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Farmers' plight forgotten amid political maelstrom: Thai opinion


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Being punished for hard work is inhumane as torture, and adds an element of despair to the miserable equation.

It is exactly like someone helping me find a job, a high paying and important job, and then coming to my lush office to congratulate me. So, being sane, I stab them in the back as they are leaving...

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It is not that the scheme was costing money, if they had given the money directly to the farmer things would have gone better. However that would not have let them steal as much (the reds are famous for that).

A helping hand to farmers is one thing (and will invite some corruption too) but this scheme was just made to steal from. Plus super stupid as it ensured that rice would be rotten and such. So a triple loss. Paying the farmers (a good thing in a way) Rotting rice (bad of course) Storage fees (bad unless your one of those with storage to rent out.. would be nice to know what political alliance those have i guess i don't even have to ask).

I wouldn't put it pass TS to make sure the rice seems like it would rot. This way they have an albi for the mssing rice that already left out the backdoor or double or triple purchased the rice. And I will go as far as to say that most of the 180Billion Baht paid to the farmers for the rice, were actually farmers acting as proxies for the corrupt politicians. How sad and does YS understand or does she care about the enormous corruptions she has created. I say this because she is not that cleaver to come up with such a scheme. Will stupidity be her final defense?

in 30+ years here they increase in corruption since Taksins regime took over has been astonishing.

At all levels of government when before a reasonable tip was given and appreciated to move things on a bit faster now huge amounts are expected if you want anything done. Taksin led the way to this way back many years ago and now everyone who is in any position of government local or national gets more and more from corruption. when before they were happy to receive a bit extra to give a nice lunch now they aim to get enough for a BMW or Merc. I was never one to think it was so wrong given the very low pay most civil servants and officials get here and like most of asia saw it as a tip for fast or very good service. One never had to give and before it was taken in spirit it was given no different IMO than in west a company buying an expensive meal for their clients. In fact many times when I've asked how long to sort something out and not been happy to wait I've simply asked is their an express service charge (i.e. tip for official) and often they would work on it outside their normal hours to get it done quickly.

Now however its got ridiculous and I put it all down to Taksin and his regime due to their obvious (at least to most thais) greed and total corruption. As result most Thais in a position of authority seeing how easily Taksin and his lot got away with it and did not even try to hide it much copied from those higher up.

Thank goodness Thailand has a very low level of regulation rules and permits otherwise the corruption and necessary payoffs to get most things done would skyrocket adding hugely to cost of living.

Oops if Taksin is reading or his cronies that would be their next great plan to rob country blind except even they may not be so stupid since at moment most business are left to get on with their business unencumbered by official bureaucracy and rest.

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"Disgruntled farmers are stepping up the pressure on the caretaker government."

another great The Nation Piece!

Maybe they should step up the pressure on Suthep and the EC - the first causing this crisis - and as the government can not release payment without the EC authorizing it!

This has nothing to do with Suthep or the Democrats. It is ALL a PTP/Thaksin self inflicted wound. Remember their motto: 'Thaskin thinks, PTP acts'. Who do you think dreamt up this scheme?

Why does the selfish one in Dubai not pay the farmers directly out of his own pocket, if he thinks this is such a good scam scheme, or if he really cares so much for the poor farmers as he says he does?

Oh right... he could care less about them. They are just collateral damage in his quest to return to power. Plus he is too greedy to gave anything to anybody.

Thaksin is done. Stick a fork in him.


Edited by Rimmer
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600 million baht, 180 million given to Farmers, 420 million baht taken by others, some scheme.

That is unbelieveable! Where did the 420million go to. I knew it was bad, but not this bad.

Might want to check the bank accounts of all government employees. Also check new car purchases/registrations and land/house purchases too.

Bet you could find some interesting evidence.

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"Disgruntled farmers are stepping up the pressure on the caretaker government."

another great The Nation Piece!

Maybe they should step up the pressure on Suthep and the EC - the first causing this crisis - and as the government can not release payment without the EC authorizing it!

The excuse using the protests is just a smokescreen. They didn't have enough money before these protest started.

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I know of a lot of farmers in a traditional red province who are still waiting for their money. They're more than a little upset at the moment.

Apart from the problems non payment is causing the farmers and other farm related businesses, the lack of cash is now filtering on to other businesses with reduced sales reported by shopping centres and other everyday businesses.

If this interum govt thinks they still have farmers support they'd better think again as the red color in the province I'm talking about is fading rapidly.

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"Disgruntled farmers are stepping up the pressure on the caretaker government."

another great The Nation Piece!

Maybe they should step up the pressure on Suthep and the EC - the first causing this crisis - and as the government can not release payment without the EC authorizing it!

The excuse using the protests is just a smokescreen. They didn't have enough money before these protest started.

Yup, but too bad some people just fall into their lies. A neighbor of my extended family is a rice farmer. The whole family is making rice for living. When the protest is out, they have showing strong support for the red party. They do not know the real truth. Till now they are still blaming for the anti-govt protests causing them unable to receive the rice money. crying.gifsick.gif

I feel sorry for them (not because of the uncollected payment). It's because of their ignorants. facepalm.gif


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About the rice scheme this Government has only to blame itself. If the plain was not sustainable, is not credible to complain against EC because not approve a new loan. Enough is enough. they should take their responsibility and end this disgrace.

Sure if new election will take place on 2nd February, I see much less vote at the horizon for PTP...

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"Disgruntled farmers are stepping up the pressure on the caretaker government."

another great The Nation Piece!

Maybe they should step up the pressure on Suthep and the EC - the first causing this crisis - and as the government can not release payment without the EC authorizing it!

Are you being funny. EC or Suthep has nothing to do with this. You no doubt have been listening to Red Shirt Propaganda. There is no money to pay and they already exceeded their budget. This is the reality of a govt. That has no agenda to help the people, but rather help themselves.

That's, the point, it is Red Shirt propaganda. I was told today, that they are not getting paid because the mob destroyed all the computers with the records. BS of course, but the Red Shirts believe it. I have always argued against the theory that the Red Shirts are stupid, but after hearing this story today I wonder. They are either stupid or very gullible, or perhaps everything I read is wrong.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ X using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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issangeorge I think attitudes are slowly changing.

The last red shirt gathering in front of our local governors office didn't have the numbers I've seen in past gatherings. As I drove past I could hear an emotional speech on how "nong Poo" (his words) was being treated badly and needed all their support.

Later that day in Makro the supervsor was reading out an SMS she received telling staff 300 Baht a day was being offered to anyone wanting to join the Red shirt demonstrators in Bangkok. Not many staff seems interested in the offer.

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So, how much has been spent on rice price pledging since the start on 2011-10-07? was it 800 billion Baht or 'only' 700 billion?

With the government having recovered through sales 180 or so billion we have either some rich farmers people or a rice mountain worthy of noting in the Guinness Book of records. Maybe both ?

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The farmers have a wonderful opportunity to get even with PT quickly if they think they've been shafted by voting against them in the election.

You could call it instant farmer karma. thumbsup.gif

Except there is very little opposition to vote for now that the Democrats are refusing to stand for election. All the other parties are little more than minors and believe me, despite the payment cockup, most farmers will still vote PT because rightly or wrongly it's their perception that is the only party that cares about the rural poor.

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Lots of farmers in the northeast are so heavily brainwashed by the redshirt propaganda they now believe it's the evil democrats or "yellows" that are blocking the payments.

I was wondering..

Is there really no one who can bring them out to the light?

Seriously, someone need to do something.

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lets be honest most could not give a dam about farmers plight and only reason Taksins regime would help is to buy votes. Myself in long run it would be a good thing if some of poor Issan woke up and started to understand Taksin his clan and cronies could not care less about them and have/are simply using them to gain power and if possible make thailand a one party Taksin police state.

I am all for helping genuine small farmer not just for them selves but because otherwise all farming will be done by huge companies on thousands of acres of land. Maybe that inevitable but it will destroy many families who will seek out a better life in cities only to find they become total wage slaves and will have lost most forms of freedom.

The way to help is directly to the farmer not thorough some stupid buying scene designed so Taksin and rest can rob everyone even more.

much as i hate to see it ,in many parts of the world small farming is now becoming unviable,unless you have huge almost automated farms [think wheat in the us],it becomes very difficult to compete,i read a story recently about poverty among small farmers in the uk,sure se asia is a way away from the huge farms we see in us,aus,an europe ,but it will happen eventually,as for the pledging scheme well it was just an invitation to scam and make money.

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Farmers' plight forgotten amid political maelstrom.

The farmers hasen´t been paid since Oktober, because PTP Government has no money. Has nothing to do with the protests, but I think it´s the way the red media will raport it.

I see some guys write millions, guys we are talking billions 680 billions farmes got 180 billions.

Edited by Skywalker69
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Poor man.

The evil and wicked deeds of these vermin in government would shame the devil in helll himself. These people are less than human. They are sub human vultures. God's curse on you.

Edited by Cuchulainn
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We have had one brief attempt by Cnxforever to shift the blame to Suthep and the demonstrators, and that has been dealt with quite eloquently be several respondents. I just wonder where fab4, gerry1011 and Prbkk are right now...?!

Nothing to say gentlemen...?

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Who cares about the farmers ... in a crisis they can just eat their crops 555 smile.png

In their greed for payments 40% higher than market price, many farmers have mortgaged their land and homes to lease more land(much of which is unsuitable to rice farming), buy new equipment, make personal purchases based on expected returns, et. al.. These farmers are going to lose everything they have. Then there is the fact of a World rice glut, a government with a multi-year stockpile that soon won't be able to buy their rice, and by next year farmers won't be able to give away their rice. Even the ones who didn't go into debt will lose their livelihood and will need to find another crop, different equipment, learning the new crop, finding markets, etc. The few farmers who are able to make the change to other crops will be putting pressure on other, existing, farmers who are already growing the crops these farmers switch to. I expect a large influx of taxi drivers in Bangkok in the next few years only this time, they will not be going back to the provinces for planting and harvest seasons. The For Thaksin Party has truly screwed up agriculture and, indeed, the whole economy of Thailand for many years, if not decades, to come. And some posters wonder why Thaksin and his cronies are so hated on this forum/

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I live on a rice farm, my neighbours are farmers; they have a great deal more knowledge about their country than any post I've seen here.

That is interesting, and what are their opinions on the Rice Scheme? It's not about spending the money, the things that gets most people upset is that the money may not be going to the intended receivers, the farmer. Instead, it's going into the corrupt politician hands. Does anyone get this grief about the rice scheme. I don't think any one in any democratic nation are not willing to help those who needs help. But we must conduct ourselves in a responsible and ethical manner. Does it mean, if you help an old lady across the street, you are given the permission to steal from her once you get to the other side?

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