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Statues & Other Still Life Photography


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All i can add with Due Respect for the Pro Members. If i want to see Contrived Pics i wait to Visit the Dentist and read a Glossy Mag. I love, but wont name em cause we all know whos Happy Snapper Pics work, They brighten you Cafe each Morn.biggrin.png

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All i can add with Due Respect for the Pro Members. If i want to see Contrived Pics i wait to Visit the Dentist and read a Glossy Mag. I love, but wont name em cause we all know whos Happy Snapper Pics work, They brighten you Cafe each Morn.biggrin.png

Totally unrelated:.. Did you read about about that copyright/name mix-up last week, Ace? I'm still laughing. You had me going there for awhile. Funny stuffthumbsup.gif

It's time to share a statue to cover-up this sunday-rant, guys.^^

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All i can add with Due Respect for the Pro Members. If i want to see Contrived Pics i wait to Visit the Dentist and read a Glossy Mag. I love, but wont name em cause we all know whos Happy Snapper Pics work, They brighten you Cafe each Morn.biggrin.png

Ace,I don't get your point.Are you saying that you don't want to see any 'Pro' work on the forum?

I spend hours and hours a week trying to improve my 'photography' skills,are you suggesting that all that is in vain,and that I should stop

trying to better my skills? I would love it if one day just one of my pics made it in to a 'glossy magazine'!

Are you even interested in photography,or do you just come on here to moan at those that are skilled and have trained very hard to reach

the level that they are at now?,

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