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Anti-govt protest leader out on bail


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What a great way to fan the flames.

How will pro-government forces respond to this?

Probably shooting anyone with a warrant.

I'm due to be back in Thailand in a couple of weeks. My wife no longer wants to go. Not because she is worried or scared, but because she is embarrassed and ashamed to be Thai.

Good! why come back to Thailand if you two are ashamed of Thailand. I'm Thai and I love my country. Please stay away and mind the affair from wherever you are from.

Just what this thread needed. An ultranationalistic and xenophobic poster!!bah.gif

There's something wrong with being patriotic, believing in one's own country? Where did you see the "ultra" bit and the xenophobia in that post, he's referring to another Thai?

He was just providing what this thread needed. A hyperbolic and unnecessarily inflammatory poster.

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What a great way to fan the flames.

How will pro-government forces respond to this?

Probably shooting anyone with a warrant.

I'm due to be back in Thailand in a couple of weeks. My wife no longer wants to go. Not because she is worried or scared, but because she is embarrassed and ashamed to be Thai.

Good! why come back to Thailand if you two are ashamed of Thailand. I'm Thai and I love my country. Please stay away and mind the affair from wherever you are from.

Just what this thread needed. An ultranationalistic and xenophobic poster!!bah.gif

There's something wrong with being patriotic, believing in one's own country? Where did you see the "ultra" bit and the xenophobia in that post, he's referring to another Thai?

He was just providing what this thread needed. A hyperbolic and unnecessarily inflammatory poster.

Why not and so what? I am Thai and why my thought is unnecessarily? Let's not flame the fire between Thai any farang here!

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What a great way to fan the flames.

How will pro-government forces respond to this?

Probably shooting anyone with a warrant.

I'm due to be back in Thailand in a couple of weeks. My wife no longer wants to go. Not because she is worried or scared, but because she is embarrassed and ashamed to be Thai.

Good! why come back to Thailand if you two are ashamed of Thailand. I'm Thai and I love my country. Please stay away and mind the affair from wherever you are from.

Just what this thread needed. An ultranationalistic and xenophobic poster!!19x19xbah.gif.pagespeed.ic.l9zPefr-9w.we width=19 alt=bah.gif pagespeed_url_hash=4274630315>

@soi41....xenophobic? On what grounds? xenophobic means...."having or showing an intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries". An utmost ignorant claim since all they said was that someone who was ashamed of being Thai did not want to return to face the problems of their country, hardly xenophobic. Why are they nationalistic? Because they love their country? Being nationalistic means...."having strong patriotic feelings, esp. a belief in the superiority of one's own country over others". I don't see any evidence of this. Just because they state that someone who feels ashamed of their identity should stay away because they offer no solutions to the current problems of their homeland. Hardly nationalistic, but more a love of their culture. YOU....need to get a dictionary.

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protesters do have serious money behind them, they are untouchables, no matter how serious charges are against them.

would they, at least, pay for the damage to the buildings, vehicles, road infrastructure, obstructing governmental offices which they made during their 2 months occupation of the town centre.

Ten minutes after the fugitive in Dubai pays for the 40 buildings ( including Central World ) his government minister incited the members of his personality cult to burnt down in his name in 2010.

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What a great way to fan the flames.

How will pro-government forces respond to this?

Probably shooting anyone with a warrant.

I'm due to be back in Thailand in a couple of weeks. My wife no longer wants to go. Not because she is worried or scared, but because she is embarrassed and ashamed to be Thai.

Good! why come back to Thailand if you two are ashamed of Thailand. I'm Thai and I love my country. Please stay away and mind the affair from wherever you are from.

Just what this thread needed. An ultranationalistic and xenophobic poster!!19x19xbah.gif.pagespeed.ic.l9zPefr-9w.we width=19 alt=bah.gif pagespeed_url_hash=4274630315>

@soi41....xenophobic? On what grounds? xenophobic means...."having or showing an intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries". An utmost ignorant claim since all they said was that someone who was ashamed of being Thai did not want to return to face the problems of their country, hardly xenophobic. Why are they nationalistic? Because they love their country? Being nationalistic means...."having strong patriotic feelings, esp. a belief in the superiority of one's own country over others". I don't see any evidence of this. Just because they state that someone who feels ashamed of their identity should stay away because they offer no solutions to the current problems of their homeland. Hardly nationalistic, but more a love of their culture. YOU....need to get a dictionary.

Soi41 is a well known troll, he is just trying to bait you into an argument because he gets a kick out of it. Try to ignore him if you can...

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What about arresting that maniac/lunatic Suthep who also has to face multiple murder charges. These people are the scum of the earth and destroying Thailand.

Will these <deleted> of Thai and .hi so society grant themselves imunity when they take the country for themselves against the will of the majority.

Suthep want's total domination and wants to rule forever and anyone in his way will pay a heavy price.

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What about arresting that maniac/lunatic Suthep who also has to face multiple murder charges. These people are the scum of the earth and destroying Thailand.

Will these <deleted> of Thai and .hi so society grant themselves imunity when they take the country for themselves against the will of the majority.

Suthep want's total domination and wants to rule forever and anyone in his way will pay a heavy price.

He hasn't been out shopping yet.

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protesters do have serious money behind them, they are untouchables, no matter how serious charges are against them.

would they, at least, pay for the damage to the buildings, vehicles, road infrastructure, obstructing governmental offices which they made during their 2 months occupation of the town centre.

How about Taksin? Who is really untouchable? Who would pay for the burning down buildings in Bangkok few years ago? Funny comment from you indeed.

If you have solid evidence that Thaksin paid, aided and abetted those who set buildings afire in Bangkok in 2010, why not submit it to law enforcement and the courts? All that happened during Abhisit's tenure as PM. Why not do it then when the pyramid of power was held by sympathetic Democrats?

Neither pro Thaksin nor anti Suthep I am.

I simply do not parrot what others gossip or "feel" without a shred of verified evidence.

An opinion is not necessarily a faithful portrait of a fact.

Way before Thaksin there was corruption, buying of votes, nepotism, and much more. Thai politics are more complex than what Farangs imagine. A feudal system of patronage, family clans that rotate their turn to the country's power are but an insignificant aspect of the intricate web that Thai politics have been for hundreds of years and continue being.

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What a great way to fan the flames.

How will pro-government forces respond to this?

Probably shooting anyone with a warrant.

I'm due to be back in Thailand in a couple of weeks. My wife no longer wants to go. Not because she is worried or scared, but because she is embarrassed and ashamed to be Thai.

Good! why come back to Thailand if you two are ashamed of Thailand. I'm Thai and I love my country. Please stay away and mind the affair from wherever you are from.

Of course she has the right to feel ashamed of Thailand when the Rule of Law is consistently ignored over the years, when the right of people to transit and go to work to earn a living is hindered by the selfish interest of a minority who decide to paralyze the major intersections of the city. When the hordes of so called students block the polling venues for upcoming elections that 2 months ago Suthep and company vociferously demanded and now what Suthep wants is to undemocratically seize power. She has the right to feel ashamed.

You, as a Thai citizen you claim to be, you have no authority or right to tell her to stay away simply because you love your dysfunctional country. Love your country (for your own personal reasons) but do not dictate what other should do.

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What a great way to fan the flames.

How will pro-government forces respond to this?

Probably shooting anyone with a warrant.

I'm due to be back in Thailand in a couple of weeks. My wife no longer wants to go. Not because she is worried or scared, but because she is embarrassed and ashamed to be Thai.

Good! why come back to Thailand if you two are ashamed of Thailand. I'm Thai and I love my country. Please stay away and mind the affair from wherever you are from.

Of course she has the right to feel ashamed of Thailand when the Rule of Law is consistently ignored over the years, when the right of people to transit and go to work to earn a living is hindered by the selfish interest of a minority who decide to paralyze the major intersections of the city. When the hordes of so called students block the polling venues for upcoming elections that 2 months ago Suthep and company vociferously demanded and now what Suthep wants is to undemocratically seize power. She has the right to feel ashamed.

You, as a Thai citizen you claim to be, you have no authority or right to tell her to stay away simply because you love your dysfunctional country. Love your country (for your own personal reasons) but do not dictate what other should do.

Did the protesters actually demand elections, or did they just demand that she step down and get out of politics?

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Well at least he ( Pichit Chaimongkol) hasn't nipped of to Dubai has he.

soi41 post # 7

How in hell can you get away with destroying public property, inciting public unrest, intimidation and violation of ISA, and get released on a 3000$ bail??19x19xbah.gif.pagespeed.ic.l9zPefr-9w.we

Something very rotten in the state of Thailand!!

Indeed that rottenness is the Thaksin clan and the puppet P.T.P. and the Red Shirt movement who are as guilty of the same crimes IN 2010 you accuse Pichit Chaimonkol of currently..

So, do two wrongs make a right? You should be condemning both Thaksin and this guy?

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protesters do have serious money behind them, they are untouchables, no matter how serious charges are against them.

would they, at least, pay for the damage to the buildings, vehicles, road infrastructure, obstructing governmental offices which they made during their 2 months occupation of the town centre.

How about Taksin? Who is really untouchable? Who would pay for the burning down buildings in Bangkok few years ago? Funny comment from you indeed.

Yes. The person(s) who were behind burning down buildings in Bangkok must be held accountable and jailed. As must the persons behind the seizing of the airports, parliments, and other public assets. The powerful persons 'behind' should be identified and jailed, not the brainwashed minions who actually did it.

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What about arresting that maniac/lunatic Suthep who also has to face multiple murder charges. These people are the scum of the earth and destroying Thailand.

Will these <deleted> of Thai and .hi so society grant themselves imunity when they take the country for themselves against the will of the majority.

Suthep want's total domination and wants to rule forever and anyone in his way will pay a heavy price.

Right back at you !

What about arresting that maniac/lunatic Thaksin who also has to face multiple murder charges not to mention those for corruption and the prison sentence he has been trying to escape from. These people - Thaksin, his cronies and to a lesser extent his brainwashed red followers - are, I won't be as extreme as your view as I don't think so, but they are severely misguided and blinded by greed and certainly are destroying Thailand.

They tried to grant themselves immunity against the will of those who haven't been brainwashed and joined his personality cult.

Thaksin wants total domination and seems like you want him to get it. Can't for the life of me think why...? He wants to rule forever and anyone in his way will, and many people already have paid a heavy price. If the election is allowed to happen and PT win then he will get a lot closer to his ultimate dictatorial goal.

PDRC don't want elections because they know Thaksin's 200+ cronies previously banned for electoral fraud will get up to their same old tricks and if the PT scum are in government after the 180 days then welcome back Mr. Fugitive. Simple as that. They want the amnesty dead and the evil Shin regime ended and that is a worthy cause...

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Yet more proof that Thaksin has "bought" all the officials in Thailand

hummm let's go through this again... slowly? this is a YELLOW (note the 'colour') elitist guy - note the word 'colour" released by the Amart Courts who are anti-Thaksin

so...................... start your post again?

I suggest:

"Yet more more proof that the 'Amart/Yellows' have "bought" all (sic) the officials in Thailand"

Suggest: understanding of the TWO sides and getting your biased posts "on message" thumbsup.gif

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Tingtongseesood said:

Soi41 is a well known troll, he is just trying to bait you into an argument because he gets a kick out of it. Try to ignore him if you can...

I have no sympathy for that soi troll, neither do I have any sympathy for the seesot troll.

Why don't they rent a dayroom, and go trolling together?

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to continue his undemocratic rape of the country!!

The "legal" system here is only worth one comment!!

That is a load of bigoted hogwash. Where is the proof??? Millions at the rally exercising their democratic right of free speech know nothing about the sexual offence that you state. As for the legal system, where is your proof that it does not work according to the law? [Red Bull apart]

Suggest that you get out of Soi 41 and experience a little wider before your mouth is engaged in more unsubstantiated twaddle.

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Yet more proof that Thaksin has "bought" all the officials in Thailand

hummm let's go through this again... slowly? this is a YELLOW (note the 'colour') elitist guy - note the word 'colour" released by the Amart Courts who are anti-Thaksin

so...................... start your post again?

I suggest:

"Yet more more proof that the 'Amart/Yellows' have "bought" all (sic) the officials in Thailand"

Suggest: understanding of the TWO sides and getting your biased posts "on message" thumbsup.gif

Not very good at picking sarcasm are you?

Didn't you know PPD, I mean fabby, is a died in the wool Thaksin supporter.

Sent from my phone ...

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It is remarkable he was granted bail when is is just going to continue the same action.

If he fled the country he would at least not be continuing with his agenda.

"he would at least ..."

Being overseas doesn't seem to have prevented Dear Leader's continuing interference & direction, does it ? whistling.gif

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What a great way to fan the flames.

How will pro-government forces respond to this?

Probably shooting anyone with a warrant.

I'm due to be back in Thailand in a couple of weeks. My wife no longer wants to go. Not because she is worried or scared, but because she is embarrassed and ashamed to be Thai.

Good! why come back to Thailand if you two are ashamed of Thailand. I'm Thai and I love my country. Please stay away and mind the affair from wherever you are from.

Of course she has the right to feel ashamed of Thailand when the Rule of Law is consistently ignored over the years, when the right of people to transit and go to work to earn a living is hindered by the selfish interest of a minority who decide to paralyze the major intersections of the city. When the hordes of so called students block the polling venues for upcoming elections that 2 months ago Suthep and company vociferously demanded and now what Suthep wants is to undemocratically seize power. She has the right to feel ashamed.

You, as a Thai citizen you claim to be, you have no authority or right to tell her to stay away simply because you love your dysfunctional country. Love your country (for your own personal reasons) but do not dictate what other should do.

I say whatever I like and you are doing the same here. Why staying in Thailand for a farang and thai couple if they are so disgusted with the dysfunctional country? Is it because of the cost of living is cheaper for you cheap people. BTW, if you are staying in this dysfunctional country, you are Fxxk up big time too silly!!!!!!!

Edited by bunny11kk
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protesters do have serious money behind them, they are untouchables, no matter how serious charges are against them.

would they, at least, pay for the damage to the buildings, vehicles, road infrastructure, obstructing governmental offices which they made during their 2 months occupation of the town centre.

Did the reds pay any damages 3 years ago.

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