakdin a blood bath is what is needed-- :I hope not.

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This is just the beginning. Try to deny a downtrodden segment of the population their democratically elected government because it doesn't fit the agenda of the business elite, then expect more and more of this kind of payback.

Those who have not taken political-sides, for the sake of humanity, certainly hope that’s not the outcome in the end, you fear, seek and anticipate as-a-means to an end.

No-one hopes for civil war, but I see it as inevitable. I can't see the yellow shirts backing down at this point, and once they try to block the elections or refuse to accept the results of the election, then it will be on. The red shirts won't surrender like in 2010 and this time when they come to Bangkok they won't be armed with only molotov cocktails.

"The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose."

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Earlier I made a brief post: This happened in Trang. The deep South of Thailand. Not Redshirt territory.

The way the story has been reported in the media and after viewing responses to the story – I was concerned that not enough attention was given to the location of the incident. Was attempting to indicate that the incident occurred in Trang, which is not known as a Redshirt stronghold.

There is a Redshirt presence in Trang: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/665102-red-shirts-make-themselves-visible-in-chuans-backyard/

There would also be Isaan conscripts serving in the Army down South. M16 bullet casings found in front of Democratic MP's home. Additional shots fired into the local Democrat Party office building. Redshirts involved in a drive by shooting to send a message or mark new territory – who's to say – TIT and things aren't always what they seem. Fortunately no one was injured or killed. The death of a high profile anti-government leader would have further polarized a divided Thailand.

Sorry if my laconic original post caused unrest in an already polarized TV forum. Having to attend to my ailing Thai wife. She may need to travel to Bangkok for medical treatment whilst Suthep's pet protesters attempt to set world attendance records. The Million Minion March or was that ten million wind up toys he has at his disposal – among other things his numbers keep changing.

Last post in that link us a beaut

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So now they have started to shoot at their own homes, so they can blame the reds??coffee1.gif

Hahahaha you are soooo funny

Except that the yellow shirts did this in 2006. The colonel killed when the bomb he was carrying in his car to the protest site exploded prematurely. And the girl at Royal plaza killed by the bomb she was carrying.

All good tactics to hurt a few pawns on your side and Gothenburg blame the others

Lying about 2006 doesn't help.

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More likely to be southern insurgent related than anything else......not like this kind of thing is anything new down there, the problems have been going on for years..... get a grip some of you, no one currently knows anything and there are other troubles long standing in that region far far more violent than anything seen in the capital at any point, there is nothing to suggest its anything to do with the demonstrations in BKK other than his knee jerk opinion, he knows squat, for starters if it were a professional hit he would already be dead,,,,

Very UNLIKELY to be southern insurgent related as Trang is not involved in that issue, it IS new down there to have a shooting.

Get a grip on your own lack of basic geography and rudimentary social-political history.

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So now they have started to shoot at their own homes, so they can blame the reds??coffee1.gif

They are doing everything they can to get the reds involved, beating up and seriously injuring taxi drivers, killing police and shooting at their own homes, very careful tho as not to break any windows.

The Yellows are getting pissed because the reds won't fight. They need violence to help their cause.

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This is just the beginning. Try to deny a downtrodden segment of the population their democratically elected government because it doesn't fit the agenda of the business elite, then expect more and more of this kind of payback.

Those who have not taken political-sides, for the sake of humanity, certainly hope that’s not the outcome in the end, you fear, seek and anticipate as-a-means to an end.

No-one hopes for civil war, but I see it as inevitable. I can't see the yellow shirts backing down at this point, and once they try to block the elections or refuse to accept the results of the election, then it will be on. The red shirts won't surrender like in 2010 and this time when they come to Bangkok they won't be armed with only molotov cocktails.

They had much, much more than molotov cocktails in 2010.

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