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Old Men


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Had a few "mild sensations " of the Scotch last night when I first read this thread (and answered).

Now in the cold first light of the day I realise that we have been "Had"

However this is what's great about TV in that we can all let off a bit of steam that sometimes needs letting off in this part of the world, sort of a safety valve and thus stops us getting too "Wired or wound " up about those inconsequential things that come up now and again like this thread from a great Troll

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What's that line? Oh yeah,

You mad, bro?

Rikdao owd pal

On the basis that your post is in answer to mine but could also be in answer to the OP I answer on the strength that indeed you were addressing me.

It very well could be that I am mad, who knows, what are the paradigms and what parameters do you use for your assumption of madness?

I Could be a bit Brahms and list though!

One thing I'm not though owd lad is a mind reader!

So Maybe you could with all possible respect, elucidate or enlighten me with a couple of paragraphs of what you meant to say mean or imply in your words of wisdom in your very terse post?

No offence taken or given, just want to know <deleted> you are talking about.

Edited by n210mp
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What's that line? Oh yeah,

You mad, bro?

Rikdao owd pal

On the basis that your post is in answer to mine but could also be in answer to the OP I answer on the strength that indeed you were addressing me.

It very well could be that I am mad, who knows, what are the paradigms and what parameters do you use for your assumption of madness?

I Could be a bit Brahms and list though!

One thing I'm not though owd lad is a mind reader!

So Maybe you could with all possible respect, elucidate or enlighten me with a couple of paragraphs of what you meant to say mean or imply in your words of wisdom in your very terse post?

No offence taken or given, just want to know <deleted> you are talking about.

Yo Cuz, my comment was aimed at the OP, not you. My understanding is/was that when one wants to reply to a particular post, such as yours, one uses the quote function, and if it's to the OP, quote isn't needed. In fact, like many people, sometimes I don't read all of the posts in a thread, just go to the end and do a reply, and that's what happened in this case, that is, I hadn't read your reply to OP before I added my comment.

Now, having read your original comment, I can understand why you might wonder about my comment, if it was in fact directed to you. What you said is perfectly sensible, and I agree with you. Not only that, it's given me a new way to look at some of the highly negative (and petty) expat comments here on TV, so that now I've got more sympathy for the commenters (as if they care, LOL).

Hey, Brahms and list (Liszt?), all right! Blimey, nuffink makes me 'appier than 'avin' to consult me bleedin' Cockney Rhyming Dictionary. Fanks! 'Ave a lovely day, guvnah!

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So, OP, are you saying that Thailand is No Country for Old Men?


I think the OP is really hankering after living somewhere where old chaps aren't allowed out, aren't allowed to be seen, and aren't allowed to talk to younger people.

Perhaps the OP would be more at home in the UK.


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I can feel for the OP. It must be really sickening to be sitting in a bar paying well over the odds for coloured water for some chick who he is falling madly in love with minute by minute, only to have some old regular walk in and she immediately dumps him and is all over the older guy and he's NOT buying cheap coloured water either! laugh.png

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Now now Gents, we old farts may be coming off a little harsh here. I'm trying not to intuit too much into his rant, but likelihood he is in some sun kissed beach paradise, since up here in back of beyond land, we're all old farts.

So OP, come lie down on Dr Gin's couch, and tell me your problems, explain what life shattering experience triggered this mighty outburst...

Me of course I never complain about anything, I'm practically a Saint...well maybe Thai driving skills, Thai time pisses me off a little too, but other than that, my Canonization is practically assured <coughs>

Edited by GinBoy2
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"then sit at a computer complaining"

God forbid!

The irony of it!

Personally, when I get fed up with whinging negative posts, I stop reading them.


When I called for more irony in 2014,

I did not mean this.

Was this what you were looking for?


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  • 3 weeks later...

OP I love your sentence: then sit at a computer complaining about everything .

It is exactly how you spend 100% of your time on TV

Today, 00:45

Yesterday, 18:54

A simple question.

Old Men

2014-01-01 19:05:15

Completely out of their depth, coming to Thailand to exploit everything that suits them, l

Don't they realise they are too old to adapt ?

I, for one, am sick of them, and if they don't like Thailand, bugger off to that Eutopia that you fled from !

a good answer "could be":

we are sick of you, and if you don't like TV, bugger off to that Eutopia that you fled from !tongue.png
And for a good day don't forget to take your antidepressant tablets anyfurtherthumbsup.gif
Edited by Tchooptip
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When you are over sixty who gives a shit............

This &lt;deleted&gt; looked at my beer belly last night and sarcastically said, "Is that Corona or Bud?"

I said, "There's a tap underneath; taste it and find out."

When you are over sixty who gives a shit?


I was talking to a girl in the bar last night. She said, "If you lost a few pounds, had a shave and got your hair cut, you'd look all right."

I said, "If I did that, I'd be talking to your friends over there instead of you."

When you are over sixty who gives a shit?


I was telling a girl in the pub about my ability to guess what day a woman was born just by feeling her boobs.

"Really" she said, "Go on then...try."

After about thirty seconds of fondling she began to lose patience and said, "Come on, what day was I born?"

I said, "Yesterday."

When you are over sixty who gives a shit?


I got caught taking a pee in the local swimming pool today. The lifeguard shouted at me so loud, I nearly fell in.

When you are over sixty who gives a shit?


I went to the pub last night and saw a fat chick dancing on a table. I said, "Nice legs."

The girl giggled and said with a smile, "Do you really think so."

I said "Definitely! Most tables would have collapsed by now. "

When you are over sixty who gives a shit?

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OP I love your sentence: then sit at a computer complaining about everything .

It is exactly how you spend 100% of your time on TV

Today, 00:45

Yesterday, 18:54

A simple question.

Old Men

2014-01-01 19:05:15

Completely out of their depth, coming to Thailand to exploit everything that suits them, l

Don't they realise they are too old to adapt ?

I, for one, am sick of them, and if they don't like Thailand, bugger off to that Eutopia that you fled from !

a good answer "could be":

we are sick of you, and if you don't like TV, bugger off to that Eutopia that you fled from !tongue.png
And for a good day don't forget to take your antidepressant tablets anyfurtherthumbsup.gif

Anybody could think that the OP (who hasn't contributed further in this thread) is doing some sort of research. I wonder who that could be.... ermm.gif ... On the other hand, he could be one very big resurrected and renamed troll.....(or both, of course)

Edited by Rob8891
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