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Suthep threatens to seize Yingluck’s assets‏


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Try to do that in Belgium:

No way you would be able to get near to government buildings and shout al that venom.

When will someone jail thet Suthep????

Too scared of something?

Thailand on its way to chaos sad.png

Suthep said once the people announce the victory over the Thaksin regime, all her assets would be seized.

The protest leader also disclosed that on the shutdown day, all major government offices will come under siege by protesters so as to prevent all officials to work or serve the caretaker government.

All major roads leading to government offices will be blocked and all government vehicles will not be allowed to pass, except city buses which will continue servicing the people.

He said houses of Ms Yingluck will also be blocked by an army of female protesters, of Surapong Tovichakchaikul, and of Kittirat na Ranong.

For Mr Surapong, also the foreign minister, Mr Suthep said he would see ”Hell on earth does exist and will experience it.

They will face mass protests that they have never seen or expected in their lives, Suthep said.

The mass protests will also be held at the homes of the national police chief and his two deputies, he said.

Would the Belgium people tolerate 3 years of pillage???? or are they too week to fight something like this--I think NOT they would do the same as here, any country would. No country near on earth would wait for an election with no demonstrations and no reform, When people pillage they have to GO.

If persons mobilizing the protests are found very wrong they also will have to GO.

GinJag, why is it that we didn't see any protests and attempts to suspend democracy in the USA after 6-8 years of pillage under Bush/Cheny, which as I have mentioned before makes the corruption in Thailand look like kids play in comparison. Oh I forgot, the American people waited for an election and got rid of the offending party. What fools they are. They should have organized riots, ruined their local economies, made themselves look foolish to the rest of the world so expats living in their country wouldn't think they are "week" (your spelling not mine)


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Thaksins money should have been seized since a long time. Most he got from corruption.

Rubbish. It was earned legitimately. One may not agree with how businesses operate in Asia, but the junta and Democrats did their utmost to make the corruption claim stick, and failed. Are you jealous of Thaksin's wealth?

Nothing stops you from becoming wealthy if you have entrepreneurial skills, intelligence and an ability to work hard.

Oh hello hello, expected nothing else than this comment. in his early days didn't he go bankrupt ??? or lost a hell of a lot. OK if you get it it's if you want to pay your dues. He didn't did he. a very honorable gentleman on the run already convicted and more around his neck. It's all politically motivated, and he is finished with politics-- smell some porky pies here.

He loved the Olympics in Beijing as he is such a sports lover. OH please GK give it a rest, give us some fair honest posts.

He paid the army to give him mobile phone concession.

I have no proof, but heard that was how he earn his billions.

What i read was that Siam cement owned the concessions but someone in the government wanted 1 million dollars and they rejected it but thaksin stepped in and bought the concession and the rest is history.

Did he pay them off or maybe he never did and made lots of new friends (not!)

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More hypocrisy from this odious little man: he changes his story to suit the audience. In the last interview with foreign media he said directly that he has no intention of exiling her in the (extremely unlikely) event he steals power

Of course he is very familiar with asset seizure and redistrbution....this is the man who gave land meant for ordinary farmers to his wealthy friends. Rotten to the core

My friend you have forgot you beloved ones in government--their pillaging ??? this is why all this is happening---Suthep is another story that will have to be dealt with later-----He is only a cleaner, when the carpets clean and Thailand has it's money back he can GO

You really think that a man like Suthep would go quietly into the night if he manages to get his way?? It's pretty obvious this whole thing has gone to his head and he views himself as some sort of anointed one. You're thinking like the old Roman and Chinese emperors who let the barbarians cross their borders because they believed they would go on their merry way again in future ... but the barbarians stayed, seized power, and pillaged the place. [And, to follow your metaphor, who hires a carpet cleaner who is himself filthy?]

Let's face it what's he got to lose?

If he loses he returns still a hero to his people in sura thani.

He's got deep pockets and can hire a small army to protect him.

He is the king don of samui.

After the coup of 2006 no-one paid taxes on samui.

They said the gangsters came from the mainland to samui to destroy it.

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Mr Suthep has lost the plot. If he is allowed to seize power, he says he will seize Yingluck's assets and exile her, maybe? Who is next on his enemy list ? His dislike for farangs is well known. The hi-so's who are backing him now? What happens when they try to reign him in ? He has no regard for the rule of law. He will turn on them in a heartbeat. If this government has broken laws are there no instruments available through the courts? He was a part of the government. Has he raised the issue in Parliament ? What are the specific charges ? Suthep and Thaksin are two sides of the same coin. Both are corrupt to the core megalomaniacs.

Suthep is under indictment for murder, yet he does not see fit to appear as he is busy. Just like the red shirts did in 2010, he flaunts lawlessness. The yellows did it in 2006, the reds in 2010 and now the yellows again in 2013. Each time it is OK because the other group did it before. Where is the logic in this thinking? When does this insane thinking end and how ? This time it is different. Suthep speaks of reform. What are the reforms? Picking your own "Peoples Committees" cannot be taken seriously as reforms. Once Suthep has seized power there is only one way he will ever give it back. That is not a pretty picture. If allowed Suthep will destroy the the very thing he professes to love, Thailand. He will seize power with the help of a lot of innocent people who will learn only when it is too late what his true intentions are.

There is a real opportunity at this moment for Thailand to rid themselves of the Thaksins and Sutheps. It may not happen again for a long time. The corruption here like many country is systemic. It did not happen overnight and will not be fixed overnight. One thing is for certain. There is not one case in History where a dictator seized power, routed out corruption and returned power to the people. Suthep's friends will do well and everyone else will suffer, and like Thaksin, Suthep will make the rules and enforce them.

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My friend you have forgot you beloved ones in government--their pillaging ??? this is why all this is happening---Suthep is another story that will have to be dealt with later-----He is only a cleaner, when the carpets clean and Thailand has it's money back he can GO

You really think that a man like Suthep would go quietly into the night if he manages to get his way?? It's pretty obvious this whole thing has gone to his head and he views himself as some sort of anointed one. You're thinking like the old Roman and Chinese emperors who let the barbarians cross their borders because they believed they would go on their merry way again in future ... but the barbarians stayed, seized power, and pillaged the place. [And, to follow your metaphor, who hires a carpet cleaner who is himself filthy?]

Let's face it what's he got to lose?

If he loses he returns still a hero to his people in sura thani.

He's got deep pockets and can hire a small army to protect him.

He is the king don of samui.

After the coup of 2006 no-one paid taxes on samui.

They said the gangsters came from the mainland to samui to destroy it.

Possibly. But now he's tasted power and misguided adulation on a scale he probably never imagined. It takes a very strong (and principled) human being to walk away from that. I don't see evidence that he's that sort of man...

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Try to do that in Belgium:

No way you would be able to get near to government buildings and shout al that venom.

When will someone jail thet Suthep????

Too scared of something?

Thailand on its way to chaos sad.png

Suthep said once the people announce the victory over the Thaksin regime, all her assets would be seized.

The protest leader also disclosed that on the shutdown day, all major government offices will come under siege by protesters so as to prevent all officials to work or serve the caretaker government.

All major roads leading to government offices will be blocked and all government vehicles will not be allowed to pass, except city buses which will continue servicing the people.

He said houses of Ms Yingluck will also be blocked by an army of female protesters, of Surapong Tovichakchaikul, and of Kittirat na Ranong.

For Mr Surapong, also the foreign minister, Mr Suthep said he would see ”Hell on earth does exist and will experience it.

They will face mass protests that they have never seen or expected in their lives, Suthep said.

The mass protests will also be held at the homes of the national police chief and his two deputies, he said.

Would the Belgium people tolerate 3 years of pillage???? or are they too week to fight something like this--I think NOT they would do the same as here, any country would. No country near on earth would wait for an election with no demonstrations and no reform, When people pillage they have to GO.

If persons mobilizing the protests are found very wrong they also will have to GO.

GinJag, why is it that we didn't see any protests and attempts to suspend democracy in the USA after 6-8 years of pillage under Bush/Cheny, which as I have mentioned before makes the corruption in Thailand look like kids play in comparison. Oh I forgot, the American people waited for an election and got rid of the offending party. What fools they are. They should have organized riots, ruined their local economies, made themselves look foolish to the rest of the world so expats living in their country wouldn't think they are "week" (your spelling not mine)


WEEK, ha ha my spelling at that minute was WEAK. never mind it did show you were reading my postwink.png

Different kettle of fish in the US of A. same same but not same. suppose if you were completely bankrupt--and corruption was near the highest in the world, things do happen like this.

But I don't want to talk about 2012 here in BKK the story is well known. in the UK Maggie had to resign, but her government stayed.

Time for the Thaksin clan out and maybe the government stay and then reform then elections is that fair, or do you go along with the educated minority on forum and want it as is ??? election as is means the clan stays and the government do not function as was.

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Thaksins money should have been seized since a long time. Most he got from corruption.

If you to care to check it was seized years ago.

Good point. It was seized at Bangkok Bank, whose representative are in top Democrat party election list so they did have enough for current mob payments and casta system setup as they declare.
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The Team Thaksin PR boys in their boiler rooms are working over time to diminish or disguise the western perceptions

of what this really is all about. I guess they try it here because enough of the alternative western press

checks in for back story info, they figure it's worth the drakmar to pay for attempting to dilute reality to their point of view.

The last two pages have been dripping with propaganda, caged to look like regular blokes saying their piece.

Perception Management at it's finest. Too bad those paying the tab are the main cause of the need

to twist reality to fit their narrative. And that narrative is not the one the great mass of people have been choosing,

no matter how grossly rigged their last elections have been.

It really would be hard to believe so many apparently well spoken english writers here are also so grossly out of touch.

Edited by animatic
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Hope the Thai people and all you foreigners living in Bangkok have a wonderful protest next week. You now see what type of mad man Suthep is. You will see how the Germans lived with Hitler. .

We've already experienced that during the 2010 red shirt riots. That was way worse than what's happening now. Interesting that all the mass protests since 2006 have been caused by the Shin clan's actions.

Your post is wrong on so many levels. The yellow shirts shut had plenty of mass protests in that time, including shutting down an international airport for weeks.

The reality is that they keep losing the elections. They know they can't win an election so they have turned to other means to get into power. Abhisit was not voted in by the people. Everyone who does get voted in finds themselves stepping down or ousted after protests similar to these ones. Yet somehow according to you those protests never happened.

IMO both sides act like children with their constant accusations of les majeste, threating to sue or prosecute the other side, etc. But the reds have one thing on their side, they keep winning the elections. And the yellows can't accept that so they try to rig the system to give them a chance to retake power. Whether it's an unelected peoples council, or an effort to make some peoples votes count more than others. That's all just a smoke screen to cover the fact that the people of this country have chosen not to elect them.

I don't post very often here, but IMO Suthep is a madman. Anyone who is supporting this guy is completely blinded by their dislike for the reds. I'm not a fan of Thaksin either. But while he may have been a snake, Suthep is dangerous. He's drunk on power, and I really don't see think the comparion's to him and some of the psycophathic dictators of the past are that far off. This is how it begins.

Sorry, but no way these protests are anywhere near what happened in 2010. No buildings burnt, no forts setup in the middle of major intersections, no men in black fighting the army. Huge difference.

PAD did support a protest in 2006 that shutdown the airport. It wasn't a good thing. But the airport wasn't burned down.

Just remember, many participating in these protests are not yellow shirts. Just normal citizens tired of what's going on. They don't like Suthep. They don't like Thaksin. They want a change.


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Why stop with Yingluk there are plenty of wealthy people in Thailand and you can take their assets also to fill your vault. It is becoming very clear what your real aim is. Lets not forget your dislike for farangs also, you can take their assets also, condos bank accounts etc.

you continue to post stupid comments daily,are you trying to get as many likes as you can,...(look at me everyone).....you never used to be like this why the change...wai.gif

Maybe I don't like Thaksin and Suthep. I don't like the way the reds acted and I don't like the way Suthep's people are acting. I think Suthep is a smiling assassin and a very dangerous man. I can't trust the tool as far as I could kick him.

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Why stop with Yingluk there are plenty of wealthy people in Thailand and you can take their assets also to fill your vault. It is becoming very clear what your real aim is. Lets not forget your dislike for farangs also, you can take their assets also, condos bank accounts etc.

you continue to post stupid comments daily,are you trying to get as many likes as you can,...(look at me everyone).....you never used to be like this why the change...wai.gif

Maybe I don't like Thaksin and Suthep. I don't like the way the reds acted and I don't like the way Suthep's people are acting. I think Suthep is a smiling assassin and a very dangerous man. I can't trust the tool as far as I could kick him.

How about twisting it a little, my way-Suthep- I am not that sure about the man at all, like his guts-right or wrong. I think Thakssin was a dangerous assassin -as for kicking them, I take care of my shoes.

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The OP states that he will take Yinglucks Assets, not anybody else,s, Dream on. Regarding Thaksins wealth, didn,t he stooge a Yank that went into business with him, then had the guys assets frozen, so I suppose his technology he owned got superceded. I,m sure I read the other year that The Yank is still fighting in the Courts.

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Try to do that in Belgium:

No way you would be able to get near to government buildings and shout al that venom.

When will someone jail thet Suthep????

Too scared of something?

Thailand on its way to chaos sad.png

Suthep said once the people announce the victory over the Thaksin regime, all her assets would be seized.

The protest leader also disclosed that on the shutdown day, all major government offices will come under siege by protesters so as to prevent all officials to work or serve the caretaker government.

All major roads leading to government offices will be blocked and all government vehicles will not be allowed to pass, except city buses which will continue servicing the people.

He said houses of Ms Yingluck will also be blocked by an army of female protesters, of Surapong Tovichakchaikul, and of Kittirat na Ranong.

For Mr Surapong, also the foreign minister, Mr Suthep said he would see ”Hell on earth does exist and will experience it.

They will face mass protests that they have never seen or expected in their lives, Suthep said.

The mass protests will also be held at the homes of the national police chief and his two deputies, he said.

Lets call a spade a spade. Do you think the people who are backing Suthep are basically untouchable and this is why he is not being arrested. Lets start three threads...1.. Who is paying for this.......2. Can we please have a list of his reforms in English to debate ...and... 3. Suthep said previously he knew 300 members of his reform committee, well name them and lets see if they are corruption free.

Until we debate the nitty gritty, which the PDRC, will not allow us to do then we can not pull this sham, mockery to pieces and expose it for what it is...A power grab

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Thaksins money should have been seized since a long time. Most he got from corruption.

Only Thaksin?

What about the rest of Thailands "elite", where did their money come from?

Maybe not stop at Thailand either, how about Cambodia, Malaysia, USA even.

Corruption is what World politics is based on I fear.

By the way where did the suthep's family wealth come from?

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He keeps saying "follow the will of the people",,, well if he has "the will of the people" then go to the election and take government democratically,(legally)...

BUT HE DOSE NOT, that's why he wont go too the election, same as Mark.

I'd love to be reading soon that his assets will be seized , that would be just fine although late in coming.

THAKSIN = DIRTY ELECTION. What part of this don't you understand ??!!

Tingtongteesood...your constant hyperbole is extremely annoying and misleading. FACTS please. I promised to myself that i would post the text below everytime somebody said Reds buy elections (dirty in your words) Most of the anti mob on hear have learnt that 'reds buying election' comments are no longer considered good propoganda...please read and then join them.

Deputy Democrat party leader Alongkorn Ponlaboot in an interview that was broadcast on May 31, 2013 on John Winyu’s show (****Thai language edited out of post****) stated:

“Recently, if we speak directly, they [Puea Thai] use little money. I am not saying we [the Democrats] use more money than them [Puea Thai]. [host interprets with statement "they are using less money"]. It has become inverted [host interprets and says "They don't need to use so much money?"] I say if it is like that then don’t say we lost because of money”. “For the last election, it may be because we actually used more than them. Therefore, don’t talk about this issue anymore."

Who is bent now?

Edited by metisdead
Thai language edited out of post. This is an English language forum, English is the only acceptable language, except in the Thai language forum where Thai language is allowed.
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Thaksins money should have been seized since a long time. Most he got from corruption.

If you to care to check it was seized years ago.

Good point. It was seized at Bangkok Bank, whose representative are in top Democrat party election list so they did have enough for current mob payments and casta system setup as they declare.

So you mean that the confiscated 46 billions from Thakin's sale of AIS to Thamesek are used for Suthep's rallies?

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Hope the Thai people and all you foreigners living in Bangkok have a wonderful protest next week. You now see what type of mad man Suthep is. You will see how the Germans lived with Hitler. .

We've already experienced that during the 2010 red shirt riots. That was way worse than what's happening now. Interesting that all the mass protests since 2006 have been caused by the Shin clan's actions.

Your post is wrong on so many levels. The yellow shirts shut had plenty of mass protests in that time, including shutting down an international airport for weeks.

The reality is that they keep losing the elections. They know they can't win an election so they have turned to other means to get into power. Abhisit was not voted in by the people. Everyone who does get voted in finds themselves stepping down or ousted after protests similar to these ones. Yet somehow according to you those protests never happened.

IMO both sides act like children with their constant accusations of les majeste, threating to sue or prosecute the other side, etc. But the reds have one thing on their side, they keep winning the elections. And the yellows can't accept that so they try to rig the system to give them a chance to retake power. Whether it's an unelected peoples council, or an effort to make some peoples votes count more than others. That's all just a smoke screen to cover the fact that the people of this country have chosen not to elect them.

I don't post very often here, but IMO Suthep is a madman. Anyone who is supporting this guy is completely blinded by their dislike for the reds. I'm not a fan of Thaksin either. But while he may have been a snake, Suthep is dangerous. He's drunk on power, and I really don't see think the comparion's to him and some of the psycophathic dictators of the past are that far off. This is how it begins.

Sorry, but no way these protests are anywhere near what happened in 2010. No buildings burnt, no forts setup in the middle of major intersections, no men in black fighting the army. Huge difference.

PAD did support a protest in 2006 that shutdown the airport. It wasn't a good thing. But the airport wasn't burned down.

Just remember, many participating in these protests are not yellow shirts. Just normal citizens tired of what's going on. They don't like Suthep. They don't like Thaksin. They want a change.


That's not what you said in your original post though, which is what I'm addressing. And personally I think these are heading in the same direction that 2010 did. The Shutdown is bound to bring more violence.

If they want a change, there's an election next month where they can voice their opinion. That's how democracy works. This is the democrats, right? What you have is a minority of Thailand trying to overthrow the government because they can't win via fair process.

Is Yingluck a figurehead? Probably. She certainly rode her brothers name into office. But guess what? The Thai people knew that heading into the election, and they still elected her. I know the first thing someone will say is vote buying, but it's both sides buying the votes. And in general the majority if Thailand is poor, and Thaksin has done a lot more for them than the "democrats". So he will win the elections again and again. The democrats understand this, they've lost in the polls for years. So they are trying to seize power.

The one difference between 2010 and now, is that in 2010 Abhisit was not elected. No democrat has been in ages. Yet they somehow keep winding back in power. That's not to say I condone what happened in 2010 either. But they had a lot more to stand on. Their last few elected prime ministers had been ousted through coups, protests and tv shows.

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all this coming from Suthep is total nonsense!

He is one of the most influential and corrupt politicians down south.

Reforms yes but how in hell did they come up with somebody like Suthep to lead the campaign? They could not find anybody relatively clean?

As for his idea of electing officials and stamping out corruption - it will not happen and it is useless - the elected police chiefs / governors will be Thais as well! Decentralization? To carry out his corrupt business at home without oversight - having local officials in his pocket?

It is part of their culture to be corrupt and use "relations and connections" for personal gain - that's the way it is here - all the way down from the government to the village level (with very few exceptions) it would take generations of honest people to change this - I once discussed "integrity" with some Thai friends - they started to laugh!

They said maybe in your country - but not here. And sadly I realized that even in my country today it is almost impossible to find a politician with integrity.

But somebody like Suthep to come up and trying to make people believe that corruption in Thailand started with Thaksin is absolutely ridiculous - he carried out his corrupt dealings long before Thaksin did - he has a hidden agenda and more and more people are getting tired of his rhetoric!

Even the former PAD leader was more corrupt then Thaksin but as long as he did not interfere and let him raid a certain (government owned) bank and steal billions they where best friends.

When the democrats where in power they did nothing to initiate any kinds of reform I wonder why?

At the end it is all about who gets to put his hand into the cookie jar - not only politicians - ever previous coup in Thailand was a heist on tax payers money - whatever other reasons the military gave they where just excuses to get to the money!

The leadership - civilian and military - of this country is rotten to the core - they feel - and many are untouchable- and whoever gets the cake will eat it too!

Thaksin's administration was the first to throw some crumbs to the poor which made him so popular. During their first few month in power the democrats who had heavily criticized TRT for their "populist" policies and mega projects started to hand out billions - dwarfing the current rice "scam" - initiated and copied mega projects from TRT worth 1.2 trillion baht - but people seem to have a selective memory?

There was no talk about reforms when the democrats where in power!

And the sad thing is there is no light at the end of the tunnel - there is no political will in this country to reform and change!

Why should there be? - The so called elite lives in obscene luxury while the rest of the country survives from day to day - why would anybody from the so called elite want to change that? They have it all - why would they give it up?

Even if political will would be there it would be decades to see first results - an entire country changing it's mind-set and part of their culture is not done overnight.

If Suthep is calling for "reforms before elections" what time frame does he have in mind - the next 20 years?

To pass new laws does nothing to stop corruption - some Asian countries have the death penalty and are still corrupt to the core.

The law in Thailand only applies to those without "connections" anyway it is selectively enforced and courts can be turned either way by influential people - so what good are they anyway? Prisons in this country are filled with petty thieves - while the thieves who steal billions are living in luxury, wearing suites - are untouchable.

I have a dream that some new honest faces emerge in Thailand with a platform for real reform and the will to change this country - but it is not going to happen - the next generation of dishonest, thieving politicians is already being groomed - and guess who they will be?

Yes - exactly - you guessed right !

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Suthep has been indicted for murder and has been charged with insurrection and other crimes, and now he threatens (again) the legitimately elected Prime Minister if he doesn't get his way. And he has the gall to call the Prime Minister arrogant. When are the fine citizens of Thailand going to realize that this man is bad for Thailand in so many ways, both in the present and in the future. There's only one place he belongs right now - and that's on the other side of prison bars looking out.

Politically motivated charges.

5.8 million people will tell you that Suthep is almost like God.

Yea Suthep could be your God & you go worship him!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Suthep has been indicted for murder and has been charged with insurrection and other crimes, and now he threatens (again) the legitimately elected Prime Minister if he doesn't get his way. And he has the gall to call the Prime Minister arrogant. When are the fine citizens of Thailand going to realize that this man is bad for Thailand in so many ways, both in the present and in the future. There's only one place he belongs right now - and that's on the other side of prison bars looking out.

Politically motivated charges.

5.8 million people will tell you that Suthep is almost like God.

Yea Suthep could be your God & you go worship him!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

5.8 million people will tell you that Suthep is almost like God.

You have GOT to work for the Suthep Accounting Department where the calculators keep automatically adding Zero's to the actual numbers.

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Why stop with Yingluk there are plenty of wealthy people in Thailand and you can take their assets also to fill your vault. It is becoming very clear what your real aim is. Lets not forget your dislike for farangs also, you can take their assets also, condos bank accounts etc.

I keep reading Yellows and Suthep do not like farrangs (eventhough we are MOST of their money one way or another) so can you point me to articles as I am not trying to be a smart ass I just have never seen anything for myself and I am about t invest heavilly in a business operation (outsourcing) here in thailand.

the information would be gretafully accepted from anyone.

email me

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Why stop with Yingluk there are plenty of wealthy people in Thailand and you can take their assets also to fill your vault. It is becoming very clear what your real aim is. Lets not forget your dislike for farangs also, you can take their assets also, condos bank accounts etc.

I keep reading Yellows and Suthep do not like farrangs (eventhough we are MOST of their money one way or another) so can you point me to articles as I am not trying to be a smart ass I just have never seen anything for myself and I am about t invest heavilly in a business operation (outsourcing) here in thailand.

the information would be gretafully accepted from anyone.

email me

I can't remember the issue of BK Post it was quoted in, or the word for word quote, although I'm sure someone on here has it, but Suthep was quoted as saying: (paraphrased) "I don't respect farang. We don't need them." This was in response to a question posed to him about having foreign observers for the elections. In other words, if you're not Thai, you ain't <deleted> and are of an inferior genetic race.

Edit: I was also reported the other day that when protesters were at Yingluck's house, they were shouting - "Yingluck get out! Farang get out, too."

Edited by Just1Voice
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