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N Korea's Kim Jong Un hails execution of powerful uncle


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North Korea's Kim Jong Un lauds purge of executed uncle Jang Song Thaek
By Jethro Mullen, CNN

(CNN) -- North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Wednesday praised the recent purge of his uncle and former protector, saying it brought greater unity within the secretive, nuclear-armed state.

"In the seething period of the effort for building a thriving country last year, we took the resolute measure of removing the factionalists lurking in the Party," Kim said in a New Year's address, referring to the North's ruling Workers' Party of Korea.

"As our Party detected and purged the anti-Party, counterrevolutionary factionalists at an opportune time and with a correct decision, the Party and revolutionary ranks were further consolidated and our single-hearted unity was solidified to the maximum," Kim said, according to the text of the speech carried by North Korean state media.

Full story: http://edition.cnn.com/2013/12/31/world/asia/north-korea-kim-jong-un-speech/index.html

-- CNN 2014-01-01

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I hope I am not wrong posting these links, however it is an interesting insight to what may be the current situation in North Korea and one does wonder whether fat slug Kim Jong Un is perhaps as safe as he would like to think.. Links below. There are four links however I have only posted the first two links, the others can be found when viewing either of the other two links.



Edited by siampolee
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Reading the comments by that nauseating fat slug Kim Jon Un one is chillingly reminded of the delights of the rhetoric of Chairman Mao and his ''Little Red Book and the subsequent( un)cultural revolution.

It is so sad to see that the people of North Korea are subjected to mass suppression and mass idolatry of a Socialist family dynasty despot who lives as do his kin in luxury whilst the people starve and are existing under reign of terror.

I sometime watch the North Korean T.V. via satellite dish T.V reception, indeed the indoctrination and the pictures shown are a masterpiece of fabrication as to the reality of what passes for an existence in North Korea.

Fat slug Kim Jon Un your time will come as it did for Ceausescu. That particular event will be a great day for North Korea when your clan and all its cronies are exterminated and freedom returns to the North Koreans.

We all know and understand the old saw "Time wounds all heels!". Let's hope that the people of North Korea find a way to not unify with the South but to have a leader and political party that reflects their "needs"...not neccessarily their "wants"!

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Lil Kim can behave as he wishes solely because of China. Sad,

I think even China's patience will wear thin with his sabre rattling. Big problem is the nuclear weapons and a well trained, supposedly loyal army of over 1m people on active service plus several million reservists.

If anywhere on the world deserves a revolution it is N Korea. Fingers crossed. Be great to see Kim 3 publicly executed.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"we took the resolute measure of removing the factionalists lurking in the Party, Kim said in a New Year's address"

No saving face or democratic tolerance or hypocrisy from the NK leader,.... is this the answer to the problems facing Thai politics?

The way some well known political figures have been talking you could be forgiven for believing it was possible!

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Lil Kim can behave as he wishes solely because of China. Sad,

I think even China's patience will wear thin with his sabre rattling. Big problem is the nuclear weapons and a well trained, supposedly loyal army of over 1m people on active service plus several million reservists.

If anywhere on the world deserves a revolution it is N Korea. Fingers crossed. Be great to see Kim 3 publicly executed.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Better to have him skewered and barbecued.

He'd probably feed half of the country's starving for a week.

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Lil Kim can behave as he wishes solely because of China. Sad,

I think even China's patience will wear thin with his sabre rattling. Big problem is the nuclear weapons and a well trained, supposedly loyal army of over 1m people on active service plus several million reservists.

If anywhere on the world deserves a revolution it is N Korea. Fingers crossed. Be great to see Kim 3 publicly executed.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Better to have him skewered and barbecued.

He'd probably feed half of the country's starving for a week.

Maybe the USA could send in one of their drones in to wipe the nasty, inbred, fat maggot out. Think the whole world would be grateful, even China.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Having an interest in the current state of affairs in North Korea I again last night and this morning tuned to the North Korean T.V. station via our satellite dish It was noticeable that there was a lot of air time devoted to the previous despots and their amazing talents achievements and leadership skills. However it was noticeable that not too much air time was the current slug Kim Jong Un.

I noted elsewhere that there may well be a groundswell of anti the slug Kim Jong Un. Just how true and how deep this groundswell may be is difficulty to gauge, Possibly there is a move afoot to contain, rein in or even remove the slug Kin Jung Un, Whether a home grown movement or a Chinese influenced one , well we shall need to wait and see.

There were comments circulating when the slug Kim Jung Un inherited his current position that he was in favour of a more open relationship with South Korea and the West both economically and financially.That being the case China could well be stealthily promoting a ''palace revolt'' so as to keep the current status quo in place.

We need to remember that the slug Kim Jong Un was educated in Switzerland and France thus he has been tainted and possibly influenced by the lifestyles and relative freedoms of those two nations along with a generally more open and relaxed western influence as well.Now living as he is in ''a gilded cage''' life is a lot more restricted and the push for a more liberal regime may well be his death sentence political or physically.

China likes the idea of North Korea remaining much as it is currently.The North Korean state is an effective buffer against a possible and wider reaching alliance of both American and European military force and political influence being perched upon China's garden wall,

The thought of North and South Korea unifying is a no, no, to South Korea and China..

South Korea has no need to act , China has a need to act to forestall and liberalisation of North Korea

So is he, the slug Kim Jung Un pulling the strings or is it the Chinese, or is there a covert filial state of war within the clan?

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I have read the theory about Kim Jong-Un wanting to move NK into a better, less antagonistic relationship with Seoul but I am just not buying it. I believe it is wishful thinking on some journalist's part.

The closure of Kaesong does not seem to support the above theory.

I am attributing all decisions to a unified central decision making body and that may be my error. Power struggles and a lack of central command due to factionalism can result in a misleading picture emerging. Also there is always the possibility of the current regime deliberately trying to show China it is not seeking a move towards the South whilst secretly planning the opposite. However I am unconvinced that this is the case. More likely the new leader wants to change the nature of the relationship between NK and China, perhaps to one he has more control over.

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I have read the theory about Kim Jong-Un wanting to move NK into a better, less antagonistic relationship with Seoul but I am just not buying it. I believe it is wishful thinking on some journalist's part.

The closure of Kaesong does not seem to support the above theory.

I am attributing all decisions to a unified central decision making body and that may be my error. Power struggles and a lack of central command due to factionalism can result in a misleading picture emerging. Also there is always the possibility of the current regime deliberately trying to show China it is not seeking a move towards the South whilst secretly planning the opposite. However I am unconvinced that this is the case. More likely the new leader wants to change the nature of the relationship between NK and China, perhaps to one he has more control over.

All indications I get from the PRChinese I know from the recent time I worked and lived in the CCP-PRC to the present time back here in Thailand are that the CCP in Beijing long ago lost control over Pyongyang.

The CCP admits this to its population, cursing Pyongyang for its failure to follow the "correct path," which is to adopt and pursue the economic reforms of Deng Xiao Peng that the CCP itself adopted under Deng's leadership in 1980 and which has led to staggering (if contradictory) economic growth.

The Six Party Talks governments know North Korea is hanging on by a thread, its economy a complete failure as it deals in arms, drugs and other illicit goods to obtain hard cash dollars beyond the generous amounts Beijing provides directly to it.

I accept the CCP's representation to its own people of the failed relationship between Beijing and Pyongyang because it's the CCP in Beijing saying this to its own PRChinese population. Why would the CCP in Beijing disseminate such negative news about itself to its own people if it were not true? If the situation were not dire? And probably to wash its hands of some impending disaster that almost every other government can also foresee?

Beijing absolutely does not want a nuclearization of the Korean peninsula as Pyongyang is doing. For all of Beijing's bellicose and belligerent bombast against its maritime or Indian neighbors, the CCP has not sunk a South Korean naval warship as Pyongyang did two years ago, nor has Beijing bombed a South Korean island with artillery fire as Pyongyang recently has also done. Beijing in short is loud but not at all trigger happy, nor is it happy with the trigger happy warriors of Pyongyang.

All appearances at this point seem to indicate that Beijing will accept almost any economic arrangement that will give North Korea an economy of some sort so the North can have a desperately needed stable foundation as a nation-state. Just about the only thing Beijing would rule out in this respect is the North becoming the 51st state.

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