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Number of Thai teen mums second highest within Asean

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Kick out the expats. See if that makes a difference in "new arrivals".


and castrate all Thai male who have 5 or more wives/GF besides their first wife,

and change your foreign father discriminating, racist laws, thus, a farang father can stay on and care for his family, just like a "few" Thai can do.

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Surveys on such topics are blurry at best. I don't know how much better my survey is, but every time I get a massage, I talk with the masseuse about her life. About 17 out of 20 masseuse gals tell me they have at least one child - and guess how many of those children have their natural dad at home? Answer: NONE. About 1 in 25 of those abandoned children have some sort of step-dad - and if he's a Thai man, there's a 99% chance he's a boozer. Nearly all Thai masseuses' kids live with, and are watched by the mothers' parents. Chances of a Thai deadbeat dad being compelled (by law) to take responsibility for a chlld he sired: ZERO. How representative are masseuses in Thailand of Thai women in general? I'll let you answer that.

There are two reasons for Thailand being in such a miserable predicament in regard to abandoned kids: {1} there are no Thai laws which compel any responsibility by deadbeat dads. and {2} Thai boys and men are irresponsible personified.

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Off topic posts and replies have been removed, this is not about the Philippines or the Catholic Church.

Edit to add: This topic is also not about World Terrorist rankings, another post has been removed.


..but every time I get a massage, I talk with the masseuse about her life..

Please don't. I hate it when people are yapping away when I'm trying to relax.


Lack of any form of parental education at home then again I suppose the parents of this latest generation of baby boomers were probably educated on the facts of life from friends rather than their parents, and so it proceeds on to the latest figures, but in Thailand some teenagers are 25 years old.

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- Thai guys don't take responsibility and leave the mother. It's not only shocking there are so many teenage mothers, it's even more shocking that they are single. Thai guys don't take responsibility, use the often younger girls as a tool for pleasure. The laws is also not on the side of the women, like in most western countries.

Most Thai guys do take responsibility for their kids so I can only assume by Thai guys you mean the man who impregnated your wife and abandoned her? Hardly a basis to judge an entire race.


2nd highest among ASEAN countries?

Does anyone wonder?

A country with

  • an "Every" system that oppresses ANY attempts of addressing truth and facts,
  • rejects, and again, oppresses any criticism at 24/7,
  • runs one of the worst education systems in South East Asia (wasn't always like that),
  • turns a blind eye on too many issues, which should be, not just seen, but, acknowledged and solved,
  • oh, I could carry on, but beg off, there are obviously much more important issues than caring for "dignity, humanity, etc.,", like, money, to name but just one ...

Who doesn't wonder they aren't No.1 yet?

  • Like 2
- Thai guys don't take responsibility and leave the mother. It's not only shocking there are so many teenage mothers, it's even more shocking that they are single. Thai guys don't take responsibility, use the often younger girls as a tool for pleasure. The laws is also not on the side of the women, like in most western countries.

Most Thai guys do take responsibility for their kids so I can only assume by Thai guys you mean the man who impregnated your wife and abandoned her? Hardly a basis to judge an entire race.

See, that's what I'm talking about.

Idiots like "wprime" can open their mouth and let all the rubbish fall out, and that's "welcome"!


as someone already addressed the inaccuracy of this post, and also pointed to the source http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/03/08/us-thailand-pregnancy-idUSBRE92705P20130308, if you now have enough intelligence left and do your maths, you may well see a number higher than "1".

While the poster said, indeed, "Thai guys don't take responsibility and leave the mother." - Why on earth, is, making an "as* out of you" the best you can? You are surely one of the best assumption puller. Why did you assume the poster meant the mother of the child and not the "Thai man's mother?" And why do you come up with an utmost skyrocketing assumption that - what 67,000 x 54 pregnant teenage girls were all impregnated by that ONE guy who ... citing YOU -

I can only assume by Thai guys you mean the man who impregnated your wife and abandoned her?

You are one hell of a douche - wprime, but, sure a reputable "Senior" contributor of bullsh** talk to this outrageous overwhelmingly-smart-people-equipped forum.

Carry on, douchebag, the world needs to know what idiots run around freely.

This si getting too, stupid in here. There is now "factual" talk going on, only full of loners and losers who think they need to say something.

Admin... you are free to remove me from this forum, it's a joke forum, with the fact addressing posts being removed, and all the rubbish being collected, stored and published!


This is awesome news for the sex tourists. Half of TV are applauding. More single mums with zero child support paid by low-life fathers, zero benefits from the state, no free childcare (except grandma), no state-run back to work or adult education initiatives = very few choices for cash and opportunities for the kids = more prostitution. Of course this is terrible news for those with brains and an ounce of decency.


I suspect the eventual answer is education.

I've observed that Thai lads and lasses are not properly educated at home as they enter puberty and pass through that phase (perhaps it is difficult for Thai people to discuss sexual issues with their children and/or grandchildren - possibly a culture issue rather than a knowledge issue).

Thai kids are generally repeatedly told simply "don't get pregnant" which is similar to the advice they receive when they start driving their motor-scooter at around the age of 10 (give or take) which is "don't have an accident".

No advice on how NOT to get pregnant is offered (much as no advice is offered how to drive the scooter in order to avoid an accident).

My own kids are well into their twenties and I invariably say "drive carefully" when they go out in their cars and "stay safe" when they go out for the evening.

Wholly pointless phrases (I feel better for having said them, though) but at least my kids were taught properly how to drive and they were also taught about contraception and relationships, equally. Thai elders maybe feel their own responsibilities are absolved by offering up equally meaningless aspirations, rather than proper advice.

In short, many Thai kids are simply instructed to avoid a particular situation/event without ever having been advised of just how to go about that (never-mind the consequence that may otherwise result).

Just my twopenn'orth, based on observation.

So, if the family elders won't or can't educate the kids, it's up to society to do so as part of their formal schooling, in my opinion.

  • Like 1

The Nation: "With a pregnancy rate of 54 out of every 100,000 teenage girls under 18"

Reuters: "Out of every 1,000 live births, 54 are from teen mothers aged 15-19"

Even if both numbers were 54 out of 1000, these aren't the same thing...


The Nation: "With a pregnancy rate of 54 out of every 100,000 teenage girls under 18"

Reuters: "Out of every 1,000 live births, 54 are from teen mothers aged 15-19"

Even if both numbers were 54 out of 1000, these aren't the same thing...

I think we can assume (typo errors allowed for) that figures seem to show roughly 5.5% of children born are to mothers under the age of 18 (what the lower of that age range is can only be guessed at, without the full figures being presented).


..but every time I get a massage, I talk with the masseuse about her life..

Please don't. I hate it when people are yapping away when I'm trying to relax.

It's called being sociable. Plus, I speak softly. Thai or Chinese men speak loud and haltingly.

- Thai guys don't take responsibility and leave the mother. It's not only shocking there are so many teenage mothers, it's even more shocking that they are single. Thai guys don't take responsibility, use the often younger girls as a tool for pleasure. The laws is also not on the side of the women, like in most western countries.

Most Thai guys do take responsibility for their kids so I can only assume by Thai guys you mean the man who impregnated your wife and abandoned her? Hardly a basis to judge an entire race.

Wrong. Most Thai boys and men DO NOT take responsibility for offspring they sire. Ask around. Open your eyes.


The Nation: "With a pregnancy rate of 54 out of every 100,000 teenage girls under 18"

Reuters: "Out of every 1,000 live births, 54 are from teen mothers aged 15-19"

Even if both numbers were 54 out of 1000, these aren't the same thing...

I think we can assume (typo errors allowed for) that figures seem to show roughly 5.5% of children born are to mothers under the age of 18 (what the lower of that age range is can only be guessed at, without the full figures being presented).

Numbers larger than single digits always are a bit of a problem in Thailand....

Many statistics are also flattered here to prevent bad news and otherwise "lost in translation".


In the whole discussion I miss the issue of Sin Sod (Dowry) in Thailand.

For poor people in Thailand daughters are seen as an asset that will at some stage in their life result in income.

Combined with heavy, and often bad, debts this puts young girls in a dangerous position and at risk of being sold to whoever comes up with the badly needed cash.

Poor sexual education by both parents and schools, a small social world, the pressure on girls from birth on to honor, help and support the parents and guys that run away at the first sense of responsibility leads to all these single teenage moms.


I suspect the eventual answer is education.

I've observed that Thai lads and lasses are not properly educated at home as they enter puberty and pass through that phase (perhaps it is difficult for Thai people to discuss sexual issues with their children and/or grandchildren - possibly a culture issue rather than a knowledge issue).

Thai kids are generally repeatedly told simply "don't get pregnant" which is similar to the advice they receive when they start driving their motor-scooter at around the age of 10 (give or take) which is "don't have an accident".

No advice on how NOT to get pregnant is offered (much as no advice is offered how to drive the scooter in order to avoid an accident).

My own kids are well into their twenties and I invariably say "drive carefully" when they go out in their cars and "stay safe" when they go out for the evening.

Wholly pointless phrases (I feel better for having said them, though) but at least my kids were taught properly how to drive and they were also taught about contraception and relationships, equally. Thai elders maybe feel their own responsibilities are absolved by offering up equally meaningless aspirations, rather than proper advice.

In short, many Thai kids are simply instructed to avoid a particular situation/event without ever having been advised of just how to go about that (never-mind the consequence that may otherwise result).

Just my twopenn'orth, based on observation.

So, if the family elders won't or can't educate the kids, it's up to society to do so as part of their formal schooling, in my opinion.


well seen and addressed, yet, there is one extreme aspect still missing.

See, in Thailand you don't address, and NEVER speak out the truth, you just simply "RESPECT", without questioning anything nor anyone!


Even here in this forum, you can't speak certain facts, otherwise you'll get banned, or even imprisoned.



Good luck Thailand, you are well set to hit No.1 in all the negative aspects. Go for -

just never forget, you MUST respect, and thus, eat the sh*t from your own plate.

Makes me wonder why there are demonstrations anyway ... ah, hypocrisy! I forgot.

Let's pray for the few Thai who would have the brain and could, but can't! (least, will never be allowed to - and - we all know why.)


I work at a school, actually, I take care of several schools in 3 different provinces. About 40% of the parents who bring their children to school everyday are the fathers. Mother's run about the same and the remainder come by school van. I live in a Moo Bahn near one of the schools and we have maybe 25 students from around 15 different households. I have been out with a lot of the parents and none of the father's are 'boozers'.

I hate to inform you, but not all Thai men are boozers, and some take a very active interest in their children and their education.

My survey would probably be slightly more valid than the one with the masseuse gals, who probably aren't taking care of their children either because they left them with grandma.

  • Like 2

There can be comparative statistics with kids who go to and from school - driven in late model SUV's by a father or mother.

.....and another set of statistics about kids born from mothers who are struggling, comparatively, to make ends meet.

Kids are kids, whether they're born hi-so, or in a grass shack. I happen to be more in tune with families in bamboo and thatch houses.

I would also venture that surveys, like the one in the OP - are much more likely to deal with SUV moms than the sort of moms who are struggling at the lowest rungs of the social ladder.

Having said that, it's just about as likely for a hi-so kid as a poor hill-triber kid to grow up with a single mom and absentee dad - well, maybe a bit more likely for low rent types, though hi-so folks are rather adept at hiding facets of their lives which are non-flattering (which they don't want waggly tongues gossiping about).


Perhaps not all Thai men are boozers, but it's rare to find any Thai man (at a party, for example) who will decline an offer of beer or booze.

More than a few times, I've had conversations with attractive Thai women, and asked the question: "Why don't you simply go to your village and find a nice young man, about your age, and make a family?" Nineteen out of twenty times, the answer will be something like: "I won't, because all the men in my village drink too much."

Maybe I hang with a bad crowd, but well over half the Asian women I've gotten to know (out of dozens) have either been raped or date-raped before their 18th birthday (sometimes as young as 14, and sometimes by a father or brother or even a grandfather!). Do I have a crappy attitude about that phenomena? Yes. Girls should be safe and enjoy their girlhood. I would love for all the girls who have been raped or date-raped - to take legal proceedings against the rapists, but that's impossible in a country like Thailand. With very few exception, all those rapes involved alcohol, so if you believe (as I do) that alcohol is a drug, then they could also be called drug-related crimes. By any yardstick, alcohol is the most dangerous drug in Thailand (and the world), and it's particularly galling that the #1 anti-drug crime fighter in Thailand is an alcoholic.

Can't Yingluck find someone to head her anti-drugs policy who is a non-alcohol drinker? No, she can't, And that brings us back to the initial premise that 'essentially all Thai men are boozers.'


There can be comparative statistics with kids who go to and from school - driven in late model SUV's by a father or mother.

.....and another set of statistics about kids born from mothers who are struggling, comparatively, to make ends meet.

Kids are kids, whether they're born hi-so, or in a grass shack. I happen to be more in tune with families in bamboo and thatch houses.

I would also venture that surveys, like the one in the OP - are much more likely to deal with SUV moms than the sort of moms who are struggling at the lowest rungs of the social ladder.

Having said that, it's just about as likely for a hi-so kid as a poor hill-triber kid to grow up with a single mom and absentee dad - well, maybe a bit more likely for low rent types, though hi-so folks are rather adept at hiding facets of their lives which are non-flattering (which they don't want waggly tongues gossiping about).

Very difficult for gran to cope with early teen girls, living in wooden upstairs large room, toilet tin shack outside -dip bowl-shower.

I went to one house ,funeral-- upstairs was gran doing her best, one upstairs wooden wall was missing, for the weather to enter, tears came to my eyes as I spoke to her, because glancing at the coffin I realized Gran had made it out of the one side of the home.

In these sort of forgotten places girls are easy prey and the lads easily led by elders. It is not all about education at schools it's a sound comfortable loving home, with security. this stops many opportunities for girls to go astray.

To add a policeman with a police house in every village same as UK as was. more control-drugs-lawlessness-parents watched-drink under more control,

yes the bib could help in this way so much more than they do now. Motor bikers hats on bib in village--under age, sorry mother cannot give the keys.

  • Like 1

I work at a school, actually, I take care of several schools in 3 different provinces. About 40% of the parents who bring their children to school everyday are the fathers. Mother's run about the same and the remainder come by school van. I live in a Moo Bahn near one of the schools and we have maybe 25 students from around 15 different households. I have been out with a lot of the parents and none of the father's are 'boozers'.

I hate to inform you, but not all Thai men are boozers, and some take a very active interest in their children and their education.

My survey would probably be slightly more valid than the one with the masseuse gals, who probably aren't taking care of their children either because they left them with grandma.

A man driving a child to school could be the child's uncle, father-in-law (though few men would marry a woman who had someone else's child), boyfriend, or grandfather, or.....?

On the one hand, it's good there are gov't surveys being taken about such social issues - yet I wouldn't doubt if the survey methodology were looked at closely, there would be flaws galore. One thing I find with Thais, whether at police dept or gov't, or elsewhere, .....is they often ask the wrong questions. In other words, in the course of determining something (its validity or frequency, etc) they don't seem to think clearly enough (or see the bigger picture) - to go about assessing it in a clear way.


Perhaps not all Thai men are boozers, but it's rare to find any Thai man (at a party, for example) who will decline an offer of beer or booze.

More than a few times, I've had conversations with attractive Thai women, and asked the question: "Why don't you simply go to your village and find a nice young man, about your age, and make a family?" Nineteen out of twenty times, the answer will be something like: "I won't, because all the men in my village drink too much."

Maybe I hang with a bad crowd, but well over half the Asian women I've gotten to know (out of dozens) have either been raped or date-raped before their 18th birthday (sometimes as young as 14, and sometimes by a father or brother or even a grandfather!). Do I have a crappy attitude about that phenomena? Yes. Girls should be safe and enjoy their girlhood. I would love for all the girls who have been raped or date-raped - to take legal proceedings against the rapists, but that's impossible in a country like Thailand. With very few exception, all those rapes involved alcohol, so if you believe (as I do) that alcohol is a drug, then they could also be called drug-related crimes. By any yardstick, alcohol is the most dangerous drug in Thailand (and the world), and it's particularly galling that the #1 anti-drug crime fighter in Thailand is an alcoholic.

Can't Yingluck find someone to head her anti-drugs policy who is a non-alcohol drinker? No, she can't, And that brings us back to the initial premise that 'essentially all Thai men are boozers.'

father was sending his daughter to pattaya for money for the family...and he done the deed on her..he said i wanted to do that before a falang did..sick or what


Perhaps not all Thai men are boozers, but it's rare to find any Thai man (at a party, for example) who will decline an offer of beer or booze.

More than a few times, I've had conversations with attractive Thai women, and asked the question: "Why don't you simply go to your village and find a nice young man, about your age, and make a family?" Nineteen out of twenty times, the answer will be something like: "I won't, because all the men in my village drink too much."

Maybe I hang with a bad crowd, but well over half the Asian women I've gotten to know (out of dozens) have either been raped or date-raped before their 18th birthday (sometimes as young as 14, and sometimes by a father or brother or even a grandfather!). Do I have a crappy attitude about that phenomena? Yes. Girls should be safe and enjoy their girlhood. I would love for all the girls who have been raped or date-raped - to take legal proceedings against the rapists, but that's impossible in a country like Thailand. With very few exception, all those rapes involved alcohol, so if you believe (as I do) that alcohol is a drug, then they could also be called drug-related crimes. By any yardstick, alcohol is the most dangerous drug in Thailand (and the world), and it's particularly galling that the #1 anti-drug crime fighter in Thailand is an alcoholic.

Can't Yingluck find someone to head her anti-drugs policy who is a non-alcohol drinker? No, she can't, And that brings us back to the initial premise that 'essentially all Thai men are boozers.'

father was sending his daughter to pattaya for money for the family...and he done the deed on her..he said i wanted to do that before a falang did..sick or what

Boomerangutang, Thailand has now the honour of top Asian country for alcohol. Wonder what it's world position is.????


Kick out the expats. See if that makes a difference in "new arrivals".

As I understand it a large proportion of bars girls get pregnant in their teens to their Thai boyfriend/husbands. When the relationship goes sour, as teenage relationships tend to, then the bars of Pattaya and Bangkok become the best way to provide for their kid(s).
Better education, clear opportunities for young girls to aspire to other than finding a husband or prostituting themselves for quick cash and expansion of a true educated middle class that will bring around the needed cultural changes are the only way to bring down teenage pregnancy rates.

Ah yes, but only if the government cared. Does it? Do they help single mothers retrieve support payments from "dead beat" dads? lol HELL NO. Men can just walk away w/out any responsibility. And most times never interact w/ the child.. ever. The governments of Thailand have shown REPEATEDLY what they really care about e.g. self preservation, increased personal wealth, securing power/profit/business etc. And sadly the BIB and others benefit from this pitiful situation of young, ignorant, desperate mothers.

My wife's niece got pregnant. Her auntie who is married to a police officer, sent him round to collect. The threat being charging the boy with under age sex. A woman up the road threatened to sue someone for going round saying her daughter was not a virgin. She was 4 months pregnant!

Mary was a virgin so this lady may have a case.wink.png


Perhaps not all Thai men are boozers, but it's rare to find any Thai man (at a party, for example) who will decline an offer of beer or booze.

More than a few times, I've had conversations with attractive Thai women, and asked the question: "Why don't you simply go to your village and find a nice young man, about your age, and make a family?" Nineteen out of twenty times, the answer will be something like: "I won't, because all the men in my village drink too much."

Maybe I hang with a bad crowd, but well over half the Asian women I've gotten to know (out of dozens) have either been raped or date-raped before their 18th birthday (sometimes as young as 14, and sometimes by a father or brother or even a grandfather!). Do I have a crappy attitude about that phenomena? Yes. Girls should be safe and enjoy their girlhood. I would love for all the girls who have been raped or date-raped - to take legal proceedings against the rapists, but that's impossible in a country like Thailand. With very few exception, all those rapes involved alcohol, so if you believe (as I do) that alcohol is a drug, then they could also be called drug-related crimes. By any yardstick, alcohol is the most dangerous drug in Thailand (and the world), and it's particularly galling that the #1 anti-drug crime fighter in Thailand is an alcoholic.

Can't Yingluck find someone to head her anti-drugs policy who is a non-alcohol drinker? No, she can't, And that brings us back to the initial premise that 'essentially all Thai men are boozers.'

father was sending his daughter to pattaya for money for the family...and he done the deed on her..he said i wanted to do that before a falang did..sick or what

Boomerangutang, Thailand has now the honour of top Asian country for alcohol. Wonder what it's world position is.????

I don't know. How do Thais stack up, re; alcohol abuse, compared to, for example

>>>> aboriginals in Assie outback?

>>>> Native Americans on their reservations?

>>>> Russkies on their icy roads?

Maybe it's another 'hub' for Thailand.


father was sending his daughter to pattaya for money for the family...and he done the deed on her..he said i wanted to do that before a falang did..sick or what

Yes, it is completely sick. I would love to mete out a penalty against someone like that. It would involve a hole in the ground, some jam, and a nest of ants.

P.S. Chinese, not farang, pay top-dollar for de-flowering virgins.

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