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Expats in Thailand...How has Thailand changed you...better or worse


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How have I changed because of Thailand?

My driving has gotten a lot more defensive...have to keep an eye everywhere!

I walk a lot more ....

Think I'm a much happy person as I am at peace with my self

As for your neighbor .....one bad apple in the barrel doesn't mean their ALL spoiled .....then again....maybe it is a British trait to be rude and anti-social!

It is if you come from Yorkshire.

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Why are you not to be trusted OP?

I am a Brit just so you know....

You'd have to ask my neighbor and the Swiss guy (who bad mouthed me to him)..

.As indicated earlier the Swiss guy had a piece of property for sale, I paid his price. Cleaned the property up and marketed properly and resold it within 6 months at a substantial profit. Swiss guy pissed off ...says I cheated him. Don't know how? I paid him his asking price ...I just saw something in the property he didn't see and yes I jumped on it ....isn't that what business is about?

So as to your question....I'm one of those people who you can completely trust...but there are few people I let in that circle as in the same vein I don't trust anybody but my own instincts....and when I make a mistake, I take it on the chin and move on.

I did not ask my neighbor to trust me ....I just went over to say "Hi" and introduce myself when he comes out with "I hear your a man not to be trusted" in that haughty British tone.......oh well....Each to their own.

each to their own indeed, so because the Swiss man got to the haughty Brit first and bad mouth you, you are happy to leave it there and not put the haughty Brit in his place?

I personally would prefer someone that say's it how it is to my face rather than behind my back, that way I can decide as to whether or not they are worth correcting and conversing with, if I was to face a loud mouth yank who said to me I am a man not to be trusted then I would have it out with them on the spot and demand they explain what they mean by what they said....

I can take it you left your people skills back in the good old U.S of A then and prefer the Thai way of gossip behind your back and maybe this is the way Thailand has changed you?

I would befriend the Brit and stick 2 fingers up at the Swiss guy who couldn't see what he had for sale that you astutely saw and took advantage of clap2.gif

I have had my share of confrontations in life....and didn't always come out on top....but I never backed away....stubborn I guess.

And yes being in Thailand has changed my outlook on life...and I think for the better..

I'm am past the days of my youth and confrontation and, for me, its sometimes better to just walk away...

The best part of him insulting me is that I have not talked to him for 3 years since the incident ....and to be honest ...I happy with the peace that I get by not having to make small talk with him...

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Certainly since moving to Thailand 8 years ago my patience with the way Thai's drive their cars and motor bikes has helped me appreciate the country. I don't believe how infrequently you hear a horn honk, or how Thai car drivers even with the right of way let 12 cars and motorbikes turn in front of them, or how we tolerate wrong way drivers on 2way or 1 way roads. I laughingly say if I Thai came to America and tried driving this way if he lived through the day he would find himself in jail before the end of the day.

I don't blame the drivers, TIT and it has been done this way since day one.

I blame the drivers, most of them seriously lack common sense, driving in the wrong side of the road, driving too slow, flashing their lights at you even when you have the right of way. driving up your arse,even if you are overtaking and on the speed limit.

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Since the question of how Thailand has changed me, and others commented on the European presence here, I have to say that the two issues are intertwined and cannot be separated in most of the ex-pat communities. I too have lived in Europe (London, Amsterdam, and Stuttgart) for a total of 7 years. I speak German and have lived in Germany speaking only German, not being around other Americans. I have lived in Phuket for 5 years. After arriving here and having the experience of meeting the European ex-pat community that exists in Phuket, I have to say that the old Imperialist/Colonialist and racist element of the Europeans--who act like one community in cohesion, in an Us-vs-Them mentality--comes out in the well-accepted bigotry that seems to be more hidden in Europe due to attempting to be politically correct--I guess that's what it is, the usual polite facade hiding a hateful violent genocidal disposition. Europeans in Europe don't want to flaunt their real racist flavor in public just yet. I have not met what I think could be authentic Thai people because all the Thais I have met here who speak English seem to have been infected with the desire to get out of their poverty and assimilate and do whatever it takes for the white Europeans to spend money on them, their businesses, etc. Thus it just appears to be a sort of racist " paradise" as many ex-pats claim, but surprisingly so many Thai women want to go to the promised land of Europe which they may view as Paradise. I'm sure this post will not be graciously accepted and I believe the more vehemently and hissing the responses are, the more true what I say is.

So to answer the question posed: Thailand has changed me in that I see the world in a different way. What people call corruption in Thailand is just a replica of what goes on everywhere. The racist element I described above is a microcosm of the larger trend of globalization. In "The West" some of this ugly truth is hidden behind illusions of "freedom" for which we go to war and kill, seemingly the hypocrisy remains hidden in the West. It's just more open and apparent here. Having said that, this "illusion" I speak of is backed up by law and constitutional rights under what is called Democracy which some people actually believe in, illusion or not. Having at least some recourse to attempt to obtain justice means that sometimes it occurs. When there is so much open "corruption" as people openly admit to even here on this forum, there is much less chance for justice to be obtained. Thailand has given me a better look into the necessity of fighting racism, classism, sexism, inequality, and what is just open and allowed in this "Paradise" for some....

Edited by me313
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Wow!!!!....some bitter British people out there with personal attacks on me .....Why? because my British neighbor was rude to me and you are ALSO British....

Obviously English is not your first language or you have not been educated properly! Read my Post!

First off its a two part question.....

1....How has Thailand affected you ?

2.....How have people responded to YOUR personal cultural traits....(I even gave examples of how Americans are sometimes viewed and responded to the same)

As for my neighbor maybe you missed The part where I said ".not sure this is a particularly English trait ....(judging people based on gossip....rather than making your own informed decision)..but it obviously is a trait that my English neighbor has!" So you see ....I did not generalize about ALL British people...was just posing the question.

As for the "deal" ...the Swiss guy had property for sale (he underpriced it) I paid his price and sold it again (properly marketed it) and made a substantial amount of money within 6 months....seems it pissed him off ...oh well!

Think some of you Brits need a thicker skin and more open mind ...or is it just a TV thing?

It's not an English trait my US mate , the chap is just a tosser and needs to be avoided. You find them everywhere, including here in the good old UK.

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Hey 'beachproperty'....Really mate? You're post title doesn't fit what you have written. If you were trying to sell what you have written, with that title you would be prosecuted under the trade description act! You say you hate to generalize......and you're Curious about cultural traits....'BULL'.... you go on to wade into you're English neighbor with handbag flying! Could you not have just said a fellow westerner? You're post is just a dig at the entire English nation, (the whole UK maybe?) and you say it's a cultural trait of the English. Having read you're post a couple of times now, I feel sorry for you're neighbor, I think you are the one with a chip on his shoulder. I' just glad I don't live anywhere near you. Happy new year!

Whoa Tonto......I'm sure you can do better than just being critical of the post title.....Maybe you didn't notice ...I'm not trying to "sell anything"

And although you state you read the post a "couple" of times....might I suggest you get some glasses as I stated that this was a trait of my neighbor as demonstrated by his actions toward me.....I just asked the question ....is this a British thing? Maybe I should have asked is it a British thing to fly off the handle when anybody infers there might be something wrong with one of its subjects (thats what you are aren't you ...a subject of the United Kingdom)

As to cultural traits....if you traveled anywhere outside of the local pub you would notice that every culture has certain traits specific to them...I won't go into that as that is what one of the questions is......maybe you could respond rationally to that....if its not asking too much.

"Chip on my shoulder"....lets just say that although Thailand has taught me patience ....its not yet to the point where when dealing with ignorant rude people I will let it pass.....so my response was to just walk away....and haven't spoken to him for 3 years so yes I can see why you wouldn't want to live near me as you might have to deal with your fellow ignorant Brit that lives next door to me.

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Why are you not to be trusted OP?

I am a Brit just so you know....

You'd have to ask my neighbor and the Swiss guy (who bad mouthed me to him)..

.As indicated earlier the Swiss guy had a piece of property for sale, I paid his price. Cleaned the property up and marketed it properly and resold it within 6 months at a substantial profit. Swiss guy pissed off ...says I cheated him. Don't know how? I paid him his asking price ...I just saw something in the property he didn't see and yes I jumped on it ....isn't that what business is about?

So as to your question....I'm one of those people who you can completely trust...but there are few people I let in that circle as in the same vein I don't trust anybody but my own instincts....and when I make a mistake, I take it on the chin and move on.

I did not ask my neighbor to trust me ....I just went over to say "Hi" and introduce myself when he comes out with "I hear your a man not to be trusted" in that haughty British tone.......To me that's an insult....to you Brits ...maybe thats how you say Hi to everyone.....let me know so I can expect the same in the future and not take it as it insult but just a British thing......oh well....Each to their own.

Please let me help you understand the English language. I have heard you are not a man to be trusted, isn't an accusation. It is a question or simply he was saying "I have heard bad things about you, he was probably giving you the chance to put your side of the story across, but you misinterpreted the English language and then insult other Brits with your derogatory comments. If you live in a village people will talk, nothing to get your pants twisted about. That is village life.

First off ....I do not live in a village...I live in Bangkok on the outskirts...

Secondly...I've been around enough to understand an insult when I hear one....Never talked to the man before and here the first words out of his mouth are saying gossip to me....I don't gossip and I don't like gossip. Gossip is an insult to my intelligence....

So is gossip a British trait? just want to know so I can be prepared in the future.

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The initial change was that I became a handsome man, within hours of arriving.

It took hours??

Meanwhile I've become far more relaxed and laid back, despite having a relatively high-stress job.

Five minutes after arriving home all is OK, good food ready, a beer or G&T and a hug from the Missus fixes everything.

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Coming from a country with right-hand-traffic I had to learn there is suddenly MUCH MORE car on my left.

And my driving skills have changed. Well, I just blend in but always keeping in mind what Somchai behind the wheel can do in any 2 milliseconds.

I have only 2 Thai friends with cars and I think they drive liking sleeping pills.

Edited by khrab
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I’ve developed a high degree of tolerance, but tolerance for intolerance is a skill I have yet to master. BP, I am embarrassed for you, on account of your ignorance, which is compounded by your inability to articulate yourself. I am embarrassed as an American because that kind of preemptive mudslinging worsens the perception that others have of us. Twenty-five minutes after your initial post you shot out with a judgmental bash against English people, as if there is a grain of truth in it whatsoever. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the hammock this morning or are you always this arrogant?

Of all the potentially annoying traits that I still have, the peskiest seems to be my penchant for correcting poor English grammar, nonsensical word choice, or just plain weak writing. This probably has something to do with having been an English teacher in Thailand for more than four years. Please read on to see just how annoying I can be.

[Okay, so there are thousands upon thousands of expats who, for one reason or another, left their home countries to come and live in Thailand.

I came to live in Thailand because my wife, who is Thai, didn't want to live in the U.S. since she had no friends or family there. So, here I am in Thailand. However, this post is not about why you came to Thailand. It’s about what effect Thailand has had on you. How has Thailand changed you for better or worse?

For me, it seems I have more patience when dealing with all the idiotic, small things that Thais and some expats do. I am also curious to know which of your cultural traits do Thais or other expats find annoying. I hate to generalize, but I have an English neighbor whose haughty attitude (eg. my sh-t doesn't stink and we once ruled the world, so we're better than everybody else) just blows me away. I haven't spoken to him since I moved in, as he insulted me with his very first words, "I hear you are a man not to be trusted,” to which I responded, "What?" He then went on to jealously tell me all the gossip he’d heard about me. I’m not sure whether judgment of people based on gossip rather than an informed decision is a particularly English trait, but it is a trait that my English neighbor obviously has. There seems to be the thought that we Americans are loud and arrogant. I have to admit that the more I drink, the louder I get. As for the attitude, I chalk it up to confidence.

So again, what, if anything, has Thailand changed about you?

Do you have cultural traits from your country of origin that annoy other expats or Thais?

By the way, Happy New Year to all!]

BP, it’s time to walk away now.

I'm at a loss of words ....as you say I am intolerant? and nothing more... Please point out the specific areas wherein you believe I am intolerant?

By the way ...Happy to hear your a teacher...its a noble profession ...before I retired I was a Trial Lawyer ...barrister for you Brits....so using proper English in the proper context....well your right ...that"s for school.....communication whats important in life...never seemed to have a problem with that.....Oh and thanks for correcting my post ...if that's what you did ...never did well in English in school ....But life ...well that's another story

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I am flabbergasted.....It was never my intention to insult the British, I was only asking about cultural traits....As each culture has certain nuances particular to them ....and then used the example of my neighbor who happened to be British. I also pointed out certain cultural perceptions of Americans and responded to that.

If this is being intolerant ...well so be it....

But as said before I rarely back down from being personally attacked which is obviously what some of you get off on ....I have found when arguments become personal attacks, that the person making such personal attack has no rationale basis to stand on in the first place so has to make it personal...oh well

Edited by beachproperty
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Suddenly I understand why Canadians are p***** off by Americans pretending to be Canadians when abroad!coffee1.gif width=32 alt=coffee1.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2220208811>

I've heard this statement before on TV,

and I don't know where you get that idea.

We are neighbors, and we have respect for each others,

but not sure why anyone would claim to be from a country they are not,

nor what ever gave you this idea.

There is no reason to be ashamed of being American or for that matter any other nationality.

People who think so, truly need to get over themselves...

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Suddenly I understand why Canadians are p***** off by Americans pretending to be Canadians when abroad!coffee1.gif width=32 alt=coffee1.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2220208811>


but not sure why anyone would claim to be from a country they are not,

nor what ever gave you this idea.

There is no reason to be ashamed of being American or for that matter any other nationality.

People who think so, truly need to get over themselves...

I could think of a few good reasons: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan.

Not to mention the black/white segregation all the way up to the 1960's!

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One thing about this thread is getting on my tits, its you're or YOUR ...

If you're/NOT your (a) lawyer/barrister or were one, perhaps you'd know the fidderence !

I’ve developed a high degree of tolerance, but tolerance for intolerance is a skill I have yet to master. BP, I am embarrassed for you, on account of your ignorance, which is compounded by your inability to articulate yourself. I am embarrassed as an American because that kind of preemptive mudslinging worsens the perception that others have of us. Twenty-five minutes after your initial post you shot out with a judgmental bash against English people, as if there is a grain of truth in it whatsoever. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the hammock this morning or are you always this arrogant?

Of all the potentially annoying traits that I still have, the peskiest seems to be my penchant for correcting poor English grammar, nonsensical word choice, or just plain weak writing. This probably has something to do with having been an English teacher in Thailand for more than four years. Please read on to see just how annoying I can be.

[Okay, so there are thousands upon thousands of expats who, for one reason or another, left their home countries to come and live in Thailand.

I came to live in Thailand because my wife, who is Thai, didn't want to live in the U.S. since she had no friends or family there. So, here I am in Thailand. However, this post is not about why you came to Thailand. It’s about what effect Thailand has had on you. How has Thailand changed you for better or worse?

For me, it seems I have more patience when dealing with all the idiotic, small things that Thais and some expats do. I am also curious to know which of your cultural traits do Thais or other expats find annoying. I hate to generalize, but I have an English neighbor whose haughty attitude (eg. my sh-t doesn't stink and we once ruled the world, so we're better than everybody else) just blows me away. I haven't spoken to him since I moved in, as he insulted me with his very first words, "I hear you are a man not to be trusted,” to which I responded, "What?" He then went on to jealously tell me all the gossip he’d heard about me. I’m not sure whether judgment of people based on gossip rather than an informed decision is a particularly English trait, but it is a trait that my English neighbor obviously has. There seems to be the thought that we Americans are loud and arrogant. I have to admit that the more I drink, the louder I get. As for the attitude, I chalk it up to confidence.

So again, what, if anything, has Thailand changed about you?

Do you have cultural traits from your country of origin that annoy other expats or Thais?

By the way, Happy New Year to all!]

BP, it’s time to walk away now.

I'm at a loss of words ....as you say I am intolerant? and nothing more... Please point out the specific areas wherein you believe I am intolerant?

By the way ...Happy to hear your a teacher...its a noble profession ...before I retired I was a Trial Lawyer ...barrister for you Brits....so using proper English in the proper context....well your right ...that"s for school.....communication whats important in life...never seemed to have a problem with that.....Oh and thanks for correcting my post ...if that's what you did ...never did well in English in school ....But life ...well that's another story

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