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Excellent Translater App for Android


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Out of curiosity I downloaded this app and played with it for 5 minutes. A few observations:

- The app is simply a front end to Google translate

- Translation is pretty dire (as you'd expect from Google translate)

- Phonetic script (also from Google) is utterly impenetrable . Seems (as far as I can tell) not to show vowel length and gets tones wrong. Also doesn't know about leading ห and shows it as a letter in the phonetic script

- No Thai voice recognition. (The English voice recognition, however, is reasonably good.)

- Frequent timeouts connecting to the Google server (perhaps 50% of the time)

- Haven't been able to get Thai keyboard to work (but that might just be me)

A bit disappointed, to be honest. Nothing new here. However, it is pretty good for looking up single words.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have you tried Google Goggles? It has a translate function.

doesn't do it - says it will recognize landmarks and QR codes and limited language - but Thai isn't one of them:(

Translate (app) allows one to take a picture and translates the text (or so it says - it didn't work very well for Japanese but at least it was an option), but the photo option is not available for Thai. I'm hoping there is another app like it that is available for Thai (to English)

Ranjan Kumar

Edited by Rimmer
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