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Thailand -> Asian Elephant -> Elephant Parade ...


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Thailand -> Asian Elephant -> Elephant Parade

Just recently, I was sent a 2014 Calendar by a Thai business, posted all the way to Australia ... thumbsup.gif

Corporate Identities like to show that they are caring, green and the like ... but this one did pique my interest.

Normally, I don't usually espouse the Charity thing, I have my own charities/organisations, but don't wish to promote others around the place ... but this one did strike a cord with me.


"Elephant Parade is the world’s largest open air art exhibition of decorated elephant statues that seeks to attract public awareness and support for Asian elephant conservation.
Be part of it."

It has strong links to Thailand because it's the Asian elephant, many of the Artists are Thai and there is "The first flagship Elephant Parade experience centre is open in Chiang Mai"


From the Calendar, January's Elephant is composed by Cherdsak Wangprachanont

David48 cowboy.gif


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"Normally, I don't usually espouse the Charity thing,...."

nor do I ...why? because even the best of charity's spend at least 25% of funds raised on management and fund raising and the worst ....well let's just say most of the money goes to management!

With that said ....if this is a Thai charity I can only guess how much of the funds are actually spent on the intended purpose (but my guess is a low percentage)

As with all charity's the purpose sounds great and indeed meant to "touch" people to the point where they become donor's

My favorite charity is my family first....then the relatives and their families.....then my friends ....then the neighbors....and so on down the line.

I like to see where my money is going!

As for the elephants.....can only wish them the best!

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I agree, many charities in my opinion are questionable as to where the money actually goes.

My preference is to help directly when I see it, give someone a meal, never money, buy a school some books pencils etc, so you know its going 100% straight to the source and where its needed.

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