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Chris Hadfield has a lotta stuff up on YT and it's all amazing!

Other stuff of his...just the pix...are out on the net too. Nikon

should pay the man for advertising...hah!



Chris Hadfield has a lotta stuff up on YT and it's all amazing!

Other stuff of his...just the pix...are out on the net too. Nikon

should pay the man for advertising...hah!

The cameras on the ISS are a Nikon D2 and a D3 (don't know whether the D3 is an 's' or an 'x' designation).


It's a big coup for Nikon this.



Chris Hadfield has a lotta stuff up on YT and it's all amazing!

Other stuff of his...just the pix...are out on the net too. Nikon

should pay the man for advertising...hah!

The cameras on the ISS are a Nikon D2 and a D3 (don't know whether the D3 is an 's' or an 'x' designation).


It's a big coup for Nikon this.

FYI...NASA has been using Hassie & Nik since day 1.

The designations most likely will never be present

on the camera bodies as each camera is specially

built by Nik and modded by NASA themselves for

use in space. If mods are displayed there's a custom

base plate on the camera bottom denoting the mods


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