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Thai government fears coup plan in the works


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Two siblings are fighting and no one is giving an inch. The parents gave them enough time to work out the problem by themselves but to no avail. It's then the time for the parents to step in and put the foot down. Does this guarantee the siblings will not fight again ever? Or is this just a temporary relief before the animosity flares up again? I think no one knows, not even the parents. The only thing that the parents can do in this case is to teach the kids how to love and treasure each other, for life is short so they should both try to make it sweet and not bitter.

Education is the key to end this mess but it will not be an instant cure! A lot of drama is still ahead....

You must know my Thai wife

she keeps telling me that when a Northern Thai is educated they go to Bangkok because thats where the good jobs are

and the demoncrates have never lost an election here in many many years

So you agree with her that when the Northern Thais are educated they vote differently to what there uneducated family members in the north do

That make me wonder if at the western visitors who come to thailand and are on the PTP side must be uneducated

Makes me worry when the Thai wife makes sense

worst of all our opinions do not matter

but her's does

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a pragmatist would say that amnesty offers a way out for all parties. Abhisit is a complete irrelevance. Suthep is a distraction. Only 2 players of consequence left at the table, both with an interest in amnesty and events fixed in time for later this year.. Amnesty would be a win/win. Cynical but accurate

Do not argue with an idiot

he will win with experience every time

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All the posters from western democracies when they get to Thailand chuck it out the window in support of coups, forgetting about their own roots. They are the worst kind of hypocrits!

Who in HELL said anything about Westerners? Guess you have to blame someone for all the incompetency!

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More stuff and nonsense from the government who are terrified that if they cannot get elected they will be exposed for what they are.

It is quite the reverse - the opposition do not want an election because they fear (with some justification) that the government would get re-elected. Until the opposition do something to win he hearts and minds of the North of Thailand they are unlikel to ever gain power legally. Thaksin was clever enough to realise that concessions and benefits for poorer areas was a vote winner - I cannot understand why the Dems (so called) cannot see this and promise more and better. There are plently of wealthy people in Bangkok who could afford higher taxes to support the poor

The only problem with this theory is the minute another party tries to help the poor

The red shirts chase them away

My Thai wife has made it clear that the red shirts not want the Issan people educated

this mean loss of power for them

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Wow Now there is democracy for you. If the minority can't win an election then stage a coup and take control against the majority.

I wish you would try some intelligent argument for once.

When the government is as utterly crap and corrupt as PT there comes a breaking point. It has nothing to do with winning elections or not, it has to do with corruption, brazenly flouting the law and gross incompetence !

Minority, majority - who cares !? PT have done a terrible job and they broke the law, they need to be sorted out...

'....democratically elected......get what they deserve.....' yeah yeah, blah blah blah, heard it a million times and still don't buy it....bah.gif

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ok a coup ..... new election and the Red will still be elected as it has been for the last 20 years .... Democrats never won any election for a long time ... so what next ? coup after coup .... coffee1.gif

On the same topic

The thaskinites have never won an election where the educated people are the majority

If your a chess players thats


"educated people"???? How patronising can you get! Next thing you'll be saying the current whistle blowing mob are "educated" and therefore somehow more legitimate!

well my Thai wife and her friends all have Master degrees

so are you now rubbishing the Thai education system

and yes she is out there protesting again people like you and corrupt polotocian while you sit in safty behind your computer

how about you go to the 13th demonstrations and tell all the thais they are uneducated idiots

There are many here who will donate 100 baht for you funeral and mine will be the fist to donate

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Wow Now there is democracy for you. If the minority can't win an election then stage a coup and take control against the majority.

RED | YELLOW election...

Popular vote 15,744,190 11,433,762 Percentage 48.41% 35.15%

If they didn't trying to push the "get my brother out of jail free card" the yellow massess would not have got so active.

pretty sure they brought it on themselves....

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Wow Now there is democracy for you. If the minority can't win an election then stage a coup and take control against the majority.

If you really know what democracy is all about you wouldn't make a comment like that.

The guy is being sarcastic. Good to have some humor reading through these comments.

Thailand has more coups than any other country


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Now what would the SMH in OZ know as they are a useless bunch too taking OTHER peoples stories without researching themselves.

More hearsay and stuff to let us go crazy on this site when we should be out shopping and doping our nails! Or getting plain DRUNK! Something useful!

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ok a coup ..... new election and the Red will still be elected as it has been for the last 20 years .... Democrats never won any election for a long time ... so what next ? coup after coup .... coffee1.gif

On the same topic

The thaskinites have never won an election where the educated people are the majority

If your a chess players thats


"educated people"???? How patronising can you get! Next thing you'll be saying the current whistle blowing mob are "educated" and therefore somehow more legitimate!

If by any chance you have a Thai wife tell her that Thai people are uneducated idiots

or better still use the courage of your convictions and tell that to Thais at the protest on the 13th

Hope you feel safe and a big man behind your safe computer

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ok a coup ..... new election and the Red will still be elected as it has been for the last 20 years .... Democrats never won any election for a long time ... so what next ? coup after coup .... coffee1.gif

On the same topic

The thaskinites have never won an election where the educated people are the majority

If your a chess players thats


"educated people"???? How patronising can you get! Next thing you'll be saying the current whistle blowing mob are "educated" and therefore somehow more legitimate!

well my Thai wife and her friends all have Master degrees

so are you now rubbishing the Thai education system

and yes she is out there protesting again people like you and corrupt polotocian while you sit in safty behind your computer

how about you go to the 13th demonstrations and tell all the thais they are uneducated idiots

There are many here who will donate 100 baht for you funeral and mine will be the fist to donate

As a matter of interest where where you educated?

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Wasn't that the plan from the very beginning, should be no surprise to anyone.

The highest powers will get their way- again!

only if 'the people' let them... which I suppose they will

the amart are very smart and cunning - i mean getting students to protest AGAINST democracy - now that IS an achievement that any old elite would be proud of!

Quite the opposite in fact. EVEN the students realize and understand that Thailand does NOT have democracy. They want the corrupt bunch of PT criminals out and reforms so that some semblence of true democracy can be brought to Thailand and we can start again. Nobody is against democracy, they are against Thaksinocracy, nobody is saying 'No democracy', the protestords are saying reforms are necessary to make a real democracy, all an election with a PT does now is allow the old corruption to go on and for PT to take the country past the point of no return to a US style 'record deficit' - NOOOO THANKS !!!...

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All the posters from western democracies when they get to Thailand chuck it out the window in support of coups, forgetting about their own roots. They are the worst kind of hypocrits!

I could not agree more. Can all the western expats pro-coup/Suthep here answer one question: would you support an '18 month 'break' from democracy in your own country or military intervention in the democratic system of YOUR country?

Btw, I am British, a democrat & support all people's right to self-determination through democratic, free & fair elections. Vote-buying should not happen in any democracy but stock answers that the PTP succeed by buying votes fail because a) all Thai parties buy votes cool.png surveys time & time again show that most Thai people take the money & vote how they were going to without the bribe. I am no fan of PTP but research shows they have won every election contested over the last two decades because their policies deliver (or promise to deliver) benefits to large numbers of the electorate. This is exactly what sways the vote in every democracy under the sun. Please be consistent in your views & identify yourself if you are anti-democracy.

Yes I wish Australians had the guts to do what the Thai people are doing

PM Gillard one minute said

There will be no Carbon Tax under a government I lead

1 week later we need a carbon tax for my government

Wacky Gillard need a coupe to be thrown into

her days of judgement are still to come

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Great. At last I hear someone speaking sense. Good or bad, moral or immoral, if you have a democracy

then in the rest of the civilized world this means the party with majority votes is in the driving seat.

The opposition are always contradicting themselves saying they want to return power to the people.

How is that achieved by giving power to the minority?.

It is utterly impossible to conceive that the majority of Thais( 90% of whom are on minimum wages or less)

would willingly agree to take a wage cut of 33% as the opposition suggests.

Even for large groups of them to give up their voting rites on the basis of income,

how educated they are or wherabouts in the country they come from.

I for one do not believe that he speaks for the people that he claims he is allegly trying to serve.

Suggesting people go on holiday to avoid disruption is a bit like ''If they have no bread to eat then let them eat cake''

Please God let common sense prevail in the end on all sides and may they drop their inflated ego.

No coup please as it doesn't work. Kindest Regards.

Wow Now there is democracy for you. If the minority can't win an election then stage a coup and take control against the majority.

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Whilst the Government are compiling the necessary equipment and supplies in order to withstand the forthcoming protest, I would suggest a massive supply of adult diapers as the majority of the PTP are going to experience involuntary bowel movement and it will not be because of the som tam.

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Wow Now there is democracy for you. If the minority can't win an election then stage a coup and take control against the majority.

I wish you would try some intelligent argument for once.

When the government is as utterly crap and corrupt as PT there comes a breaking point. It has nothing to do with winning elections or not, it has to do with corruption, brazenly flouting the law and gross incompetence !

Minority, majority - who cares !? PT have done a terrible job and they broke the law, they need to be sorted out...

'....democratically elected......get what they deserve.....' yeah yeah, blah blah blah, heard it a million times and still don't buy it....bah.gif

What is intelligent argument? Is it if I have they same point of view? No wait that would not be an argument.

Yes I agree the government is utterly crap, damn just spoilt a good argument.

Ok let's try the Taksin line I think he is a criminal and should be hunted down and locked up. Do we have an argument there?

I think this Suthep lunatic with warrants hanging over his head should be arrested and face court, do we have an argument there?

I think the red shirts/yellow shirts and all those colours in between who are causing harm to Thailand are absolute idiots and brainless <deleted>. Do we have an argument there?

I am ready to debate.

They are all useless brainless twits.

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Wasn't that the plan from the very beginning, should be no surprise to anyone.

The highest powers will get their way- again!

only if 'the people' let them... which I suppose they will

the amart are very smart and cunning - i mean getting students to protest AGAINST democracy - now that IS an achievement that any old elite would be proud of!

Quite the opposite in fact. EVEN the students realize and understand that Thailand does NOT have democracy. They want the corrupt bunch of PT criminals out and reforms so that some semblence of true democracy can be brought to Thailand and we can start again. Nobody is against democracy, they are against Thaksinocracy, nobody is saying 'No democracy', the protestords are saying reforms are necessary to make a real democracy, all an election with a PT does now is allow the old corruption to go on and for PT to take the country past the point of no return to a US style 'record deficit' - NOOOO THANKS !!!...

Much as I look forward to your articulate informative and impressive posts you are still shouting, please don't.

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All the posters from western democracies when they get to Thailand chuck it out the window in support of coups, forgetting about their own roots. They are the worst kind of hypocrits!

Really hypocrites!!! the most often used insult out there. Just think of all the wonderful leaders in history who remained true to their youthful ideologies

Hitler. Boy he stayed true to his beliefs

Pol Pot. Unswavoring in his ideology

Mao. Never compromised an inch

Ian Paisely Not an Inch


Let us no be so quick to condemn. By virtue of the comment, consider the likely knowledge of the source and give praise for at least trying to make use of the new word.

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The sad thing is, this country is all but ungovernable. Issan and the north won't accept a democrat lead government. The rest won't accept a government with links to the Shinawatras, especially Thaksin.

Agreed. And unless each side accommodates the other (not moving hat way at all) Thailand is destined to become a divided state (North & South) which will only come about post-civil war. My advice to expats is to plan your exit in the next few years.

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As a matter of interest where where you educated?

one class ahead of you for the year before you needed to repeat

sorry I apoligise for that i just could not resist it

But do I have to remind you what you and I thing does not matter

One day you will let t sink in all our opinions mean nothing

this is there country

and we have no rights here we are just visitors

By the way are you American ?

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From the way that the parties have been behaving, a Coup might not be a bad idea! Call all the "wannabes" together and once and for all sort out the differences as best you can, you will win some and you will lose some, accept it and get over it. The Government whilst democratically elected did democracy no favours when it formed a coalition with just about all the minor parties leaving the Democrats a useless opposition, as far as their performance as the elected Government of the day is concerned then the best I would give them is "could do better" All the ordinary Thai wants is a better life, no floods, less corruption and political settlement in the deep south ( though I guess that depends ahow far away you are). As a casual observer I do sometimes wonder if the current administration is in charge at all when you see what is going on and has been going on in Bangkok for a long time, they dont seem to have a clue what to do at times, money for nothing springs to mind with endless foreign swarees with all that that entails, free lunches, gifts and new clothes etc.

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I'd be worried if te army said there will not be a coup, then you'd know for sure there will be one. I have a question, can anybody tell me please? What about the airforce and navy? Do they not get a shout in this and is the army a seperate entity which is not a part of the group that is the country's armed forces?

thumbsup.gif I want to see a united coup too, with the navy and air force backing up the army against the infidels. Bombs and anchors away clap2.gif

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I'd be worried if te army said there will not be a coup, then you'd know for sure there will be one. I have a question, can anybody tell me please? What about the airforce and navy? Do they not get a shout in this and is the army a seperate entity which is not a part of the group that is the country's armed forces?

thumbsup.gif I want to see a united coup too, with the navy and air force backing up the army against the infidels. Bombs and anchors away clap2.gif

I was thinking it would be good for them to take opposing sides and have a good tear up!

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