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Attackers Caught After Offensive Mugging


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Attackers caught after offensive mugging

Prompt police action praised again Police colonel Noppadol Wongnarm, acting superintendent of Pattaya police station, received a report that a foreigner had been knocked to the ground in front of the Paradise Hotel on South Pattaya’s soi 17. Officers arriving at the scene found Swiss born Mr Hugo Leutmud, aged 57, with a head wound. He said he had been walking back after a night on the town when he heard quickening footsteps behind him.

The next he knew he was on the pavement seeing stars, but retaining his consciousness. Although the miscreant ran away from the scene, police radio control succeeded in locating him less than a hour later. Mr Duongdow Onteem, aged 21, readily confessed his crime but said he badly needed money to pay his rent and obtain a bite to eat. He had tried to snatch the farang’s bag but it was securely fastened with a buckle and he had succeeded only in tearing off a couple of buttons and a buckle.

The Swiss guy was taken to Memorial Hospital where he was given treatment for a wound which thankfully turned out to be none too serious. If this proves to be Mr Duongdow’s first offence, and if he is found guilty by the court, he could face two years in jail for violence in the furtherance of theft.

-Pattaya Today

15 May 2006

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Mr Duongdow Onteem, aged 21, readily confessed his crime but said he badly needed money to pay his rent and obtain a bite to eat.

Another pronto confession from an otherwise long-gone form the scene assailant.

It's about time the police admitted they have no idea who did it and that they have little hope of finding out.

All this face saving crud about how they caught up with the attacker an hour later.....absolute 100% lies, lies and more lies :o

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Mr Duongdow Onteem, aged 21, readily confessed his crime but said he badly needed money to pay his rent and obtain a bite to eat.

Another pronto confession from an otherwise long-gone form the scene assailant.

It's about time the police admitted they have no idea who did it and that they have little hope of finding out.

All this face saving crud about how they caught up with the attacker an hour later.....absolute 100% lies, lies and more lies :o

Yes, I think you must be skeptical of these speedy arrests. Some guy mugs somebody and is still hanging out nearby an hour later? All the time in the Philippines a bomb or something would go off, the police would capture the culprits, hours later, but the culprits would resist arrest and start a gun fight , and all be killed by the police. Crime solved.

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Attackers caught after offensive mugging

What mugging ISN'T offensive? :o

The one's done in the bars by the girls, :D happens every night, it the one's by the L/B and katoys that are offensive (well the ugly one's :D )

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Well if they do jail him he won't have to worry about rent for a while!

3 hots and a cot. :o

Not in Thai prison.

More like, 1 luke-warm and maybe a mat on the floor, if you are nice, and the bugs let you, when you are not getting buggered yourself.

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Well if they do jail him he won't have to worry about rent for a while!

3 hots and a cot. :D

Not in Thai prison.

More like, 1 luke-warm and maybe a mat on the floor, if you are nice, and the bugs let you, when you are not getting buggered yourself.

Doah! T.I.T. :o

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