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Expats in Thailand...How has Thailand changed you...better or worse


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Ive developed a high degree of tolerance, but tolerance for intolerance is a skill I have yet to master. BP, I am embarrassed for you, on account of your ignorance, which is compounded by your inability to articulate yourself. I am embarrassed as an American because that kind of preemptive mudslinging worsens the perception that others have of us. Twenty-five minutes after your initial post you shot out with a judgmental bash against English people, as if there is a grain of truth in it whatsoever. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the hammock this morning or are you always this arrogant?

Of all the potentially annoying traits that I still have, the peskiest seems to be my penchant for correcting poor English grammar, nonsensical word choice, or just plain weak writing. This probably has something to do with having been an English teacher in Thailand for more than four years. Please read on to see just how annoying I can be.

[Okay, so there are thousands upon thousands of expats who, for one reason or another, left their home countries to come and live in Thailand.

I came to live in Thailand because my wife, who is Thai, didn't want to live in the U.S. since she had no friends or family there. So, here I am in Thailand. However, this post is not about why you came to Thailand. Its about what effect Thailand has had on you. How has Thailand changed you for better or worse?

For me, it seems I have more patience when dealing with all the idiotic, small things that Thais and some expats do. I am also curious to know which of your cultural traits do Thais or other expats find annoying. I hate to generalize, but I have an English neighbor whose haughty attitude (eg. my sh-t doesn't stink and we once ruled the world, so we're better than everybody else) just blows me away. I haven't spoken to him since I moved in, as he insulted me with his very first words, "I hear you are a man not to be trusted, to which I responded, "What?" He then went on to jealously tell me all the gossip hed heard about me. Im not sure whether judgment of people based on gossip rather than an informed decision is a particularly English trait, but it is a trait that my English neighbor obviously has. There seems to be the thought that we Americans are loud and arrogant. I have to admit that the more I drink, the louder I get. As for the attitude, I chalk it up to confidence.

So again, what, if anything, has Thailand changed about you?

Do you have cultural traits from your country of origin that annoy other expats or Thais?

By the way, Happy New Year to all!]

BP, its time to walk away now.

I'm at a loss of words ....as you say I am intolerant? and nothing more... Please point out the specific areas wherein you believe I am intolerant?

By the way ...Happy to hear your a teacher...its a noble profession ...before I retired I was a Trial Lawyer ...barrister for you Brits....so using proper English in the proper context....well your right ...that"s for school.....communication whats important in life...never seemed to have a problem with that.....Oh and thanks for correcting my post ...if that's what you did ...never did well in English in school ....But life ...well that's another story

oh, you were a Trial Lawyer?...and there was me thinking you were a Merchant Banker!

Brits will understand that now.

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I love living here. I can live comfortably, raise and educate my child. Have a nice home with good food and health care and very little gun violence.

My only bitches are the seeming necessity of drama in Thai people's lives. That and they are the absolute worst drivers in the

world. Drunk, and they seem surprised that there would actually be anyone else on the road. Pull out without looking. They will park in the road instead of pulling off where there is room to do so and feel that they have to get in front of anyone in front of them. They must pass or they will surely die, and many do trying to pass. Helmets? We doan need no stink in' helmets. Even when Their bike is parked in the lane while They gaze at the mirror, squeezing acne. Driving in Thailand is like a video game.

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The initial change was that I became a handsome man, within hours of arriving.

I suspect it happened even before you opened your wallet. In the Philippines, it is not referred to as being a handsome man, it is referred to as having 'pesonality'

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Why are you not to be trusted OP?

I am a Brit just so you know....

You'd have to ask my neighbor and the Swiss guy (who bad mouthed me to him)..

.As indicated earlier the Swiss guy had a piece of property for sale, I paid his price. Cleaned the property up and marketed it properly and resold it within 6 months at a substantial profit. Swiss guy pissed off ...says I cheated him. Don't know how? I paid him his asking price ...I just saw something in the property he didn't see and yes I jumped on it ....isn't that what business is about?

So as to your question....I'm one of those people who you can completely trust...but there are few people I let in that circle as in the same vein I don't trust anybody but my own instincts....and when I make a mistake, I take it on the chin and move on.

I did not ask my neighbor to trust me ....I just went over to say "Hi" and introduce myself when he comes out with "I hear your a man not to be trusted" in that haughty British tone.......To me that's an insult....to you Brits ...maybe thats how you say Hi to everyone.....let me know so I can expect the same in the future and not take it as it insult but just a British thing......oh well....Each to their own.

Or take it another way........

He has heard negative about you from elsewhere and is prepared to tell you and give you an opportunity to present yourself.

Not forgetting he has known the other guy better and longer.....

The very fact you deem a particular British Accent as 'haughty' before you even know the guy says you went there with prejudice.

Some accents sound that way, whiny, haughty, snobby, dumb etc to others, but until you know the person you are profiling.

British humour, for example, does not work well with Americans, and some normal American behaviour can be regarded as impolite by British. For example eating one-handed and using fingers......

As you say, each to their own.

You'd rather we use three hands and our toes instead then, would you? I'm not certain what the deep seated issue underneath all this was and why it's taken three years and posts ad nauseum to resolve, but it doesn't seem to have ever been about the accent.

I've had friends from all over the world. Some of my closest mates and some of the kindest people I've met are British. I quite like their humor and have adopted it into my repertoire of facetious-isms.

The thread title had potential. Oh well.

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So let's get this straight,bp:

a.) "You" (American) bought a property from " the Swiss guy", nice that this is possible since already

3 years

b.) You moved in with your family and went to your new neighbour to say "Hi" and got an ear full in

return because the Brit knew from " the Swiss guy " that you are going to sell the property in 6 month

with a nasty profit

c.) Then, after 6 month as everybody knew from the beginning, "You" sold the property with a big profit.

d.) since then you are still hanging around enjoying the quiet neighbourhood...

Something doesn't add up.

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So let's get this straight,bp:

a.) "You" (American) bought a property from " the Swiss guy", nice that this is possible since already

3 years

b.) You moved in with your family and went to your new neighbour to say "Hi" and got an ear full in

return because the Brit knew from " the Swiss guy " that you are going to sell the property in 6 month

with a nasty profit

c.) Then, after 6 month as everybody knew from the beginning, "You" sold the property with a big profit.

d.) since then you are still hanging around enjoying the quiet neighbourhood...

Something doesn't add up.

Yeah ....What doesn't add up is your analysis of the situation...

1..Bought property from a Swiss guy.(Wife did from his wife...but in reality the deal was between him and I)

2. Fixed it up and made a profit (Swiss guy pissed off because I made a profit and he couldn't see how to do it himself...so he badmouths me)

3. THEN bought ANOTHER property next to the English guy (Wife did)

4. Yes this progression of events started 4 years or so ago but bought house next to Englishman 3 years ago and I'm still in the same neighborhood. (its a corner lot with 2 entrances so really don't have to interact with neighbor)

Does that clear it up for you? hope not too confusing for you?

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It really is an arrogant post.

Just a rant against your neighbor

......Yes I am a non English citizen

Please indicate the part wherein I displayed "arrogance"

ar·ro·gant (abreve.gifrprime.gifschwa.gif-gschwa.gifnt)

1. Having or displaying a sense of overbearing self-worth or self-importance.
2. Marked by or arising from a feeling or assumption of one's superiority toward others

Thank you for the dictionary definition BP--because it does indeed sum your attitude up quite well.

If I had started and then contributed to a thread numerous times, and found on re-reading it that hardly anyone was in agreement with me--but all the people that disagreed with me have had so many ticks, as to turn their views into popular posts ----- Then I, and probably other people, might want to reconsider what I had written . But no you are still of the belief that everyone is walking out of step---and you are the only one that has it right.

ar·ro·gant (abreve.gifrprime.gifschwa.gif-gschwa.gifnt)


Yes IMO that description is very valid.............

Have a nice new year----go and have a beer with your neighbor---its never to late to change.

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You sound like my neighbor ....is this you Mike??? If it is please come over and get your anger out for your loss of my friendship....My door is always open.

Ok, be round in 5 minutes....where do you live?.....555. Get the kettle on and we'll have a nice cup o' Rosie Lee. If you want to PM your address to me, next time I'm in the Walter Mitty, I'll drop by ok?
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I can't find that stat anywhere in the Gallup I linked to. I'd be interested looking at the numbers. Fascinating.


You do have to read the poll to find it.

"When the question was asked in Great Britain that same year, 67% answered correctly, 19% answered incorrectly, and 14% didn't know."


Maybe give up bashing Americans for a couple of threads.biggrin.png

Well, there you go. Stats don't lie, do they?

Unfortunately for you, I'm not British, so you'll have to find another way to put your social competence on display.


I believe Gallup includes Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in Great Britain as used in the poll. However if that doesn't cover you then I guess we can add another country to the frequent American bashers list.

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Why are you not to be trusted OP?

I am a Brit just so you know....

You'd have to ask my neighbor and the Swiss guy (who bad mouthed me to him)..

.As indicated earlier the Swiss guy had a piece of property for sale, I paid his price. Cleaned the property up and marketed properly and resold it within 6 months at a substantial profit. Swiss guy pissed off ...says I cheated him. Don't know how? I paid him his asking price ...I just saw something in the property he didn't see and yes I jumped on it ....isn't that what business is about?

So as to your question....I'm one of those people who you can completely trust...but there are few people I let in that circle as in the same vein I don't trust anybody but my own instincts....and when I make a mistake, I take it on the chin and move on.

I did not ask my neighbor to trust me ....I just went over to say "Hi" and introduce myself when he comes out with "I hear your a man not to be trusted" in that haughty British tone.......oh well....Each to their own.

each to their own indeed, so because the Swiss man got to the haughty Brit first and bad mouth you, you are happy to leave it there and not put the haughty Brit in his place?

I personally would prefer someone that say's it how it is to my face rather than behind my back, that way I can decide as to whether or not they are worth correcting and conversing with, if I was to face a loud mouth yank who said to me I am a man not to be trusted then I would have it out with them on the spot and demand they explain what they mean by what they said....

I can take it you left your people skills back in the good old U.S of A then and prefer the Thai way of gossip behind your back and maybe this is the way Thailand has changed you?

I would befriend the Brit and stick 2 fingers up at the Swiss guy who couldn't see what he had for sale that you astutely saw and took advantage of clap2.gif

I have had my share of confrontations in life....and didn't always come out on top....but I never backed away....stubborn I guess.

And yes being in Thailand has changed my outlook on life...and I think for the better..

I'm am past the days of my youth and confrontation and, for me, its sometimes better to just walk away...

The best part of him insulting me is that I have not talked to him for 3 years since the incident ....and to be honest ...I happy with the peace that I get by not having to make small talk with him...

So before were you a friend of this Swiss man, you know had his confidence, then stiffed him?

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The poll you posted that was supposed to humiliate Americans didn't work

I'm not exactly sure I was supposed to humiliate anyone, I was only producing some facts.

You seem a bit upset. Chill out and show a little bit of the social competency I know you're equipped with!



One of my favourite ways of getting an American going is when they tell me they majored in American History at a fancy college this or that. If so, I usually answer: "So it was a two week course then...?". I've been swung at for that...

Edited by Forethat
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got to dislike americans more, driveling on about empire, i've said it before what did the americans leave behind in asia, Angeles city and Pattaya, the british left Hong Kong and Singapore, nuff said

... and, which destinations would the vast majority

of Thailand expats prefer to go to? whistling.gif

Given an unlimited choice, Hong Kong. You get a better class of Thai hooker there, and the choice of Philippina as well, or Chinese, South American, Vietnamese, Mongolian, ...

Unfortunately most of us are limited by our resources and talent


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Given an unlimited choice, Hong Kong. You get a better class of Thai hooker there, and the choice of Philippina as well, or Chinese, South American, Vietnamese, Mongolian, ...

of Thailand expats prefer to go to? whistling.gif

Unfortunately most of us are limited by our resources and talent


I agree with this. My preferences might be a bit different, but Hong Kong sure is a tempting proposition together with Singapore.

I'd take HK or SGP any day before LOS

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I can't believe this thread is still going. I imagine Mr Beachproperty is feeling good about that.

Earlier Mr Beachproperty you said you didn't tar all us Brits with the same brush and even (liked) my post. I have read all of your replies and there are many unfounded attacks on the British race as a whole IE maybe thats how you say Hi to everyone. etc etc

To attack a whole race is futile and a little silly. We have so many different types of people from Britain from Mr Bean to some of the drunk guys in Pattaya shown on channel 4 yesterday. Just as all countries have massive character variations.

Go and confront the guy who said you are not to be trusted if it means this much to you because taking it out on every other Brit via your laptop is a little lame.

We are not a perfect race by any means and the fact most of the Brits on this thread are in Thailand now says a lot for the state of our country. We are however good at taking criticism if it is founded.

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Try posting something on topic instead of the Yank bashing litany.

I did. Read my posts instead of chasing windmills. Not only will it make you come across as a decent chap, you may even learn something.


Do you drive a Porsche, by chance...?

I took your advice and read the posts. This is what you wrote, " One of my favourite ways of getting an American going is when they tell me they majored in American History at a fancy college this or that. If so, I usually answer: "So it was a two week course then...?". I've been swung at for that..."

OK I'll bite why would you like to get an "American going?"

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Try posting something on topic instead of the Yank bashing litany.

Is it too much to ask that you actually post something on topic yourself...? So far you've managed to author no less than ZERO posts on topic. Instead, you seam to focus on defending your American supremacy by rejecting facts, regardless of how trivial they may be...

Will it make you feel better if I told you that Americans are better, more sociable, humble, intelligent, trustworthy, forgiving than all other nationalities and dam_n good at getting dressed for a trip down to the shopping mall PLUS they sport the biggest penises known to mankind? Not to mention their level of self-awareness...!

OK, you win, you're all of the above. Please can you now get back on topic and at least give us a view on how Thailand has changed you?


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Oh ho ho ho. Yes very funny. Great sport!

I love the amount of stereotyping on this thread..

I think some of you take life way too seriously and feel the butthurt way too easily.

One more thing I learned in Thailand is that in the bigger scheme we are nothing more than a brief moment in time, sitting on a tiny blue dot in the corner of a galaxy we call the Milky Way.

Maybe Monty Python's Galaxy song can explain it better

Maybe you can all learn something by understanding there is little to be gained from getting upset about something you cannot control..

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Oh ho ho ho. Yes very funny. Great sport!

I love the amount of stereotyping on this thread..

I think some of you take life way too seriously and feel the butthurt way too easily.

One more thing I learned in Thailand is that in the bigger scheme we are nothing more than a brief moment in time, sitting on a tiny blue dot in the corner of a galaxy we call the Milky Way.

Maybe Monty Python's Galaxy song can explain it better

Maybe you can all learn something by understanding there is little to be gained from getting upset about something you cannot control..

On American forums they don't bash Brits or Aussies.

They don't know who you are or where you are or what you are. I'm not saying you are not there. You are just not there to Mericans.

How many MacDonalds do you have? There's only 745 MacDonalds in Australia, shees is that really enough for a democratic country? I'm sure Mericans don't want to go there. 745 MacDonalds is almost like not even having any.

If they knew how much you disliked them they would make up a nasty for nickname for you too. They just don't know who or where you are let alone that you don't like them! Heck they have real countries like Russia and China that don't like em.

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If they knew how much you disliked them they would make up a nasty for nickname for you too.

Hey, bro, take a chill pill now. That's a friendly advice I ask you to consider before you make a complete a** of yourself.

No one has ever said Americans are disliked. No ones has given Americans any nicknames.


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oh I get called all sorts of nasty nicknames.

Not so sure about you assertion "On American forums they don't bash Brits or Aussies. " not in my experience..

in fact this very thread was started out with an ulterior motive of "brit" bashing.

PS "Spectic" isn't a nasty nickname any more then "Brit" is.. its a colloquialism used by folk from London innit - as in Spectic Tanks = Yanks

you can read it how you will, but don't feel butthurt as that's not the intention, any more than when some johnny foreigner refers to the English as "brits"

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in fact this very thread was started out with an ulterior motive of "brit" bashing.

AHhhh .....NO....This very thread was started because I mentioned my British neighbor in another thread and there was so much interest that I started this thread....Didin't want to Hijack the other thread........ Sorry that my a-hole neighbor is a Brit....and as such I was ranting against HIM and bashing HIM....NOT the Brits in general....although I did ask ...was his conduct a British trait....if that's British bashing....well...Blimey!

Could have just said "No that's not a British trait"....instead of getting your panties all in a twist

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