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Police officer shot dead during Bangkok protests: hospital


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Marcos, Mugabe, Peron. They were all elected into office. Looked how it turned out for their country. Just because a government is elected into office doesn't mean it's a democracy.

It's the simple minded people who actually believe the BS about this being the rich 'elites' vs the poor downtrodden farmers. You guys are as brainwashed as the retards who have fallen in love with the cult of Shinawatra. This country needs something new because this Thai 'democracy' has failed so far. Idiots think an election is the way to go. Sure someone wins the election and someone loses and then a few years later, we have another wave of protests. Enough is enough. Time for something new.

This is what I mean ^^^

This "them" and "us" thing is in your head, its seemingly consuming you as you spend hours everyday of your life writing this pish online when 99% of people here cant even vote <deleted>. This "you dont love Suthep like me so you love Thaskin" BS is nauseating - most of us dont love either, we see them for what they are, manipulative power hungry freaks, as bad as eachother.

One thing you do have right is when you say this country needs something new, but it sure as hell isn`t a man that huge swathes of the country hate and is indicted in murdering dozens of his own citizens.

The stage is set for a new party to emerge with a charasmatic leader promising an end to corruption and offer a new Thailand away from the old system, someone who can unite against the old. Thats the only scenario someone from a "Western" country should support. All the guff you write above about how Khun Suthep is your hero is embarrassing.

So what are you saying? That everyone here on TV, including yourself shouldn't post our opinions? Seriously, that sounds like what you're saying. If that's the case, stop being a bloody hypocrite and start first. People like you are idiots. You post your opinions on this country as much as the next person but when someone doesn't agree with you, you say he shouldn't post because he can't vote or is a foreigner. Boggles the mind really.

Suthep is not some white knight unfortunately right now, he's all the country has. He's tainted for sure but compared to the Shinawatras and their cronies, he sure smells better.

What do you actually know about Suthep and the people behind him?

You're going to tell us right?

Is this going to be a rant about nameless and faceless 'ammart" again? Haha

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Before people begin to assign blame for this - an investigation is yet to take place, gentlemen - it should be noted that there have been fatalities on both sides in this conflict, all of them unnecessary. It should also be noted that whenever policemen are authorized to use rubber bullets - as was the case here - all sorts of tragic circumstances can develop. The administration must take responsibility for that. They must also take responsibility for ramming an amnesty bill through, that has sparked the crisis that has culminated in today's unrest and today's tragedy.

So much nonsense in so few words. You have a gift. Take the notion of "ramming an amnesty bill through". What exactly does that mean? I think for you it means a vote was taken with an outcome I didn't like. Therefore it was "rammed...through" What makes this even more ludicrous is that the bill was stopped dead in its tracks by the Senate. The system worked. A bill that you think was bad was stopped. And somehow the blocking of a now dead bill justifies trying to unseat the government? Obviously this is a shoddy pretext to get by extraconstitutional means what they can't get by an election. At least the Republicans in the USA were trying to undo a bill that had actually been enacted. What's the yellow shirts' justification?

He might think that ramming means - having the speaker announce that the debate is over and that the vote will be tomorrow, then waiting until the opposition has all left and then having a vote on the amnesty bill. There is also the bit about changing the content of the bill at the last minute. There is also the bit about using your majority to push it through against "strong" opposition - the latter I admit is common in other countries, including the US, and could also be called ramming there as well. Hope that clears up the confusion.

"having the speaker announce that the debate is over and that the vote will be tomorrow, then waiting until the opposition has all left and then having a vote on the amnesty bill."

You're quite sure that's how it happened, right? Not an embellishment on your part or a "fact" you've absorbed from the Forum?

The House of Representatives passed the controversial revised 7-article amnesty bill with a vote of 310 to 0 at 04.25 a.m. today amid shouts, boos and curses by the opposition.

The opposition Democrat party walked out of the final session to vote the much criticized bill after the House Speaker Somsak Kiartsuranont ignored the Democrats’ call to put off the final or third reading of the bill.

The bill, which took almost 19 hours in debate, first passed the second reading with a vote of 307 to 0 with four abstentions on Article 3, 309 to 0 on Article 4, 311 to 0 with five abstentions on Article 5, 314 to 0 with one abstention on Article 6, and 315 to 0 with one abstention on Article 7.

The vote on the five articles, from Article 3-7, took just slightly an hour because there was no debate as all the Democrats have walked out since the House Speaker ignored their call to put off the vote on the second reading.

After all five articles passed the voting, the House Speaker then asked for the final or third reading of the bill and it was passed with a vote of 310 to 0.


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Getting your name off the books DOES NOT mean killing them off, GET IT ??

Any decent court may well have had the evidence enough to convict someone who GOT RID- through police action, people handling drugs. If this happened say in UK and the said PM ordered this, what do you think would have been the outcome ???

Or do you not believe any order was not given OR no one was GOT RID OF, get real.

First you said wiping their name off the face of the earth, and now you say getting their name off the books. Which one is it? Because no, I don't get it.

And you've got evidence of Thaksin personally ordering to kill drug dealers? Is that why you're so upset with him? That he allegedly ordered the police to crack down on drug dealers?

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Someone here is asking to wait for an investigation to explain what happened to the poor policeman.

I am sure that many of them who states that now, will blame on corrupt police if investigation will find out the shooter was a protester.

I suggest all extremists to not take sides in face of people dead. But as 2010 taught us, everyone is good to fill his mouth and his speeches with the blood of kill people. Killed, then used by both sides for elevate their causes. With no respect for death.

Edited by newcomer71
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I haven't got any problems with them holding elections (after they have put the reforms that EVERYONE wants and realises are necessary, in place). You obviously missed it when Suthep espoused exactly the same thing - he even said is it was an opposition government that won fair and square (without any Thaksonites on board) then he would respect that!! Check it out if you don't believe me.

He is opting out of politics once his duty is done so you cannot claim that someone who is retiring is power hungry either.

Thaksin is a fascist because he wants to control Thailand by inserting his family and cronies into as many positions that he can and his stance of ignoring parliamentary rules of dilligent and due processes to further enrich his family smacks of Fascism and dictatorship. As does his desire to remove checks and balances so that he can get away with it!!

Not only is he a control freak but he is a cowardly criminal and serial murderer as well as a despicable human being that doesn't deserve to be on this earth!!

If people wanted reforms they would vote for another party. You're either incredible naive or straight out lying if you claim that Suthep only wants reforms. It's obvious that is just a pretext for imposing yet another military dictatorship.

It's also clear that you don't know the meaning of the word fascism. Let me enlighten you:

  1. 1.
    an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.


Web definitions
  1. dictatorship: a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.)

Thaksin formed government after winning several democratic elections. Suthep on the other hand did the opposite.

Thank you for supporting my arguments relating to Thaksin being a dictatorclap2.gif.

Does not appointing family members, friends, associates and serving lackeys into influential positions to serve his requirements and needs, not describe a dictator in the making?

As for not being restricted by a constitution, laws or an opposition.............well, need I say more. Ha Ha Ha!!!

Thaksin won't thank you for pointing this out, will he!! Don't ever apply to be his publicist. He would surely have no hesitation in bumping you off if you start talking about him in this way and people start to realise and appreciate what 'the real' Thaksin stands for on account of your ill advised research revealing that Thaksin is!! a dictator of the first order.

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Well considering I don't drink that knocked that one into a cocked hat.

Putting the obvious as simply as possible you stated that you don't want to see Thais die. In another post you said that you wanted the Shinawatra name wiped from the face of the earth which would indicate you'd like them dead. They're Thai aren't they? I used the Samoan reference ( it could have been any country) to indicate the flaw in your posts meaning that the Shinawtras must be from another country as you don't want to see Thais die but you'd like the Shinawatras dead.

But you knew that already didn't you?

Considering you don't drink makes your posting even more ludicrous as it removed one of the potential reasons for you to blame it on.

I didn't say I want the Shinawatra's dead!! I said " I want the Shinawatra NAME wiped from the face of the earth".

As to them being Thai (Chinese Thai) you would never ever think that as they have been responsible for killing thousands of Thai's and raping Thailand of so much of it's lost prosperity. Hardly a decent thing to do to you're fellow countrymen, wouldn't you agree!!

I hope you are not implying that I want all Samoans dead as they have done nothing bad to warrant me wishing this.

I would get Tarit on to you for slandering me and besmirching my character with your accusation that I want all Samoans dead. However, this would not do me any good as you have 'immunity' as you are a red shirt lackey and not one of Suthep's 'devil men'!!

Of course you'll point to my posts that have me as a red shirt lackey as Im already on record here as saying thaksin is odious. While you're at it maybe you'd clarify as to what you meant by wiping the sinawatra name fRom the face of the earth. I mean in a clear concise manner as opposed to your usual ill thought out hysterical replies.

On second thoughts don't bother. Your reply would more than likely consist of the same small minded ranting by numbers in an attempt to cover that you're a classic case of somebody not as bright as they think they are. Although we have to be thankful for small mercies that at least now you don't post in block capitals to get your "point" ( in the loosest sense of the word) across.

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Well considering I don't drink that knocked that one into a cocked hat.

Putting the obvious as simply as possible you stated that you don't want to see Thais die. In another post you said that you wanted the Shinawatra name wiped from the face of the earth which would indicate you'd like them dead. They're Thai aren't they? I used the Samoan reference ( it could have been any country) to indicate the flaw in your posts meaning that the Shinawtras must be from another country as you don't want to see Thais die but you'd like the Shinawatras dead.

But you knew that already didn't you?

Considering you don't drink makes your posting even more ludicrous as it removed one of the potential reasons for you to blame it on.

I didn't say I want the Shinawatra's dead!! I said " I want the Shinawatra NAME wiped from the face of the earth".

As to them being Thai (Chinese Thai) you would never ever think that as they have been responsible for killing thousands of Thai's and raping Thailand of so much of it's lost prosperity. Hardly a decent thing to do to you're fellow countrymen, wouldn't you agree!!

I hope you are not implying that I want all Samoans dead as they have done nothing bad to warrant me wishing this.

I would get Tarit on to you for slandering me and besmirching my character with your accusation that I want all Samoans dead. However, this would not do me any good as you have 'immunity' as you are a red shirt lackey and not one of Suthep's 'devil men'!!

Of course you'll point to my posts that have me as a red shirt lackey as Im already on record here as saying thaksin is odious. While you're at it maybe you'd clarify as to what you meant by wiping the sinawatra name fRom the face of the earth. I mean in a clear concise manner as opposed to your usual ill thought out hysterical replies.

On second thoughts don't bother. Your reply would more than likely consist of the same small minded ranting by numbers in an attempt to cover that you're a classic case of somebody not as bright as they think they are. Although we have to be thankful for small mercies that at least now you don't post in block capitals to get your "point" ( in the loosest sense of the word) across.

Prove to me that your IQ is over 100 as you do not seem to understand simple things and prove that your middle name is NOT Troll as I find some (all) of your responses and retorts incomprehensive twaddle undeserving of a reply!!

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The first one to die at the hands of the protesters now criminal charges for murder must be placed against Suthep. Brave policeman RIP

Please share the evidence with us for:

Shot by the protestors.

Suthep ordered it.

At the moment it could be:

a person who is neither protestor not police/government

an army guy

man in black from government to have a reason to clamp down on the protestors

a protestor

Considering that there are no other weapons and that it is a PR disaster for Suthep I doubt he has anything to do with it. If he want to take the building with weapons it would easier to have 10 people with AK-47 instead of a sniper....

Here come the "we didn't do it" excuses, that people in denial love so much.coffee1.gif

I'm sure they didn't beat the taxi driver to death either ... And people in this thread are calling the police "brutal"

There are always 3 truths, theirs, ours and real.

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The first one to die at the hands of the protesters now criminal charges for murder must be placed against Suthep. Brave policeman RIP

Or unlucky cop caught in friendly fire.

Investigation first, perhaps?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I don't think you know what "friendly fire" means. In this case it would mean that he was killed by the police while they were shooting at the protestors. Not likely.

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The first one to die at the hands of the protesters now criminal charges for murder must be placed against Suthep. Brave policeman RIP

Try not to be silly please

Why is that a silly comment? Please enlighten me.

You were not there and jump into conclusion right away. This is a silly comment.

You have to make allowances. After all this is Thaivisa wink.png

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Getting your name off the books DOES NOT mean killing them off, GET IT ??

Any decent court may well have had the evidence enough to convict someone who GOT RID- through police action, people handling drugs. If this happened say in UK and the said PM ordered this, what do you think would have been the outcome ???

Or do you not believe any order was not given OR no one was GOT RID OF, get real.

First you said wiping their name off the face of the earth, and now you say getting their name off the books. Which one is it? Because no, I don't get it.

And you've got evidence of Thaksin personally ordering to kill drug dealers? Is that why you're so upset with him? That he allegedly ordered the police to crack down on drug dealers?

"First I said wiping their name" sorry to disappoint you I didn't. GET IT ??? I said it didn't mean they have to die.

The other point re-drug subject, you look up the reports about this. It is not the reason I am upset with Thaksin-personally I do not care for dictatorial regimes drunk with power for their own importance. No one in office should act as a control freak.

How do you think these near 3,000 persons died ??? suicide???

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Well considering I don't drink that knocked that one into a cocked hat.

Putting the obvious as simply as possible you stated that you don't want to see Thais die. In another post you said that you wanted the Shinawatra name wiped from the face of the earth which would indicate you'd like them dead. They're Thai aren't they? I used the Samoan reference ( it could have been any country) to indicate the flaw in your posts meaning that the Shinawtras must be from another country as you don't want to see Thais die but you'd like the Shinawatras dead.

But you knew that already didn't you?

Considering you don't drink makes your posting even more ludicrous as it removed one of the potential reasons for you to blame it on.

I didn't say I want the Shinawatra's dead!! I said " I want the Shinawatra NAME wiped from the face of the earth".

As to them being Thai (Chinese Thai) you would never ever think that as they have been responsible for killing thousands of Thai's and raping Thailand of so much of it's lost prosperity. Hardly a decent thing to do to you're fellow countrymen, wouldn't you agree!!

I hope you are not implying that I want all Samoans dead as they have done nothing bad to warrant me wishing this.

I would get Tarit on to you for slandering me and besmirching my character with your accusation that I want all Samoans dead. However, this would not do me any good as you have 'immunity' as you are a red shirt lackey and not one of Suthep's 'devil men'!!

Of course you'll point to my posts that have me as a red shirt lackey as Im already on record here as saying thaksin is odious. While you're at it maybe you'd clarify as to what you meant by wiping the sinawatra name fRom the face of the earth. I mean in a clear concise manner as opposed to your usual ill thought out hysterical replies.

On second thoughts don't bother. Your reply would more than likely consist of the same small minded ranting by numbers in an attempt to cover that you're a classic case of somebody not as bright as they think they are. Although we have to be thankful for small mercies that at least now you don't post in block capitals to get your "point" ( in the loosest sense of the word) across.

Prove to me that your IQ is over 100 as you do not seem to understand simple things and prove that your middle name is NOT Troll as I find some (all) of your responses and retorts incomprehensive twaddle undeserving of a reply!!

Well that certainly told me. Of course i could point out the sheer hypocracy of labeling someone a troll after accusing them of being a red shirt lackey and shrugging off my questions as twaddle because truthfully you realise that you cant answer them and aren't big enough to admit it. But of course that would be as pointless as trying to teach a brick to sing opera.

Have a good day.

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To all those one eyed who blame everything on someone else; shame on you ... for goodness sake a policeman lost his life doing his job, to suggest he was not shot by Suthep's "freedom" protesters is an insult to everyone's intelligence. Those same writers will try to tell us the taxi driver was not beaten and his car was not willfully destroyed by Suthep's "freedom" protesters. Sadly acts of anarchy are being seen in Bangkok. Please see the photo on Thai Visa and the video on khaosod; the links are below before you write denial letters. Do you really want to be governed by this rabble ?




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The first one to die at the hands of the protesters now criminal charges for murder must be placed against Suthep. Brave policeman RIP

Try not to be silly please

Why is that a silly comment? Please enlighten me.

Unless you witnessed it first hand and have been appointed judge and juror then you should take your kangaroo court and nail your ears to a tree with your prejudicial gavel

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

And you have never made assumptions in a debate on an online forum? The fact is that you have no proof of Thaksin's wrongdoings, so shut up from now of unless you are appointed judge or juror in any case brought against him and have absolute waterproof evidence against him. Edited by BestBitterPhuket
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Well considering I don't drink that knocked that one into a cocked hat.

Putting the obvious as simply as possible you stated that you don't want to see Thais die. In another post you said that you wanted the Shinawatra name wiped from the face of the earth which would indicate you'd like them dead. They're Thai aren't they? I used the Samoan reference ( it could have been any country) to indicate the flaw in your posts meaning that the Shinawtras must be from another country as you don't want to see Thais die but you'd like the Shinawatras dead.

But you knew that already didn't you?

Considering you don't drink makes your posting even more ludicrous as it removed one of the potential reasons for you to blame it on.

I didn't say I want the Shinawatra's dead!! I said " I want the Shinawatra NAME wiped from the face of the earth".

As to them being Thai (Chinese Thai) you would never ever think that as they have been responsible for killing thousands of Thai's and raping Thailand of so much of it's lost prosperity. Hardly a decent thing to do to you're fellow countrymen, wouldn't you agree!!

I hope you are not implying that I want all Samoans dead as they have done nothing bad to warrant me wishing this.

I would get Tarit on to you for slandering me and besmirching my character with your accusation that I want all Samoans dead. However, this would not do me any good as you have 'immunity' as you are a red shirt lackey and not one of Suthep's 'devil men'!!

Of course you'll point to my posts that have me as a red shirt lackey as Im already on record here as saying thaksin is odious. While you're at it maybe you'd clarify as to what you meant by wiping the sinawatra name fRom the face of the earth. I mean in a clear concise manner as opposed to your usual ill thought out hysterical replies.

On second thoughts don't bother. Your reply would more than likely consist of the same small minded ranting by numbers in an attempt to cover that you're a classic case of somebody not as bright as they think they are. Although we have to be thankful for small mercies that at least now you don't post in block capitals to get your "point" ( in the loosest sense of the word) across.

Prove to me that your IQ is over 100 as you do not seem to understand simple things and prove that your middle name is NOT Troll as I find some (all) of your responses and retorts incomprehensive twaddle undeserving of a reply!!

Who cares about his IQ when yours is sensationally low. Once you get caught with your pants down in epic hypocrisy, you start accusing others of low IQ and being trolls. You are trying to win debate by "technique" rather than knowledge and facts. Utterly useless.

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Many of you have become known to the writer as persons who generate damaging and unfounded comments with disturbing alacrity.

Most readers no longer take your rambling and vexatious comments too seriously. The more pragmatic; are certainly not given to waste valuable yet limited time to answer such frivolous comments. Most writers under the cloak of respectability still demonstrate a malicious intent and attempt to dictate the terms which negates any useful debate. In most instances your purports are, in fact so naive they are completely nonsensical and stretch credulity to the outer limit or your own flawed imagination which has succumbed to the spurious vista colored it seems by the aspersions of a certain wannabe 'president'. Most free thinkers are irately stultified that a perfidious purveyor of deception can attract so many to believe in a load of pernicious trash (the quantum of his plan to replace democracy) yet you accept it all without question, for all its imbalance, prejudice, salaciousness and errors of fact! Your aptness to render such ambivalence and myopic presupposition interpolations is further clear evidence you may not be up to the 'requisites' of your own vocation as a commentator on current affairs, may I elucidate; you show ineptitude in being impartially judgmental and that would irately stultify most.

The arguments of who said, you said, he said, we said I said ... prove nothing!

To those who wish to respond with the truth I respectfully give some advice...

Never argue with an idiot. He'll just drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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Many of you have become known to the writer as persons who generate damaging and unfounded comments with disturbing alacrity.

Most readers no longer take your rambling and vexatious comments too seriously. The more pragmatic; are certainly not given to waste valuable yet limited time to answer such frivolous comments. Most writers under the cloak of respectability still demonstrate a malicious intent and attempt to dictate the terms which negates any useful debate. In most instances your purports are, in fact so naive they are completely nonsensical and stretch credulity to the outer limit or your own flawed imagination which has succumbed to the spurious vista colored it seems by the aspersions of a certain wannabe 'president'. Most free thinkers are irately stultified that a perfidious purveyor of deception can attract so many to believe in a load of pernicious trash (the quantum of his plan to replace democracy) yet you accept it all without question, for all its imbalance, prejudice, salaciousness and errors of fact! Your aptness to render such ambivalence and myopic presupposition interpolations is further clear evidence you may not be up to the 'requisites' of your own vocation as a commentator on current affairs, may I elucidate; you show ineptitude in being impartially judgmental and that would irately stultify most.

The arguments of who said, you said, he said, we said I said ... prove nothing!

To those who wish to respond with the truth I respectfully give some advice...

Never argue with an idiot. He'll just drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

YAWN.coffee1.gif verbal D.

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The first one to die at the hands of the protesters now criminal charges for murder must be placed against Suthep. Brave policeman RIP

Please share the evidence with us for:

Shot by the protestors.

Suthep ordered it.

At the moment it could be:

a person who is neither protestor not police/government

an army guy

man in black from government to have a reason to clamp down on the protestors

a protestor

Considering that there are no other weapons and that it is a PR disaster for Suthep I doubt he has anything to do with it. If he want to take the building with weapons it would easier to have 10 people with AK-47 instead of a sniper....

Here come the "we didn't do it" excuses, that people in denial love so much.coffee1.gif
Ok so who is responsible for the shooting? No report I read, Thai or international, appears to have any idea. All I read is someone shot into the protest site, which from what I've seen included the police and the "protestors". Whoever it was does not seem to have cared who they hit.

In another note, is it correct the police smashed up a nurses car at the riot site? If so, why?

Edited by Bluespunk
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Many of you have become known to the writer as persons who generate damaging and unfounded comments with disturbing alacrity.

Most readers no longer take your rambling and vexatious comments too seriously. The more pragmatic; are certainly not given to waste valuable yet limited time to answer such frivolous comments. Most writers under the cloak of respectability still demonstrate a malicious intent and attempt to dictate the terms which negates any useful debate. In most instances your purports are, in fact so naive they are completely nonsensical and stretch credulity to the outer limit or your own flawed imagination which has succumbed to the spurious vista colored it seems by the aspersions of a certain wannabe 'president'. Most free thinkers are irately stultified that a perfidious purveyor of deception can attract so many to believe in a load of pernicious trash (the quantum of his plan to replace democracy) yet you accept it all without question, for all its imbalance, prejudice, salaciousness and errors of fact! Your aptness to render such ambivalence and myopic presupposition interpolations is further clear evidence you may not be up to the 'requisites' of your own vocation as a commentator on current affairs, may I elucidate; you show ineptitude in being impartially judgmental and that would irately stultify most.

The arguments of who said, you said, he said, we said I said ... prove nothing!

To those who wish to respond with the truth I respectfully give some advice...

Never argue with an idiot. He'll just drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

YAWN.coffee1.gif verbal D.

What is he trying to achieve? Maybe he is trying to get as many words in the concise English dictionary into his posting and I think that he would be better served sticking to playing scrabble than posting on this forum!!

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Maybe the police officer was shot by another police officer or by one of the mysterious men in black who seem to be around whenever the redshirts are swarming.

False flag attacks are typical tactics of redshirts.

Edited by Netizen
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Does not appointing family members, friends, associates and serving lackeys into influential positions to serve his requirements and needs, not describe a dictator in the making?

As for not being restricted by a constitution, laws or an opposition.............well, need I say more. Ha Ha Ha!!!

No it does not. Read the definitions again. And to say that Thaksin is not restricted by the constitution, laws or the opposition is beyond absurd. He is in exile due to trumped up charges during a military dictatorship. And Thailand has an opposition so strong they get away with breaking the law because the government fears yet another military coup if they use force against them. In what reality do you live in?

On the other hand the yellow shirt wants to overthrow the democratically elected government. They are clearly the fascists. Read the definition again.

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Getting your name off the books DOES NOT mean killing them off, GET IT ??

Any decent court may well have had the evidence enough to convict someone who GOT RID- through police action, people handling drugs. If this happened say in UK and the said PM ordered this, what do you think would have been the outcome ???

Or do you not believe any order was not given OR no one was GOT RID OF, get real.

First you said wiping their name off the face of the earth, and now you say getting their name off the books. Which one is it? Because no, I don't get it.

And you've got evidence of Thaksin personally ordering to kill drug dealers? Is that why you're so upset with him? That he allegedly ordered the police to crack down on drug dealers?

"First I said wiping their name" sorry to disappoint you I didn't. GET IT ??? I said it didn't mean they have to die.

The other point re-drug subject, you look up the reports about this. It is not the reason I am upset with Thaksin-personally I do not care for dictatorial regimes drunk with power for their own importance. No one in office should act as a control freak.

How do you think these near 3,000 persons died ??? suicide???

And what is wrong with killing 3000drugdealers or people around them????USA does the same thing.They send their hitech toys and everybody who is near a Taliban dies also

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Well considering I don't drink that knocked that one into a cocked hat.

Putting the obvious as simply as possible you stated that you don't want to see Thais die. In another post you said that you wanted the Shinawatra name wiped from the face of the earth which would indicate you'd like them dead. They're Thai aren't they? I used the Samoan reference ( it could have been any country) to indicate the flaw in your posts meaning that the Shinawtras must be from another country as you don't want to see Thais die but you'd like the Shinawatras dead.

But you knew that already didn't you?

Considering you don't drink makes your posting even more ludicrous as it removed one of the potential reasons for you to blame it on.

I didn't say I want the Shinawatra's dead!! I said " I want the Shinawatra NAME wiped from the face of the earth".

As to them being Thai (Chinese Thai) you would never ever think that as they have been responsible for killing thousands of Thai's and raping Thailand of so much of it's lost prosperity. Hardly a decent thing to do to you're fellow countrymen, wouldn't you agree!!

I hope you are not implying that I want all Samoans dead as they have done nothing bad to warrant me wishing this.

I would get Tarit on to you for slandering me and besmirching my character with your accusation that I want all Samoans dead. However, this would not do me any good as you have 'immunity' as you are a red shirt lackey and not one of Suthep's 'devil men'!!

Of course you'll point to my posts that have me as a red shirt lackey as Im already on record here as saying thaksin is odious. While you're at it maybe you'd clarify as to what you meant by wiping the sinawatra name fRom the face of the earth. I mean in a clear concise manner as opposed to your usual ill thought out hysterical replies.

On second thoughts don't bother. Your reply would more than likely consist of the same small minded ranting by numbers in an attempt to cover that you're a classic case of somebody not as bright as they think they are. Although we have to be thankful for small mercies that at least now you don't post in block capitals to get your "point" ( in the loosest sense of the word) across.

Prove to me that your IQ is over 100 as you do not seem to understand simple things and prove that your middle name is NOT Troll as I find some (all) of your responses and retorts incomprehensive twaddle undeserving of a reply!!

Maybe u should prove if your IQ is over 50 as you do not see what untouchables,bkk elite and army are trying to do,better 1000Thaksins in Thailand than one KIm IL Suthep

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"First I said wiping their name" sorry to disappoint you I didn't. GET IT ??? I said it didn't mean they have to die.

The other point re-drug subject, you look up the reports about this. It is not the reason I am upset with Thaksin-personally I do not care for dictatorial regimes drunk with power for their own importance. No one in office should act as a control freak.

How do you think these near 3,000 persons died ??? suicide???

Yes you did say exactly that:

...which is precisely why I want the 'Shinawatra name' wiped off the face of the earth!!!

Again, how do you wipe the name of a family off the face of the earth without killing them?

The other point re-drug subject, you look up the reports about this. It is not the reason I am upset with Thaksin-personally I do not care for dictatorial regimes drunk with power for their own importance. No one in office should act as a control freak.

How do you think these near 3,000 persons died ??? suicide???

First of all, do you have a source that 3 000 drug dealers were killed? And secondly, you don't like a democratically elected government that cracks down on drug dealers. But you have nothing against military dictatorships. Seems legit.

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People inside the car did nothing and even pleaded the police not to hit them. But the police still destroy their car.

Are the police actions justifiable??

I'm wondering...

Cowards in riot gear attacking women. That's why no one respects these 'policemen' and have nothing but disdain for them. It's no wonder they're mostly allies with the Shinawatras.

Yes, the gang of scum that beat the taxi driver almost to death, and smashed up his taxi, for daring to drive on a road that was legally open.

Must be allies with the Shinawatras, too.

For the taxi driver, some witnesses in the facebook commented that the taxi driver tried to throw self-made bomb to the public, try to escape but come to traffic red light, he was badly beaten up. Not sure how accurate is this info.

Nevertheless it is wrong to physically hit someone or attempted to cost someone else life.

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