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Thai PM calls for peaceful end to political crisis

Lite Beer

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well just go away along with rest of your evil clan hardly wanting peace when they put up all clan members as MP's in party list and stuff every important post with their own family members and cronies

I just hope whole rotten evil lot would sink into slime they came from

Wow, that was a really constructive and useful comment.

Let's see, Puea Thai won the last elections, meaning that most Thais still wanted this government.

Just because a minority who has lost elections for the past 23 years, well before Thaksin ever came to power, wants to overthrow an elected government, doesn't mean that the whole country has to follow it.

My suggestion, go to the polls if you want to change something. It's what grown ups in civilized countries do.

yes lets have another 4 years of this vile corrupt government who's only care is one mans megalomaniac desire to turn Thailand into his own one party dictatorship. When will people like you understand their is no democracy when elections are bought and when just because Taksin manages to buy most votes its fine to do whatever he wants irrespective of human rights. laws and anyone who dares oppose they better watch out or hell let loose again his red thugs.

Hitler was voted in so was Idi Amin and Poll pot and Mugabwie so I rest my case. Further ask 99% of thais how MP's are lected and they don't have a clue about party lists and anyway only care for next 500 baht.

Thank you ill take my chances with the inevitable coup and thank goodness theirs one body able to stop Taksin and his evil clan.

All peace needs is fork ne man to withdraw and take his clones and clan with him to exile wherever and at last Thailand would be rid of this curse and then many would be content with letting a new non Taksin government of whatever persuasion or colour have a chance. I also think although Abahist is by far IMO best PM he should withdraw to help heal wounds and Suphet. If that happened and Taksin went with rest then Thailand would have a chance.

As it is are you Naive enough to think an election is going to stop those totally opposed to Taksin who loathe and hate him. SO a coup for 2-3 years is best and most likely outcome which many would as before welcome.

You really think Thialand is anyway on par with Uk for instance in being able to have a proper free election. Well go back to your bubble world.

Supposing TS and his clan did retire, and lets just say 'Suthep' although it could be any of the old guard's parties are voted into power and a particular group, much like the current anti Government protesters take a dislike to this person for whatever reason and come out to 'claim' Bangkok like currently, what happens then?

Do you not think large scale protests (lets say 200K) resulting in the PM stepping down is a rather dangerous precedent to set? New party comes in, lets say Red Shirts dont like, then we have 500K protesters on the street? what then?The precedent has been set that this is what you need to do, how many people need to show up etc. Much the same way as the mass and prolonged demonstrations by the PAD set the guideline for the Red shirts to follow a few years later. It works for one party, so why not everyone else do the same thing.

The precedent has already been set. Thailand is governed by the mob and has been since 2008. It always was a gangster country. Now it's a lawless gangster country.

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I cringe when this idiot of a puppet uses the word "reconciliation". It's just another word for bringing big brother back. Doesn't matter how many votes you win, you're not there working for the people, you're just there to enrich your family and whitewash your brother's crimes. xbah.gif.pagespeed.ic.l9zPefr-9w.webp

Thailand is a democracy if you do not like it try not to slam the door
cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Thialand a democracy best laugh I've had this year I think cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif
For people who tell lies for a living, like the Shinawatres, it's not odd for them to take a word, like 'reconciliation' and turn its meaning 180 degrees. If the Shinawatres had a house cleaning business, they might show up at the appointed time (oh well, they'd be tardy, as Thais always are), and toss grime all over the inside of the house.
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well just go away along with rest of your evil clan hardly wanting peace when they put up all clan members as MP's in party list and stuff every important post with their own family members and cronies

I just hope whole rotten evil lot would sink into slime they came from

Wow, that was a really constructive and useful comment.

Let's see, Puea Thai won the last elections, meaning that most Thais still wanted this government.

Just because a minority who has lost elections for the past 23 years, well before Thaksin ever came to power, wants to overthrow an elected government, doesn't mean that the whole country has to follow it.

My suggestion, go to the polls if you want to change something. It's what grown ups in civilized countries do.

But Thailand is not a civilized country ... nor is it democratic ..

A bit harsh. Not entirely incorrect, but still a tad harsh.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Resume rants, and welcome to being a bit actor who will never even get a screen credit in the Puppet Show. We are not even allowed to buy a land ticket to be in the audience...so welcome to your rented space, and don't forget to clean the popcorn machine before you leave.

Happy New Year to you too!

And I agreed with your post, which I have pulled this line out of.

What is generally not appreciated on the web in these type of situations, is that there is a "middle-ground" position which is a purely scientific and logical dissection of the root problem/solution variables. And for those of us occupying said middle-ground, we are always taking monster heat from both sides, lol. If you don't have allegiance with either party, you are going to take twice as many forum scorchings as if you were actually allied to one of the corrupt self-interested parties. Who are quite possibly working for the same people anyway, but thats another story and I will save it for bedtime.

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well just go away along with rest of your evil clan hardly wanting peace when they put up all clan members as MP's in party list and stuff every important post with their own family members and cronies

I just hope whole rotten evil lot would sink into slime they came from

Wow, that was a really constructive and useful comment.

Let's see, Puea Thai won the last elections, meaning that most Thais still wanted this government.

Just because a minority who has lost elections for the past 23 years, well before Thaksin ever came to power, wants to overthrow an elected government, doesn't mean that the whole country has to follow it.

My suggestion, go to the polls if you want to change something. It's what grown ups in civilized countries do.

In grown up civilized countries, political parties are not openly controlled by a convicted criminal fugitive and his close family,

Really? The American Bushes come to mind, having been in control of arguably the most powerful country in the world....so 100,000 dead Iraqi civilians do not count as evidence, and Bush was found guilty of war crimes by more than one country. Wow, you have a rusted scale that can't measure anymore!


Which countries found Bush guilty of war crimes? Links to trial and verdict please.

I'm not defending Bush or any other politician - but trial by media or political correctness of the self appointed "educated" ones is not an alternative to a judicial process.

You are basing your comments on your idea of America as a civilized country, therefore you form your own scale. Yet, neither Bush was impeached or charged, fairly tried and convicted of any crime. But Kennedy and Lincoln were assassinated.

You previously ridicule people for taking sides - yet here you clearly are against the Bush family. That's your view, which you are free to express, as are others with differing views.

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Surprised the Western democracies haven't yet waded into this fiasco.

The last thing the world wants is another unelected committee - especially under the control of a crazed fanatic such as Suthep and his glove-puppet (commonly known as Mark Abhisit) running a strategic South-Eastern country.

Just my two-penn'orth.

What, and be a successful as they were in Vietnam, Laos, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, etc etc.

Western democracy - the universal panacea!

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well just go away along with rest of your evil clan hardly wanting peace when they put up all clan members as MP's in party list and stuff every important post with their own family members and cronies

I just hope whole rotten evil lot would sink into slime they came from

Wow, that was a really constructive and useful comment.

Let's see, Puea Thai won the last elections, meaning that most Thais still wanted this government.

Just because a minority who has lost elections for the past 23 years, well before Thaksin ever came to power, wants to overthrow an elected government, doesn't mean that the whole country has to follow it.

My suggestion, go to the polls if you want to change something. It's what grown ups in civilized countries do.

You are so right. Any evidence that the Democrat Party is working on a reform platform to put forward for people vote on? It seems not - they are only trying to obstruct the election. The best way forward for the Democrat Party is to propose a better agenda and platform and run a campaign with real alternatives for change.

Yingluck continues to handle this difficult situation extremely well and has guided her responses and those under her in a way that has minimized violence and destruction. Bravo and hats off to her!

The Democrat Party already has a black eye from its handling of the 2010 protests. Suthep's current escapades are going to be another black eye for them when history looks back at today.

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I think She is playing exactly the hand shes advised to, I also think that whatever people like to think about the Shins they are not stupid and are very well educated compared to a lot of the handmedown ammarts the contrast is striking.

Do you have an example of these less educated handmedown ammart to compare the Shins with?

Pathompong Charoenwut.

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I think She is playing exactly the hand shes advised to, I also think that whatever people like to think about the Shins they are not stupid and are very well educated compared to a lot of the handmedown ammarts the contrast is striking.

Do you have an example of these less educated handmedown ammart to compare the Shins with?

My opinion based on the feudal system in Thailand the impact made and the rapid change in power demographics that the Shin business model had on Thailand. Love it or hate it it changed the country in a few years and took the ammart by surprise. International business use of outside policy and knowledge completely rewrote the way popularity and politics could be done.

In contrast with the ammart an education in the US or UK with a piece of paper impressed, after Thaksin you had to deliver as well. Education isnt just about a degree it is knowledge and business acumen. Thaksin treated Thailand like a business. and for some time and not in a minor way put Thailand back on the map. Right or wrong it worked.... for a time

Edited by englishoak
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I think She is playing exactly the hand shes advised to, I also think that whatever people like to think about the Shins they are not stupid and are very well educated compared to a lot of the handmedown ammarts the contrast is striking.

Do you have an example of these less educated handmedown ammart to compare the Shins with?

Pathompong Charoenwut.

Earlier this month, a well-educated Thai by the name of Pathonpong Charoenwut wrote this widely spread message in English on his Facebook page.http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/691655-anti-govt-forces-have-a-new-bogeyman-the-western-media/

Edited by metisdead
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I think She is playing exactly the hand shes advised to, I also think that whatever people like to think about the Shins they are not stupid and are very well educated compared to a lot of the handmedown ammarts the contrast is striking.

Do you have an example of these less educated handmedown ammart to compare the Shins with?

My opinion based on the feudal system in Thailand the impact made and the rapid change in power demographics that the Shin business model had on Thailand. Love it or hate it it changed the country in a few years and took the ammart by surprise. International business use of outside policy and knowledge completely rewrote the way popularity and politics could be done.

In contrast with the ammart an education in the US or UK with a piece of paper impressed, after Thaksin you had to deliver as well. Education isnt just about a degree it is knowledge and business acumen. Thaksin treated Thailand like a business. and for some time and not in a minor way put Thailand back on the map. Right or wrong it worked.... for a time

I don't think you realise that Thaksin actually used the feudal system to gain his power. He bought off the power players in the North and North East. The people didn't change their vote when Thaksin came along. They voted for the same people / the same families. It's just that Thaksin now had control of these families.

And as part of the Democrat Govt, Newin was given an open cheque book to buy these votes back for them, but he failed because as per the crux of this whole issue. PEOPLE PREFER THAKSIN, so they vote for him regardless of the money.

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Oh i do I know he used it, to his advantage and youd expect a savvy businessman to do exactly that, he saw a gap in the market, ( the farmers )and those they cowed down to and employed it to great effect.

im not saying it was great im just saying he used the system and a wide gap that had been ignored until he came along

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It would be east to say that with 18 coups and several mass killings of students and killings of other protesters over the last 80 years and a south Thailand in a state of terror with guerilla bombings for 12 years that THailand has been in a constant state of terror and protest. They've double talked and bullied their way around it, stifled media, arrested for writing, thousands of extrajudicial killings in 2003 to fight a drug problem never solved.

I laughed when a Thai teacher said Thailand was a 'developing country'. I haven't seen a lot of development here in the past 14 years, perhaps only buildings and roads. I don't see any trend towards what most of us would call a 'democracy'.

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I think She is playing exactly the hand shes advised to, I also think that whatever people like to think about the Shins they are not stupid and are very well educated compared to a lot of the handmedown ammarts the contrast is striking.

Do you have an example of these less educated handmedown ammart to compare the Shins with?

My opinion based on the feudal system in Thailand the impact made and the rapid change in power demographics that the Shin business model had on Thailand. Love it or hate it it changed the country in a few years and took the ammart by surprise. International business use of outside policy and knowledge completely rewrote the way popularity and politics could be done.

In contrast with the ammart an education in the US or UK with a piece of paper impressed, after Thaksin you had to deliver as well. Education isnt just about a degree it is knowledge and business acumen. Thaksin treated Thailand like a business. and for some time and not in a minor way put Thailand back on the map. Right or wrong it worked.... for a time

I don't think you realise that Thaksin actually used the feudal system to gain his power. He bought off the power players in the North and North East. The people didn't change their vote when Thaksin came along. They voted for the same people / the same families. It's just that Thaksin now had control of these families.

And as part of the Democrat Govt, Newin was given an open cheque book to buy these votes back for them, but he failed because as per the crux of this whole issue. PEOPLE PREFER THAKSIN, so they vote for him regardless of the money.

Not saying that you are wrong, but is there any evidence to this - other than red shirt radio?

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I guess im saying the ammart have to modernise and step up their game, which includes far more than they have been willing to give to before. In that it is good for many reasons.

Abject nonsense. As expected from you. One sided argument.

How about red shirt villages and considerable amount of brainwashed population who is stuck in the Khmer Rouge frame of mind? Those guys see everything black and white. From political point of view, those guys are still in 70's. Don't you think they should be educated first?

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I think She is playing exactly the hand shes advised to, I also think that whatever people like to think about the Shins they are not stupid and are very well educated compared to a lot of the handmedown ammarts the contrast is striking.

Do you have an example of these less educated handmedown ammart to compare the Shins with?

My opinion based on the feudal system in Thailand the impact made and the rapid change in power demographics that the Shin business model had on Thailand. Love it or hate it it changed the country in a few years and took the ammart by surprise. International business use of outside policy and knowledge completely rewrote the way popularity and politics could be done.

In contrast with the ammart an education in the US or UK with a piece of paper impressed, after Thaksin you had to deliver as well. Education isnt just about a degree it is knowledge and business acumen. Thaksin treated Thailand like a business. and for some time and not in a minor way put Thailand back on the map. Right or wrong it worked.... for a time

I don't think you realise that Thaksin actually used the feudal system to gain his power. He bought off the power players in the North and North East. The people didn't change their vote when Thaksin came along. They voted for the same people / the same families. It's just that Thaksin now had control of these families.

And as part of the Democrat Govt, Newin was given an open cheque book to buy these votes back for them, but he failed because as per the crux of this whole issue. PEOPLE PREFER THAKSIN, so they vote for him regardless of the money.

Not saying that you are wrong, but is there any evidence to this - other than red shirt radio?

No, no proper evidence, like there is no proper evidence about much of the last few years going on, just heresay and speculation. However i think it is extremely viable that Newin a well known politician who seems to work well in the dark arts of vote canvassing (buying-previously used by TS) be given 3 of the most powerful and lucrative ministries. I have heard from many sources, including comments from within the Democrat party of how disillusioned people were with the corruption of the Bhumjum party, but it was seen as a necessary evil to 'get the job done'.

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I think She is playing exactly the hand shes advised to, I also think that whatever people like to think about the Shins they are not stupid and are very well educated compared to a lot of the handmedown ammarts the contrast is striking.

Do you have an example of these less educated handmedown ammart to compare the Shins with?

Pathompong Charoenwut.

Earlier this month, a well-educated Thai by the name of Pathonpong Charoenwut wrote this widely spread message in English on his Facebook page.http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/691655-anti-govt-forces-have-a-new-bogeyman-the-western-media/

The same guy runs a company producing scented candles for export to foreign countries, including Australia, USA, Canada, EU, UK ( as well as selling them and related products in Hi-So malls in bangkok. IE, the same guy who uses the pronoun for animals to refer to foreigners. He has closed his facebook page now and possibly regrets his comments, maybe not. In any event, I would like to see him insert one of his candles, preferably sideways, where the sun don't shine

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