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Anyone any ideas on working online from Thailand?

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I just new from adsense working,but i know someone can get more 1,000$ per month,they from Thai. We have forum to talk about this for only Thaipeople.

Why is it only for Thai people? Afraid we are going to colonize you or some such nonsense?

We not afraid. If you understand Thai language, no problem. because it is thai webboard. :D
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Singing and dancing help to engage younger students by having fun and is particularly crucial when teaching Thai kids. I would suggest holding onto your job for now and exploring other opportunities. I teach adults online on a part time basis.Its interesting.It pays ok too especially if your in Thailand. I work on a website called www.italki.com Check it out.There's hundreds of teachers. When you start off it hard to find students but be patient and it will be a success...

how would one go about getting this on line work put on your work permit if one is resident in Thailand ?

You get paid on paypal and transfer to bank account. Easy....No work permits or taxation needs to be involved...

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Singing and dancing help to engage younger students by having fun and is particularly crucial when teaching Thai kids. I would suggest holding onto your job for now and exploring other opportunities. I teach adults online on a part time basis.Its interesting.It pays ok too especially if your in Thailand. I work on a website called www.italki.com Check it out.There's hundreds of teachers. When you start off it hard to find students but be patient and it will be a success...

how would one go about getting this on line work put on your work permit if one is resident in Thailand ?

you get paid via paypal!!!No need to declare anything unless you want to....

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Why are so many wasting time giving advice and asking questions about teaching?????

The Op wants advice about working online.

That's all.

Stay on topic.

It's not about you.

This could be a valuable thread to some who do not want to teach.

I wondered about that.

What's happened to the advice that you need a work permit and a correct visa to work on line? It's considered employment. Yet another strange requirement.

I remember some poor guy got busted as it was presumed his maid spoke to Immigration, and he was deported.

The lesson learned is...don't have a snitch for a maid if you work online,job done!thumbsup.gif

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I just new from adsense working,but i know someone can get more 1,000$ per month,they from Thai. We have forum to talk about this for only Thaipeople.I dont know how its work,they not tell me. But i think if i can make many website and become popular search engine,i will get many click from ads.last month i got 50$ end of next month i can take money out around 120$ i happy for that. we not work on it for main job. we just make for fun,but get real money,also you can earn from amazone or other things about make mobey online. Good luck.

USD $1,000 per month is not a lot of money for a foreigner!whistling.gif

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If you don’t have the consistency or skills to start your own adsense/affiliate empire, a good place to start is odesk (or Elance). Start taking short-term low paying gigs and gathering feedback and hours in your spare time.

At first you will have to keep your bids cheap because you will be competing with Indians, Filipinos, etc. but after you have a track record you will be able to charge more than them if you are a westerner/English speaker. 30,000Baht per month is very doable depending on your skillset and whether you hustle.

After a while, if you do a good job, there is a good chance you will develop long term relationships with some employers, or gain the skills to start your own thing.

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Note that the online "editing" of college papers, theses etc are often (usually?) actually more like writing them for the student, sketchy ethical issue if not outright academic fraud.

I wouldn't want to make my living that way myself.

Well it's a legitimate business and they did and she still does very well. Not even close to falling under a fraud banner. No different than an author using an editor. Perhaps do a little research next time before suggesting fraud. Thanks mate.
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Singing and dancing help to engage younger students by having fun and is particularly crucial when teaching Thai kids. I would suggest holding onto your job for now and exploring other opportunities. I teach adults online on a part time basis.Its interesting.It pays ok too especially if your in Thailand. I work on a website called www.italki.com Check it out.There's hundreds of teachers. When you start off it hard to find students but be patient and it will be a success...

how would one go about getting this on line work put on your work permit if one is resident in Thailand ?

You get paid on paypal and transfer to bank account. Easy....No work permits or taxation needs to be involved...

but of course you do know where you get paid has absolutely bearing on the WP requirements, even if your not being paid, you need a WP if one is working in Thailand

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"Hi all, Been Teaching English in Thailand for the past two years, not by choice but necessity long story, but the school am teaching in now, wants me to act like a clown in class, by singing, dancing like a fool and just acting stupid really, so the kids have fun laughing at me??? "

Is this about your students or you?

Read the topic, he asked a question about online work.

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. I don't understand how my colleges are so happy in these teaching roles? Can someone explain?

Never knew that there're happy colleges in Thailand.

"Teaching is a profession that creates all other occupations." If you taught lower levels, it's pretty much necessary to act like a clown to get their attention.

Watch Runner and you might make it to Costa Rica.-. wai2.gif

Edited by sirchai
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Hi all, Been Teaching English in Thailand for the past two years, not by choice but necessity long story, but the school am teaching in now, wants me to act like a clown in class, by singing, dancing like a fool and just acting stupid really, so the kids have fun laughing at me??? My previous school was International so was better, Its degrading teaching this way all for a mere 30000 baht lol .. I don't understand how my colleges are so happy in these teaching roles? Can someone explain? Anyway, any help regarding working from home online etc, would be appreciated, I have studied I.T before in my country so I am a bit of a wiz kid if that helps....

Arts graduates.

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Why are so many wasting time giving advice and asking questions about teaching?????

The Op wants advice about working online.

That's all.

Stay on topic.

It's not about you.

This could be a valuable thread to some who do not want to teach.

You are absolutely right. "Teachers" without a proper education and the knowledge of didactics and methodical approaches should not teach at all. And until today there is no law regulating online work, as this should be applied on an international basis. I work online either from Germany, the U.S., Mexico and Thailand and no prosecutor has ever asked me, if my work is legal or not. By the way, I am not moving around with a sign in my hand, stating that I am working online.

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I just new from adsense working,but i know someone can get more 1,000$ per month,they from Thai. We have forum to talk about this for only Thaipeople.I dont know how its work,they not tell me. But i think if i can make many website and become popular search engine,i will get many click from ads.last month i got 50$ end of next month i can take money out around 120$ i happy for that. we not work on it for main job. we just make for fun,but get real money,also you can earn from amazone or other things about make mobey online. Good luck.

Indeed, what he says. Regards Adsense at least, do it as an aside (not keeping all eggs in one basket if you will) as you can be wiped out overnight through their ever-stringent/arbitrary updates to algorithm. Even well established sites with thousands of unique pages get taken out. I've pulled in close to 3k bucks off one page in one month (500 overnight) legitimately but only to be 'sandbagged' by the almighty G! It is doable, you just have to know what you're doing, targetting niche areas, and have a backup for the above scenario.

Edited by jackr
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Note that the online "editing" of college papers, theses etc are often (usually?) actually more like writing them for the student, sketchy ethical issue if not outright academic fraud.

I wouldn't want to make my living that way myself.

Well it's a legitimate business and they did and she still does very well. Not even close to falling under a fraud banner. No different than an author using an editor. Perhaps do a little research next time before suggesting fraud. Thanks mate.

I said nothing about any one particular case, just that especially in Asia, these sorts of jobs do cross the line, almost all the guys I know in this business end up actually writing 99% the content either because the English is so bad there isn't any coherent meaning coming across in the initial drafts, or the students' thinking is so whacked nothing makes any sense.

For me **personally** it would really only be legit if the person grading it was explicitly made aware an editor was involved. In most cases, being reasonably fluent in English is actually a pre-requisite for attaining the qualification.

Thousands of foreigners are getting English-language degrees without having even a rudimentary level of working skill with the language, and it doesn't do anyone any real service.

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My brother and his wife (now divorced) use to work from Thailand and had an online editing business mainly editing Phd thesis papers for uni students.They were based in Australia but would stay in los 6 months of the year and as long as their hotel had wifi, that was it. Business was good! Enough to earn them both a good wage and own a nice house in Australia. She still does it, I can't stand her so happy to pass this info on.

Wouldn't mind talking with you about that, myself.

Currently I translate (German to English) and help to write a "logistics" lecture (500 PPT slides), on behalf of a German University, for the Singaporean Government.

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"Hi all, Been Teaching English in Thailand for the past two years, not by choice but necessity long story, but the school am teaching in now, wants me to act like a clown in class, by singing, dancing like a fool and just acting stupid really, so the kids have fun laughing at me??? "

Is this about your students or you?

It's about him of course. I was an Englsh teacher for 13 years and probably 5 of those years was as a 'dancing white monkey', where the students have absolutely no respect for the monkey. Try working in the Thai educational system and you'll experience that one has to look after oneself.

There are many opportunities to escape this dead-end vocation. I started a business called write-it-right - translation and editing which had possibilities but was not for me.

Find something that uses your talents. I studied Pure Maths at university so bought a lot of poker books and learned how to play. Online poker is legal in Thailand and actually Thailand is the no. 6 country in the world at poker winnings, due to all the professionals that live here, especially after "Black Friday" when the USA banned it. I did this full time for a while and earned at least twice what I got for teaching, and in my own time in my underpants(sometimes).

Teaching is for youngsters who are doing it to fill some time. Very rare to find someone who has done it for 10 years and still loves it. Also, no job for anyone with family commitments like I have - kids in private school etc.

AS someone else suggested, learn to speak/read/write Thai as it really increases your earning power and opportunities here, of course.

I have a couple of friends who do the online dating stuff, getting half the sinsod when they match a pair.

Excellent career advice.Give up a reputable career like teaching and start gambling!! Or get involved in online dating sites...maybe he could start being a drug mule too.Heard there's good money in that!!!

yeah! pretend like a lady!

The transferring millions of dollar money of the deceased businessman like the Nigerians do is no longer a good earning today as almost all people with emails knew it already.

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The OP asked for ideas on working online in Thailand.

I have read only 3 ideas, the rest of the reply's were about teaching english.

You guys are great helpers!

you cant expect good answers when the premise is a silly one.

you just dont hop online and start making money.

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Can you type?

Freelance blogging is a good way to make money online with little outlay.

Have a look for the 'pro blogger job's board' and also the 'leaving work behind' website for some jobs to apply to and tips on getting started.

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I just new from adsense working,but i know someone can get more 1,000$ per month,they from Thai. We have forum to talk about this for only Thaipeople.I dont know how its work,they not tell me. But i think if i can make many website and become popular search engine,i will get many click from ads.last month i got 50$ end of next month i can take money out around 120$ i happy for that. we not work on it for main job. we just make for fun,but get real money,also you can earn from amazone or other things about make mobey online. Good luck.

USD $1,000 per month is not a lot of money for a foreigner!whistling.gif

And just because a few people say they make $1,000 per month, does not mean it's easy or that most people will succeed.

Generally speaking, 90% will quit this adsense business before they can make even $100 per month, because they would just give up. Maybe 2-3% will actually get to a $1,000 per month, and it will take time - perhaps a year.

I personally know someone who used to earn $20,000 per month from adsense, and more from selling leads, but he was really smart, talented and determined, and invested a lot of time and money to get to that income level.

So it's possible if you have the traits, time and determination.

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There are other errors in the original post but I couldn't be bothered.

Are you really from Australia lol I see why you left, A few roos loose in the top paddock mate ha-ha I am glad your not from my home country the shame... I see your a big fan of full stops etc. so just for you ........................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, are you getting excited yet? ,,,,,,,,,,............ Really I am not in the exam room or classroom now as I said before, lighten up! you Blind Mullet............,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, cheesy.gif

You are a terminal onanist. And you bore me: you are neither clever nor witty. I really think the school should ask for their money back. Your English is not worth 30 baht, never mind 30,000.

Well I for one, thought his "roos in the top paddock" comment was rather witty...wink.png

http://www.sunburntcountry.au.com/sayings/top.html #30.

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There are other errors in the original post but I couldn't be bothered.

Are you really from Australia lol I see why you left, A few roos loose in the top paddock mate ha-ha I am glad your not from my home country the shame... I see your a big fan of full stops etc. so just for you ........................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, are you getting excited yet? ,,,,,,,,,,............ Really I am not in the exam room or classroom now as I said before, lighten up! you Blind Mullet............,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, cheesy.gif

You are a terminal onanist. And you bore me: you are neither clever nor witty. I really think the school should ask for their money back. Your English is not worth 30 baht, never mind 30,000.

Well I for one, thought his "roos in the top paddock" comment was rather witty...wink.png

I guess you are easily amused. smile.png

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